Category: Bloody phone sex

Stretch Training

Torture sexMaster told me it is time for some training. My little black asshole is to tight according to my master. He wants to train my little black asshole to stay loose and open after he is done pounding me like ground meat. He says he is helping me out. Soon he will have men come over to use me as their own cum bucket. Master told me men will pay top dollar to dig in deep to my whore ass. They will want to put objects inside of me and see how far they can stretch the limits. My master isn’t like the other masters I have had in the past, he likes to fuck with my head. One minute he is nice to me and tells me the reason he does these things is to help me. The next minute he is telling me to shut my black slave ass the fuck up before he cuts my ass and pussy off of my body. He says if he does that I won’t have to worry about shit. I want to be a good slave to my master, I get excitement from feeling his stick get rock hard when he feels my blood run down his cock. My master has fucked up my mind and body so good all I can do is want more of him. I am a nasty, trashy fucking slave. All I am good for is being used by men. I am a fucking test bitch who will do whatever to please any master that I am faced with. This is what I was meant to be, I have learned to love it and accept it. If master wanted me to rip off my limbs for him, this fucking bitch will do it with no hesitation.

Ass Rape Porn Youngins

ass rape porn

I made you a special ass rape porn compilation of My victims. See you love fucking my ass and sneaking me in when your wife is asleep. You know I am a dark evil bitch. I love the pain your big black dick causes my tight teen ass! It was after we forced that sweet youngins ass of yours open and ground her up for your wife to eat that you became obsessed. It was my murderess side you loved, but I told you that your daughter wasn’t the first to have her ass forced open and 86’ed. Yep, I have made you a whole video of young ass cherries getting popped and the screams make my cunt so motherfucking wet. Grab my hair and fuck my ass over the back of the couch as we watch my young victims right before they are diced up and thrown out like last weeks garbage. My ass is aching for you as your wife slipped into her nightly pill induced coma. She aches for her daughter to be found, poor thing. Such a shame that you fuck me right beside her comatose body in your bed. The very people who caused her so much pain! 

The Kidnapping King

Kidnapping phone sexI am enslaved in the walls of this house. I have been kidnapped by my master’s own brother. My master’s brother has always been jealous of him. He would come over to the house and see how good of a submissive whore I was. I could tell he always wanted me for himself. His desires to enslave me and have me surrender my will to him was to much for him to keep in. He broke in late at night when he knew my master was asleep. While I was still sleeping, he crept into the room, placed his dirty sox in my mouth and put duct tape over, so master wouldn’t hear his own brother kidnap me for himself. It was a long drive until we reached my new master’s home. I could tell he has been planning this for a while now. He had his basement set up, ready to bring his new slave whore home. He didn’t waste any time training me to be his. He pinned me down to the ground, took his sharp pocket knife and stripped my clothes off. He ran the knife lightly down my back. I know my new master likes blood, I could see the saliva building up in his mouth as he fantasized of cutting me wide open. He softly whispered to himself that it was to soon for knife play and tossed the knife beside him. He stripped down, proud to show me he had a much bigger and thicker cock than my old master did. He didn’t restrain me, he was testing me to see if I would run or be a good little slave whore for him. With his cock rock hard he plunged into my ass hole. I have been fucked in the ass many times but the dryness from my new master’s cock roughly rubbing on my tight already swollen ass was more than I could handle. I could feel blood dripping down the back of my leg, that really excited him. My blood is what he used to lube his thick heavy cock. My new master could see my face was tense and in pain. He ordered me to turn around like a good little bitch slave. Once I turned around, he took his hands and opened my mouth up wide. He wanted my face to look happy while he was plowing my asshole. My new master wants me to smile while he makes me bleed. This is just the beginning. In time my new master will fuck me until I have no more blood left to give.

Playing Their Game

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I never thought I would be such a submissive little black whore. I remember back when no man could ever tell me shit. Now I am sitting in a room on the floor but ass naked waiting to be fed my next meal. One of the guys keeping me prisoner here decided he wanted to start playing a game with me. If I want to eat for the day, I must quench my thirst first. Every morning for the past week one of the men will come in my room and wake me up with my morning drink. They tell me if I want to eat, I need to drink every drop of their thick warm cum. When Every last drop of cum drips down my throat the men whip me around exposing my tight little asshole. This is when the real fun begins for them, this is how I will earn my food for the rest of the day. They put a blind fold over my eyes hoping my sensation of touch will be heightened. Then the pain comes, tiny splinters piercing my asshole with every inch the rotten baseball bat enters me. The men get much pleasure of watching the blood ooze out of my tiny little asshole. Once they are satisfied, they tell me I can eat once I pick out every splinter from my throbbing bloody asshole. These men really know how to make me a submissive little whore and work for my food. They are recruiting new members soon. I am sure things are only going to get more intense.

Castration Phone Sex: A Deal is a Deal

castration phone sexDo you have castration phone sex fantasies? If you dream of having your dick or balls lobbed off, you are in the right place. I will not prevent you from mutilating your genitals. In fact, I will egg you on. The problem is that most men with fantasies of getting their balls chopped off, lack the balls to actually do it. That is why guys call me or hire me for castration. I don’t back off. Once you have paid me, your balls are coming off regardless if you get cold feet or not. Jeremy paid me $3,000 to castrate him then tried to back off. Maybe some women would be like oh that’s free money. Not me. They way I view it is if you pay to have your nuts chopped off, you don’t deserve to have them, and you certainly don’t deserve to reproduce. The world doesn’t need another looser. He thought he could fool me by giving me a fake name, but I ran his prints on the money he gave me. I have connections. I showed up at his place last night and did the job I was paid to do. If he would have played by the rules, I would have sedated him and given him a clean cut. Instead, I gave him nothing for the pain and I used a jagged blade. Instead of sealing the wound properly, I used my hair straightener. I left Jeremy in need of medical attention. I will leave you the same way if you try to back out of an agreement. A deal is a deal.

Gore for More

Bloody phone sex

Fuck me you piece of shit, I fucking want to be fucked hard I want you to slit my pussy and make it bleed. I want your fucking body to twist me and turn me and poke and prod in me with all types of objects. I am a nasty Gore loving whore, and I can’t get enough. Make me bleed motherfucker make me pay for being such a fucking twat, Tramp. I need to be treated so backed up and badly. Don’t you want to fuck a stiff body? Would you like to fuck a cold hard dead pussy? A pussy that is in Rigamortis will definitely make your hard cock feel like you’re chopping Hardwood. My pussy is a tunnel for demonic Behavior so come on in. I am your white trash skank I love to be treated like a nothing because that’s what I am. Don’t you want this challenge? Don’t you just feel like you need it so bad? The things that I want to do you’ve got to call me so that I can tell you because it is beyond ordinary it is the worst. I am the worst fucking cunt trap bitch that you will ever encounter in your entire life. You’ve got to get some of this action it’s the best ever. Come on motherfucker dial my number right now let’s have some hypnotic sexual endeavors we can role-play about anything, and I do mean anything that’s on your raunchy nasty fucking mind. If you like blood, you will love me because I know how to make all of the tramps bleed. We can take some little ones if that’s what you have a taste for I can feed your thirst I have no taboos whatsoever. You know what to do if you’re really not afraid, you know what to do, and I’m waiting.

Knife Play Accomplice

knife play phone sex

Nothing I love more than telling you my knife play phone sex stories. I love to use my blade and draw blood from a sexy sweet little whore for you. I spent my first sexual years cutting my boyfriend and riding his cock as I sliced up his body.  My parents wanted me to undergo therapy but I knew the calling of a blade and blood were part of my soul. I have a cute coed here and you share my same blood lust. Those nipples are perfect for me to slice and dice. Shall I tease her with my blade for you? I want that dick primed for her holes after I take her nipples and give you an extra set of holes to fuck. Take that pussy and let me cut her there too. I know how you like the smell of blood and the juicy way blood feels as you fuck my victim. Let this evil teen snuff her out as you get your cum deep inside her! Come out come out where ever you are my snuff accomplice!snuff phone sex

Bloody cunt and beaten body

Snuff sexThe bloodier my cunt is during snuff sex, the better. He wants to shove his cock so deep inside of me and blast his load of fertile cum deep into my slutty pussy. When it’s full of blood and ripping at the seams, it makes it all the wetter for his dick to completely slip and slide. I deserve to be beaten, I know how much he enjoys using me as a human punching bag. He eats my pussy then fucks it, stretching me out even more while his wife smothers my face with her smelly twat. She’s plugging up my nose with her big clit and I gasp for oxygen. No mercy is ever had on me. This is what I deserve. I’m gonna end up being a knocked up pregnant bitch by the time that he is done with me. I’m currently ovulating so now is the perfect time for semen to be planted inside of my womb. My bones are broken, my teeth are knocked out & i’m bruised all over but i’ve never looked better!

Brutall Sexy Motherfucker

Evil phone sex tonight at the club I was digging on this sexy motherfucker. We were dancing and grinding all night on each other not uttering one fucking word to one another. But each of us knowing what was going to happen at the end of the night when they turn on the lights and kick us out the club. Well needless to say when that happens we are heading back to my place for a wild fucking time. Once inside this sexy motherfucker grabbed me by the throat throwing me into the wall hard as hell. Then he pulls his knife out cutting off my shirt at the same time cutting my nipple a little bit. Oh, it felt so fucking good I had hoped this guy was going to use the knife more of on my milky white flesh. Even better I hope he goes all the way tonight and takes my life after he treats me like i am nothing but a piece of white slut trash.

Gangbang Rape Porn

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I was drunk the other night and walking home alone. I know it’s not safe, but I was too drunk to drive. Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into an alley. I could see they were white guys. They looked like frat boys. One of them had some Greek letters on his shirt. I fought as hard as I could, but they pinned me down. They called me a whore as they fisted my cunt. I was drunk, but it hurt like fuck. One of the dudes pissed on me. It was me against them and they had the upper hand. They were young for being so sadistic. I struggled to get free but got kicked in the ribs and punched in the belly. I am no virgin, but their fists and cocks in my ass and pussy hurt like fuck. I could feel the blood trickling out of me. I begged for them to leave. They just continued to kick and fuck me. They spit on me, pissed on me and one guy took a shit on my face. They were humiliating me and getting off on it. When they left, I was naked and battered and bruised. I smelled like a sewer. I limped back home, took a shower and put a needle in my arm to forget the whole thing.