On this very fine National Donor Day, it’s time for babysitter phone sex since we’ve had such generous donations this year. The problem is, the meat is fresh and still kicking so I’m going to need some help dismembering these young ones. Oh yes, you heard me right. We’re harvesting from live brats this year as a mass movement in the factory! We’ve hired help straight from the prison yards and even death row. Only the most fucked up freaks can work for us. We’ve got the tools needed to collect the organs and body parts. Don’t worry about killing them first! Here, let me show you how it’s done.
I walked over and snatched a little girl from the floor. She had thick glasses and could have been my little sister in another like.”Pay attention. Grab the piggy by the arm.” I said as I hoisted the little girl up. My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her arm and she whined out. She didn’t seem to speak any English which made what I was about to do so much easier. Asking for a babysitting phone sex whore is how I ended up with a basement full of babes to butcher.
She started kicking, so I grabbed her by her hair and smashed her head off of the wall. She said something that sounded like “Please, hungry, hurting” and that only turned me on so much fucking more! These little bitches are just toys, but I figured I should get my little charge something to eat with. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and rammed them up her nose. She was screaming as I forced her head down to the floor – causing those wooden sticks to go up and impale her in the brain. I’d retell this story during intense babysitter phone sex, but every time I relive it I get so horny!
She was still twitching as I rolled her over and gutted her open. I wanted to see what pretty colors her insides were, and I knew I could. She split open easier than an Easter ham, and blood gushed up to meet me! I sorted through her organs, cutting the last beat of her heart from her chest. The little whore didn’t speak or move again but she did follow me with those lobotomized eyes the entire time I was sorting and sifting through her sweet meats, pulling the bad from the good. Overall, this little bitch was going to make us several thousand dollars. Such a nice donation.