Category: Babysitter phone sex

Goth teen phone sex slut here to fulfill your dark fantasies

Goth teen phone sexMe and my friend fucked an older man and then threatened to accuse him of molestation; if he didn’t do as he was told. He had no idea we were underage… until after he fucked us! We had been spying on him for a while after luring him in off a Goth teen phone sex site.. He was the one who asked me to have my friend join.. and kept insisting on her meeting up with him, in person… No way was she going alone, I was going to join her… One night it was storming and we pretended to be mature sexy women whose car broke down and left us stuck out in the rain. Under the heavy makeup and our fanning eyelashes he had no idea it was us.  We knew his wife went out of town; because we had been stalking him.. Trish, got an idea that it would actually be hot to follow out his fantasy after several 2 girl phone sex sessions with us.

One knock on the door, soak and wet led us inside and that’s when the fun begun. Trish, was carrying a cute little handbag with a flask filled of vodka inside.. and I had my crazy meds to roofie him with! He allowed us to put on his collared shirts after showering while our clothing dried. That’s when we seduced him and stripped him of everything he owned.. It was a deadly game of cat and mouse that he was playing.. He was soon to be bound and gagged.. If he were on his best behavior he would survive but; if he decided to misbehave he would have to serve consequences, isn’t that how things work? He woke up to the two of us naked teen whores watching Snuff porn while masturbating! He tried screaming but that was not going to help, as soon as he snapped back into consciousness he was going to be fully aware of what he had gotten himself into.. His worst nightmare -or- he could leave us fully pleased. Sounds like he had one choice! He gave us everything we wanted… Lucky for him we didn’t have to slit his throat.. but we did enjoy the veins that showed on his red face as we dragged a sharp blade down his cock. 

Blasphemy sex is forbidden but a Sissy loves anal stretching

Blasphemy sexI just humiliated a …S.I.S.S.Y… in front of everyone at Moraine State park. He always tells me how gay he is but then questions his sexuality in the same sentence… Like, he’s already had his cheeks spread and has 100% sacrificed his manhood… Obvi, he has a liking for Torture sex he likes having his asshole stretched stretched by BIG COCK. He literally, Frenched a guy and enjoyed it! Kissing obviously means he exchanged vibrations his felt the sensuality; his clit had to of tingled. How the fuck could he not self identify as Gay?! I decided to expose him… Under his slacks he hides daily; elastic garnets that stop right below his knee, attached to a garter set beneath his buttoned White collar. Nobody would ever know… Nobody does, well did! We met at a gala that was posted as an Online sissy training ad. I’ve always had a thing for crossdressers.

I brought him to a place where it seemed as if not many others were around and had him shoot for his portfolio.. He is on his path to becoming a transgender porn star in steamy Ass rape porn. This  day he was hiding a pink-bikini and a lace wig kept in a briefcase. I always am the one to do his makeup and fancy him up. He likes heavy makeup, the smoky eye sort of look. Sharp ruby red outlined lips.. and his eyebrows high-arched. He normally goes for a slutty blonde since his norm life he lives as a sophisticated tall and handsome brunette. I could hear others coming as they laughed and giggled to pass the way.. Soon to find my faggot friend, dressed like a total slut. That way he could feel the humiliation and the adrenaline rush. The actuality of everyone around him seeing him for his true self. He is not just a confused being; he needs to come out of his shell. His clit deserves to squirt. He should be proud of his nub. He has been stroking, talking and dreaming of the forbidden Blasphemy sex he secretly has with random men he meets on the internet.

I prefer Snuff sex with a single digit cunnie, its taster!

Snuff sexWhen I take a hit of meth I instantly begin to hallucinate.. My legs tremble and my blood begins to boil. I fell into a trance! Sometimes, I am not even certain what happened the night before. I just woke up in cold sweats covered in blood and overall grateful to have made it home. This morning I turned on the news to see a house engulfed in flames with 4 teens found inside brutally beaten and snuffed. I didn’t think anything of it until my Accomplice phone sex buddy called me up and asked if I remembered anything that happened last night.. He sent videos of me raging! I had a 12 inch strap-on attached to my hips slamming the walls back of a single digit pussy.. I guess one of the Teen whores brought one of their sisters along for the fun. I made sure to be the one to get my hands on her.. I love the taste of never being touched before cunnie.. At some point I was seated on a ripped up couch smothering a girl and grinding my pussy all over her face.. He was having Snuff sex with one of the ditz blondes.. I was totally getting off to the sight of her being tortured.. My pussy began to pulsate and I told him we had made the news.. We have been so fucking nervous.. we are unsure if we may have slipped up and left any sort of evidence behind.. I’ve done some time upstate but never for anything that major. I highly doubt there will be any evidence found. I have severe OCD and bring my duffle of ammonias with me everywhere I go! I am pretty sure the only evidence is this 84 second Snuff porn he just sent me. I cannot wait to have him pounding my pussy with his bloody dick  that we will be to the video later on tonight! 

Oops, I Made Your Daughter A Torture Sex Nympho!

Torture Sex
When you introduced me to your young teen daughter, I immediately wanted to have a hot nasty torture sex three-way with her. I won’t lie to you; my cunt was pounding the whole time we were being introduced and I knew she would make a great snuff sex protégé. I took my time with her, teaching her how to be a babysitter phone sex slut and getting her addicted to ass rape porn but the real work began when she asked me about rape phone sex fantasies. I couldn’t stop myself from tying her up and stretching out that tight teen cunt…. That’s when you walked in. The look on your face alone was enough to send me over the edge. It only took a moment before you were on top of your own daughter, forcing that fat fuck meat deep inside her cunny. I licked her cherry blood and cleaned your cock before sitting on her face. She loved being fucked by us, once we untied her and let her fully participate, we didn’t stop cumming until dawn.

I am a Snuff porn addict and I am addicted to snuffing cunts

Snuff porn Dirty tramps roam the streets all night long on the weekend.. While me and my dad sit outside his place and smoke weed in his tinted out SUV.. Sluts come tumbling by in mini skirts, very loud looking like they are in need of attention.. My dad always warned me about those kind of girls! He also showed me first hand what happens to the too. The first time I witnessed a woman get forcefully fucked was when my dad had Snuff sex with some teenage tramp who was out late night at a gas station, hitch hiking for a ride I remember sitting in my booster seat and seeing some sleezy whore who reeked of cheap perfume get in daddies passenger seat. He drove down to some old closed down prison lot and put his tie around my eyes.. I heard horror screams as he fucked and murdered her..

I lifted the blind folds to find her body on the hood of daddy’s car, decapitated. It almost didn’t look real.. I remember running my fingers through her hair and feeling her skin go from lukewarm to ice cold.. Daddy pulled a shovel out the trunk and had me dig a pit for him to toss her in.. He made me promise to never say a word. I became daddys sidekick. I started watching Teen rape porn and would get evil ideas.  had this one girl who I wanted to murder so bad in the girls bathroom when I told dad about it he said we would pick her up after school down the road and he would let me finish her.. She was my first victim and from there came many more.. I became addicted to the taste of blood. Until this day none of those girls have been found, that old prison is now filled with brush and trees.. It’ll be years before anyone finds them. I turn to this site to release my frustrations.. I don’t want to be a murder so I create horrific scenes in my head.. I’ve made it so that Snuff porn and steamy phone sex is the perfect combo for me. For now! 

Accomplice Phone Sex Is So Fucking Hot With Sadist Aria!

Accomplice phone sex

So, let me tell you a little accomplice phone sex story. I was watching this brat; she was super stubborn and bratty it irked me. So, I decided to tell her that her mother wanted her to spend the night at my house tonight. So, we drove to my house, and she was looking at all of my nice things. She asks what many of them are for and I ignored her then told her to check out the basement and see what else I have.

She was all excited to see what other toys I had in mind for today, so she runs down into the basement where she is greeted by my boyfriend and his four friends. She was confused, the stupid little look on her face was priceless. So, we get to have some fun with her when my boyfriend turns and pleads to me to sacrifice her.

I shrug and say why not, her parents were cheap anyways. Always paying me nothing to watch their brat for hours on end. So, we make our little sacrificial alter then have her in the center. Mind you she’s all beaten and all her wholes have been penetrated by me and the 5 men with me. So, she wasn’t running anywhere anytime soon.

We get her right in the center and chant, “hail Satan,” as we thrust my silver dagger into her abdomen and slice upwards. Blood is just pouring out of her body at this point, it was so fucking delicious. I could not have been happier with the outcome for the day.

Accomplice phone sex Victim Harper


Accomplice phone sex Accomplice phone sex calls have me begging for my life sometimes. The tables turn on me and I enjoy the fuck out of abusive men who want nothing else but to destroy me. The sicker the better. And I get lost in my victim calls with you creative other fuckers. I prefer to be your little accomplice who helps you get what your evil soul wants.  I consider myself a dark switch of sadistic roleplays.

And by offering up my body to you in your snuff dreams, Im helping you get off to the most insane torture methods a babysitter could ever go through. I can scream and cry for you during nasty home invasion phone sex and it makes my cunny so wet to be tortured and treated like shit sometimes. It was bound to happen to me, I came from a dark and traumatic sexual assault past. Men just have to take control of me and snuff me out sometimes. Not to say I don’t deserve it. I truly do as my caller told me last night. This is punishment for all the horrible things I do!

I had just put the brats to bed and was  sleeping on the couch when the intruder broke in. He grabbed me dragging me kicking and screaming to the tot’s bedroom!  He pushes me down on my hands and knees with a knife!  Told to be quiet or my charges get it he used the sharp blade cutting the skin and cut my jeans and panties off.  He starts grabbing tyke toys in the room forcing them in my tight teen ass. One by one ripping…taking a booger remover sucker; pushing air into my urethra expanding my bladder in a painful way! My little boy Tyle wakes up and he grabs him and removes his diaper!

Now he is making me suck him in his dirty diaper. This strange man assaults me by shoving the boy’s diaper in me with all of the shit and piss. And now everything he shoved in my ass exploding out …losing control of my body as He pull my legs farther and farther apart! Watching the little boy exploding piss and shit and his first load of cum in my mouth!  Then he starts pulling my teen joints out of the sockets! As he lives out those Rape phone sex fantasies!

Babysitter phone sex made me do it!

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sex made me do something so horrible that I don’t even know if I can get it all out here. As you know in the afternoons I got a sweet little girl and a bad little boy to watch over. In my defense, I think the little boy is already being molested. And the girl slutkin is too sexy to deny touching. I just can’t keep my hands off of his boy cock. And the little girl has a sweet hot daddy that I had to fuck just for the hell of it. And I knew that he was hitting a wall with that little red-headed bitch. It won’t be too much longer until he pops her open.  The way he’s always telling me that I have to give her a bath because he just can’t do it. I knew that touching her body would be too much for him.

And then,  I do this really nasty call where my dirty p-man is telling me that I should bring both of the brats out somewhere desolated and sell and snuff them. He said I shouldn’t do it when I was watching them and that I should have one or two of my boyfriends help me break into their houses and steal them. Basically, we need to get somewhere far away so we could devastate some holes and listen to the screaming without me having a suffocate them with my pussy. It was such an intense call that it played over and over in my mind for weeks

Every accomplice phone sex call had me thinking of new ways of torture for both of those little sluts. Finally got it up inside of me and I called a couple of my big black guy friends and he agreed that they could do it and not get caught. And what happened was even better than I could ever imagine. The screams just vibrated my pussy and my little pierced nipples so good that I almost didn’t even have to touch me. But I did! In between getting fucked by some BBC and eating some little boy’s cock and girl’s cunny. Oh, it was so hot and bloody seeing those little pussies and assholes just rip on the end of a big black fucking dick! And of course, we couldn’t just leave them this way… We put plastic bags over each of their faces that suffocated them. Both little boy and girl didn’t have much strength but it was so fun getting fucked and watching the light feed out of their eyes! 

Babysitter Phone Sex With Sadistic Sadist Aria Will Leave You Dripping!

Babysitter Phone Sex

You know what I love? The sounds of muffled screaming coming from my basement in the morning. Yes, you heard that right, last night I decided to have a little fun and let the knives out of the bag. Let me tell you how this all started.

Last night I found a woman who looked an awful lot like my man’s ex. She had long fucking trashy ass blonde bimbo hair and a dumb looking fucking grin plastered on her face as she passed me. Big mistake, smiling at me like she knew me. So I decided to get her to get to know me, ya get me? I waited for her to come back out of the building and hid by her car so when she got in, I had Vinny pull the car behind her so she couldn’t move then I put chloroform over her disgusting ass face and nose.

She woke up later in my basement all tied up and bound. She begged and pleaded with me to let her go, stating she’d give me any amount of money I could ever dream of, and I laughed and spit in her face. Then cut her cheek with my knife and said, “honey this isn’t about any dollar amount you could offer.”

So I sharped my knife in front of her then stab her a few times and she screams. Blood is pouring out of her like a motherfucker. So I lick the blood off my knife and gag her with a sock I had laying around. Then I turn to Vinny and say, “you wanna fuck?” See he was so turned on by my knife work, he’s always turned on when I stab someone, so we fucked in front of her then left her there for the night.

Watching someone have Sex with dead bodies turns me on

Sex with dead bodiesHer final screams right before he shoved his cock down her throat, to watch her change colors while he shot his load.. were ear-piercing! It triggered the voices in my head and had me brutally attack him after watching him have torture sex with her ripping her young cunnie into shreds. I don’t know what it is but screams raise the hair on my body and make my blood boil. I warned him! He did not listen, I told him to keep her quiet but he removed the gag from her mouth trusting she wouldn’t be too loud.

We’ve been hunting together for a while but for some reason he’s always had a way of working my nerves, I dug my claws into his cock and yanked his dick… I regretted every moment of torture he had to endure because I just won’t take meds for my schizophrenia, I tried stitching the gash on  his cock in hopes I could reverse what I had just done..  I braced his cock and had him shove his dick inside of her cunt.. I know how much he loves having Sex with dead bodies and I was willing to do anything to make it up to him..

I carved the center of her chest open and dug my hand into her uterus; from her stomach I jacked his cock off with her guts all over my hand! We have done many cruel things together but this one had to have been the worst.. He shoved his bloody dick in my cunt and ripped me by my hair.. I sucked the lips of her bloody hairless pussy and laughed as he blew his load inside of me. It was a pleasure to dismantle that pathetic trailer park wandering fuck pig..

If her parents didn’t let her wander the grounds of a beat down trailer park she wouldn’t have wound up in this predicament.. We have made tons of  homemade Snuff porn but this one wasn’t recorded.. I sometimes close my eyes and relive that moment; the smell of her blood and the final look on her face that froze in place makes my pussy pulsate!