Category: Ass rape porn

He beat me until he saw blood

Knife play phone sex


I didn’t think that I would ever be that kind of victim but I was more than wrong. I met this guy at a bar Charlie or Charles, is what he said his name was. Charlie seemed a little bit odd but not like what happened not that odd at all. He was tall over 6 feet, big blue eyes, piercing beautiful ice cold eyes. Very broad shoulders he was just strong-looking but with a withdrawn temperament, with the guys that I’ve fucked with I should have known something at least but he just kept hypnotizing me with those eyes and tequila shots. I think of myself as a girl with a high tolerance for liquor so I just kept backing those shots and I guess Charles was taking full advantage of that because I was paying no attention to how much he was drinking. Before long I was fucking blasted and Charles looked yummy to me so we gave each other those fuck eyes you know and we headed out of the bar. I went back to Charles place with him, fucking drunk and horny as shit. His apartment was like a sex Den he had things in his apartment that turned my life around completely. I never thought in a million years that being that type of victim would make me cum in an out of Body Experience best way. I was so drunk when he started taking out all of the whips that I went along with it. That night things happened, such sexual deviant things happened. There was blood and cum everywhere.

Fucking Worth Nothing

Kidnapping phone sex


I am a stupid fucking bitch who needs to be dick beaten choked and fucked all the time. I realize that I’m worthless I realize there’s nothing good about me except for my fucking fat ass cum guzzling pussy and my dick sucking lips. That’s right I’m just a submissive whore the kind that relishes being cock stroked and fucked up. If you have ass rape fantasies I’m the motherfucker you should get with I can make those fantasies hop out of your brain and into your cock and spray all over the place. I am all hopped up on drugs always plus I’m drunk as fuck do you want to beat your meat on my head would you like to beat your meat on my lips and my tongue or would you like to shove your cock down my throat and bang on my fucking tonsils like it’s a boxing bag. I’m no good anyway no one loves me no one cares my grandfather told me that men would fuck me but not marry me I guess the old geezer was right. Do what you want to me it doesn’t matter no one is concerned especially not me.

Snuff Sex for Drugs

snuff sexSnuff sex is all I deserve. I know this. I am worthless. I think that is why I gravitate to mean assholes. I am not attracted to men who will treat me well. I have never been with a loving man. I wouldn’t know how to act. My husband just ignores me. I don’t think we say two words to each other a day. He has his whores and I have my masters. He said to me once that he was just waiting for the call that I was dead. I know he thinks my lifestyle is risky. He won’t give me drug money, so my lifestyle is his fault when you think about it. I need drugs to function. With no money and used up holes, that leads to bad decisions.  Many bad decisions like placing ads on fetish sites to be used for money. Tom was happy to pay me for his kinky desires. Tom has a mean streak that he told me he couldn’t explore with a girlfriend or a wife. Since I was a whore, he was happy to pay me to do the things he can’t with most women. He put a collar around my neck and made sure I knew I was his sex slave. He choked me, slapped me, kicked me, even flicked his cigar ashes on me. He called me names, beat me and pissed on me too. He said his cock had never been so hard. I had to wonder if my cunt had ever been so wet.

Snuff Phone Sex 101

snuff sex

Snuff Sex isn’t just about killing and eating bitches or bastards. It is about how my pussy contracts and starts flowing honey down my leg at the sound of screams and cries. Begging me to spare that life. Begging me over and over, and giving them hope that there is something they can do to be spared.  The sound of that final heartbeat, the way the blood spurts up all over my naked body ,so hot and full of that iron smell. I love it when I have a nice big cock to ride after I take that last breath from my victims. Blood dripping down my body. I love when I have had three or four acclomplices pumping cum into battered cunts and asses. the smell of blood and cum makes me so hungry for my victims flesh. I love when I can just tear a piece of that sweet neck off and have a sweet bite right in the middle of Cannibalism phone sex. 

Torture Sex After Party

torture sexTorture sex is the only sex I get, he informed me. I had passed out at a party. It wasn’t a freaky S & M party, but the private party afterward certainly was a kinky nightmare for me. I woke up suspended from a rafter in the great room stripped naked. It was like a bad slumber party from my youth. If you fell asleep first the other girls put your hands in water, so you would pee your sleeping bag. I got too drunk, passed out and became the host’s sex slave. He had an array of scary BDSM equipment hanging from the wall. It was like he was just waiting patiently for a whore like me to get way too drunk. First came the nipple clamps. Second, came the whipping and flogging. He used a switch first but found he liked his leather belt the most because it welted my skin. The more I cried or begged to be released, the harder he whipped me. He focused on my tits for a solid hour it felt like. My big fake funbags grew a size from the swelling. He enjoyed making my tits inflamed. Just when I thought he was done because his arms seemed tired, the abuse took a turn for the worse. He invited his party guests to take turns whipping and punching me. Men and women slut shamed me and took turns abusing my body. One guy punched me so hard, he popped a saline bag. I guess I know now never to pass out at a party. My body looks like I had snuff sex all night. I am black and blue, even purple and red. I am covered in welts and I have lopsided tits. Just a day in the life of a submissive whore.

The Gift For His Slut

Sadistic phone sexMy old man gave me a gift wrapped in a box. I was surprised because he’s never giving me anything. For a brief moment I was happy but not for long. I opened the box and saw a human dog collar and leash. He was telling me where my place was in his world, I was no better than a dog or an object. Tears rolled down my face as he fastened the collar around my neck. He made me get down on my knees and walked me around the living room like a well-trained dog. I didn’t dare protest because he would kick my ass. I knew my place. He sat in his favorite chair and pulled my chain because he wanted his dick sucked. I held his huge dick and licked it all over before putting it in my mouth. I sucked him nice and slow like he trained me to do. He came in my mouth and I swallowed. I opened my mouth because he liked making sure that it was empty.

Blowjob bootcamp

ass rape pornOne of my favorite experiences is being the accomplice to one of my bosses. We worked in a high tense field, and this particular company was the cream of the crop in the market. There was plenty of girls lining up to apply. One of my tasks was hiring. I had to hire a sweet whore who was willing to learn. I had to find out which whore would assist in a lot more than clerical duties. I would run a blowjob boot camp and whoever passed with flying colors could join the team. I had to get cute girls willing to do anything for this paid internship. I, of course, had to demonstrate and had to be rough on them and make them gag like good sluts. Eventually, I would turn some ass rape porn, and some rape fantasy flicks too. It was fun being in control and making my boss happy.

I am your Karma Bitch!

Violent phone sex 

 Roses are Red violets are blue I fuck shit up and so does my crew! I throw up, and puke all my food! gag, gag, gag (;

                                                                                                                                  It all started with my friends and I beating this bitch up, fucking her until she was so dry no fluids would come out of her pussy so we used her own blood to keep it going well it was the first time I ever got out of line it made me puke every where. Just so sick to my stomach that I couldn’t hold any thing in.  The violence and rage built up wasn’t going anywhere. But ever since then I just cant hold any food in plus I love being skinny so i eat and throw that shit right up. when I set rules I follow through and throwing out my food is one of them,. Now , the first time as I was saying , I had a damn god reason to. She was a bully and I had to strop it so we did. We continue to fuck shit up. If someone is not doing what they are supposed to do then one word Karma! I am your fucking karma, We tie hoes and ass holes up sexually fuck their inside in and out until they are laying their with a barley beating pulse and they are to tired to even scream for help anymore. Welcome to my world of torture. 

My Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesAs a woman, I have rape phone sex fantasies too. I am not thinking about men, however. I am thinking of those young tender age girls just like you. That is why I make the best accomplice for you. I don’t have some silly hos before bros code. I hate most women. The younger they are the more I hate them. Young sluts are perfect for us. I can kill them, and you can have your sexual fun with them before that. Earlier in the week, I met Ed at the mall. I was watching him watching the young sluts cock tease the dirty old perverts at the mall. I told him I could make his P dreams cum true. He was salivating at the thought of force fucking a young piece of meat. She was hot like a little beauty queen. I wanted to do very bad things to her too. In fact, I did. After Ed ruined her little pussy, I destroyed it further. I slipped on my special strap-on designed for tender age cunts to ensure that if they survive the torture sex somehow that they are never able to breed. It has razor blades attached all over the dildo part. I really tore up her little cunt. Blood and sinew were falling out of her. She was screaming and crying then she went into shock. I slapped her awake because I wanted to fuck her longer. Ed was hard again, so I let him sink his P cock into her shredded bloody cunt. He said her hot red blood felt great oozing on his cock. We fucked the little thing until there was barely any flesh left on her body. The condition we left her in made it easy to dispose of her tiny body. I told you, I am a great accomplice.

Babysitter Tales of Destruction

babysiter phone sex

Babysitter phone sex here I am close to your ankle-biters is amazing. Your pretty little wife has no clue that you sought my services to mutilate and destroy all your offspring tonight. Your a sick fuck but you have the cash and I have the evil desire for brat soup. After everyone is down to sleep my plan is put into action. Three big men arrive to help me with the older brats. All three will be my victims tonight. I am an evil bitch and I have all three tied up waiting on you and the misses to come home. You expected me to be done and gone but you are grabbed and tied to a chair as I grab your tiny sweet wife and cut her clothes off. I position her on the floor next to your tiny daughter. She is the only one whose ass and pussy hasn’t been destroyed by my accomplices. You watch as I cut and fuck both. My men have thick dicks that stretch and tear your daughters’ cunny. Your wife is screaming for you to help her and your little one. I slice every throat and watch all four bleeds out right in front of you. I use the blood to stroke and suck your dick so you cum all over three dead faces of your family.