Growing up I was always judged for my Goth ways. People would say to me how fucked up I was or how I would end up killing someone, or cutting my own fucking wrists. Little did anyone know the truth about me and the person that I would be come. Twisted is not even a good word for what I have become. Cutting myself no why would I fucking do that when I can go and find my own little victim and fucking cut her. Like my last victim she was walking close to a park that I live close to. I noticed she was all alone. What a great opportunity was for me to get something to play with. Once I grabbed her and we got home I noticed she was a nasty little bitch she was worthless to me and not something that would be very appetizing so I had to get rid of the little nasty bitch I took her in my bathroom after sedating her and cut her up limb by limb till there was just a bunch of body parts. LOL I knew I could not eat anything from her cause she was a dirty so I let the dogs come in and eat what they wanted of her and I buried what was not good to eat. Now off to find me a younger bitch to eat when they are a little younger than she was they always taste so much better at least my dogs were fed a full meal today.
Category: Accomplice phone sex
Gothic Phone Sex
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
As, Me and my friend are driving down the road today I noticed there was a sweet little innocent girl walking alone next to a playground. As, we am watching I see her trying to run to catch up to her school bus. No one is paying any attention to the little girl. She starts to walking past my car I open my door and tell her that I need her to help me find a cute little puppy and she agrees.
I grab her and put her in my car. We drive down a few miles to a isolated area where no one can see or hear anything for miles. My friend gets out of the car and pulls the little slut out by her hair. He throws her onto the ground as I hold her arms down he gets in between her little legs and he pulls her little princess panties to the fucking side and rams his dick right inside of her as I put my hand over her mouth cause the little cunt won’t shut the fuck up.
When he is finished with her it is my turn. I tell him to hold her down while I grade my fucking blade and I cut the little bitches fucking nipples off, then I cut all the flesh off and take everything out. Till there is nothing left of her. I take all the parts that I do not want of the fucking whore and throw it into the woods because I know we are close by where there are wolves to consume the rest of the little cunt.
There was no point in letting a good meal go to waste.
Home Invasion phone sex with Storm
Home invasion phone sex means much more to me now. My friend has been telling me for weeks how she hates her fucking ex. How he screwed her over and stole from her. She is always making up stories on how she wants to fuck him up. To break into his house and make that fucker PAY! I had finally had enough. We got so fucking wasted and went over to his house. I kicked the fucking door in and surprised him and his new little girlfriend watching a movie. I had to knock his ass out with a bat and tie him up. His girlfriend was easier. I was able to take her down with a few punches. I let my friend cut her ex boyfriend up like a roast as I made his pretty little girlfriend watch. Then I turned on her. Slicing up her pretty little face really turned me on. slow cuts to scare her as I worked up to the good stuff. By the time I made it to her perky tits I was really worked up. Cutting her up was pure heaven. And when I finally got around to killing her…mmmmm I haven’t cum that hard in a while. Cant wait to do it again.
Torture Phone Sex To Thank The Spirits
As I laid in the centenary naked and accepting of the spirits and their touch. I felt the penetration of an evil entity. He entered me with force and showed me no mercy. I loved the pain and agony it inflicted on my cunt showing it’s superiority. It let me know that I was receiving what I asked for and that all the conjuring and sacrifice had been accepted and received. I was instructed to sacrifice a female every month for the nine months until my gift arrived. If I comply he will arrive healthy and serve us both well. So tonight I sacrifice the first of the nine. She is so scared and crying like a little bitch. Tied to her pole staked into the ground waiting for what she knows is to come. I have told her what will happen to her tonight and how she is helping the seed growing in me. She is feeding it with her blood and life. She begged and pleaded but it won’t work. This bitch is going to die. Before I begin I will rape her and take great pleasure in her flesh. Then I will make it slow and painful to appease the spirit that gifted me. She will cry and scream in agony as he delights in her torture and ultimately comes to take her to his fiery hell to serve him.My cunt has been wet and happy all day while I prepare everything and get ready to enjoy the pain I will bring. No one will hear her for we are deep in the forest. Night is falling and the time is drawing near.
Cannibalism Phone Sex Under A Pink Moon
The other night there was a pink moon. Did anyone see it? In our circle this is a very special day. A day for a special ritual. We spend the whole week rounding up contributions for our special celebration. We gather every night and gather the generous donations getting ready for the pink moon. It almost looks as if the moon is washed in blood. It is very exiting. At the end of the week before the pink moon we gather together all the contributions and begin preparation. The sacred meal is made of eyes, the window to the soul. It must be prepared just the right way and blessed to give us all the vision and wisdom to be ever grateful for the lives given to keep us healthy. It is a noble thing to give your flesh to keep another person strong and virile and alive. Your contributions are revered. Your flesh will nourish us all this evening as we gaze at the pink moon. After feasting we will celebrate with blood wine and we will please each o the in the most intimate ways while covering our bodies with the remainder of your blood. All of you will be a part of us. Forever….
Fuck that whore
Fuck that stupid whore, who the fuck does she think she is anyway? I can’t believe she actually tried me like that! ME! Doesn’t she know I will fucking cut her? Doesn’t she realize that I am no bitch to fuck with? I guess she must not or she wouldn’t have messed with my fucking man! It’s okay though, I have her now, she’s tied up in the trunk of my car with both her fucking legs broken. We’re on our way to the woods where I am going to bury that bitch alive. I’m going to enjoy this a LOT too because I have a special box for her to be buried in. It’s all wired up with microphones to record all of her screams as she dies. She will have no idea that I can hear her, I’m gonna sit on top of her grave and rub my pussy while I listen to her dying screams, I can’t wait! I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than to kill a stupid whore can you?
Sadistic Phone Sex
So after our hunt on Friday night. We had this beautiful girl just sitting in front of us that looked so delicious that my mouth was just watering.
Her plump naked body just sitting in front of me I could see how beautiful her vagina was and how the aroma of it after being washed smelt wonderful with the soup that I was already making.
I had a idea that me and my friend could have vagina soup. I already have two of them in the freezer from the last two hunts.
I grabbed my veal and laid her on the floor while she was still tied up. I took my razor sharp knife and I began to cut the vagina off of her body. The sweet little prey was still crying although she had something to help her relax not to long before.
I went over to the stove added all the vaginas to my now vagina soup. As, I waited for our soup to be ready to serve I went and cut all the flesh and pieces of her that are good for consumption. What was left I fed to my two dogs. The bones well I will not tell what I did with those. Evil Grin
Killer Phone Sex
Killer Phone Sex is something most don’t take serious. I take it very seriously.
I love take hearing someone take their last breath. It is the one sound that truly turns me on.
Last night I went to the supermarket to get me some different spices to cook with. As, I going down the isle to get some, this stupid blonde haired cunt cut me off with her cart and did not even say excuse me and then just laughed it off and kept shopping.
I could just feel my blood boiling I was so mad as I was finishing my shopping. I went to the register to pay and she was standing there. i tried to say something to her to let her know that she needs to learn to say excuse me. The fucking little bitch just rolled her eyes. I could feel my blood boiling over again.
As I walked out into the dark parking lot I put my groceries in the car. She was parked right beside me. I noticed she was all alone and no one was in the parking lot to even witness a thing.
I reached into my purse and put a little bit of stuff I use to put little cunts like this to sleep. I put the cloth over her mouth till she lightly passed out and I shoved her right in the back on my car.
As I drove home I could feel the rush of the fun that I was about to come overwhelm me. We drove into the drive way she is still completely out of it I drug her to my back porch grabbed my baseball bat from the garage and beat the fucking little bitch all over her body. Not killing her I wanted her awake. I wanted to hear her take her last breath.
As she woke up I asked her if she wanted to say she was sorry now. She started begging me for her life telling me she was sorry. Evil Laugh. She should of thought about that before hand. I took the bat and beat the bitch in the head till I heard her take her last breath. She won’t be cutting no one else off NOW! LOL
A Gift
My fucking blood is on fire, my fucking cunt is ready. I can feel the energy building knowing that tonight is the night. I have everything I need. The potion is brewed, my incantations are written and all the talisman I need are gathered. I have been waiting for this night for over a month and every part of me is on fire. I am going conjure the fucking dead. The spirits from the earth and let them fuck me inside out. I love it when the dead come alive and bring me sexual pleasure. I can already feel the cold clammy touch of the dead. I love it when spirits touch my fucking cunt and tits. I want to become impregnated by the spirit. I want the seed of the dead inside me. I want to watch my fucking stomach stretch, as it grows inside me. I want to feel the pain of giving birth in the woods, alone. I want to feel the undead demon as it pushes out of me, tearing my flesh, blood everywhere. It’s first meal will be of blood. I will eat the sac just as other animals in the woods do. And the after birth will be my dinner revitalizing my body. I will watch him grow with me and live in the woods, off the land, preying on unknowing humans that live beyond the treeline, luring unsuspecting victims that I will sacrifice to the gods. I love feeling the cold tingling, it feels like electricity is coursing threw my veins. There is nothing like being one with the dead. With luck tonight will be the fucking night!
Evil Emo Smiles
Smiling at that pretty lil face while I tied her down to the bed as you pull off her tiny panties. She is crying and shaking as we touch every bit of her body. I reach over to pinch her titties hard, just to see her scream in pain. ~lol~ This is so fun! Watching her wiggle as if she thinks she can get away from us. Here let me help you get your dick out of your pants so I can get it hard enough to stick it in her tiny fuckin’ pussy. Mmmm … yes, that’s it! Put that dick in my mouth! I want to taste you before we take her tear her cherry apart. ~lol~ I will hold her legs apart while pull her into that hard ass dick. Watching you take what you want from her, gets me wet in my panties. Then without a word I could see that you shot that cum inside her and looked up at me while you came. You knew by the evil smile on my face, I wanted to lick your dick clean.