Category: Accomplice phone sex

Karma is a bitch!

snuff phone sexKarma is a Bitch and so am I. I’m done with people pissing me off! I take shit all day long from complete strangers. Cashiers and waiters. Throwing all kinds of SHITTY attitudes. Being bullies or punks. And I am just the wrong Bitch to mess me. So I am going to start teaching all these cock suckers some fucking manners. Like today. I go to the mall and wait for a space.. This little old lady is taking for ever to move her car. But.. I have to pick up a present for my grandmother and this is the only place to get it. So I wait. After she leaves a little fucking BMW Z3 whips into the spot I was pulling into! So blonde Bitch gets out ON her phone and walks by me smiling. I find another spot and when I am walking by her car puncture all 4 of her tires and then carve CUNT on the side of her door. I go into the store feeling better… Until that fucking perfume sales girl asks if I want to try on some stinky shit. I said NO very loudly and she sprayed me anyhow. When I looked at her she smiled and said ” Isn’t that better.. You smell nice now” Like I fucking smelled bad  So I walk up to her and say can I see that please when she goes to hand it to me I move my hand the bottle drops to the floor and spills all over her. I move away quickly.. now the shit smells better. And then… I finally buy my grandmother the perfume she wants. I go to my car and some ass hole is leaning against my car talking on his phone. I ask him to move and he tell me to wait a fucking minute while he is yelling at someone… so I do. While I am waiting I pull out my tire Iron and the second he hangs up the phone I smash his fucking head in. He falls to the ground bloody and mutilated… Lessons learned

S And M Phone Sex With Erotic Accomplice Aria

Aria  Chains and Whips

I love hearing these big strong men tell me how they crave trying something a little darker, a little more intense to get their dicks hard and throbbing. Well, you know I’m more than willing and prepared to give you a taste of an erotic s & m experience you’ll never forget and you wouldn’t want to. You’ll relive every little moment, and be amazed by the things you did, the things you did with me, things you told yourself you could never see trying. And the frightening part is, you secretly loved every twisted minute of it, didn’t you?

Isn’t it peculiar that I didn’t even have to coax you very hard either. But I knew right away you had that secret craving for all ,those taboo fantasies you would lie back and stroke your dick and dream of trying. We eased into it though, after seeing me in my leather corset, thigh high black leather boots and fishnets, I instructed you to your knees. Such a good little slave you are for me, standing above you in my finest Dominatrix outfit and your face directly in front of my smooth, wet cunt you have no other option than to submit to me totally and completely.

The only reason for your existence and single focus is what is right in front of you, quite literally under your very nose. Your universe is my soft, smooth, pink and so very tight little snatch. This realization makes your big thick cock twitch uncontrollably, becoming harder and harder as I explain the intense, raw fuck sessions we are going to experience together. Every time will be a little more rough and nasty. Your eyes can’t help but roam and see the table of toys and devices that will be used.

Aria  S & M

Is your head spinning, heart beating out of your chest….a big, strong man like you who is always in full control and total dominance has now found himself on his knees in front of a soft spoken, angel faced Mistress who demands complete submission to only me. Beg me for it, prove to me your worthy and if you do the rewards I give you will be more than you can wrap your mind around.

So, do you think you could handle and withstand what I’m going to demand of you? I have every confidence in you pet, and remember it’s okay to be a little scared and uneasy; you should be.



Torturing Victims

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Ever since I took care of my pathetic little sister I have been needing someone else to torment. Today,while getting in my car to leave the mall where I work. I noticed the prettiest girl that would make the perfect victim get out. I decided to wait for her to come back to her car. I sat there for a few hours when I noticed her walking back to her car soon as she was behind mine I backed out. I jumped out of the car to make sure that she was okay but had dropped her phone and broke it. I apologized and then turned around like I was going to just get back in my car but then I took the cloth that I had covered in chloroform and put it over her nose and mouth till she passed out and I stuffed the little slut in my trunk. I drove her back to our house and waited till my parents left for work. Soon, as they were gone I opened the trunk where I noticed she was waking up so I placed the chloroform soaked cloth back over her mouth and took her down in our storm cellar. Where no one goes anymore. I tried the little bitch up in the chair tying the rope around each wrist and each ankle. I waited for her to be wake up. I do not like sleeping victims. I took the old photo album out and showed her all the pictures of my sister and her friends when I tortured them and pulled their teeth out on by one till she was all bloody. She was so scared she started screaming and crying so I stuffed a sock in her mouth as I pushed her back in the chair. I took a sharpie and drew dotted lines on her forehead as I told her my plan was to cut her little scalp off. She started crying and begging me to stop that is when I told her the story about me tormenting my sister and the stupid bitch dying in our cellar and that after that I needed another sister to torment so every week I find me another victim to torment and each one of them I take something from, and it just so happen I am going to scalp you. and well your sister that I have in the other I will be taking her lips. I take something from each victim a little at a time till the little cunt is dead just like my sister.

Accomplice Phone Sex In The Dark of The Night

torture phonesex karmaWhen I think about being a young girl and sneaking out to the woods to play on the old wooden swing hanging from the big oak tree by barbed wire with the early morning fog swirling all around me it makes me want to fuck up any little girl I see that only knows her back yard with flowers and a play house and a shiny swing set.
My friend and I were talking about it and he decided he would build me a swing like the one I used to play on. I love swinging on it but now I want to go get a young innocent thing and bring her out here. So the two of us go on the hunt for the perfect little girl to fulfill the twisted fantasy that is consuming me.
I can hear the blood pumping in my ears and the sound is deafening. I can feel my cunt getting wetter as the excitement and anticipation builds.
We spot her playing in the grass and we wait for the right time. As I scoop her up in my arms and cover her mouth to muffle her screams I inhale the scent of her hair, it smells so fresh and clean. Not for long innocent one, not for long.
He drives away while I hold her in the back until we get to the edge of the woods. She looks so pretty in her little white dress with her long jet black hair, the color of the midnight sky.
I shove her along in front of us and she falls several times, scraping and scuffing her knees. By the time we get where we are going, they are bleeding and raw and my cunt is cumming uncontrollably.
We tie her to a tree and I watch as my friend ravages her body in the cool night air. I love watching the abuse and masturbating and cumming while he has his way with her.
By the time the mist of the early night comes out, her dress is tattered, blood is dripping down her silky white skin and her head is hung in defeat and shame.
I put her on the swing, she has no energy to fight and the sight takes me back to my younger days as I cum over and over again.
We will kill her together as soon as the sun sets completely and the storm that has been brewing unleashes it’s fury.
I want to hear her scream in unison with the thunder as I watch her tortured and disfigured face covered in rain and illuminated by the lightening that will be streaking the sky.

Accomplice Phone Sex

picture2life_87003_originalWe were out walking around late last night, just wandering, not really paying attention to where we were when we realized we were in a really bad area. I guess if we were two normal girls we would have been scared to be in the ghetto so late but this is me and Lydia I’m talking about here and we are far from normal. And when two ghetto ass gang bangers walked up on us thinking they could intimidate us and maybe even rob or rape us, we just laughed in their faces. That made them very angry, the bigger one grabbed Lydia by the throat and picked her up, at first he was screaming in her face that she better learn some respect but after about two seconds he was just screaming in agony because she pulled out the knife she always carries and stabbed him in the gut. The bitch pretty much disemboweled him with one stroke of her knife! He was sobbing and crawling away from us and his friend took off running like a little bitch, it was hilarious to see two big ass thug wannabe gangsters crying and running away from two little white girls like us! Shit with an accomplice like Lydia, anything could happen!

Blasphemy Phone Sex, If You Dare

blasphamy phonesex angieAs I slowly circle her bleeding and broken body I dip my fingers into my wet cunt bringing them to my lips and savoring the juices that her pain made flow down my thighs. My nipples are so hard they hurt and the pain from their straining only serves to increase the flow of liquid between my legs. We have been here for hours. I lost count of how many bones I have broken. Looking at her laying there bleeding and in agony brings me such pleasure. It really is sinful to enjoy this so much. But then that is what makes it so much fun! I can’t count the number of times she has begun to pray to that fucking God of hers. It makes me sick to hear her uttering his name. Praying for his help. Bitch please, he can’t help you, he won’t help you, he isn’t fucking here and he isn’t fucking real. I can’t count the number of times I have said “Fuck your God, where is he?” and I can’t count the number of times she has felt my wrath for uttering the words “God loves you and he forgives you” This bitch just doesn’t get it. I need to show her once and for all just what I think of her fucking God and his bullshit forgiveness. I am a cunt’s hair from snuffing this bitch, she has served me well. But I just can’t end it before the ultimate blasphemy. The final dig before ending this game. I go to the basement where I have boxes of things that belonged to others. I know I have seen some religious crap in there. I take my time as I enjoy the sound of her cries up stairs. And then I find them, a huge brass cross with a man hanging from it and a statute of a virginal woman with her blue veil on.  I carry them up stairs and show her what I have. As I get between her legs she is sobbing hysterically, and I can’t stop cumming. “This is what your God is doing to you, fucking you” The scream she lets out as I shove the statute up her ass head first and the cross up her swollen and bruised pussy at the same time brings me to an orgasm to top all orgasms. I use my pelvis to shove them deep in her as I lean over and wrap my hands around her neck. As I squeeze slowly, enjoying taking her last breath, I take great pleasure in knowing the last words she hears are “A-fucking-men”blasphamy phonesex witch

Deadly Sweet

DeadlySweetWhen I first heard about “National Cheesecake Day” I thought, how silly.  I like cheesecake but I didn’t get having an entire holiday named after it.  Then I started thinking I could totally use this to my advantage!  What better way to lure in prey with sweets?  Sure it’s a bit cliche’ but with my innocent looks and angelic voice, they’ll never see it coming!  Of course with something like this I’ll need an accomplice.  I have so many special helpers lol!  I invited a few neighbors and encouraged them to bring their families.  I do like variety after all.  My deadly sweet treats looked like something fresh out of a Rob Zombie movie.  I told them I was just getting an early start on Halloween but the silence in the room could be cut with a knife.  Oh well, the jig is up, giggles.  Now it’s time for total annihilation.  We rounded them up like cattle to the slaughter.  I let my special helper have some fun with the Moms and young ones while I got everything prepared in the basement.  One by one they screamed and begged, pleading for their lives.  I just giggled at them telling them in my sweet little voice not to worry, they would get their just desserts. 

He Is My Master

torture phonesex karma1He is so powerful. He owns my soul and I do his bidding gladly. he comes to me when he feels the need. He is always in control and takes my body, mind and soul as he wishes. He taught me everything I know about the dark arts. He continues to teach me. He demands complete dedication and devotion. He will take nothing less then obedience.
I have felt his pull the last week. I know he is coming soon. He has been watching me lately and I have been serving him well. Tonight, under the light of the moon, I will sacrifice a virgin. I will remove her beating heart and offer it up to him. He will be pleased. he will reward me well when he comes for my loyalty, devotion and obedience.
My pussy waits with anticipation for his attention. When he admires my body and rewards me it is unearthly pleasure.
Like wise when I have displeased him, his wrath is painful and the lesson is not soon forgotten.
I have felt both his pleasure and pain and I strive to please him daily. Tonight he will be very pleased, I am sure of it. Soon he will come to me from the shadows of the darkness and take what is his. And I will give it freely.

Torture Phone Sex In The House of Hell

torture phonesex angie

Francis, Storm and I love to get together with our victims and enjoy the pleasure of mutual torture and pain. We fucking get off  hearing the sound of the screams in unison as we stand back and make each other cum, basking in the glow of our torture. Last week when we were driving around looking for victims, we came across a house with an overgrown yard and menacing appearance. We had to go check it out. Once inside we were delighted to find blood stained floors and walls. The smell of death was in the air and we were thrilled. We decided to do some more research and get the scoop on this place. We found out that a master mind mass murderer used this place for his fucking and  killing zone. He would bring his victims here and torture them, dismemberment the bodies and burring them next to the house. They found twenty bodies, chopped up into pieces here and the place is reported to be fucking haunted. It is known now as The House of Hell. Tonight we are taking our victims to this house we are going to torture and molest them from sun down to midnight while we fuck each other to their screams. We have metal skewers that we are going to insert into their dicks, tits and pussies and a truck battery with jumper cables to give them electric shock. We have several bottles of alcohol to pour on open wounds and cuts that will be strategically applied. We have fish hooks and  whips and branding irons to burn their flesh. It is going to be exquisite. At midnight we are going to dismember them at the same time. We aren’t going to use saws they are to fast and easy, we are going to hack them with axes, blood flying as it takes several blows to remove each limb. When we are done we will bury them by the house. This is going to be a night of fun! I love girls night out with my wicked fucking friends!torture phonesex house

Step Parents

snuff phone sex jezabel

 Every one knows Step-Parents do not even deserve to be here. They are fucking annoying, they really think they can tell you what to do. That is what I have had for my Step Mother for the longest time. Today the bitch just took it way to fucking far. She is always complaining about something. Today was enough. She told me that I needed to watch my little brother again knowing how much the little fucking brat gets on my nerves. She walked off as I was talking to her so I wait till the bitch was in the shower when I crept in the bathroom took my knife out from behind my back and stabbed the fucking cunt over and over again till her body went limp and fell into the bathtub that’s when I leaned over and cut the fucking cunts tongue out now she will do no more fucking nagging. If her son don’t shut up he will next!