Category: Accomplice phone sex

Chains & Whips Excite Devious Natasha

The sensation of the cold steel against my warm skin gets my blood pumping hard and the sweet tasty juices in my pussy dripping. The colder the metal and the tightness around my neck, wrists, legs or any other part of my body makes the experience all the better and more erotic.

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Whether I’m the submissive in this scenario or if I’m the stone cold intoxicating Dominatrix, the whole experience is one I crave and take very seriously. I leave nothing to chance or do anything without my full intensity and enthusiasm.

I relish in the fact my devious ways make you moan and scream and beg for more. Mmm, makes me proud that I can control and inflict such sensations of pleasure and pain upon my chosen partner.

Are you ready to share in the fantasy, no matter how twisted and taboo it may seem at first Is your mind and body open to me, let me take over and trust that I will give you the release and unimaginable yearnings and sensations you’ll forever crave and look for achieving from that moment on.

Submit to me, and I promise your leap of faith will pay off more than you can ever imagine. Come with me pet, let’s begin……..

Wickedly Delicious Accomplice Aria

When I discover a kindred spirit who has the same insatiable lust for domination, control and final judgement for such sweet young things, it makes me almost giddy with delight. Delight in the anticipation of what like minds can come up with to overpower these fresh little beings.

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Just how will we go about making this experience as pleasurable for us as it is torturous for them. The dicotomy in this exact same scenario makes my pussy drip with desire. I know it brings you to such erotic heights, you can hardly contain yourself, so why should you?

We work and plot out these trysts that end in such epic terror and agony; therefore, it’s completely justified that we savor the hell we created for these useless meaningless pieces of flesh and bone. The intensity builds from the moment were decide upon our object of our deadly desires. When I know I’ve lured them into our trap, the yearning surges stronger, and at that precious moment when one of these mindless creatures realizes they’ve made a fatal error in trusting such seemingly caring people it’s a little gift from above…giggles!

 Oh, I know you can’t wait to violate their tight fresh holes with your massive cock and you will, with my help of course. But first, I get my sweet release by letting them know in my sweet angelic voice all the fucked up things that we are about to inflict upon their little pathetic bodies. Mmm, oh yes please cry and scream and beg for mercy because that’s what gets me off. Go ahead and cry for your Mommy because you know what….your Mommy didn’t want or love you anymore and that’s why she gave you to us.

That look in their eyes is something I’ll never tire of, each pair of eyes that I’ve gazed into all give me that exact same look. The disbelief, terror and total breaking of their will and spirit is priceless, And now, the next part of our show, watch my precious at the pretty shiny sharp blades I have for you to play with… well not so much play with as I mean played upon!  Ohhh, it’s going to be a long sweet adventure and I plan on savoring every last drop…..

School is back in session

Accomplice phone sexBack to school.. Means back to pay day for me. I love to offer up my new “friends” to my older dirtier “friends”. I make sure the new meat knows that I can make or break their time in school. Then.. I invite them to a “some fun” They always show up. Steve was a good customer and I wanted him to get the first crack at her. She was fresh. I brushed passed her last year when she was still in JV. At the time I thought she was cute but not what I was looking for. Well she had a very good summer! Steve wanted the “innocent” girl and she was it with a little extra now. “She doesn’t know why she is here Steve, so I suggest you start slowly” I said. He handed me the thick envelope and smiled. “Sure, I’ll start slow” he said laughing. I can hear her scream as he rips her clothes off. She should be thankful. There are a few men who won’t be as “gentle” as Steve is being. He will rape her for a few hours then let her go. The others would keep her for much longer. But she will learn about them later. I have a very busy year planned for her! She is my bitch now. I own her. And she better not forget it… or everyone will know what a dirty whore she really is!

Tits to Die For

Accomplice-phone-sex-IndigoThere are so many naughty things to be done with this perfect set of tits. The possibilities are endless. Try to grab a big round handful, suck my nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around. Bury your face between them and gasp for air. That’s what I really like. My favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday is pick up a sweet little morsel to play with. She’s gotta be cute. Infuriatingly cute. It’ll be all the more satisfying as I squeeze her so tight into my tits, consoling her with my soothing voice. She can nestle into me and feel safe. Then I start to pull her into me tighter and closer. Her arms start to flail, but she’s so slight, so easy to restrain. Take me from behind, pump into my cunt harder and faster and watch as she struggles. I can feel her breath and her muffled screams as she slobbers and bites me drawing blood from my breasts. She’s getting weaker and you’re getting closer. While her screams subside and her arms fall limply beneath us, thrust your load inside me and collapse next to her corpse and save it for later.

Accomplice Phone Sex With A Bouncy House

torture phonesex angie4When I called my girls and told them about the fucking block party the neighborhood was having for the fucking midgets they were so down with the idea I had. I didn’t respond to any of the stupid fucking flyers the goody two shoes sent out over the last few weeks but sat back, nice and quiet like. No one thinks I am participating in this bullshit get together, but my girls, my number one accomplices and I, have a master fucking plan. We all pitched in and rented one of those bouncy houses that the fucking brats love to play in. We just got done setting that fucker up at the other end of the street while every one is asleep. We tested that bitch out and I have to admit it was fun to bounce around in naked, tits fucking bouncing every where and naked bodies falling all over each other. We have a back exit set up so as the little fucking brats go in to bounce around while we all watch, if their parents are off drinking and eating and not paying attention, we are going to slide those little bastards out the fucking back and carry them off. The black market for little ones is hot right now. I don’t need any more fucking slaves and neither do any of my girls, but we do know some one that will buy these little fuckers for high dollar, especially the female ones that are just the right age. we are going to make a fucking killing off this bouncy house. And we don’t give a fuck what happens to these brats once we get our money.

A Hunting We Will Go

torture phonesex karma2Yesterday I saw this awesome purse in a shop window in town. It was made of leather and shaped like a human skull.
Since then I have been plotting and cumming as my mind races with all these ideas.
I am going to turn this one item into the hottest, twisted ass fun and money making scheme ever.
I am going to gather several prime candidates and bring them to my camp. I am going to groom them and make sure their skin is soft and supple and ready to produce a premium product.
Then I am going to release them and hunt them just like I do animals for skins and meat. They will never find their way out of the woods before I track and kill them.
Once I have killed them I am going to bring them back and skin them and process the hides. each skull will be used as the mold for the skin I retrieve from their bodies and I will make these awesome purses.
  Their meat will feed me for some time and the purses will sell at market in town and make me lots of money.
Of course no one will know they are buying a purse made of human hide and molded from it’s donors skull, but I will know.
The idea of it has me so fucking hot and horny and I can’t wait to begin! This is the best fucking idea I have ever had!

Blood Play Phone Sex

Blood Play Phone SexI was in the mood for some blood play phone sex tonight. I went and rented a small motel room where I used my laptop to place an ad on the internet saying that I had another computer for sale. I got a call from a young man saying he wanted it for his nephew that is going to be starting college. He came to the room where I invited him in, let him have a seat as I walked around him to get the big with the computer in it. Instead I grabbed my cloth covered in chloroform and placed it over his mouth and nose causing him to pass out. Dragging him over to the bed and tying each limb to each bed post. Climbing on top of him slashing his fucking throat leaving a gaping hole in his fucking neck. Using my hands I spread the blood all over my body. Sometimes I just need a little blood to play in, getting something for dinner for a few weeks is just a place.

Death Party With Our Neighbor


 Aria and me were at home late at night partying real hard. When we heard our neighbors fighting. The lady kicked her husband out like she does every week, yelling down the street at him that she should just end him. Aria went to the door and invited him in telling him that it’s raining and he does not need to be outside in it. He came in and he saw the lines of powder on the table and our bottles of vodka and rum. We told him that he could stay here with us and party and get wild. He is always looking at us outside so we knew he would be down for a little partying. We did a few lines and chugged some vodka. We were all wasted within the first hour. Aria and me started kissing him and sliding our hands down his legs rubbing his dick through his pants making him want us. Aria walked him to the bedroom where she pushed him down on the bed pulled his pants down and began sucking his cock. I grabbed his arms tying them up to the bedpost with my scarf. Climbing on top of his face,fucking his tongue so hard as Aria bounced harder and harder on top of his dick. He was struggling trying to get me off of his face so he could breathe but I just started grinding harder on his face till we felt his body go limp. I climbed off of his face and switched places with Aria so that I could feel his lifeless body against mine as I rode his dick. The door bell rang Aria looked out the window and said it was the fucker’s wife. She laughed and said maybe we should invite her in she may be happy we did what she couldn’t do.


Smoking Hot

torture phonesex angie3When I went out last night looking for some fun, I knew the  minute I saw you that you were the one. My cunt reacted as soon as I saw you, the perfect human specimen and just what I needed to keep my wicked ways satisfied. I knew just how to look at you from across the room. It didn’t take long till you were making your way across the room to me. You bought me a drink and the conversation began. I initially had very decided plans for you for latter in the evening. But the more you talked the more my plans changed. You were so arrogant. So sure that you are god’s gift to women. So fine and so perfect and any woman would be honored if you choose to share your evening with them. Outwardly I just smiled and agreed. But inside my blood was boiling and my cunt was dying to take you home and teach you a lesson. You so needed to be taken down not one notch or two but several. Wouldn’t you know that I am just the bitch to do it in more ways then one. By the end of the night as I unlocked my front door the need to show you a thing or two was screaming inside me. I ripped your clothes off stroking that ego and making you believe that I just couldn’t wait for your male perfection. Then I undressed and your eyes betrayed the satisfaction over my perfection. I lead you to my play room and your cock was hard almost before we crossed the threshold. Men, your so predictable…I let you run your hands over my body. I let you please me with out touching you once. You begged me for some relief and I just told you to be patient. When the time was right I sucked that dick. I brought you to the edge and then stopped. Your begging for more was so pitiful but it was time for your lesson. I tell you how fucking hot you are and then took your hands dipping them in a pail of  fluid. The lighter was flicked and your hands in flames before your brain could register the act. I laughed as you screamed in pain while explaining that I just wanted you to be truly as hot as you thought you were. Smoking hot, sizzling, just for me. That will teach you won’t it?

Nasty Nympho Scar Makes the Rent Payment

Accomplice Phone SexI’m a Nasty Nympho willing to do anything it takes to get what I want.  He showed up, expecting a rent payment I I didn’t have.  I knew I had something to bargain with though.  At least I thought I did.  Giving my pussy away is really no big deal to me because I’m a fucking Nympho that loves fucking.  My tastes tend to run on the darker side.  Since spitting out 2 brats I didn’t have as many opportunities to get out there and make that paper.  Well, when he came in I offered him my cunt on a platter and he said he’d rather take the money.  When I offered him up my girls he was quite excited but decided he wanted the money instead.  I knew what he wanted.  He wanted this Nasty Nympho to offer him the greatest taboo a mother could offer.  I told him he could take their virgin bodies, torture their tiny frames and I’d personally help him end them.  That was the final nail in the coffin.  He agreed and now I have 2 less brats to worry about!  I can get back into my hardcore scene.  I do have an agreement with him to spit a brat out once a year for rent, but it’s a “SMALL” price to pay for a roof over your head! 

Nasty Accomplice Phone Sex Nympho Scar is willing to go the distance!