Category: Accomplice phone sex

Home Invasion Mutilation

angieWe crept into that fancy ass house. I was hoping for a mommy and daddy and some cute little tidbits to watch the carnage before getting fucked up themselves. But what I got was a lot more fun. There was a mommy and a daddy all right and on little morsel but there was also a young couple living with mommy and daddy till they got on their feet. She was the one that was the most fun. I helped him tie mommy and daddy up and I made the others watch as he made daddy suck his dick till it was hard so he could force it in mommy nice and rough while choking the life out of her. I let him have the little morsel and I had big plans for the star crossed young lovers. I gave her a huge railroad nail that was nice and sharp. I ripped all her clothes off while he watched and handed her the nail. His pain, torture and mutilation would be based on her self mutilation. I wanted her to fuck herself up to save him. Which was never really going to happen, there was no salvation for him. There never is any mercy or salvation once I get started. My accomplice watched the whole thing jerking his dick with his blood covered hands, By the time she was done she was laying in a pool of her own blood, her arms looked like they had been put through a meat grinder. Her young lover had chunks of flesh hanging from his body in various places and he was bleeding all over the floor as well. I told my accomplice to pull her up by her bloody matted hair and hold his knife to her throat, while I held my knife to her young lovers cock and balls. Together we were going to slice as deep as we could, she was lucky she would die quickly but he would have to look at her body jerking and convulsing while he bled to death. I love mutilation especially self mutilation.torture phonesex angie

Let The Fun Begin

She looks so sweet laying there, writhing against the binds. The tears that stain her soft cheek are just begging to be licked off. There is the taste of fear in those diamond drops of liquid, and fear feeds us. We are her Gods at the moment, and those wet pools falling from her big eyes are our ambrosia. I lean down, placing one gloved hand on her forehead to smooth back her hair, as my warm tongue swipes over those trails of liquid pain. I do not smile, but I look at you, holding your gaze as I slowly walk down the length of her, the tips of my high heels marking the dirt and heavy veil of dust that covers the floor.

I can hear her beg, and for a moment I fain sympathy, touching her arm, bringing one finger to my lips as I shush her softly. I ask in a almost motherly manner if she wants to go home? She nods her head as she sniffs up the snot that is running out of her little nose. I tell her that she will be going home, but not to the one she knows, she will be going to a much better place. A place where the streets are paved with Gold. Her eyes widen just a bit as she knows of the place that I am referring to. She starts to scream. I look at you, you are transfixed on her. For the first time a small smile plays across my lips.

The windows have been blackened out with paint but every now and then, cold white light finds a crack in the paint and falls upon her. It’s stark white tendrils illuminating her flesh for a few moments at a time. I walk over to you, taking your hand in mine as I press my lips against your ear to whisper, “Are you ready?” I feel you nod, you and I both move forward, she watches, I pull your cock out of your pants, and my dagger out of it’s sheath. I say to you as I drag the flat side of the dagger over her lips, “Let the fun begin.”


Pain Bitch!



Accomplice phone sexI love to torment bitches. I mean really drag out their pain. I like to make my prey suffer. Hardcore Pain Whore! That is exactly what I am. I love that first scream. The smell of fear that drips off your body. I love to show you the instruments I am going to use to punish you. My fist cuts will be shallow. Just to scare the bitch. Next will be deeper. To really get the blood flowing. I love the crimson flow of fresh blood. I love the feel of it on my fingers. And the smell of it on your body. And then the work out. The punching and pulling. The turning that beautifully bloody body into a purple and blue piece of art work. The grunts and groans of the sprit breaking. And the crunch of bones shattering! Mmmmm I try to drag it out as long as possible. My pussy gets so wet with every hit. I can feel the cum dripping down my legs. And I never want it to end. But eventually my prey just gives up. Stops screaming and stops fighting. Then it isn’t as much fun. I might as well kill the bitch if she is no longer entertaining. The last thing she will ever hear is me telling that Bitch to die!

Dinner Tonight

dinnerHe abducted both of them on Halloween, tonight we prep her for the cauldron. It is filled with water, potatoes, carrots and fresh herbs. she is so meaty and fresh. we have her shaved and ready. first he will take her cunt and empty his load deep inside her. Her friend is scrawny but we will save her for another day. she is going to help prepare her friend for the pot, we have some nice olive oil and we will let her friend oil her up and watch as we drop her in the pot. This is going to be her nourishment so she will be nice and plump when we cook her. She won’t get the rump roast or the thighs, the meaty and juicy parts, we will feed her the feet and calves and arms and save the best cuts for our selves. The tears are flowing down both their cheeks and they know what is about to come. We lower the plump one into the water slowly, watching as her skin changes from white to red, lowering her inch by inch into the cauldron until we push her head down under the water and watch her stew to perfection. The table is set, the house is filled with the delicious aroma of fresh meat and tonight we feast!

Cum to the Dark Side…

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Anybody can pretend to be sadistic and evil but it actually comes quite natural for me. It’s the sweet and nice that I have fake. Pretending, prancing around like everything is smiles and glitter. My world is dark and dangerous. The people in it are sick and twisted. The sex is painful, tortuous and at the same time the most beautiful pleasure. I love every minute of it too. The darkness makes my pussy wet. People always thought something was wrong with me when I was growing up. They thought I needed counseling and prayer. I laugh at them. I laughed at them back then and I’m still laughing at them now as I drag my blade across their holier than thou throats. They have no imagination no real spontaneous side. They are all closed in a little box and that’s sucks for them. I have embraced the dark side of this world. The forbidden is what I crave. Knowing it is wrong but making it feel so right. People always told me that the world is my oyster. Well they don’t tell you that on some rare occasions that the pearl inside is black.


Drug Fantasy Phone Sex with Evil Alice

Alice 8I just have so much fun when I drug up those fuckin’ brats before I have my way with them. It really makes them more entertaining for you and me. Look at it this way, they would be so high that it won’t matter to them on how we will shove your cock deep up into their ass. Or maybe it would be totally hot to turn them into crackheads and watch how much they will beg to get their next fix. But that won’t happen until we watch them beg for you to face fuck them until they puke on your dick. I just puts a smile on my face when I see them laughing hysterically while I  tighten your belt around their tiny necks. However, I find it so much easier to trick them into taking pills by lying to them and saying it is candy. You know that those lil’ idiots love candy so lets give them the whole bottle. So many drugs and so lil’ time! Lol!

The faces of my victims

Pandora 8Every now and then I find that my previous victims come to visit me. But the thing is that none of them are living. Yes, I am talking about their ghost that appear to me in some kind of form. I am not terrified by them but turned on but their presence. They think by slamming doors, taking my scalp to dart it across the room, or even showing a ghostly figure of themselves will scare the shit of me … that just makes me want to fuck with them even more. Or perhaps the try to disrupt me from my work of doing autopsy on the dead and even when I am performing sinister medical experiments on the living. I will just teach them a lesson by snatching one of their family members or a loved one to prove my point. I don’t care if I invoke their rage where I make a person that id close to them as my next victim. It makes it quite interesting how they try to stop me in their actions and at the same time scary the one I am torturing. But hey, that is ok … since I don’t mind seeing all the faces of my victims. Alive or Dead.

Will You Join Us???

torture phonesex angieThis is the craziest fucking idea that my girl has ever thought of. It is so fucking out there that it would have my panties in a knot, if I wore panties. In honor of the bewitching season we are going to have a two day festival that is going to be like no other. Each of us are bringing a victim and on the first night of fesitvites we are going to beat and torture them and then fuck their lifeless bodies. Then we are going to harvest their meat but each of us must keep one body part in tact. On the second day of our festivities we will prepare our fresh meat for a feast and after dinner the real fun will begin. Each of us must have our severed body part and we must fuck that body part in front of the others, Topping off the whole thing we are going to have a seance where we are going to attempt to conjure up the spirits of our victims. With luck they will be angry and seeking revenge just the way we ant them. Just thinking about the possibilities makes me tingle all over and I just want to fucking cum all over the place. This is going to be the best Halloween celebration that we have ever put together. I don’t know where my girl comes up with these ideas but I love her for them!


torture phonesex karma4The night is pitch black except for the glow of the new moon high in the sky. Not one star flickers in the sky and the thrill and anticipation is heavy in the air, looming like the thick fog that surrounds my naked body. I am glistening with a mixture of sweat and dew as the pulse beats hard and steady in my neck.
She is laying there on the alter, eyes staring blindly upwards. I have shaved her head, her arm pits and her sweet little pussy. I was surprised to find that her clit is pierced and has a silver ball through it. I decide to leave it in, I think my lord of evil will be pleased with the ornament.
The moon must rise just a little further so that it is directly center in the dark sky before I begin my decapitation and sacrifice. I speak to her softly and offer her a dip of red wine as I wipe her brow. She has long since stopped fighting and has accepted her fate as inevitable. I thank her once again for her gift and kiss her gently on the lips before raising my machete high into the air. I can’t help but notice as the moon light glistens off the blade before I bring it down to sever the first limb. She lets out a ear piercing scream before loosing consciousness and I cum hard as the blood pours from her body.decap

Rid Yourself of Her

Torture Phone Sex


She is a stupid cunt, one in which you married.  Now you want done with her.  Divorce isn’t an option, and plus you think this parasitic bitch is getting cock elsewhere.  Let me tell you something, get rid of her.  Not just kick her ass out, but GET RID OF HER.  Can’t do it yourself, fine, I’ll do it for you.

I will take this piece of slut meat and do with her what I will.  You are free to watch.  What do you want?  Do you want me shove a feeding tube down her nose, and force a mixture of pig shit and ground up tit meat; from the last bitch I had to deal with; down the tube?  Or would you rather I pack her useless ragged out pussy with rock salt, douse it with rubbing alcohol and set it on fire? Or would you rather I just beat the holy fuck out of her?  There are many other ways I could get her to fess up.  That’s not the point though is it? Even if she didn’t have another dick inside of her, she will say she did, just to get me to stop.  Ah, the double edged sword of torture…delicious, isn’t it?

Then after she is done screaming, and confessing, the fun begins.  It will be slow, it will be bloody, it will be painful, and it will make me a very happy girl.  All the while, you can sit there, drinking champagne, smoking a Cuban, and watching the show, but I must warn you.  Doing dirty work such as this makes me horny as hell, so you will be fucked, and depending on how nasty you want it to get, we might even give in to our carnal desires over her still warm, twitching body.
