Category: Accomplice phone sex

The Early Years

hypnoWhen I first realized that nothing made me happier then serving the dark lord I had lots of work to do. I discovered early on that nothing made my pussy wetter then causing pain and reeking havoc. Perfecting the arts of black magic and offering sacrifices gave me purpose and satisfied my dark soul.
The early years of learning the craft took lots of study and practice to perfect. I had to learn spells and incantations and rituals and what we need to make these things successful. I practiced day and night in secret because my parents would have flipped if they knew what I was doing.
Finally I had grown and learned enough to begin hypnosis. I will never forget the day I came up with my plan to perfect the art. I would use my parents. It was perfect, I could practice and get stronger and in the end I could eliminate the two old fuckers and get away with it.
I started by sneaking into their room each night and playing subliminal messages encouraging them to want to have sex with me. I began dressing provocatively soon after in front of them and when they didn’t object but gave me that longing stare I knew it was working.
Soon I began making the suggestions in a veiled way during conversation molding their thoughts and making them mine.
Before long I had them both in my bed doing things I knew their vanilla christian asses would never do.
As my control over them increased they became more zombie like walking around with out a clue and doing exactly as I wanted. They willingly turned over their finances and signed the deeds to all real property over to me.
Finally the time had come, we were going tot take a trip to a cabin in the mountains. There they were going to do each other in while I watched, a murder suicide all choreographed by my hypnotic suggestion that would begin with S&M sadistic sex, cutting each other, beating and torturing each other and ending in a snuff scene created by my sick and twisted mind and designed for my pleasure.
When it was l over with I would turn on the gas stove and light a fire in the fire place leaving the accident to happen all on it’s own.
I will never forget the thrill of that day. It was the first taste of real power, real dark pleasure and I haven’t gone back since.karma4

Silent Poison

Pandora 9This past weekend, I decided to take it off from work and go out drinking. I had no idea how my night was going to turn out or how it will end. But either way, I will have enjoy the outing. So when I got to the club, I went straight to the bar to start drinking the night away. After a few shots, I realized I was being watched. It was a couple that just could not stop looking at me and followed me every where I went in the club. I thought how much fun this could be for me so I took the first move and introduced myself to them. It was so obvious to me that the couple’s lust for me was strong and I decided to take advantage of the situation. So I brought them back to my place for some more privacy but they are in for a surprise. So I gave them drinks as I allured them into my bedroom. Things started to get really hot as our clothes ended up on the floor and taking turns sucking on the guy’s cock. Moments after he fucking me and I was licking his girlfriend’s cunt, they both became subdued by the poison I put into their drink. Stupid bitches! They didn’t even know who they were dealing with. For that is what you get, when a you seek after a one night stand. Now I wonder what fun medical experiments I can do to this lifeless couple.

Bloody Fuck

angieThe need for blood was overwhelming today. I found her . I kidnapped her and brought her back to the house. I chained her in the cold dank basement and covered her in tasty morsels to attract the rats. I left her there to be nibbled on so she was nice and bloody for me and my man when we decided to go get her. He came over and we took our time with dinner and drinks before going down stairs and turning on the hose full blast for the maximum amount of pain to get the rats off her. The water was cold to make sure she was awake.
We Took her up stairs and I took out my dildo that he made for me with small scalpel blades embedded in it  and I fucked her pussy bloody. I licked it and savored the taste of her sacrifice.
 He shoved a blade in her ass and then proceeded to fuck her bloody gaping hole, making her lick all the blood and shit from his cock when he was done. Our wounds coupled with the bites from the rats and the bitch was one bleeding little whore.
Of course we didn’t want to risk infection and we needed to clean her up.
We weren’t done we wanted some for later. So we got the bottle of Clorox and dowsed her in it, fucking to her screams.
Back to the basement you go until we are ready for more, my sweet.angieII

Burn Bitch

snuff phone sex 2I love helping out a friend. He broke up with his bitch of an girlfriend a few Snuff phone sexmonths earlier. And she was still sending him emails demanding her candles back. Fucking candles. I read all the emails 2 or 3 a week calling him all kinds of names saying he was a thief. This is not a candle man. Apparently she was totally obsessed with candles. Had to have them burning all over the house. And she seemed to think he took some when he left. Fucking crazy. And I think someone a crazy as her needs to be taken care of. And I know just how to do it. I waited till it was dark and she had light a bunch of candles. I knocked on her door and when she answered I said I just moved in a few doors down and my power wasn’t on yet. I asked if she had a candle I can borrow? She was so willing to let me in. So eager to help. Crazy and stupid. I jumped her right when the door shut. I enjoyed beating the shit out of her. Then I took the candles and burned that bitch. I enjoyed smelling her flesh cooking. The screams as she begged me to stop. If I would let her live, she would NEVER love candles again. But of course this bitch has to die! I can’t have all the fun I want. She has to look like the fire killed her… But I do get to burn her as much as want. I took my time to slowly burn off her fingers and toes. I played with her till my time was up. Can’t be caught her in the morning. I left her there on the floor. And set her house on fire! I waited till the place was engulfed. It was glorious.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

BeFunky_aria green hair sexy.jpg

So, do you have a wife or girlfriend that you grown tired of, she just doesn’t thrill you anymore? She’s become more trouble than she’s worth, constantly nagging you and driving you mad. She doesn’t even want to fuck anymore and when she does, it’s the same old boring vanilla sex.

Well, I have the perfect solution to your little predicament. You see, I have a way you can get rid of her and have some sadistic, evil fun with it, are you game? Oh, I knew you would be because I’m going to help you rid yourself of the annoying bitch and make her suffer for causing you all this stress.

One night you’ll come home  and surprised her with your unannounced guest and we’ll have to share with her exactly what we have in store for her. She just can’t quite believe it can she but she will when I walk up to her and punch her so hard in her flabby gut.

I love it when she starts to cry out for you to help her, I can’t help but laugh and tell her as I yank her head back hard that you were the one you planned and set this all up! I want you to sit and watch me beat her to a bloody pulp for starters, she’s so weak and pathetic it’s almost too easy.

As she continues to beg and plead for you to help her, I’m binding her hands together in cuffs and fastening them to the post of the bed. It comes to me as I’m securing her legs, she’s going to have to see for herself that you are a more than willing participant in this torture session.

I’ll happily inform her in great detail what a useless piece of shit she is. There’s no way in hell you can spend the rest of your days with a worthless, disgusting waste of space like her and we’ve decided to have some fun resolving your problem, haven’t we?

As I turn my attentions to you to show her just how serious we are. I kneel before you and pull out your throbbing cock and start to lick and suck on you for her to see. I love that part, giving her a little taste of what real fucking is supposed to be.

And now, the fun begins, well for us anyway. As I lay before her all the instruments of torture that we’ll use on her, her muffled screams get my pussy so fucking wet in anticipation. This is going to be a long, bloody night…….Mmmm can’t hardly wait!

Fuck The Piglet

Torture Phone Sex

Why hello there little cuntling.  Nice of you to wake the fuck up finally.  You would think someone who spews bullshit smack words from their mouth to My boyfriend’s pretty young offspring would be able to handle a little dose of GHB in your chocolate milk, but I suppose I was giving you too much credit.  You see, she came to Me, and believe Me, I am the LAST person someone her age would come to for comfort.  She told Me all about the shit you have been saying, how you have even laid hands on her.  Oh muffin, don’t you know that’s a big ole fucking no no?

Actually, it doesn’t matter if you knew that, because you are about to learn what a huge no no it is. You see I don’t give a good god damn if you are the age you are as you have crossed a line with Me.  I do this not for her so much as for My boyfriend, because he has a huge cock and knows how to use it.  I can’t have him walking around worried about his little one because it takes away My fuck time with him. That, My stupid one, I will not tolerate.

This is what is going to happen, we are going to play a game called: Fuck The Piglet.  I can see by the tears on your thick eyelashes that you are scared.  I have to tell you, I’m glad you are, you should be.  This is not going to be something that you can put a snoopy band aid on and make it all better.  I am going to tear your tight whore hole up.  I am going to use anything, and everything that I can lay my hands on.  I will fuck you until you pass out, then fuck you more when you wake up.  You bullied the wrong person, so you need to learn, it’s very simple.  You get a good hurtful, painful, traumatic fucking, and I can get back to having My boyfriend’s cock slipping in and out of Me.  Oh, and also, his little one will never have to hear your words again, because after you learn your lesson, you will cease to exist.  Let’s begin.


There Is No Refusal

torture phonesex karmaThis little bitch thought she was going to tell me no. she thought she actually had a choice in things. I have to admit she was strong willed, she fought me all night tooth and nail. I beat her with in an inch of her life and she still defied me. Spitting ion my face, telling me I would never break her. I did every thing I could think of to make her submit, to bow down to me and give in. Finally I gave up. But only for the night. I has an idea a damned good one to. When the sun came up I left her there tied to the tree in the full rays of the heat with nothing to drink and nothing to eat while I went into town. I came back with a dog shock collar. This bitch may have won the battle last night but I was about to win the war. I placed it around her neck and the fun began. The intensity of the shocks increased and soon her resilience waned and by noon I won. She did just as I asked before I killed her stupid ass for all the trouble she gave me. I am keeping the collar and will use it again, for my pleasure.

I Feel Like Busting A Nut!!!!!-Dont You?

  I am salivating over the thought of destroying your nuts!!!  Since the last time that I was with you, I have been fantasizing about new, creative, and exciting ways to DESTROY THOSE FUCKING NUTS!!!! There are so many sick, twisted, and pleasurable ways that I can ruin those fuckers!!!  Your nut sack is worthless!!! You know it-that is why you come and see me. You don’t need that pathetic sack of fucking balls!! I want to slice and dice those nuts.    I will soak your nuts in bleach and use them as a sponge to clean my toilet after I take a shit! You want to bust a nut right? Well, so do I-motherfucker!! I want to bust your nuts…only, I will do it in such a way that will destroy them while you are releasing your sperm! Imagine this:  your balls are emptying during ecstasy-you cum hard-emptying those nuts while I stab them with my grandmother’s knitting needles! Blood squirts everywhere-you scream your fucking head off-the pain is unbearable-but so is the pleasure-you fucking bitch!! Oh yes, I will torture those nuts to make you cum, while you cum, and after you cum! Nasty mother fucker!!! Bring your nuts to me and I will use power tools on them-burn them-then cut them!  I want to remove those nuts-but before I do, I will do everything humanly possible to mutulate those fuckers!!! I hate nuts!! I love destroying them!!! It turns me on-makes my pussy wet!!! Do you have a fat ball sack? Mmmmmmm-I love those-more to destroy!!! In the end, you and I will gnaw on and eat your fucking nuts!!!…..snowballing those mother fuckers!!! YUMMY !!! HARDCORE!!!

Fuck off and Die Bitch!!!

Bloody phone sexSo I babysit to earn extra cash on the side. I like to practice my mind games on the little fucks I watch. And it is easy money. Most of the time I have the daddy’s so wrapped around my fingers I really rake in the money! But every once in a while I have a problem. Normally from the moms. But I have NEVER a mistress show up at my house to curse me out and tell me to stay the FUCK away from her man. I mean WTF! How did this BITCH get my address anyhow! And the Balls she has showing up HERE! At my house. FUCK no! That is not how I roll. I made sure she came alone. Then I picked up a lead vase. And I knocked that bitch out. When she woke up. I had her tied to a tree in the woods. I let her scream as I cut her clothes off. I told her I wanted to see the size of her BALLS. I mean they had to be pretty big if she thought she could fuck with me. Oooh she begged and pleaded for me to let her go. She said she was sorry. But I knew she wasn’t. This bitch was gonna pay before I killed her. First I beat her blue and black. Then I started cutting off pieces of at a time. Fingers and toes. She begged for me to kill her. I drug it out as long as I could. But then before I finally put the whore out of her misery. I let her watch a little video I had of me and her lover. I let her watch him tell me I was the best he ever had. How he loved me. I could see the defeat in her eyes when I slit that bitches throat. And it felt GOOD!

Sarah’s Last Goodbye

Meet Sarah, if you do not know whom Sarah is, she is a sweet little thing from our sister site youngonesphonesex. She and I did a call together today that was absolutely delightful. You see my friend and I needed someone to be the victim, of course I didn’t tell Sarah that she was going to play a victim until she was on the phone with us. Her reaction was priceless when I told her, so very cute, and surprised.

Oh the terribly beautiful things we did to her sweet body. To put her in her place we first shaved off all her hair, then we cut off her bra because we wanted to see her tits. They were beautiful; stress on the word “were”; then we took off her panties. Her pussy was just as perfect as we thought it would be, but that’s the trouble with perfection, it often becomes marred. However, we were the ones who marred it. I shoved my fist so far up her cunt, she was screaming. Music to my ears. As I was pulling my fist out, I decided that I would spread out my fingers so that my nails would tear into her tender vaginal flesh. The bitch ruined my manicure! I had bloody cunt meat under them. What’s a person to do when this happens? Make the person who caused the damage clean it up of course.

As I straddled her lap I instructed her to open her mouth. Can you believe that she wouldn’t? I had to use force to get her to do so, once open she sucked the blood off my fingers, gagging the whole time. I saw that some of the pussy pate from under my nails was still in her mouth so I made her eat it. By this time Sarah was crying so hard, but we weren’t done, oh no. You see the Man I was with wanted to push his cock inside her asshole, and that’s exactly what he did. I had to push down hard on her shoulders of course to get him inside her, but inside her he went. While he was fucking her, he decided that we needed a small memento of this auspicious occasion, so I cut her nipples off. Then it was time for Sarah to go bye bye, as he pushed his dick inside her for the last time, I turned her head to the side, exposing the soft flesh of her neck, and bit down. I bit so hard the arterial spray doused me, it was warm, salty, and fucking fabulous. As he came inside of her, we both watched the last moments of her life slip away. Thank you Sarah for playing with me today, you were perfect, and I hope that we can play again sometime, because you play in the most delicious manner.
