Killer phone sex is super hot when you use the right tools! And I know just the right tools to use. My hands and your hard cock! Marty is a favorite of mine to play with. He fucking hates his ex wife and her bitch of a daughter. I love when he wants to teach the two fucking whores a lesson! I want to make mommy watch while I beat the shit out of her snot noised bitch. I am going to make her scream and cry! I want to listen to mommy begging for her life. Begging to let her go! Ha ha ha … And I am going to help spread her legs open while Marty teaches her what she was made for! All the time mommy whimpers and screams. I am going to wrap my fingers around her little throat and squeeze. Time for this bitch to die! And when I squeeze the life out of this whore she is going to spasm all over Marty’s dick! Draining him dry! Now mommy will have her turn. Of course he doesn’t want to fuck old news like her. So I get to have my fun with her. I am going to beat that bitch close to death. And while she is still fighting for breath. I am going to let Marty fuck me. And I am going to let our weight crush the last light out of his ex whore! Now that is a Killer time!
Category: Accomplice phone sex
Killer phone sex with Blaze
Killer Phone Sex
There she was just like I like, all alone and easy prey! I stalk her for a while watching her every move and everywhere she goes. She is not even paying attention so she doesn’t even see me. Here is my opportunity, I walk up behind her and put my hand over her mouth while I put a box cutter to her throat. I tell her to calmly get into my car and everything will be ok. So she gets in the car with me and I drive her to my abandoned warehouse that I have turned into my torture chamber.
Inside my torture chamber I have a cold steel gurney, up above it are chains that are designed to raise your prey up. I take my prey inside and handcuff her hands behind her back as well as her ankles. I make her walk up to the gurney and lay face down. I put a ball gag in her mouth. I attach the chains to her hand cuffed hands and ankles. I slowly start to pull the chains up making her hands and ankles go way above her body and just left her there for a while her limbs starting to disconnect. Her neck can’t help but start to lift up as well and she started choking on her ball gag. I don’t want her to die yet as I am the one who wants to look into her eyes as she is slowly losing her life. So I get on top of her and straddle her and wrapped a rope around her neck and started pulling and tightening it. OMG this is so exciting I can feel the life start to drain out of her. I pull the rope tighter and tighter until she just goes limp dying by my own hands and rope. Aaaahhhhh what a wonderful feeling. Her lifeless body hanging there just makes my pussy wet!
I Love Blood
Have I told you how much I love blood? Well in case I haven’t let me tell you now. When I am playing with my pets I like to watch their blood flow right from their bodies. I like when they are alive and I cut them lightly but deep enough to watch the blood start to come to the surface and flood over their skin. I was playing with someone recently and I had them standing up with their hands tied above their heads and their feet in the shackles attached to my floor. I like to stretch them out in this position. Then I take a small paring knife and make several little cuts all over their body. Make the incisions fast and then stand back and just admire my work. The blood comes to the surface so slowly. I have a chair that I will sit in and spread my legs wide and touch my wet pussy while I watch them slowly bleed. The best are the unwilling because then I not only get to see the blood but I also get to watch them cry. Blood running down their body making it look almost like paint and then throw in the tears and I am cumming. I fucking love blood!
What would a fat little fuck do for a klondikebar? It doesn’t really matter because klondikebar or not, that pudgy little twat was going to be taken care of. The klondikebar just came in handy. I saw this tubby little slut trying to run after the ice cream man. She waddled and waddled for about 20 feet then gave up. Her thighs were rubbing together forcing her shorts up between her thunder thighs. Her stomach was pouring out of her too tight t-shirt. Disgusting sight it was to behold. I couldn’t even finish my beer.
I called her over to ask her if she would like for me to get her some ice cream because I had some in my apartment. Her fat face lit up right away. I flicked my cigarette onto the sidewalk so that I could go inside. I instructed her to stay put, that I would be right back. I came back down with two klondikebars, gave her one and held onto the other. She fucking inhaled that shit. I had mine unwrapped already and was about to take a bite, but her little eyes were looking at it like it was the last piece of food in the universe. I gave it to her. She sat down next to me and told me all about her double dutch she was going to play later and she even asked me if I wanted to help turn. I almost threw up right there. I told her no that I had grown up things to do.
I went up to my apartment so I could watch from my window. I sat there for a good two hours, I guess her layer of blubber was protecting her, like some sort of super fat power or something. There she was, turning the rope while her friends jumped between the ropes, then she did this two step forward move, and fell flat on her face. I laughed so hard, come on, you would too, seeing a fat blob just fall over like that. Her rotund Mother came hobbling out of the apartment, yelling for someone to call 911, but I knew something that the sow didn’t know. I knew that I just saved her oinker from a life time of humiliation, health concerns, and being pity fucked. I have to pat myself on the back for this one, after all, I did a fucking good deed.
Release Needed
I had to work of some bad fucking energy. I have just had a few days of shitty crappy luck! I mean EVERYTHING that could go wrong has gone wrong. My car and My cheating fucking boy toy. All of it is just a whirl wind of major FUCK UP! So… I need a release. I need to let off some major steam. So I decided it was time for some fucking pay back. First.. my cheating ex. I was extremely forgiving with him. I broke into his apartment. The whore was with him. I set off a little gas grenade to knock them out. Then I pulled out my super glue. Then I super glued his dick in her asshole. And just for the fun of it, I super glued her pussy lips together, and his ass hole shut. Then I got the fuck out of there. I would hate to be them when they wake up. Now. For my contractor neighbor. Who ALWAYS has fucking nails dropping out of her truck on the road. I have blown out 5 tires in the past 9 months. I am fucking done with it. I still had a few good hours of darkness so I broke into her house. I had to blitz attack her with a bat to knock her out. I made sure I was completely covered from head to toe. Because I needed to leave her alive, she is after all dating my brother and could some day be in the family, so I tied the stupid bitch down, blind folded her and gagged her. Then I gave her some smelling salts to wake her up. I want her awake when I teach her how nails can hurt. When she is fully awake, I drive a nail through her perky nipples. First the left. Then the right. I use the big nails she is always dropping. Next I hammer several nails into her hands. I need them fucked up. If she cant use her hands, she cant be a contractor, and that means no more dropped nails. Good for me. Now I can sit back and relax. Looking at her naked bloody body. She really does have a nice body. Mmmmm Makes me want to have more fun. But that will have to wait. If she ever breaks up with my brother, I am going to fuck this whore to death. Mmm and somehow knowing that makes everything all better.
Torture phone sex
It’s nice to know that there is someone else out there that despises pregnant bitches carrying their little brats in their belly’s. Also someone who hates those little fucking brats as much as I do. We got to talking and he said there was a pregnant lady in his neighborhood that is about nine months pregnant and she has five little brats too. Well something definitely needs to be done about that since it is my mission to get rid of as many pregnant women and brats as I can.
So we devised a plan, we got an abandoned warehouse and set it up for some torture play. Then I was to drive my car and offer them a ride home. I mean who would suspect a nice woman like me right? Well anyways I got them to get into my car and I drove them to our warehouse. I grabbed my gun and made them get out of the car and march into the warehouse. We had five little chairs set up for her five little brats. I made them sit down and we tied them to the chairs with rope. Then we had that pregnant bitch get on her knees and tied her hands together and then tied rope around her whole body making sure to make it tighter around her belly. That bitch started screaming so much that he opened her mouth and bit her tongue off, lol. Then we fed her own tongue to that bitch, lol. Then her brats started screaming so he pulled their tongues out for me while I cut them off with some bush cutters.
We couldn’t wait to get that brat out of her belly so I grabbed my knife and sliced down from her chest all the way down to her pussy. I cut her womb open and pulled that stupid brat out. He couldn’t wait until he could fuck that little brat so we laid her in her mother’s open stomach and he got on top of her and started fucking her until she was choking to death on his cock! Then I slipped my hand in her guts and moved them around and got blood all over my hand and wrapped it around his cock jerking it with my blood covered hand! OMG we loved playing in all that blood and guts, he actually laid down on top of her stomach in the blood and guts and started moving around while I jerked his cock, lol. You should have heard that bitch try to scream, lol. God I LOVE the sound of someone screaming while they are being tortured! So he got up and I started pulling her guts out one piece at a time, watching that life drain out of her! Now we have to take care of her little brats!!!
What to do with the left overs
Ok now that I have tortured and killed this bitch, there is a little matter of getting rid of her body. There are plenty of ways to get rid of the evidence of a body. I mean you could wrap it up in one of those blue tarp’s and drive to the woods far away and dump her there. Or you could poor some acid all over her body and watch the skin and bone boil away. You could dismember her and drop her body parts all over the state, then no one would ever know who she is, lol. I can tell you my preferred way to get rid of the evidence of a body. First I would dismember her tortured body and then start chopping her limbs up into little pieces. Then I would chop her torso up into pieces. I would then take her body parts to a hog farm and feed all of her body parts to the hogs. They will eat anything bone and all! So by the time they get done with her there will be no evidence of a dead body!
Roleplay Phone Sex
Roleplay phone sex is so much fun for me when I am completely in charge and I have the ability to highlight my sadistic abilities. When you show up at my house I open the door wearing only my bra, a tiny black skirt and some stockings. You reach for me right away, but I stop you and say “Don’t you want to role play my fantasy first, Baby?” You reluctantly say yes, so I lead you to my play room. I ask you to lay on the bondage table, so you do. You seem a little nervous as I tie up your left arm and leg, then work my way to your right leg and arm. I double and triple check your bindings to make sure you are snug and securely tied down.
You stare at me as I walk around you several times just observing my handiwork. As you tried to speak I shoved a cock shaped gag in your mouth and latched it shut. It was this moment you noticed her sitting in the corner intently watching as I prepared you for what was about to happen next. In almost a whisper I explain to you that your wife was here because I called her. I called her right after I had first heard from you, and she paid me to help her get rid of you. I might have done it for free if she would’ve told me you hit her. Ah, but I digress – since you are a miserable worthless cock sucking piece of shit, your wife and I have decided to kill you slowly and painfully.
I hook electrodes up to your nipples, and one on the tip of your cock. I place one on each ball sac, then I press a button on the bed that raises your hips and gives me full access to your ass. I slide a cattle prod in your ass as far as it will go and I press the button. Your whole body jerked and I couldn’t help but laugh. Your sweet innocent wife is over there laughing her ass off too. She decided to hit the button on all the other electrodes and your whole body convulsed. Your cock was mysteriously harder than I’d ever seen it before. Your wife comes over and sits on your face, just rubbing that pussy all over you, and the gag won’t let you taste her will it.
I start stroking your cock as I work a steel sound down the shaft. I continue to stroke your cock but I pick up the pace. You start to scream behind the gag, but it’s no use – nobody can hear you. I stroke faster and faster, as your wife rubs her cunt allover your face bringing herself to a very satisfyingly hard orgasm. This causes your cock to spasm and you feel her cum all over your face. I squeezed as hard as I could, and you blew your load, and you were upset because the result of an orgasm while sounding is very painful. This continues on for several more hours until you can’t take it anymore, I lean over your face and suffocate you with my tits. I listen as you draw your last breath, and I’m sure I heard birds singing and chirping as they danced across the sky. This roleplay with you is one my favorites because you are unable to speak or move through most of it.
Backyard BBQ, Lydia Style
I love the taste of Barbeque. Especially when the meat is extra tender and juicy. Of course everything I do is always utterly sadistic. Lucky for me, Daddy Shawn has the same deviant desires I do. His sadistic needs match my own and together we carve an unholy trail of terror!
I invited one of my friends from school over. Jules was always a fan of eating. I told her we were having a Backyard BBQ. She just about creamed herself thinking of all the yummy eats. I invited her and her family over. They were happy to get out of the house and practically ran into our trap! I took Jules upstairs and distracted her while Daddy Shawn took out Mom and Dad.
While me and Jules hung out in my bedroom, Daddy Shawn was taking his time separating the parents from their bones. Not long after I could smell the grill firing up. I took Jules by the hand and led her downstairs to the slaughter room. I told her we slaughtered all our own meat. I even let her taste the BBQ sauce while she looked at all the fresh cutlets of meat lying on the table. Daddy came in and walked up behind her. She couldn’t see that he was wearing his favorite slaughter mask. While she was licking the BBQ sauce off her fingers I told her our dark secret. I told her that we did not consume commercial meats. We only dealt in exotic and specialty meats. Finally I told her that we were Cannibals. That the meat in front of her wasn’t just meat, it was people. I pointed at the heart to the left and explained to her though she wasn’t able to recognize it, that was her Mom’s no longer beating heart lying in front of her. Daddy Shawn put his hands on her shoulders and leaned in to see the wide eyed stare of disbelief and breath in the smell of fear.
Knife Play Phone Sex
What can I say, isn’t this one of the best ways to play? I mean yes you do have other things like guns, axes, hatchets, pipe wrench’s or a good old choking. But my favorite way to play is with a knife! Seeing as I like torture and blood this is the perfect weapon for both! There is nothing like a little knife play to get my day started off right! What I like to do with my knife is play with my prey. Kind of like teasing them with the knife, rubbing the blade all over their body and telling them if they behave they might not get hurt, but we all know that is not true, lol. I can’t help it I have to use this knife and torture this bitch and make her bleed. With this particular bitch I started off cutting her clothes off with my very sharp hunting knife. Then I slowly ran the knife down her body making superficial wounds just to make her bleed. Then I started by cutting off her nipples. Man, you should have heard that bitch screaming. It always turns me on when they scream! Then I just started slicing her all over her body watching that warm blood flowing out of her wounds. Then the big finale. I sliced her all the way from her chest down to her pussy making sure I got the knife all the way in her body. Mmmmm that was so sweet, all of her blood and guts flowing out of her like a river! Anyway, that is how I like to play with my knives!