I went to my first church service today. Funny thing . . . I couldn’t stop rubbing myself off on the sermon. You ever had a 666 tattoo stamped onto your skull? No? Haha. You can borrow mine, baby. I’m the ultimate in blasphemy. What I don’t fuck with a crucifix, I lap up like a dirty, depraved puppy dog. And what I don’t shout to the fucking heavens when a huge ass cock explodes an immaculate impregnation up my divine asshole, I am begging Christ to whip his dick out so I can have a go at that, too. I feel up every man I get my filthy, sinning hands on. My fingers have a way of turning men to the dark side. My tongue has a way of convincing them to do my bidding. And my tight, wet, evil cunt is Satan’s perfect fuckhole. He uses me like his innocent virgin bride to defile the virginity and respect of everyone around me. I am Lilith incarnate, a sickening seductress who will hold you down and fuck the bejesus out of you…
Category: Accomplice phone sex
Bad Rubbish
It’s time for that bitch to pay. That’s all I’ve heard all day from Johnny. Oh his girlfriend is fucking around and cheated on him. But he can’t believe she spent all his money. She drained his bank account. Johnny’s my friend. And I and feeling quite violent today. Besides, I have always hated the bitch. She was a poser! Made out to be Gothic. And had NO idea what she was doing. Thought she could wear all black and paint her face and she would fit right in… Fuck that bitch! She was just some poly pocket who thought she could be play Gothic! Which was bad enough.. but she seemed to think that if she was goth she could fuck around and steal money! What a stupid bitch! I jumped on her when she walked in the door! She didn’t even see it coming. I cracked her fucking face open. Then I ripped all her black clothes off. I dragged her to the bathroom and washed her face in the toilet. The I dragged the bitch back to the living room for the show. Johnny was sitting on his cough.. Waiting. And I didn’t keep him waiting long. I started punching the bitch as hard and fast as I could. I even stomped her pretty little face! I was about to finish her off when Johnny stepped in. He wanted to fuck her one last time! What the fuck do I care? He pumped her for 6 min or so, then shot his low in the slut! Then I wrapped my hands around her throat and killed the bitch! Good riddance from to bad rubbish.
Uncle Don’s Ghostly Visit
I had the strangest experience, and I would think it was a dream except for…well, you’ll see!
This Friday the 13th at midnight, I was awoken by chimes, which is weird since I do not have a grandfather clock in my house. So, I went downstairs and there was this faded black-and-white image sitting in my chair and drinking my scotch. “Well, now, there she is. Sleep head, aren’t you?” He smiled and walked toward me. I moved away, not because I was afraid…but because I was cold! “Someone told me you were the gal to see about my unusual appetites,” he winked and motioned me to follow him.
We walked to the nearby playground; and, sure enough, there was a young girl in the swing and another one climbing on monkey bars. “Let’s take them home, Pandora,” he whispered in a maniacal voice. And, we did; they seemed eerily willing to follow him without him even saying a word. When we returned to my house, he instinctively went to my dungeon downstairs. The girls laced their fingers and placed them demurely in their laps. He pointed to one and she came to him. He lifted her dress over her head, the curls falling against her shoulders; and, he rolled her panties down before bending her over to touch her puffy pussy. Spreading her ass cheeks, he fingered her, opened her up; then, he pulled out his cock and put her on his lap, bouncing her up and down. She didn’t even scream. “Now take care of her,” he said and waved his hand at me.
I took care in chopping her up, not taking as much joy in slicing her throat as I normally would because I was a little perplexed by the grey figure who was with me. The other little girl stared blankly at me as I dismembered her friend and Uncle Don forced his cock in her mouth. After he was done, he slapped his hands and passed the blank girl to me. I began dismembering her, too; behind me, he said, “There. That should take care of the little bastards.” When I turned around, he was gone…but the bodies were still there, and there was a wet ring where his scotch glass had been.
Freak show human doll annihilation
We sold tickets and rented a pavilion to showcase our creation. Our theatrical stage was perfect and we paraded the demented young monster-girl around the room, allowing anyone to prod, kick, or fuck her before strapping her to a table. She did not even look human with her warped figure, large breasts and ass, relocated nipples, and asymmetrical limbs. First, we made her watch porn of young ones who were beautiful, getting fucked liked like she never would…living a happy life that she never could. She cried as the audience laughed and gawked at her.
Now was the time for me to give my surprise to my accomplice: I picked up an electric sander and grinned. Gently moving it toward her cunt, the audience was instantaneously excited. I pressed the unforgiving machine against her fragile clit…and then fiercely. The freak screamed as blood jutted forth. I caught glimpses of my partner’s approval while I continued to mutilate our creation.
Next, my partner chose a drill to gauge out her eyes. The blood was gorgeous, and all that was left were sockets. He paused and pissed in those red holes as our monster continued to snarl, unable to speak because we had constructed her mouth to stay wide open at all times.
I used my favorite knife to carve messages in her skin, such as “It’s all your fault” and “Ugly whore-freak.” My partner enjoyed this touch of sadism and laughed. He plunged his thick, erect cock down her throat; and we could see it move beneath the skin. I took a stick and shoved it ruthlessly up her asshole, tearing at the tender flesh.
Her sores were beginning to ooze infection as we continued. We encouraged any of our audience members to piss, fuck, or defecate on her sores. I took great enjoyment when one of the participants slid his dick inside of the wound on her chest, where her nipple was barely attached.
Finally, it was time: I crawled on top of the table, slit the freak’s throat. She began to make those beautiful gargling sounds with blood…and my accomplice fucked the slice on her throat until her head, barely attached, rolled to the ground. We cut her limbs up and served them to our audience to do as they chose.
You want my tit, don’t you? Go ahead–say it. You wish you could wrap those wet, ready, waiting lips around one of my pert and succulent titties and lick and suck until my warm flesh titillates your dick. You wanna whip it out and show it to me like a fucking trophy. Well, I don’t wanna see it. Lock it back up in your pants and tie a belt around it til it turns blue and purple, you stupid prick. The only way you’ll get a taste of these big pretty lumps is if you earn them. My womanly flesh is ripe and ready to pick. I am one goth teen bitch you will have to work for. If you want a piece of this action, I will make you crawl and grovel and beg for it. That’s what gets me off–knowing that you love the sick, twisted freak that I am. If blood, gore, and sick shit makes your cock strain against the tight seams of your pants, we are on the same page. Most people cringe when they hear my fantasies…but I know I am well loved by the pervert freaks who cut little ones into tiny pieces and rub themselves off to fantasies of getting with me.
Violent, Evil and Sadistic
When I get the craving for violent, bloody, evil, sadistic sex I always let it simmer. I let that craving build so that when I finally satisfy the need, it errupts like a volcano, flowing hot spewing lava over any one and anything in it’s path, creating total distruction. Last week was no different, I got that feeling deep inside my gut for some extra wicked and twisted shit. I let that feeling build all week long making the longing almost painful. Last night the time was right and I let myself explode. I doubled my pleasure, finding a teen couple in a car making out and paying no attention to what was around them (which wasn’t much since they were in the middle of no where). Securing them both to trees facing each other. They were about to wittness everything up close and personal. First I grabbed her beautiful long hair and took my scalple out. Pulling her head back I began to remove her hair like a wig. Screaming the blood was dripping down her faceand onto her shirt, making it stick to her heaving tits. Watching in terror he didn’t make a sound. He knew he was next but what he didn’t know is that it had only just begun. Walking towards him slowly, deliberatly. I can’t help enjoying the surge that runs through me as his body begins to trebble. Ynking his pants down I lick the scaple clean before lowering it to his pubic hair. He rewards me by urinating all over himself as I begin to peel the hair off his body. We have so much more to do! It is going to be a long night for both of them. It was everything I dreamed of. Violent, bloody, evil, sadistic, twisted and a screaming good time!
Freak show human doll creation
My accomplice devised this wicked scenario and asked me to join in the fun. We kidnapped a young girl and took her to a special surgical underworld. The doctors cosmetically altered her to make her look wonderfully freakish at our command.
We had her breasts enlarged to the size of cantaloupes on her small body; then, we relocated her nipples so that they were not centered. One was even hanging off the side of her massive breast! Then, my partner had her teeth removed so that her mouth was entirely gums; I requested that she have bones reconstructed to keep her mouth open at all times. Her face would be in the shape of a constant “O” like a fish. We both agreed this would be attractive for men who wanted blowjobs. And, we made sure that her limbs were broken and reconstructed to not match in length.
We debated about creating malformed penises out of her clit, but I persuaded my partner to be patient; I had a gift that I wanted to give him later where this was concerned. We added concrete to her buttocks to make her look absolutely ridiculous. All the while, we were taunting her, reminding her, “This is all of your fault. You will never be like the pretty girls.” We mocked her as she stayed relatively conscious with little to no pain medication.
When it was complete, we walked her around on a leash. We took her to porn stores, where we paraded her and kept her in the back room for guys to fuck unmercifully. And, they did: they fucked her holes raw until they were just pieces of meat. Then, we would make her lick up all of the cum on the sticky, filthy floor. And, her open mouth was a perfect urinal.
But, the real fun was just about to begin!
Watching and Waiting
Walking through he woods I hear a wicked laugh. It is deep and dark and it sends a delicious chill up my spine. Following the sound I take care to be extra quiet. Whatever is going on I don’t want it to be known that I am there. Slowly I creep closer and the sound of that laughter filled with evil sets my skin on fire. My cunt is reacting and I can’t control it. I haven’t even seen who is laughing or at what and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Finally I am close enough to see and there in the clearing is this man, He is tall and pale skinned, His hair is slicked back and dark as night. I can’t see his face but in his hand is a bloody knife and at his feet is a young one,. She is covered in blood and what little flesh is showing is pale. Her breathing is shallow and there is a gag in her mouth. He lifts the knife to his lips and licks it laughing as the flavor delights him. He slowly lowers it to her body and begins to peel the skin off her inner thighs, slowly, meticulously, not going to deep. I can see her body quiver from the pain and his laugh once again fills the air. My cunt is convulsing now, pumping cum all down the inside of my leg. I stand there and watch him for a long time, his torture so artistically administered. I struggle with the idea of making my presence known when he is done. Instead I follow him and I know I will make it a point to meet him soon and share the love of sadistic torture of the young and innocent.
My evil beginnings
One of my favorite poets named Anthony Hecht said, “It doesn’t seem to me strange that little ones should like the macabre, the sensational, and the forbidden.” I wish my parents would have felt the same way. But, they didn’t. Instead, they pushed me around different mental wards, physically reprimanded me, and whatever they thought was best. The irony is that those experiences only helped intensify the darkness inside of me and gave me ingenious ideas about how to torture my future victims.
For instance, in the ward, I met this young girl who was about my age. She was crazy, but I still found ways that I could learn from her. She would slash her wrists and write messages on the wall. But what I remember most is this one time that she had to go to a funeral. She was able to choose one “friend,” and she chose me, probably because most young people and grown-ups were scared of me.
So, we got to the funeral; instead of sitting with her family members, she walked directly to the front and examined the body with curiosity. With determination, she lifted her small body above the coffin and to the corpse. She opened the dead old woman’s mouth, grabbed her tongue between her little fingers, and produced a pair of scissors. I don’t know where she was able to get the scissors, but it seemed that she had a plan: she cut off the purple tongue and without blinking put it in her pocket. She closed the old woman’s mouth and turned around.
I don’t know if anyone saw what she did; but no one did anything except rip the scissors away from her hand. Maybe all the grown-ups were too busy morning, or whatever they do; or maybe they knew that they couldn’t do anything about the crazy girl and just pretended that it didn’t happen. Regardless, at that moment, I felt a sisterly bond with the girl. She was one of the first to give me the courage to embrace the dark side inside of me, and to help it grow. From time to time, she’d take out the tongue at the ward and we’d both look at it, poke at it, smell it. I was the first to lick it; and she giggled. I still wonder if anyone took the tongue away from her; why would they, what could they do with it? After all, how could they appreciate such a thing of beauty, this mutilated tongue?
Crash: Part Two
I took the opportunity to go look at the brat and woman more closely; I wondered if they were truly dead. Everyone took for granted that they would be…or would be soon. The brat was making gurgling noises in the back of its throat, choking on its own worthless blood. I wouldn’t mind hacking the body up a bit more, I thought; but, my attention was caught by a shadowy figure above me. She was blonde and had a leg brace. “I did that crash, but I survived. Only got it half right,” she said and motioned to her prosthetic leg. She was pretty, and I thought she would look even prettier on my mortuary table.
I seduced her into returning home with me. She was easy to coax into my dungeon, curious at everything. She instinctively hobbled onto the table, and undressed; yes, I liked her. When I came closer, she kissed me and I felt a sexual sensation run through my veins. She took off her brace…and seemed, again, to read my mind. “Cut it open,” she whispered and kissed me again. I peeled back the flesh with a knife and stuck my fingers into her open wound. She reclined and watched as I jabbed my fingers into the open hole, blood spurting everywhere. She moaned and seemed to cum; and, uncharacteristically, I bandaged her back up. I wanted to know more about her…before doing away with her completely. But, I already had a plan for decapitating her and kicking her head around the field where the crashes took place.