Category: Accomplice phone sex

Taboo phone sex is where I start!

Taboo phone sex with BlazeI got some new vibrators today. I ordered a gift pack offline. I was super excited to try them out! And I knew the perfect place to try them. I had a babysitting gig tonight. With my favorite little sluts ever. Michelle and Misty! At first they hated when I would let the guys fuck them! Some guys pay much more for little fighters! But now they look forward to our little play parties. That makes the the perfect little testers to try the toys! I invited a few guys over. Then I made them watch as Misty and Michelle picked up the vibrators and started rubbing their tiny little pink pussies. They were REALLY getting into it! And the guys were REALLY getting turned on. Of course I know a good thing when I see it! I told the guys the bid begins at 500 dollars. And boy did it take off! The more the girls moaned the more money I made. Finally Dan won and I let him jump right in! He was so turned on he couldn’t get his cock in Misty fast enough! He shoved his dick BALLS deep in the tiny pussy all at one! I was shocked she could even take a whole pussy! Dan pulled Misty on top of him like a little pocket pussy and pumped her up and down on his cock till he exploded. Then he pushed Misty off his dick and pulled Michelle over to his dick and told her to lick it up! Michelle licked up EVERY single drop of her sisters juices and Dans cum! And I can’t believe how much MORE money I made letting the girls play with toys first! I made 5 times MORE than normal off the little sluts! I have to order more toys!

Taboo phone sex Blaze 2



Taboo phone sex is what I am all about!

Taboo phone sex with StormWell summer vacation is almost over! THANK God! All these little fuckers running around all day is pissing me the fuck off! I have just about had it! Some smart ass skateboarder scratched my car! The girl that lives next door “accidentally” rode her bike over my new flowers! AND then.. I got knocked down my some little fuckers having a shopping cart race at the store! Those little fuckers Laughed at me! And that was all I could take.. I on the way home I bought a big bottle sour apple pucker schnapps and some antifreeze. I mixed my own little cocktail up. I knew being the last week end before school that there would be a big party out on the beach. A bon fire blow out. And I know what a good bon fire needs. So I put my gloves on and wiped down every part of the bottles and lids. Then I went to the bonfire. The teenagers where running around like crazy. The leader was a football player giving orders and thinking he was the man. It was easy to get his attention. I asked him to throw a bag away for me. A bug of nasty drinks. He was more than willing to help me. Ha ha ha. He thought it was his lucky day! He passed the drinks out. And kept one for him self. The were downing them like water! They were already drunk and It hit them so fast! It first they thought they drunk to much. It must have made them very hot because they were peeling out of there clothes! They were naked and acting drunk and stoned. But then they started puking and gut wrenching screams. And then the blood started pouring out of every hole as the antifreeze dissolved there guts. I knew there was no way they could survive. Perhaps if they had called for help sooner but they were to afraid of being caught drinking and partying. After a bit they were just wiggling around on the ground covered in there own blood! I killed every single one of them. With out ever touching them. I had to play with myself looking at all there naked bloody bodies! I came so much! Then I picked the log I was sitting on up and threw it into the fire. And turned around and left. I feel much better now.

Taboo phone sex with Strom

Rape phone sex fantasies Alice ~ do the dirty

I am not a law abiding citizen of America. I say this fully intending to disclose a little secret I’ve been keepin’ about my true self. Maybe I’m not a picture perfect version of the United States’ sweetheart, but I can make you cum harder then anyone has every made you orgasm in your life.

That’s because I know what you really want. The stuff you’re way too scared to tell your wife or girlfriend. The dirty, nasty, sickeningly dark and violating aspects of human life. You want to mess up a slut and fuck your way through an entire all girls Catholic school, don’t you?

Well, I can help you with that. See, I have a thing for babysitting little ones myself. I can get in undetected and let you in through the front door without a hint of suspicion from the neighbors. When we have those young little babies all to ourselves, that’s when the fun begins. You try to keep your hands to yourself, but those pigtails and cute little diapers are too much for you to resist. It’s okay . . . bite into those miniature asses. I won’t tell a soul. That’s because I’m just as twisted as you are, baby . . . even more.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Bianca goin’ dumpster diving…

I’ve never been one for suffocation. I much prefer a more . . . hands-on method. Can’t blame me, really. I’m a sick, twisted slut for feeling of  life leaving another at my hands is just too fucking hot to pass up. So of course I decided to use my talents for the greater good of society. I do that sometimes . . . kill for the benefit of others. Life is too short for selfishness. I went to church today–bet you won’t believe me, but I did. Church of Satan, maybe, but it’s a place of worship nonetheless. Don’t judge me for my beliefs, and I won’t judge you for yours. Because I know your dick is just hard and ready to slam into a little tiny underage twat, now isn’t it? Don’t lie, baby. We both know your P-cock is ripe and begging for a nice, young tight hole to ram and rip apart. Well I found a guy who sliced, diced, and fucked his way through an entire school of girl cunnies. And I found him in an alley, shooting up tar. Track lines down his forearms, a dazed look in his eye . . . you know the type–trash. Well my public service involved taking out the trash with a 9mm pistol. Didn’t shoot him in the head though–that’d be too quick. Instead, I splintered the tendons of his Achilles heel and ripped the rest apart with my teeth. Mmmmmm. Maybe he had a blood infection, though. I’ll have to check myself when I get home. The thought just pissed me off further, so I rammed his head against the dumpster and fucked that dick up. The space inside of that dumpster was his final resting place . . . isn’t that where trash belongs? 😉

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: Payback with a Cattle Prod

torture phone sex taboo anal

I have always been a subby bitch to men; however, when it comes to women I can be a switch hitter. When I was younger, I thought most girls were beneath me. I mean I am a tall beautiful goddess with huge tits. I could steal any man I wanted. In fact, in college, I often did.  Not because I wanted the man necessarily, but just because I could. There was this one girl whose boyfriends I regularly stole because she was a fat mean cunt and didn’t deserve handsome men anyway.  I saw her recently at the mall and I didn’t recognize her at all as she had lost so much weight and was actually kind of hot. She of course recognized me. We buried the hatchet and she invited me out for drinks. I met her, and I thought all was well, until I woke up in her basement tied to some table spread eagle with a baseball bat up my ass. She was fucking torturing my ass and when I started to scream and plead why, she simply said, “Because I can.” I begged for mercy for my ass. But she kept shoving bigger things inside me. My ass was being shredded. I could feel splinters in my ass. She pulled the bat out and it was covered in blood and shit and she shoved it down my throat and said, “Clean it up whore.” Then I glanced over and I say a medical tray filled with devices and one looked like a cattle prod. I pleaded again, but she didn’t care that I was a changed woman. She was hell bent on her revenge. A cattle prod would electrocute my ass, and may damn well kill me. She looked at me with an evil grin and said, “Cattle prods are hugs with oomph.” She then rammed that thing up my already destroyed ass. The rest is a blur.torture phone sex cattle prod big tits

Rape phone sex fantasies with a prostitute

Rape phone sex fantasies

I had watched her for a few days.  She had a definite heroin problem and sold herself only to feed her habit.  I don’t mind drugs, but they’re supposed to be recreational…not all of life.  Anyway, I knew that she wouldn’t be missed.  So, with my sweet smile and the promise of a stupid cheeseburger, I lured her into one of the seedy motels nearby.  I had everything set-up.  And, when she entered, I motioned toward the rickety table that barely held up the burger on the plate.  She talked about how long since she’d eaten; it was difficult to understand her as she garbled up her food and swallowed it with the help of some water nearby.

I watched her with intense interest and disgust.  Finally, as she was eating the last remaining bites, I told her that she was actually eating something that I cooked.  She didn’t look surprised or care; but, I continued to explain that I had a very interesting diet and it’s difficult to find people who share my delicate tastes.  She exhaled loudly and began to get up since the food was gone.  I told her not to be in a rush and she sat back down.  “Did you know Miriam?” I asked.  She nodded and told me a short sappy story about how she vanished; maybe she had been kidnapped by one of her Johns.  I told her that was not the case; in fact, Miriam was with us here and now.  She looked around the room, searching vigorously for her friend; then, I gestured toward the table at her plate.

Stupid girl didn’t understand so I plopped a picture of her dead friend, mutilated in my dungeon.  She acted as if she was going to throw-up; but, when she stood, she quickly realized that she couldn’t.  The eye drops that I had put in her water had knocked her out.  I proceeded to cuff her to the bed and place a plastic bag over her head.  She came to for only a few minutes; the rising and falling of the bag was beautiful.  There’s just something about watching someone’s last breath!  As she struggled to breathe, I read a few bible verses; I couldn’t think of anything meaner to do.  But, I was quiet for her last gasp.  I completed my afternoon by carving out a gaping hole in her upper torso.  I packed the meat in my bag in case I wanted to feed another prostitute later.  But, before I left, I had to break the cheap lamp by the bedside and shove it up into her nasty cunt.  I thought that was a proper send-off.

Rape phone sex fantasiesb

Taboo Phone Sex Geneva is Accosted

Walking to my car after hours in the Mall parking garage I had a feeling I was being followed. Stepping up my pace I fumble for my keys  and drop them. As I crouch down to retrieve my keys they close in around me. Slowly I stand up to feel hands on my arms and someone shoving a handkerchief in my face with something intoxicating on it.  Unable to get away as I struggle but it’s useless, as I feel myself drift and all limbs go weak.

Feeling groggy I start coming out of the haze and I don’t recognize my surroundings. I try to move to find my ankles and wrists are bound to a bed frame. Looking around it appears I’m alone. I then realize something just doesn’t seem right. I hear voices and laughter coming from somewhere and I want to try and yell but no noise emits from me. I then realize I’m naked and have an aching in my neck and wait is that a bag of blood hanging to my side straining I notice I have a tube connected to it, wait I have an IV in my arm.

Taboo Phone Sex Geneva

Panicking I’m trying to discern whether the blood is flowing in or out of me. What is happening? One of the guys that were following me came into the room with a huge smile, “oh look she’s awake!” Don’t struggle or your cause yourself more harm. You lost a lot of blood darling my friends tend to get over excited sometimes and they take more blood than they should. The younger breeds are so greedy and frenzy way too much.

You were very tasty though I do admit. You’ll feel better in awhile and we can then introduce you to your new family. You will have space to roam and will be fed a nutritious diet. We need to keep our feed in tip top shape and thriving naturally. Your now part of our free range human herd. Your going to be thriving to ensure you are prime feed for the clan.

Horrified I start noticing there are about 20 pale beings around me with bloodshot eyes. None of them have hair and their skin is pasty and saggy almost grey. They have gangly fingers and are dressed in black pants and turtlenecks. They are all looking at me as though they want to feast on me. I notice one arm actually does have a chunk of skin missing.

Please.. I start to whisper… don’t eat me… as things start going dark again. I feel some form of cold metal blade caressing my thigh as I fall under….

Taboo Phone Sex abducted

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies and the Hellcats in Control

I was hanging out with a couple of the Hellcats at our favorite bar. We were getting plastered and joking about how we would gang up on this weasel that keeps looking at us. All the wild fun we would have with his pathetic fucking “manhood”. Seriously he had best get a life or we will be more than happy to snuff him.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Femdom

We were joking and laughing so fucking hard this dude decided to actually approach us! We abruptly stopped laughing my two hellions got up and stood to either side of him and held him. I just laughed at him and kicked him in the gut. He tried breaking free of the hellions and could not, in fact they  both spit in his face. I went and grabbed my bag from the bar and we hauled this pathetic gimp out to the back lot.

Laughing we bound his wrists at his back I kicked him again, this time in the groin. He keeled over in pain which drove him to his knees. Scrunched over he kept trying to speak and we shut him up shoving a pair of dirty crusty with cum stains panty’s in his mouth to shut him up. We got his pants pulled down and I pulled out my abuse arsenal of goodies. We made our selections laughing about what we were about to do with this fucking gimp.

I put on a pair of PVC elbow length gloves on  that were decorated with studs along the knuckles. I strapped on a 12″ long dildo that was 6.5″ thick. My girlfriends each chose equally long cocks only Stacy had hers with studs going down the length and was a slightly under the girth of mine. Bats had chosen the “squirter” which was 12″ and 6″ wide but came with a hole in the dickhead and a tube with a squeeze ball for injecting our gimp with some “juice”. I had a flask of Tequila and we filled this bitch up.

As the leader I get first dibs. I kneel down behind gimp boy and start with shoving my fist in and boy did he squirm ! He tried spitting out the panties and screaming but Bats went around front and shoved her dick in his mouth. I continued fisting his gimp ass and pulled my hand out Bat removed her dick from his mouth so I could shove my shit, assjuice and blood covered PVC hand in his fuck trap. As I gagged him with his ass juice I started taking his ass, raping the hell out of this gimp with my long fat cock.

We all took turns doing him and whenever Bats got her turn she was brutal with that anal shot of Tequila his ripped ass tissue saturated with the liquor enema as it entered his blood stream he was gargling and eyes glazed over as his breathing slowed. Stacy took another shot at him and I took his mouth. We had the gimp on his deathbed in fetal position as we packed up our arsenal doused it all with Tequila set it ablaze just feet from our gimp.


Drown Me in Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sex taylor

I’m laying in the tub thinking of you and the first time you tried to drown me. I want to feel the air taken from my lungs.  I fought you with all my strength, but I couldn’t win. Your large hands around my throat and pushing my head under the water. That look in your eyes – I thought for sure I was going to die. And yet, I have never wanted you more than at that moment.  You let me gasp for air while you fingered me and made me cum even though I was terrified.

My adrenaline pumped for 20 minutes as you drown me, and brought me back over and over.  I swallowed water and then your cock as you climbed in the water on top of me.  Choking on your giant cock and watching as you revelled in scaring me. You straddled my face and shoved your cock in my throat so hard it held me under the water. You loved feeling me choke, and you loved waiting til I stopped fighting to bring me back to the surface. I begged you for my life, and secretly I never wanted it to end.

I lay here now wanting nothing more than you to visit me again tonight. I will wait for you in my tub. I will wait for your strong hands, huge cock and evil eyes.

taboo phone sex taylor dildo

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies While I Roast

rape phone sex fantasies fire taylor

I can smell the flames coming from the burning flames.  I can hear the metal spit turning over the fire, getting nice and hot. I see you drooling as you stand over my weak body, ready to snuff me out over the flames. You put on your gloves, as I whimper, and slide the spit off its hangers. The sound of the hot metal against metal makes my pussy start to drip.  I am helpless, and can only watch as you slide the tip of the burning metal rod between my legs and jam it up inside my pussy.

The burning and tearing of my insides finally gives me enough shock to move and scream. You ignore me and continue to slide the spit rod up up up up through my insides. You tell me I am you’re little pig roast whore and that you’re going to roast my body tonight. Up up up, the sharp rod pierces through my uterus, then makes its way up my esophagus, until I am choking on it from the inside. Blood gurgles out of my mouth as my eyes bulge and the tip of the spit rod finally comes out my mouth.

rape phone sex fantasies taylor

You keep sliding it and then lift my limp body up with the rod and place it back on the spit over the fire. I can smell my hair burning as it sets on fire, and I can feel the flames licking my flesh as the spit starts to turn slowly. You squirt me with leftover blood, to make a sweet roast out of my tiny body.  I cook slowly and my body is stuck in position so I can only see where the rod allows me to see.  You, and then the night sky, the open field, and then the flames in my face. My hair is gone and I can no longer breathe from the smoke of my burning flesh.

I beg inside my head for the flames to take me, for you to take me. Please snuff my pathetic existence. Kill me and roast me like the dirty little pig whore I am.