Category: Accomplice phone sex

Sadistic Phone Sex: Jack in the Box

Sadistic phone sex

One of friend’s girlfriend’s birthdays was this weekend. So, I decided to do something different to shock the hell out of her. I knew that she hates being scared with a passion…and she also hates clowns! So, all of us got together and bought all the Jack in the Box toys that we could find. Then, her boyfriend, Jason, wired them to be sensitive to movement. It’s great to have clever and mechanically-minded friends! We didn’t have to put up surveillance cameras to see her reaction because, unbeknownst to his girlfriend, Jason had already installed them because he got off on spying on her.

She vanilla and didn’t know about the unusual delights that Jason and I enjoyed. So, he decided the best way to tell her would be to show her…and scare the shit out of her while doing so. Jason had just stalked and killed a really lovely plump piece of prey; in fact, she looked a lot like Jason’s girlfriend now that I think about it. And, we had feasted on her for the last few days; it was a gift to me since I had been sick.  We took little pieces…like the ears, a few fingers, and bloody jewelry…and placed it on top of the clown that jumped out of the box; that way, when it popped open, she wouldn’t be able to avoid the gruesome sight. 

We boarded up the house and sat in the attic, enjoying the show.  As expected, she nearly jumped out of her skin.  And, the first body part that she found was an eyeball that was still attached to the socket.  By the time that she had opened nearly all of the toys and seen Jason’s handiwork, we went downstairs; she was crouched in the middle of the floor, sobbing and sitting in her own vomit.  Jason picked her up and tied her to the chair.  He retrieved a portion of our feast from his fridge; and he gave her a rather nice slice that make my mouth water.  She refused to open her mouth until he clenched her nose between his fingers.  He forced the meat down her throat and he smiled, “Now you’re one of us.  Whether you like it or not.”  She didn’t last much longer that weekend because we started carving her flesh and couldn’t stop; it was pity for Jason, but she did taste delicious. 

Sadistic phone sex 1

Evil Phone Sex with Blair: My Son’s House of Horrors

evil phone sex mommy subThis weekend, my  Son said we were going to take a drive in the country, stay at a nice little B and B and have quality time together. I was so excited. Usually he just has time to fuck me, pimp me out to his friends, humiliate me, slap me around and leave me covered in cum. Once in a blue moon, he is a benevolent master and enjoys quality time with his mother. I thought this weekend trip was one such time. Of course, I was wrong.

We returned to my house. He forgot something. When we arrived back home, there was no one else there. And the power appeared off. Odd. Before I could even put my suitcase down and check the lights, my son threw me in the basement. I was down there, in the dark for over an hour, scared and alone. Then I heard the door open, and my son came down, shoved me against the wall and said, “Ready for a little game mommy? If you survive, if you get out, we can have your precious mommy son getaway.” Apparently, all I had to do was get out of the house. Like some maze or something. Obviously, he was in a sadistic mood this weekend. Which meant he had been snorting nose candy all weekend. This is never good for me.

evil phone sex bloody mommyHe left me in the basement, but untied my hands and I had to figure out how to get out of this hell hole. I tried to gain some composure and think. I started to crawl against wall till I could find some stairs or a door. I found the stairs, and started to crawl up them. I hate the dark. My son knows this. He gets sick pleasure out of watching me suffer; out of knowing I’m scared. At the top of the stairs I put my hands in something really gross and slimy. It was moving. I freaked out, pushed open the door and a little hint of light shined on this huge pile of worms. I thought I would vomit. Worms creep me out, but then my son knows that. He knows all my fears. I didn’t get far before I felt something crawling on me, more than just something, a lot of somethings. I started running in the dark, hit a table and fell down. I closed my mouth and my eyes as I felt big hairy things, spiders I bet, swarming my body. I was trembling, crying; I even peed my pants I was so scared. They seemed endless. I remembered my cell phone was in my pocket and I reached for it and turned it on for some faint light. I was horrified at all the hairy creepy spiders  all over my body. I stood up, spun around trying to shake them off. My skin was crawling.killer phone sex kinky mom

My son and a bunch of his twisted coked up friends were watching me somehow jacking their cocks to my fear; I just knew it. I was scared, trembling but  kept trying to get the fuck out of there. Suddenly I was in another room, the living room I think, and for a moment I thought the worse was over, then I got a glimpse of this evil voodoo doll with a spear I think. Almost shit myself. There was some sort of flashing white light so it looked like the doll was moving. Then I felt a sharp pain, and felt blood trickling down my leg. I look down and that thing was fucking alive. It chased me around the room, stabbing my ankles and my feet. I was begging my son to give up this nonsense. Said they could all gang bang me if they wanted, just let me out of my  house of horrors. I was scared and now bleeding and hurt. I was ignored. I tried to get to the master bedroom, limping. Before I could, I saw and evil clown. I have hated clowns since I was a little girl and my daddy tormented me with them. Of course my son knows this; he knows everything and that knowledge was being used against me for his entertainment. I was beginning to go mad. This was insane. Everything I am scared of was in this house.

sadistic phone sex evil mommyI managed to hobble to the bedroom, praying that eventually I would just walk out the front door and this would be over. I saw the mirror and thought if I shined my cell phone in it I might be able to illuminate the room enough to get my bearings and find the window or something to get out. As soon as I shined the light I saw an evil, scary apparition.  A ghostly white face staring back at me. Surely this was not my reflection. I screamed loudly closed my eyes in attempt to make it go away. I counted to ten, but before I reached the end, cold hands throttled my neck saying, “Be one of us Blair.” Be one of what? The dead?  Was I even gonna make it out alive? Was this real or all part of my son’s evil plan to scare the life out of his mother. I fought whatever this creature was  and got away but had scratches all over my face; I could feel blood running down my face. I was panicked, and this game had gone on too long now. I started running, but something, someone grabbed my feet and I fell to the ground. My face smacked hard on the floor. I turned around and saw this bloody, pale girl that looked literally like death pulling me towards her. I screamed and I kicked, but she kept pulling me. Until she pulled me back down into the basement.  I fell several feet through a trap door and banged my body up good. I was lying there on the floor, bloody, in pain, scared shitless, thinking I might actually die in my own house when my son turned on flashing white lights and I looked around and there he was with several friends laughing at me. They started calling me a cry baby whore and kicking me, and spitting on me. I was all ready battered and bruised and bleeding all over. fantasy phone sex mommy taboo

They enjoyed beating the living crap out of me for awhile before jacking their cocks all over me. They enjoyed seeing their cum on my bruised, swollen and bloody body.  They enjoyed fucking my ass repeatedly as I laid their helpless, semi conscious and in need of medical attention. And my son loved turning my house, our pleasure palace, into a house of horrors for me. I love my son, but he is a sick mother fucker who gets off on tormenting me. I barely survived my scare house; I can only imagine what is in store for me next.

A Little Reminder

Taboo phone sex

I am all for a good scare.  I am all for a great scare actually.  Recently I spent time with some of my friends from college.  One of them used to be so fucking cool, and I really don’t know what the hell happened to her.  She turned into a prudish cunt.  She would ask us not to swear and when it came to drinking, she insisted that we not have hard alcohol around her.  Really? This chick used to fuck up to five guys at a time then when they were passed out she would leave a little calling card by stealing all their money in their wallets and taking a shit on the kitchen table.  See, the bitch was fun, but no longer.

The other three of us decided that maybe she needed a little bit of fun forced back into her dull life.  The next day we spent the day being so damn nice, it was sickening.  I even took my nose piercing out then made sure my tats where fully covered.  We were bible study ready! No shit, we were really playing it up.

That night when we all went to bed at 9 p.m. *rolls my eyes* nobody but Ms. Prude went right to sleep.  The other girls and I got up and decided to play a little trick on her.  We took some little yummy pills and dissolved about ten into her stupid Britta pitcher. 

The next day as we just sat around watching her drink her water we all had to keep from giving it away.  We couldn’t act off or she would know something was up.  I told her that the other three girls and I were going out to a bar for a bit and then we would be back.  When we came back she was smoking some of my cigs and looking like she had been hitting the pipe for six months straight.  We brought in a few guys and let them have her.  She loved every damn minute of it.  She was such a dirty bitch, it was like we had our old friend back! She took everything they gave her, and we; her loving friends; took a shit load of pics.  We plastered them all over her facebook page, printed some out and left them in little places all over her apartment. 

When I left that evening she looked like hell and she smelled like she had done some free lance bukkake work.  She had some black and blues forming on her ass, and had a nice slap mark on her face.  She just kept going back for more, plus she kept just drinking that water.  I did receive a text from her today telling me she never wanted to see me again.  I had to laugh, she knew she enjoyed it, we enjoyed it, so what the fuck is the problem?

Kick Me When I am Down

You have me tied up in the back of your dirty van. You found me, just like I knew you would. You have stripped me naked and beat the fuck out of me. My arm is definitely broken, and I can barely see out of my swollen eyes. You look back from the drivers seat and see that I am awake. I can see by your evil smile that you know this means it time for more sadistic fun. I try to whimper, but I can’t make a sound, because I know this will just enrage you more. 

You laugh at my terror, and pull the van off road into the trees. I can hear them crashing against the side of the van and my body gets thrown around as the van bumps through the forest. My bruises are on fire by the time you stop. You hop out of the van and slide the door open. The light stings my eyes and tears start to flow again. You terrify me. I know what pleases you, and I know that its my pain. You drag me out by whats left of my mangled hair,onto the hard ground.

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You kick me in my gut, and tell me what a dirty worthless cum slut I am. And you’re right, that’s all I am and thanks to you, all I will ever be. You kick my face and I swallow a couple of my teeth, the taste of fresh blood seems seductive to me now. You grin that evil grin once more, after seeing my momentary pleasure, you take your cock out and piss all over my pathetic body. The urine burns my wounds, but again, I love it. You have made me into the pathetic pain loving whore that you have always wanted.

You shove your cock into my broken mouth and my blood drips down your balls. You choke me with your cock. My lips are destroyed and I have no power to fight. I close my eyes again and fade out, wondering where we will be next time I wake up.

A Clove and Goblet of Blood

Rape phone sex fantasies Dusty-0

Enjoying the moonlit night sitting outside the Goth Club toking away. Sitting to my right is the hot piece of snatch I lured in. We got her so plastered and for my own pleasure I pulled out my Dior compact mirror, my mini blade and a baggy of the finest white powder. I handed her a small straw after I did a line. She snorted that shit up and her eyes started to roll in the back of her head. I walked her outside where we sat behind the warehouse that housed the club, on a back stoop. 

So here I sit with my prey as she lays back I text my boy toy to come out. He finds us in the back and is carrying his coffin box, all dressed to kill *wink*. Smiling as he sits down he opens the latches and pulls out a surgical pack with a needle and tubes. He starts taking her blood, she had some great veins, all the better for bloodletting. As I watch the dark read fluid flow in vial after vial. The trickle starts slowing so he slips the needle out and we in turn replace the needle with one full of smack. Plunging the smack in her arm she starts foaming at the mouth. We leave her there, and depart.

We return to the club and go in the back fetish room with our favorite barkeep. The fetish room is closed tonight as it’s just a Goth EBM night so no shows. With the pulsating tunes of Rosetta Stones’ “Adrenalin” playing we laugh as I sit between the guys and open a nicely aged bottle of Vampyr wine. I got this bottle at a special party at Anne Rice’s place. I pour us a glass each and Paul pulls out the three vials collected earlier and we empty the contents in our glasses. “To the Life Force” we toast. Sipping the exquisite concoction and snorting a couple lines we are feeling good. 

Rape phone sex fantasies Dusty slut

There is one more vial of my preys blood left and I strip down to my silk and lace bra, and black silk thongs as Paul drips the blood between my breasts and both guys lick it up as I push Adrian’s head down…

After a little indulgence of flesh and blood between us we decide to sneak out back. There she still lay, her lips are blue, and her eyes all the way back, her milky white flesh calling to us.I absolutely love using my strap-on on a fine stiff…

Indulgence builds up the purest kink within me.

rape phone sex fantasies Dusty-goth

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra and Pandora: Just a Piece of Meat

Cannibalism phone sex bondage big tits

It was a dark and dreary night. My car broke down on the side of the road and I started walking along the highway. It was raining and I was cold, so I broke my rule of never taking rides from strangers. But it was an older man, his wife and their college age daughters.  They introduced themselves as Rick and Pandora Martin. I was a bit desperate so I got in the back. They said they would drive me to their house so I could call AAA and wait out the storm. They lived just around the corner. Safe enough. So I thought.

Pandora pours me a drink and then excuses herself to freshen up. I’m left in the living room with Rick and their daughters. Before long, I am feeling woozy. Pandora comes out and I can see she looks very different, but my eyes are starting to blur. What did I drink. She is tall, thin, beautiful, goth like in red. Not at all the housewife she was  in the car. She comes over to me, kisses me, puts her finger under my chin and coyly inquires, “How are you feeling dear. You look  sleepy.”  The daughters are giggling like they know something is up and at that moment, a pit forms in my belly. I’m in danger, but from what exactly, I could never have fathomed.

cannibalism phone sex bloody torture

Rick starts pinching my arms and my thighs and my ass. Although starting to slur my words, I try to say, “Stop it, I am not a piece of meat.” I hear Pandora utter coolly, “But you are Cassandra, you are.” More giggling from the daughters.  It becomes obvious I have been drugged. I try to stand up, but fall to the ground. I hear all sorts of noises, laughter and Pandora and Rick talking, but I can’t really make anything out. I try to plead with them, but I am sure my speech is incoherent  at this point.

Next thing I know, Rick is dragging me downstairs. I am being pulled down the stairs by my long blonde hair like a side of beef. The evil daughters are laughing as they follow behind me. One of them says to me, “This is how we tenderize the meat first.” What? Clearly in my drug induced state I did not hear that correctly. Was this a nightmare? Suddenly, I was propped up in some chair, the girls were binding my hands and my feet. Still sluggish I tried to ask what the fuck was going on? I looked over and on this metal table used for food preparation in restaurant kitchens, was Pandora writhing around like a cat in heat. All of sudden she is masturbating, and cumming wildly in front of me and her hubby and 2 demented daughters.

At this point, I am becoming more lucid, so I try to ask what is going on. Have I been kidnapped by The Devil’s Rejects? They just act like I am not there.  Rick is now fucking Pandora on that metal table and the sisters from hell come over and start taunting me.  They are saying how delicious I look, and that I better prepare myself for dinner, which is followed my an evil high pitched laugh. Then I see the life size rotisserie rod, and a big vat of chopped veggies. This couldn’t be. They couldn’t be modern day cannibals could they?

Cannibalism phone sex torture

Pandora sees the horror and fear in my yes, comes over and says, “Rick, honey, I think our dinner guest gets it now.” I am not only the guest, but I am the main fucking course. Pandora and her daughters pull me up on that metal slab and begin putting all sorts of seasonings on me. One evil bitch girl shoves an apple in my mouth and tells me to oink like the pig I am.  I close my eyes tight thinking I can wake myself up out of this nightmare. But when I open them, I see Rick, with a big two pronged fork. I start to wiggle and squirm in an attempt to break free, but Rick just jabs me with that sharp utensil  all over my body. My body is marred by little holes. Holes now leaking blood. The girls rush over an start licking the blood slowly seeping out of me. Pandora yells at them, “Don’t ruin your dinner angels.”

I have a huge apple in my mouth, my skin is riddled with puncture wounds,  my hands and feet are bound and I am covered in some sort of sweet sticky juice. I’ve been marinated and informed it is to make my skin crackle. At the moment I begin to cry hysterically, Pandora says to me, “There there sweet girl. No need to cry. You are about to do something totally selfish for others. You are going to provide my family with some much needed sustenance.” She snaps her fingers, and her girls tie me to a stick, while Rick shoves my body into the big rotisserie cage. I start praying. I can’t believe this is how my life is gonna end. It can’t end this way.

Rich and one of the girls lifts the cage from one end, while Pandora and the other daughter  grabs the other end and they begin to carry me outside. I see the fire pit. I am hanging upside down, in fear and pain as they hoist this device I am in up on to two stakes. Pandora looks at me with her cold dead eyes, lights a match, licks her lips and tosses the match onto the fire pit. I can feel the flames starting to heat my flesh; I can smell the sweet and pungent mix of flesh and Hawaiian marinade; and I can see my world fading fast before me. And, I can feel the horrible pain of having an electric rod thrust through my body.

My flesh is charring fast, the pain imaginable. I’m laying over the heat, being turned by the daughters.  I can hear my skin crackling, melting, singing, falling off my bones…The last thing I hear is Pandora’s declaration, “You are just a piece of meat young lady, and we plan to eat you as such.”

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Broken Wings

Taboo phone sex1

One night, I heard my nieces whispering; they were talking about the new pastor at the church that I hadn’t attended since I was younger then them.  Curious, I leaned in and listened.  One whispered that she’d heard the pastor had been having “relations” with some of the choir boys and girls.  Another one whispered that she’d seen pictures by accident; he had showed them to her, but she had ran out of the room before he could touch her.  Infuriated, I decided to take a trip down to the church.  Candles were lit and lights were on in the study, so I was sure the pastor was there.  My heavy heels clicked against the thin carpet as a young, blonde man emerged from the study.  When I told him that I was looking for the pastor, he surprised me by informing me that I was looking at him.  He was so young, younger than I can ever remember seeing a pastor.  I could see how some of his young flock may be attracted to the smooth-talking, baby-faced young man; but he didn’t fool me.  I knew that my nieces would never lie about those things that I heard them speaking about.

He looked me up and down, and I could see a little disappointment in his face.  “Usually, the young girls and boys hang out here at night.  I like to keep them out of trouble,” he said.  I replied, “I bet.”  I looked around his office while he sat in his expensive leather chair an impatiently waited for me to explain why I was there.  I wasn’t in a rush since I had locked the church door behind me; but, I did find it odd that all of his pictures were of young people and himself.  Fuming, thinking that one of those young faces could have been my niece, I wrapped a chord around his wrists.  I pressed my spiked heel to his rotatory cuff and twisted his arms out of their sockets.  He screamed, but not to my satisfaction.  I took the envelope opener from his desk and began sawing off his trimmed pecker.  It took sweat and muscle, but it was an enjoyable feat.  Then, I drug him to the alter, where there were a few feathered harnesses laying by the stage.  “They’re my little angels.  You don’t understand.”  I told him that I did and kicked the bloody mass between his legs until he was sitting beneath the table that held the offerings during service.  I carved “false prophet” on his chest.  I blindfolded him and told him that I sparing the looks of horror from those that found him; but, I wanted him to acutely hear their screams.

I wasn’t sure that night if he lived or not; but, he did.  A couple of months later, though, he was back in the newspapers: this time he was found with his throat slit over the chalice bowl.  It seemed that someone else didn’t like what he was doing, either.  But, it also seemed more personal: there was a crucifix shoved up his urethra, what was left of that dick that he’d loved using so much.

Gothic Teen Torture

Gothic phone sex

Goth teenagers are always hanging around the downtown area, where I like to stroll at night.  As I sat on a park bench and watched the annoying joking of young imbeciles, one stood out in particular.  She looked a little older than the others, but she carried herself far worse…all hunched over.  I squinted into the dark and saw the culprit of her odd gait: a cane.  It wasn’t for appearances; rather, she shifted her weight on it for support in order to walk.  I became intrigued by her and decided that I’d come back another night to learn more about her.  To my surprise, when I returned the next night, she was sitting on my bench, beneath the shadows of the trees.  She wasn’t ugly, but I could definitely tell now that she was a teenager, despite looking older than the others.  When she spoke, she was articulate, the only indications of her youth were some words, such as “like” and “omg.”  I’ve never understood why people want to talk in text code as if they are some kind of computer.

She told me this sad tale of her life; and, I actually listened because it wasn’t what I was expecting.  She had been beaten, molested, and scarred by her father since she was very young.  She still lived with him when she couldn’t find enough food on the streets.  With unusual clarity for such a young person, she told me that she wanted to die…but that she wanted to die the same way that she had lived: by torture.  It was an unusual request, but she was emphatic.  Without much thought, I followed her to a nearby graveyard, where she had set up several butcher knives and a makeshift alter.  “Take all of my power away,” she said.  Instinctively, I picked up her cane and began whipping her with it.  I told her what a horrible daughter and disgrace that she was; she added her own insults and prostrated herself on the makeshift alter that was really just a large, jagged stone.  I raised one butcher knife at a time, leveled it in her face, and struck her with it; She was pinned to the rock like the injured animal that she was.  I took her wooden cane, broke it in half, and shoved it through her heart.  Her last gasps were gurgles; and, as the blood rolled between her lips, I noticed glistening tears coating the dark black makeup that surrounded her eyes.  It was beautiful and haunting.  I’m sure that she was proud.

The job offer..

Taboo Phone Sex Macey1

 I answered an ad in the newspaper for a job. I really needed money and I was pretty desperate.. the ad was a bit vague but it paid well, and I was not about to complain about that! I called and the gentleman gave me the address and told me it was a pretty informal interview and to just come dressed casual. He seemed super nice!

I knocked on the door and he answered, it looked like a warehouse.. and when I was led inside I immediately became nervous. He shut the door pretty hard, and I heard it lock. In the middle of the floor was a glass booth, and it took a minute to register.. but the booth had water in it. What kind of job was this!

I turned to go, but it was too late.. he grabbed me and pinned my arms behind me! I tried to scream but he gagged and blinded me with a mask! I had never been so scared in my life! I was not sure what was going on, but I felt myself being strapped onto something and that’s when he started to rip my clothes off.. I tried to scream but the mask he put on muffled any noise I tried to make! He laughed and than I felt the violent rush of water, like a fire hose on my middle body! It hurt so bad! On my tits and on my cunt! I almost could not breathe from the pressure that was being put on my chest! I started to cry and all he did was slap my face and shove something into my pussy! Oh I could not believe how turned on I was! I almost came instantly!

Than the horror continued as I felt myself being lowered into what I guessed was that booth of water.. what really was horrifying was whatever was inserted into my cunt, became more intense as the pressure from being lowered into that tank.. I never came so much or so hard in my life! And as I cried, the water was sloshing into my mouth .. the mask I was wearing, it was almost like a sponge! I had to force myself not to cry.. but the more I tried .. the worse it became.. I wanted it to stop.. but my orgasms were so fucking intense.. I did not know what to do!

Eventually I passed out, and when I came too I was in this warehouse, all alone. There was nothing left behind, but a cashiers check. I guess I earned it huh?


Taboo Phone Sex Macey (2)

She Tasted Great

accomplice phone sex (6)

Guadalupe, one of my many owners, lost his temper again. He looked through his girl’s cell phone and saw that she was texting another brotha. This enraged him because he was head over heels in love with her. They had been together for quite some years now and he even had her name tattooed on his back. She and I talked sometimes when we prepared the meals for the men. I envied her so much because I was just a fucking object whereas she was the love of somebody’s life. That ungrateful cunt should’ve known better than to text another man when there were women begging to be in her place! When he saw the text messages Rosalita automatically began to try to explain by Lupe wasn’t for it. He slapped her across the face and dragged her body down the stairs. I could hear the back off her head “THUMP” each time it hit a step. I know what that shit feels like and trust me, it isn’t good. He ripped her clothes off as she screamed for him to stop and calm down. “Papi, it isn’t what you think” she exclaimed as he ripped off her bra and panties. I watched as he took her body for the last time. As he thrust he said things like, “I really loved you Lita” and “I can’t lose you to anybody else”. I could hear the pain in his voice as he grunted. Then when he was done, as cool as a cucumber, he held her by her hair and slit her throat from ear to ear. Just like that Rosalita was gone. Lupe called me over and told me to clean up the mess and get rid of her cheating ass. I remember the last time I tried to get rid of a bitch they fucked and murdered but that didn’t end too well. I had to be quick and then I got it! I wanted to give Guadalupe one last chance to be with his “Lita” so I dragged her to the back yard. It was all fenced in so nobody could see me hauling a dead puta with me.accomplice phone sex layla (6.0) I got the chain saw, prepared myself, and started cutting. I cut her arms and legs into four pieces and cut all the meat off the bone. As for her torso I didn’t want to do much with it because the bitch had a brat in there. From the looks of it she was about 4 months. I disposed of her mid-section and head and went to the kitchen to clean the meat. I removed all the fat trimmings and flesh so that I could season it up real good for dinner and serve it with my famous enchiladas. That’s right; we’re going to eat this cunt tonight! I haven’t had a real meal in ages so I will eat any meat put in front of me. When dinner was done all them rushed to the kitchen for a plate. Guadalupe came back for seconds and showed me the first sign of affection I’ve gotten in months. He kissed my forehead and said, “She was delicious.”