Castration phone sex is one of my favorite things. I have a philosophy. Not every man deserves to have balls. They don’t all deserve a cock either. Testicles and dicks are a privilege not a right. So, if I meet you and decide you don’t deserve your balls or your cock, I will take one or the other or both. Chuck was a unique case. He was a special kind of douchebag idiot. I was minding my own business at the bar when him and his friend stood near me. They were discussing the Amazon documentary on Lorena Bobbitt. She is a hero of mine. This douchebag was saying stupid shit like you can’t force yourself on your wife because she is your property. His level of stupidity was mind numbing. He also said she Lorena deserved the death penalty for taking her husband’s dick. I knew, I had to do to him what Lorena did to John. I waited for his drunk ass to come out of the bar. He looked like a last call sort of guy. He stumbled out of the bar, dropped his keys at his car, which gave me the advantage point. I whacked him on the head and pushed him in the car. I drove to a junkie hotel. I was planning on giving him a hot shot, but not until he saw me take his cock and balls with a rusty old knife. I wanted him to feel the pain too. He screamed like a bitch. Even drunk as a skunk, he felt me lob his cock and balls off. He was bleeding everywhere. I had no intention of saving him. Normally, I cauterize the wound, but this dipshit didn’t deserve to live, so he could spew his ignorance. I let him bleed out a painful death, then I gave him the hot shot. Nothing but junkies at that motel. No one would be a reliable witness and the police would just think he stiffed a whore. He got what he deserved.