Castration Phone Sex Can Happen Anywhere

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my hobby and my passion. Balls are a privilege that I can revoke at any time. Just because you have balls does not make you superior. In fact, I will argue it makes you inferior because men get too accustomed to their balls. They touch them nonstop. Men become a slave to their balls. And that makes them do stupid shit. When they do, I revoke their privileges.

If you cannot use your balls for good, you do not deserve them. And you would be surprised at how many men think they are superior to women and that their balls give them certain rights to my body. Men can be so fucking stupid. I am not a woman who believes my body your choice. However, I do believe your body, my balls if you act like an entitled fool.

Your Balls are a Privilege and I Can Revoke Your Privilege Any Time

And Jeff acted like a fool in front of me. So, I revoked his privileges. Severed his balls from his body with some extreme cock and ball torture sex.  And I did not do anything to dull his pain or slow the bleeding down. Where would be the fun in that, right?  I rarely take out my anger publicly. Safer to kill and maim in my dungeon. But this asshole followed me into the restroom at my Goth bar. He was out of place, not me. So, I knew my bar patrons and the staff would have my back.

He tried to push himself on the wrong girl. Without missing a beat, I pulled out the knife strapped to my leg when he pulled his worthless dick out of his pants. I grabbed his dick, tugged really hard, and put my knife under the balls. And with one smooth move, I severed his worthless nuggets in a dirty bathroom stall. For all I know, he bled out on the floor. If he did, he would be taken out with the trash. I am an evil phone sex bitch. Do not cross me. I will sever your balls and leave you to bleed out too.

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