Casino no no no

kidnapping phone sex

Kidnapping phone sex is a great way to pass some time. Last night I was working my usual job as a dealer at the casino and you came and sat at my table. You played a few hands and asked when I was off. I smiled back and said that my shift was about done. You asked if you could buy me dinner or a drink and I said sure. I went to change and you went to the bar and got the drinks. I should have been smarter than that as you had apparently slipped something into my drink. We were having fun and talking about random things when I started feeling woozy. You were ready for that and said that you were going to take me to your room and help me lay down. This sounded good and there were no alarm bells ringing yet. Once we got upstairs and into your room the nice guy persona dropped and you shoved your tie into my mouth and wrapped some duct tape around my head. You then picked me up and stood me in front of the bed. You then grabbed a knife and cut my clothes off of me. Then I was thrown onto the bed and forcefully fucked into a rape fantasy. You took the knife and made slices into my breasts and then stomach. Once you were done with your rape fantasy and cumming in my cunt you then shoved the knife into my pussy and laid there beside me on the bed watching me bleed out and the life draining from my eyes. You let me know that he would be leaving and someone would eventually find my body. You then got up and had a tampon that had been soaking in bleach which you then shoved into my bloody gash that would neutralize any sperm that hadn’t come out already so that no one would ever trace this rape fantasy and murder back to you. Now that you knew how well it worked, you were excited to do the same thing to another girl next Sat. night.                                                                                                                                                            

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