Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: The Ultimate Sacrifice

cannibalism phone sex hunt preyWhen my car broke down, I started to walk for help. I didn’t get far when an arrow hit my back.  It was a flesh wound, but disabled me. He had been watching me, stalking  me. He scooped me up like a dead animal, threw me over his shoulder and carted me off to his cabin in the woods. Tossed me in the basement. Trembling, I asked him what his intentions were. He told me  I was a “delectable piece of meat.” I thought he was going to force himself on me, but his intentions were way darker.

He told me I smelled like a dirty tramp and needed to be bathed; to be cleansed of all the chemicals ruining my natural aroma, my natural taste. He submerged me in warm water and scrubbed my skin. He hogtied me so he could inspect every ounce of my flesh. He was fixated on my fleshy thighs and ass. Just kept telling me I was going to taste delectable. Said I had tender flesh, the kind that could nourish a sturdy man like himself for weeks, but not all of me was meaty. My belly was flat and toned, lacking his preferred substance. He force fed me peanut butter milkshakes for days in a cage he kept me in, plumping me up. He even charted my growth, measuring my body parts daily.

Once he decided I was plump enough for him, he brought out a spit pole and a big bowl of some sort of butter sauce. He poured it over me, then he lubed the pole with it and patted my head. Said, “thank you for dinner.” I felt cold metal pierce through my anus, tearing my insides apart. It came out my mouth. I was bleeding, in pain, barely alive.  He carried me out side. I could see the fire pit. I knew what came next. As I was roasting over the open flames, feeling my flesh singe and burn, I heard him say, “Thank you Cassandra.” I paid the ultimate sacrifice. I hope I tasted yummy to him. I hope he savored every last morsel of my flesh. I hope I provided the needed nourishment.

I am here for your pleasure. Your darkest desires. Use me, beat me, fuck me, kill me, cook me, eat me….  Thanksgiving is approaching. I would look great adorning your table.

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    • whorechoker on November 13, 2014 at 6:11 pm
    • Reply

    Snuff-Pig Cassandra,

    Just when I think you could never top your last fantasy, you go and do it again. This one is so tantilizing my cock is still tingling from the inside out just thinking about it, Bitch! Your top it off with a dynamyte ending where you say, ” Use me, beat me, fuck me, kill me, cook me, eat me…. Thanksgiving is approaching. I would look great adorning your table”.

    This is generating so many fantasy roleplay telephone scenarios that I would like to do to you, it’s HARD to just write about any one. Every one of them progressively increases in violence, total mutilation and torture of your tits, horrific beatings throughout your gorgeous luscious sexy and WILLING body, rape scenes, each making you drink piss and eat scat and cum as a prelude to your ultimate, violent and brutal for you while sexually exciting for me, demise.

    In some I am a Butcher, where you come in to purchase a side of Beef. I keep looking at your legs, tits and ass while lasciviously taking my toungue and slowly running it across my upper and lower lips, holding a giant butcher knife in one hand and while holding my huge bulbous long throbbing cock in the other. You walk over to the door, turn the sign to say Closed, pull down the little shade over the door window and turn the lock, and then walk straight over to me. I look you right in the eyes and say, “I’d love to buther those big gorgeous sexy tits of yours, BITCH!” Your reaction gets me so excited I can hanrdly stand it when you thrust your Chest out and say, “Mutiliate my Tits to your hearts content, Master”. I get even bolder and say, I would love to substitute your fucking body for my Thanksgiving dinner, you fucking whore!” The thought of seeing your sexy body, all rubbed down in scalding hot butter and seasoning sauce with a spit run through you, positioned over an open flame, slowing turning as your feel the bite of the fire cooking your flesh to a nice golden brown, is titilating beyound belief. Especially knowing you are loving every minute of your horrific pain and torment, and the thought that I am getting ever more excited, seeing you suffer in excruciating pain, just makes it all the more tantalizing. Of course to make it ewven more cock-throbing, I am periodically beating your burning and tender skin with a massive bull whip, while calling you every filthy, vile, cruel, degrading, and humiliating just to add to my sadistic enjoyment of your demise. What makes it even better is that you see daughter cheering me on, every time I beat you. And watch as she sucks my cock while your tender naked body slowly melts away for our amusement. Your daughter chanting things like, “Burn Mother dearest. I can’t wait to carve your body up for my tanksgiving dinner, you worthless mommy-slut.

    In addition, the prelude to all of the above, the horrific beatings, being punched in the face, stomach and tits repeatedly, being made to eat scat and cum, drink our Piss, being beaten all over every part of your worthless body like a filthy rape-pig, by a crow bar by both myself and your daughter,make the evening complete.

    This is merely one of hundreds of scenarious that are flooding my mind after reading this irresistable blog of yours, you fucking WHORE!

    Nothing make this more exciting than knowing this is also what you truly desire. That , by itself, just motivates me to imagine ever more violent and come-wrenching roleplays; your worthless whore.

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