Come join my tantalizing endeavor. My appetite for a debilitated martyr is necessary for my Thanksgiving feast. My pussy twitches with the thought of catching another victim. I put my hand down my panties and rub my clit as I examine the requisite for my next undertaking. My urges are strong, I rub faster my breathing quickens, my body starts to tremble I must cum. It excites me thinking about how my knives chisel out the tender spots. My mouth waters seeking out those scrumptious chunks of fresh flesh. I love those special morsels putting them in my mouth savoring the warm juicy flavor of blood and muscle. You can’t beat gazing into their eyes as the pain overwhelms them. Just when they think it’s over I ravage their body making them endure more agony. Their screams are endless it’s no use no one can hear them. My knives are precise have to be tapered, they flow right into the flesh, and there is no time for jagged edges our feast has to be perfect. I can’t help it I came hard all over. The night is long we can’t wait, the pursuit has begun.