Bondage phone sex gets me wet. I love being tied up. I am not sure how I got into it. I think it started with handcuffs in the bedroom. Pretty vanilla compared to what bondage means to me now. I hooked up with John the other night. He promised me some coke if I would let him tie me up and take some photos. I always need coke because my husband no longer gives me access to the family money. He knows I have no control. I will do an entire mound of coke. I will spend my last dime too. My family’s last dime. I am a coke fiend. Many men know this, and they make me deals. I know I am exchanging my soul sometimes, but I can endure almost anything to get a fix. John got me high first. Smart move because I will agree to anything when I am high. I have a much higher threshold for pain too. John tied me to a table. It looked like a conveyor belt of some sort. I assumed he made some sort of make-shift bondage table. It was something more akin to a medieval torture sex device. It was a rack. He tied me up at first and took some pictures. His cock was out, and he was stroking it. He was hard as a rock watching me tied up. I got nervous when he hit a switch of some sort. I felt my body pulling. OMG. I thought he might tear me in two. He came on my face as I screamed in pain. My arm pulled out of its socket. The pain was intense even on coke. John did not mean to go that far, but when he heard the noise my arm made as it popped out of the socket, he came. It was not what I was thinking would happen. John liked it so much, he asked me how much to make a snuff porn next. I got to think on that one. At this rate, he will kill me.