Bondage phone sex

bondage phone sex

I am trying to please the man that napped me. If I do not make him happy, I will be his next little torture victim that he will play with until the life is gone out of my eyes. I went ahead and found a cute small girl at a mall. She had tiny little white cotton panties that kept showing when she would bend over to pick up this little ball she was playing with. The ball rolled to me so I had the perfect opportunity to pick her up and walk away without her mommy noticing. I brought her to my master and he seemed pleased. I got her tiny naked flat chested body naked and got some rope. I started tieing her up as if she was a puppet on strings.

Her little body is wound up like a pretzel and his cock is throbbing hard. I take out his cock and show him how soft her little skin is. I rub his cock head against her nipples and her itty bitty cunny mound. I forced her mouth open and take some pliers and start pulling her teeth out making her gums soft for him. I take his cock and put it in her mouth. She is choking on her little blood with each thrust. His cock is even popping out of her neck.

She lubes his cock in her blood is ready to take advantage of her little slit. Her legs are open and their is no chance she can fight us since these ropes are pretty strong. He slams his cock into that tiny pink pussy hole. He lets me know that it is really tight. He really has to rip her open with each thrust. We are going to have an eventful night.

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