Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

It was late one night and I heard this knock on the door. I figured since I live in a great neighborhood what is the worst that can happen? When I opened the door there stood a clown with red hair a black and white outfit and horribly painted face that could make any person in there twenty’s cry. I froze in fear as this man quickly covered my mouth with a piece of cloth causing me to loose consciousness.

When I awakened from being knocked out with some sort of chloroform, I noticed I was nude and tied to a table out in the middle of the woods. I saw the clown from earlier sharpening a knife while singing a creepy version of a nursery rhyme I began crying begging for some one to help me, hoping someone was camping out in the woods where I was being held captive.

The clown turned around smiling as he began to slit my wrist and feet letting the blood drip and spill into cups shaped like a wine glasses. I began to feel light headed as the blood began to pour from my body and a numbness took over. The clown began to slice me with his knife, cutting from my clit all the way too my collar bone.

I felt my skin burn and sting as this clown cut me with percison. I could feel his cold hand pulling and touching my insides. I screamed and screamed begging for people or for someone to help me. I stared into the clowns eyes and all I could see in his eyes was a relection of my body getting pulled apart. My intestines were pulled apart and were being stretched apart until it made a fifty foot rope. My kidneys were being cut out off my body.

The clown called his friends over and they each began to feast on my body eating my organs and drinking my blood as they played circus music in the back ground laughing as they ate away. Then one clown decided to taste my ass, so he grabbed a knife and cut a piece of my ass off and placed it in to his mouth recomending a peice to every one. I laid on the stone table screaming as these clowns, these demons all took turns cutting into my raw flesh eating everthing my body had to offer.

The only thing that was left of me was my head which was sewed on to a pigs body which was left in my neighborhood as a reminder to everyone that they too could be next.

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