Sometimes I just like to go hunt for the sake of the blood. I will go out and hunt animals of all shapes and sizes so that I can take them back home, put them in my tub one at a time and then cut them open letting all the blood and guts flow in to my tub. sometimes it takes a lot of them because all i get is medium to small animals like cats and dogs, but sometimes I get lucky. When I am done I take all my clothes off and sit in the tub, covering myself with blood and guts and enjoying the feel and smell of it all over my body. I take my time and soak in it for hours, sometimes all day. At night I take the carcases from the animals I have killed and dump them at the edge of the woods so i can wait and watch for the scavenger animals to come and rip the flesh off the bones. I especially love it when the wolves and Ferrel dogs come and growl and fight over the dead pieces of animal laying there. In may ways they are cannibals just like me, eating their brethren, loving the taste of the flesh.