Evil Lurks in the Shadows…

evil phone sex

Anyone who uses a payphone deserves to be abducted.  I walked up to her and told her if she didn’t get in the car I was going to kill her whole family…and her little dog too. It wouldn’t have worked if I didn’t know she lived in the building across the street and she actually had a dog. It’s a risk I had to take. The scared are too easy to manipulate. I’m going to have fun with this one. Shes sitting there crying, probably thinking about why this is happening to her. Shouldn’t be so damn cute. Coming out the house with those short ass shorts… what did you think would happen. Dumb bitches. I cant wait to invade her pussy, among other holes, with all of my play things. She thinks shes sad now, I’ll have her screaming in no time. Crying out for her family and begging me to stop. I’ll tell her that I’m the only one that loves her as I poke at her perky little tits with my ice pick. All sorts of disgusting and sadistic things are running through my head as I’m driving her to my dungeon. Don’t worry I’m going to let her go when I’m done with her. Naked and a little bruised, but alive. That’s how generous I am, for the moment. Besides, I’m sure I’ll want to play again. She won’t tell a soul either, I told her I would be watching her. In fact, I’m watching her get undressed now. She knows I’m watching and I have a slight feeling she wants more. They always want more… stupid little whores. 

Gruss Von Krampus

Allow Me to introduce you to one of My favorite all time Demons.  His name is Krampus, and He has the honor to make His appearance every Christmas Eve.  He travels along with Saint Nicholas, riding with a black sack tossed over his shoulder in the back the sleigh.  The reason for him to exist is to punish nasty, dirty, disgusting, out of control, parasitic, young males and females.  If you so happen to find yourself upon Saint Nicholas’ naughty list, you can be sure of a visit from Mr. Krampus.  He will beat you with a bundle of birch sticks, He will toss you into his sack, He will give you nightmares, and He will even take you with him, to be put into slavery for the next year until you learn your lesson. 

Almost everyone in the world equates Christmas with happiness, love, joy, feelings of good will toward our fellow man.  I however, do not.  I equate Christmas with this beautiful, wonderful Demon, who makes little ones suffer, causes them pain, and I can only imagine, give them some sort of mental scarring which would be sure to never heal.  All in all, I hope that your Christmas is filled with everything your wicked heart desires, along with the screams of those bratty neighborhood fuck sticks being beaten by a Demon.

Merry Krampus,


Taboo Phone Sex

Inner Desires

Snuff phone sexYour inner desires are so obvious to me, yet you think you can hide them.  I suppose the people in your life turn a blind eye to your sick twisted ways because they have to, but I don’t.  I hunt those desires, I feed on them, I recognize and exploit them.  Why?  Hmm, well because the desires, twisted thoughts and deviant behavior are already a part of my everyday life.  The quicker you embrace your deviance, your twisted wants and needs the sooner we will be able to really enjoy our time together.  The sound of my voice makes your cock twitch and get so hard you can’t help but stroke the entire time we are talking, and that makes my tight little pussy so wet.

You don’t have to tell me your wants and desires because I already know what they are, just admit them to yourself as you watch me do the things you so desperately long for.  I love taking you to the deepest edge of your deviance every time we play together.

Little Things Mean A Lot

Little things do mean a lot. I mean if you believe all those cliches about the best things coming in small packages like I do, you just can’t resist trying to find the perfect tiny treasure to make all your own.

Finding these little treats isn’t always easy but that’s why you come looking for me. You need a wickedly devious, erotic accomplice to help assist you with every last detail.

We’ll push each other further, test the boundaries of what’s acceptable and we’ll find ourselves slipping deeper and deeper into depravity. You see, I love all the twisted and sadistic fantasies that get your cock throbbing and aching for a hard fuck, and the younger our little fuck toys are the better.

Hmm, kidnapping, murder and rape fantasies…between the two of us can you imagine all the fuck up and deliciously hot scenarios we can come up with? It just makes my mouth water and my pussy drip at the very thought of it.

I get off watching lose all your inhibitions and give in to that dark, remorseless side of you that takes sure pleasure in stalking, torturing, using and discarding all the innocent, young victims that have the misfortune of falling into our clutches.

Watch as I take her first, taste that sweet young fresh cunt, sweet as sugar her honey drips off my crimson lips. Oh, but I can’t help but lie back and finger my smooth, wet pussy as you violently fuck that little useless whore and shoot loads of cum in her tiny twat.

As we sink deeper and deeper into the perverted world of snuff and depravity it only gives me the urge to push harder, further and accompany you on this irresistibly twisted and wicked journey.

Dont fuck with me

This time of the year everyone is fucking crazy! It is all sales and bargains and everyone is in a fucking hurry! I like to hunt around Christmas. There are so many assholes it makes picking the perfect person so much fun. I was supposed to go to the mall and find someone when my fucking mom said I had to babysit for my Jenkins. She knows I hate it when she offers me up like that. I don’t know what it is with this family going to my mom instead of calling me. It really pisses me off. And tonight I am going to do something about it. Oooh I will have fun fucking with their brats. BUT that is not what I have in mind. See I figure the only way they will stop bothering me to help their family, Is if they don’t have a family to help. So I am just going to make sure Mr. Jenkins fucks me. And his wife catches us. It’s the only way. That bitch will avoid me like the plague. Don’t get me wrong… I am not going let him stick his dick in me. Just suck on my nipples. Then tell his wife I am so sorry He said he had to have something younger to turn him on. And bamn. No more interruptions from them. And back to hunting like I really want. Fuck them. I will teach them to fuck with me.


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torture phonesex karma5The lights in the night sky have been strange and unnatural of late. As I sit and watch fascinated I find my mind wondering to the possibilities. Could it be UFO’s? The idea of aliens brought wild thoughts to my mind and made me horny as hell. What could be better then fucking an alien? What do their dicks look like? Do they even have dicks? Do they abduct humans like in the movies and do grisly experiments on them? My pussy was alive and wet with the thoughts! Little did I know….
The lights continued to dance in the dark night sky over the next several days. They seemed to get closer each night. My thoughts got stronger, the fantasies in my mind more intense with each passing night as I laid on the ground watching and masturbating, cumming over and over again.
What is that sound? The leaves are rustling near by. I have lived out here for a long time and know the sound of the animals of the night. This was no animal. I got up and crept into the dense woods dimly lit by the moon light. I could not believe what I was seeing…they walked up right but they certainly were not human. I watched from my vantage point pinching my nipples which were now hard as hell while my pussy got wetter. Finally I lost site of them and went back home to fuck myself into a frenzy thinking about what I just saw.
I was fast asleep when I felt the warmth of the light and felt myself floating. I had to be dreaming right? Wrong! I was being abducted! I could not move, could not talk but I was aware of what was happening.torture phonesex karma6
Once inside the craft I could see several bodies on metal tables being poked and probed. It was eerily quiet and smelled very sterile, almost like a hospital, but not exactly. I could feel my pussy getting ready to explode as they put me on a table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in some type of device with a girl kneeling in front of him sucking his cock and I exploded uncontrollably. I felt their cold, clammy hands between my legs pushing into me, gathering my cum. Then I felt the searing pain of a metal rod being shoved into my abdomen. The rest was a fog, but when I woke up in the morning there were sores all over my stomach where they had their way with me. And I came again!
I hope they come again tonight!torture phonesex karma

Strangulation phone sex is what makes my pussy Melt!

Strangulation phone sex with Storm

I have always enjoyed hurting people. It comes so easy for me. And there are so many deserving fucks out there. They are simply alive because it is illegal to kill them. I don’t really worry about the legality of it. If you deserve to die. Then you deserve to die!  Normally I wait to find the perfect prey. Sweet and innocent. But sometimes I get a call from a friend needing help. Kevin has helped me lots of timesStrangulation phone sex with Storm 2. When I wanted to watch him force his cock deep inside some young thing. But this was the first time he had called me. When I got to his house he waiting for me. He told me how he had taken a little thing from the park last week.  He had used her over and over. And was growing quit fond of her. The problem is his family was due home tonight,  and he has to get rid of her.  He liked her so much he couldn’t do it himself.  He was always a tad weak. Great for fucking anything I caught. But not a killer type. So I had him show me this little morsel. A very pretty little thing. Long dark hair. The biggest blue eyes I have ever seen. And what really made my pussy hot was the nipple clams and ropes tied around her. She was covered in tiny cuts and bleeding everywhere. I almost came on myself just looking at her.   Kevin was eager to use her again before I finished her off. I enjoyed listening to her scream while he buried himself deep inside her. When he was close to shooting his load I wrapped my fingers tight around her neck and started to squeeze. I watched her eyes water and bulge out.  As the life left her little body she started to spasm. Locking down on Kevin and draining him dry. I wished we could have spent more time playing with her. But his family was coming home. So I gathered her up and carried her off. Only looking back at the bloody table once. Next time I will spend more time getting what I want… Next time.

Taking Out The Trash

Snuff Phone SexI have a new friend, or as close to a friend as I have ever had.  We are more like two people who can actually spend more then five minutes in the same room without wanting to gut each other.   Anyway, this new friend of mine, is pretty much as fucked up as I am.  Didn’t think it was possible did you?  The only thing that he does, that really irritates me is that he likes to ‘save’ things.  He is like a god damned slut hoarder.  What I mean by that is he wants to keep every single stray that we find.  Why do we have to keep them? There are so many others out there.  It makes no sense to me, but it’s what he likes, so we do it.

The latest one is a serious pain my ass.  So much complaining, whining, and crying.  It takes everything I have not just walk over and smash her skull with a brick.  Plus, she is getting pretty ripe.  No shower or anything like that for the sow.  The bitch stinks!  I’m not a girlie girl who likes pretty scented candles or things like that, but when I walk into a room, and I can smell your abused cunt right away? Yeah, it has to go in the trash.

I think maybe, if I talk to him the right way, I can get rid of this sewage pig tonight.  Have her give him one more blow job; dude loves when they give him blow jobs because he has a huge cock; and then off to the dump with her.  Maybe I just may get some enjoyment out of this after all.

Cocksucking Phone Sex


Gothic Thoughts

Gothic phone sexI use to get so upset when everyone assumed I was “Gothic”   People always seem to judge me by what I wear. But then I started to realize that being Gothic was more than what music you listened to or how dark you dressed. Gothic is how dark your soul is. And I have a very dark soul. I think about killing and torturing fuck ups all the time. So the more I think about it the more I realize I am “Gothic”. It is all about death. And I love the thought of fucking someone up. Then letting you Fuck them.  And you better do it hard and rough!  Then I will  Fucking killing them! The slower the better! I want to make them Suffer!  I want to hear them beg. I want to see them bleed for me. Fuck em! That is what I always say!  Fuck them hard and watch them die!  That is the only thing to do with fuck ups and losers!

He Wanted Accomplice Phone Sex That Would Sock It To Him


accomplice phonesex angie1He called because he wanted to know if I would be his accomplice again. As soon as he asked me to bring my sharpened scoop I knew what was to cum. My pussy juice dripping down my leg I put the metal to the sharpening stone and made sure it was razor sharp before I left for his house. When he opened the door I saw her in the corner, cowering and whimpering, her young body not fully developed, her long blonde hair flowing down her back but when she looked at me with those wide eyes, not blue, not grey but a smokey color somewhere in the middle, my pussy responded and I knew why he wanted her. As soon as my feet crossed the threshold and the door closed behind me he was on her like a man possessed, yanking her up by her hair and dragging her into the bathroom, shoving her to her knees in front of the toilet and motioning me to sit on her back. I face the wall and straddle her back taking her hair in my hand and waiting for him to get into position. I know he is going to rip her tight little ass open and my bare pussy is rubbingaccomplice phonesex angie2 against her back as I get ready. I hear him grunt and I shove her head into the toilet, holding her under the water as he rams into her deep and hard. Rubbing my cunt against her soft young skin I ride her as she bucks and tries to get a breath. Finally I pull her up so she can get one big gulp of air before shoving her face back into the toilet. He is fucking her in a frenzy now and I know he is almost ready for the best part of this. He pushes me off her and grabs her hair from my hand spinning her around and shoving her head back so I can do what I came here to do. I grab the scoop and cut her eye right out of the socket before he shoves the head of his dick in the gaping hole. I look down at him and say the words that he is waiting to hear. ” Shove it in baby. You know you want to feel the warm, softness of her brain against your cock. And I want to see the fluid push out of every orifice as you explode inside her head” In an instant we are both cumming rubbing our oozing juices all over her limp body. I love being his accomplice!