Breaking-N-Entering with Alice

Taboo phone sex Alice 2Deep in the woods, there is this cabin where I know young college people got to party. They think they are safe from the wickedness of the world but they are so wrong! This cabin is far away from town and has no neighboring homes close by. The reason for why I know about this cabin is that I have been invited to come to several parties out there. Oh, and don’t worry about cops showing up because without neighbors near by them … who is going to even complain. (evil laugh) So this the master plan, we are going to enter in through the back door behind the cabin. That side of the cabin is thick and full of trees so that they wont see us going to break in that way. Plus the door knob is old and ready to fall apart so I will use a screw driver to pop the door open. Then once inside, everyone will be passed out from partying to hard which will make it perfect to strip them down and tie them up. Oh I just can’t wait to see the shock of terror in their eyes as we break-n-enter inside of them like the pathetic fuck-dolls as they all are. Lol! 

Burn Baby Burn

Sadistic Phone Sex Bianca

I’m a growing teenage girl. I get hungry. And  . . . occasionally I’m in the mood for some protein. But I like my meat served up with a side of terrified shrieks. Oh, did I mention I eat it rare? Yeah. There’s nothing better than taking a big old bite while your meal is still fresh . . . and alive. The other day, I really fucked up the Chink whore who pissed her little panties about my internet bandwidth. Turns out, she had the nerve to report me for “taking up too much of the space” on our block. WHAT THE FUCK, YOU STUPID CHINK. You wanna fuck with Bianca, huh? You wanna piece of her?? Well, lucky for Little Miss Geisha, I had a space for her. Right inside my intestinal track, where she could be drowned in putrid acid and gushed out like the trashy, useless shit she is. But I’m the type of gal that’s picky about her loin cuts. I wont just take any old slab of fat. So when I dragged her by the hair off her back porch, and flung her down into the fire pit, I decided to inspect the slantey-eyed twit with the bottom of my foot. And I smacked and beat that bitch with the blunt force of my heel until rich, appetizing blood was gushing out of her eyeballs and the squinty-eyed banana was bawling like a baby. More fun with feet? Yeah, you like that chink . . . . well I’m not much a chef. Never have been. But It’s amazing how cooperative a stupid slut can be after a little adjustment. I shoved her own toes down her throat until the melody of blood gurgling played as I heard her choking on it. Even better since her toenails are a little longer, and they sliced into the flesh of her esophogaus as she choked on her own severed meatcuts. To prepare her for cooking, I pinned the rice-eating Oriental down, making sure to dig the sharp meathooks into her Achilles heels, severing the tendons so the doomed fucker couldn’t run away. The retarded little twats try that sometimes. They think it’ll work. But it just makes me angrier. Good thing I’ve got a good aim. When she tried to limp away on her knees, the muscle sinewy tugging against the meathooks as she mewed like a kitten, all it took was one huge WHACK! of my baseball bat to the side of her head, and that little whore went down. I took my axe then, the one with the rusted blade coated in gasoline, and I hacked off the skank’s tits. Yummy. Such a beautiful bubbling of fat when the heat reaches the right temperature. Nothing I love more than a good appetizer. But I had to cook it right. I dropped a lit match right over the gook’s tits and they burst into flames, fire licking in a burst of pain along the gasoline leaking into her bloodstream. Not sure if if that part was gonna be edible, but uh . . .  I had to work quick, ‘cus see . . . I like to roast my catch alive. Bianca’s got high standards for her food, and fucking her prey up first? Locks in the flavor of abject suffering.

Lose Everything


Snuff phone sex with StormSo I have had some computer issues lately. And I have finally had enough. Of this shit. So I took it to the tech shop. The little bitch behind the counter was RUDE and didnt even listen to me. She blew me off to talk on her cell phone. Then when the store was about to close she told Me I came to late. I informed the bitch I had been at the store for an hour waiting on her to get off her fucking phone. So she was damn well going to get her manager OR she was going to help me. Well she took my computer and played with it a few min. Then handed it back. She said she unlocked it and it would be fine. Of course I checked. And She fucking Restored my computer. I lost everything. All my files my pictures everything! I felt so violated! How could the bitch do that! Well.. I didn’t need to speak to a manager. Or call customer service. I knew what I needed to do. I waited for the slut to get off work. I followed her to her house. And snatched the fucking whore off the street. Oooh she was a fighter. And I beat the shit out of her to get her in the car. I duct taped her mouth and her hands behind her back. I drove her back to the abandon house I like to use. I stripped all her clothes off. And started to beat the shit out of the slut. I used a bat and broke the fucking whores knees. She was begging and pleading for me to help her. To not hurt her. But I don’t give a shit. I told her how she could have helped me but didn’t. Then I told her how VIOLATED I felt at what she had done. I lost everything. All my pictures and files. Everything I loved. And Now I am going to teach her what violated feels like. I pulled her legs apart. And she was begging for me to stop! And I took my bat and SHOVED it Deep inside her cunt. She ripped wide open. There was so much blood on the bat! I held it up so she could see. She was in shock. Scared and shaking. And I knew just what would snap her out of it. I took my bat and shoved it right inside her tight little virgin ass. I was right. Snapped her right out of shock! She started screaming. I asked her if she understood how being violated felt. And she screamed yes. So I took out my knife and cut her rude tongue off. Then took my duct tape and taped her mouth shut. I just watched as she chocked to death on her own blood. Fucking whore deserves to lose everything as well!


If He Only Knew

torture phonesex karma1When he told me how he thinks her body is so sweet, fresh and innocent. How his dick gets hard every time he looks at her. How he dreams about fucking the shit out of her tight, bald cunt while his hands are around her neck squeezing tighter and tighter till he feels her body spasm underneath him. My cunt began to pour hot, milky cum.
Then he told me that it was his daughter and I really got fucking hot. So when he told me he needed me to be his accomplice and wanted me to kidnap a little one so he could live out his fantasy I knew just what I would do.
I told him to meet me back at my place the next night and I would have a tight little bald cunt for him to take.
I am a woman of my word and the next night when he showed up I had her there. I had a hood over her head and under the hood she was gagged. Her hands bound behind her back, she was ripe for the taking.
My only stipulation was that he could not remove the hood until he was done with her, no exceptions.
I enjoyed watching him rip her clothes of and take her brutally, showing no mercy.
He fucked her like a worthless little whore, beating her through the hood for hours before he finally wrapped his hands around her neck and took her one last time, squeezing the life out of her.
I came hard as hell watching it all but the best was yet to come.
It took him almost twenty minutes to compose himself after he was done. That was when I REALLY got to cum.
I sat back as he removed her hood with my fingers deep in my cunt. The blood curdling scream and the look of agony on his face was the perfect ending to my little game.
There I sat cumming hard as he stared, horrified into the battered, lifeless face of his daughter.


Kidnapping Phone Sex

I saw a dumb little bitch today. Her face just pissed me off and I have been in a bad mood ever since. I was thinking about seeing if anyone wanted to play with me tonight. I followed the little bitch so I know where she is. I will go get her and bring her back to my place where you will be waiting. We are going to have fun fucking this dirty little bitch up. She starts crying wanting her mommy. I hate it when they whine and cry. Like I really give a shit what they want. I snatch her cute little panties off her and shove them in her mouth. Now the only noises she makes are muffled cries. I am really enjoying seeing her cry. You wanna feel my pussy and see how much I like the sight of her. I am so wet. Dip your fingers in me and get my juices all over your hand and then rub them all over this little girl’s face. I am going to string her up and get my big sharp knife. Oh my I am so excited! We are going to have some fun with this little one! 

Can’t Touch This!

Accomplice phone sexWhen you look at me, what do you see? Do you see a scared, intimidated frightened little girl? Do you think you can approach me and talk to me however you’d like to? I’m sure you soon realized your error. I know you’ve been watching me, and following me. You haven’t been able to figure out what I am about, or how to get close to me. You thought you’d take it upon yourself to come after me, and maybe teach me a lesson?  As you lay there tied up, naked, and gagged – what is going through your mind? I love the fact that you thought you could actually contain me! It actually turned me on so much that I had to play with my clit the moment I found out what you were planning. While I was fingering myself I decided to show you exactly what kind of bitch I can be.

You can’t take your eyes off the sweet little one I brought into the room with us. She is scared and wants to go home, but I assure the little bitch that she isn’t going anywhere until she does exactly as she’s told. Your cock is so hard, so I make her grab it and stroke you while she wraps her tiny little mouth around it. She doesn’t want to so I grab her head and fore her down on your cock as I hear you moan. She’s choking but I keep thrusting her head up and down in your shaft. You explode in her mouth and I make her swallow all of it, then lick you clean. You can’t fight it, so within moments you are rock hard again. I tell her to grab your cock and put it on her little pussy, but she is afraid. I grabbed her and made her sit on your face.

You try to turn away but the scent of that young little pussy is too much for you, isn’t it? You lick and suck her until she is cumming all over your face, and you can’t seem to get enough of her tight little cunt. I position her pussy over your cock and grab her shoulders – I shoved her down on your cock in one hard motion. She screamed out as you moaned in pure ecstasy, as she cried i couldn’t help but laugh. I move her up and down on your cock until she is about to cum, then I rub her little clit and she lets out a scream of fear, pleasure and pain. That scream was all your cock needed to hear because you exploded deep inside her. I sat her on your face and made you lick her clean and she kept getting off all over your face. Who knew she was such a little whore!

I wrapped my hands around her neck and choked the little bitch until she was purple. As she drew in her final breath she came all over your face and I grabbed your cock causing you to shoot your load all over my hand. The little bitch is dead weight on top of you so I throw her onto the floor, and wrap my hands around your neck. Do you want to feel what she did as she took in her last breath? No, of course you don’t, but you will feel pain for what you thought you were going to do to me. I was satisfied when you took your final breath because I could tell you finally understood my point.



torture phonesex angieThis bitch was sweet as honey. She had a certain glow that made her irresistible. She looked so healthy and happy it made my mind run wild with thoughts of what her smiling face would look like in twisted pain and agony. The images I conjured up in my mind drove me insane to the point of obsession.

I had to have her.

I would have her.

I followed her waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. Finally I was able to grab her. I placed my hanker-chief soaked in chloroform over nose and mouth feeling her body become limp in my grasp.

The rush of conquest always sends electrical shocks through my body and I always cum hard.

I carried her into the house and took her to my room of torture and pain. I secured her to my stone alter and sat back rubbing my cunt in anticipation, waiting for her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glassy confused stare as she tried to focus. I could see her trying to focus and figure out where she was. And then it came, that moment of realization and the hoarse scream that is filled with terror . The one that fills my whole body with a satisfied orgasm making my legs weak with satisfaction.

I couldn’t help but let out a low and menacing laugh as I walked slowly towards her with a handful of knives. I wanted to slowly dissect her, dismembering her while cauterizing each wound to stop the bleeding, cause the most pain, and keep her alive through out the whole process.

I worked long into the night, watching her pass out from the pain, waiting for her to become conscience again so that I could cause her more pain. Masturbating while she lay there, her muscles twitching involuntarily while she is in the darkness, the only place that she doesn’t feel pain.

Saving her perfectly formed breasts for last she finally opened her eyes again. As I sliced into her right tit at the base cutting it with surgical precision, the blood begins to mingle with milk that is in her ducts. Oh how fucking sweet, she is a new mommy! No wonder she had that glow!

What a shame I could have gotten two for one if I had known. torture phonesex tit

Castration Phone sex with a Sadistic Mortician

Taboo phone sex Pandora 2You came to me deep in the darkness of night on your knees. Looking at you, I felt no sympathy by the way you were groveling before me. You contacted me before about this obsession you have and how I am the only one that can satisfy your taboo desire. This time it was different and after much consideration, I have made my own decision. However, I don’t give a fuck about the reasoning upon why you want me to preform this procedure, nor do I care to hear it. So with that being said, you may get undressed and lay down on my operating table.

Now I am going to restrain you down so that you can’t move at all during the operation. But I am not using rope to keep you still. No, that won’t do at all. I feel that the best way to keep you still, is by using barbwire. At least it will give you more of a motivation to stay idle during the procedure. Look at it this way, if you move or jerk around, you will be the one cutting yourself with the barbwire. Also I think using a sharp metallic restraints will not  take away from the entire experience. So yes … I promise you that you will be in blood shattering pain. Now let’s go ahead and start the surgery.

With your testicles in my hands, I am feeling how firm they are from this excitement but I would like a better look at them. I grabbed my sharp scalpel and pressed in the tip point downward on the top part of your scrotum and at the base of your penis. Now look at that. You couldn’t stay still and cut yourself against the barbwire. This is definitely going to be a very long castration procedure, isn’t it?! (wickedly evil laugh)  

Fishing for Femur Bones

Taboo Phone Sex Bianca

Sometimes I like to go on a little adventure. There’s a deep, marshy bayou down by my Uncle’s house, and it’s isolated and quiet there, far into the twisted woods where no one can witness me dragging the corpses. The thud, thud, thud of the lifeless bodies being hauled over broken logs can get pretty annoying sometimes. That’s why I’m a big believer in severing their limbs before I dispose of their rotten bodies. Stripping them naked and cutting off their hair is also important. I’ve got a big black trash bag in one hand and in the other, I’m gripping the torso and head of a 50-year-old neighbor. She’ll be a great addition to my body farm. I like to keep their deteriorating bodies stacked up on the shore. Before the gators come to get them, my friend Max does. He can fuck the whole lot of them for days before they go completely bad. After all, you really only need the mouth, the ass, and the pussy. Who wants all of that extra skin and arms and legs to get tangled in? Not Max. He uses, abuses, and cums inside of those decaying holes until there’s nothing left but shedding skin and fragmented bones. I like to see the sinewy muscle after the flies have come to feast on it. The exposed muscle starts out so white and vibrant against the deep red blood. It’s so fresh and stark. But it’s quickly stained by the sin that the larvae and millworms leave behind when they breed on it . . . and inside of it. I wondered today if I sliced open the little blonde bitch that I butchered last week, whether or not I’d find beetles crawling up inside of her asshole. Probably chewing on her once succulent little anal canal that so many dicks have screwed. Now she’s just gator chow. She was a teen mother, and she and her annoyingly bratty little daughter got what was coming to them. Even though I was excited, I had to make sure to slice off her long blonde hair and peel off her shredded mini-skirt, too. Otherwise, her hair and clothes would’ve caught on the branches and thorns throughout the forest, and left congealed blood and tattered skin hanging around as evidence. After Max comes and fucks them to pieces, I’m always happy to grab their ratty remains and sink them at the bottom of the marshy bayou. I wonder how many dead bodies are waiting beside them that other sadistic teens like me have killed. Have you fuckers ever been fishing for femur bones and seen any floating pussies?

Helping Hand

Accomplice Phone Sex

What a fucking mess!  It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It was supposed to be a simple grab, then violation, then dump, something to teach his now ex-girlfriend and his brother a lesson.  Nothing going too far, but now, I am covered in blood from my head to my toes.  He is as well.  I’m not sure were it went wrong, but damn, did it ever go south fast.  Actually, I know exactly when it went wrong, it was the video.  I knew he tended to go over board with his play things, but these weren’t play things. These were his Brother and recent girlfriend.

His girlfriend decided it would be a fan-fucking-tastic idea to give his Brother a blow job.  His Brother in turn decided it would be an even better fan-fucking-tastic idea to video it on his phone.  Only his Brother picked up the wrong phone, and when my over excited friend went to send me a pic he had taken a few days ago, he saw the video.  That’s when things went crazy.

He is sitting in the corner completely calm, smoking a cig.  I am standing here looking around at what we have to do to clean up this fucked up scene.  There is big chunks of skin scattered about, bits of bone and meat that went through the chipper stuck to the walls, and I have no clue what the fuck dude did with the heads.