What can I say, isn’t this one of the best ways to play? I mean yes you do have other things like guns, axes, hatchets, pipe wrench’s or a good old choking. But my favorite way to play is with a knife! Seeing as I like torture and blood this is the perfect weapon for both! There is nothing like a little knife play to get my day started off right! What I like to do with my knife is play with my prey. Kind of like teasing them with the knife, rubbing the blade all over their body and telling them if they behave they might not get hurt, but we all know that is not true, lol. I can’t help it I have to use this knife and torture this bitch and make her bleed. With this particular bitch I started off cutting her clothes off with my very sharp hunting knife. Then I slowly ran the knife down her body making superficial wounds just to make her bleed. Then I started by cutting off her nipples. Man, you should have heard that bitch screaming. It always turns me on when they scream! Then I just started slicing her all over her body watching that warm blood flowing out of her wounds. Then the big finale. I sliced her all the way from her chest down to her pussy making sure I got the knife all the way in her body. Mmmmm that was so sweet, all of her blood and guts flowing out of her like a river! Anyway, that is how I like to play with my knives!
Knife Play Phone Sex
To Teach A Lesson
How many times have you seen someone who just needed a good beating? Perhaps it is someone that has cut you off in traffic, a rude waitress, or just a small human who is being annoying. Would it not be wonderful, to take them some place quiet, where hardly anyone; if anyone at all; goes.
After you get them there, they are still bitching about something or other. You shove them inside the door, kick them in the ass and send them sprawling across the floor. Before they can even get up, your boot is coming into contact with their jaw line just to shut them the fuck up.
You wait until I arrive, then we both wait for them to regain consciousnesses. When they come to, you and I take turns doing all sorts of deliciously wicked things to them. We let them scream, we let them beg, we let them spew swear words. It doesn’t matter, actually, it is pretty much just fuel for the fire. I can see it in your eyes, that gleam, that pure hatred.
I tie their hands securely together, yank them over their head, put the hook under the rope, and leave them there for a moment. I hand you various instruments for you to use on them. Everything from your basic cane, to something much more devious; a Choke Pear.
In the end it will be completely up to you if we cut their cries for help and pain off so they will never cry out again, or if you wish to keep them around for a while to teach them a life lesson they will never forget.
Slut Fucking
I had the best time messing up a whore with my boyfriend the other day. He’s always talking about kinky sex slaves. He likes to watch their eyes get wide and I can feel the adrenaline coursing through me just thinking about it. Soooo many ways to hurt them, make them beg–their tears turn me on to the extreme. My pussy starts dripping imagining all the ways I can torture a hot stupid whore. I enjoy their humiliation, and their pain and suffering gets me hot. So innocent and white as snow . . . and so easily stained. Sex slaves? YEAH, they’re great. I found a nice, pretty young thing for my boyfriend after all. Knocked her unconscious with an overturned chair, and chained her up to his wall. When she woke up, I shoved her head down in a sink full of water, drowning her while my guy fucked her in the ass. Then I grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head out right before the water boarding killed her, forcing her backward into me and biting her neck. HAHA. The slut whimpered and shrieked. We just gagged her with one of his dirty socks, secured it with a belt tied around her head! GOD, it gets me off. He fucked her ass hard and fast. No lube. He tore her open, and ripped that ass up. She was crying and begging him to stop. He kept licking her tears as I taunted her, saying terrible things that just increased her pitiful sobs. The mascara was running down her tortured face as I shoved her to her knees. “Clean his dick off with your mouth,” I ordered her. God, it makes me smile! They’re such obedient little skanks when you threaten to drop them–and a plugged in hairdryer–in a full tub of water. That bitch was RUINED at our feet. We fucked rough and wildly in front of her as she burst into sobs, scared out of her life, and ready to die. Then I felt generous and let her lick and eat his cum out of my soaked pussy as a reward. Our sex slave put in some swirling tongue action around my clit while he choked her from behind. While she gagged, I wrapped my legs around her throat and smothered her nose and mouth with my pussy. She was sputtering for breath, and it made us laugh harder! The stupid ho begged us to keep her alive, locked up and chained up in his basement, so we can use and abuse her whenever the two of us want. “Okay, slut,” he grinned. Now we’ve got our own little sex slave, just like he wanted. When we get sick of feeding her, though, we’ll probably just slit her throat.
Evil is as Evil Does
So I have my thing. And I do it well. I know I’m not a good girl. Hell no where close to it! I am down right EVIL. And proud of it. I know sometimes I go a little crazy. But fuck it. I love it to much to stop. And I am one of a kind. Now.. I have never doubted that. But I had some problems with this little bitch Katelyn. She rolled into town and stole all my baby sitting gigs. She is all cute with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Then she started stealing all my clients. Pimping out all the little whoreletts she was watching. MY little Whoreletts… My money! She is FUCKING with the wrong Evil girl! Well, time to teach the slut how much of a problem she made. I followed her for a few weeks. And I found out that she was VERY well protected. She was never open or alone. Is like she knew I was coming. So I just have to make her available. So I dropped a gold ball in her gas tank. Ooooh she started off driving fine.. but then the golf ball got sucked down and sputter sputter she ran out of gas. The second she saw me she knew. She didn’t run or scream the whore tried to fight me. She pulled out a knife and tried to kill me! The crazy bitch didn’t know who she was fucking with. I let her jab and try to stab me then I caught her hand and kicked her knee as hard as I could. I heard it break under my foot. She went down like a sack of potatoes. It was easy to take her to the cabin then. But … I was surprised by the amount of weapons she had on her. I had to strip the bitch all the way down just to make sure I found them all. Then to make up for all the money the whore had caused me. I called all my friends and let them all pay to have a ride on the blonde slut. She made more for me than I lost. And I loved watching the anger in her eyes! The stupid slut still thought she could fight me. Even after a week of passing her around. I loved the spirit but it was time to break it. So I started with a simple brick. I started on her feet. Breaking her toes. Then her feet. Her legs. And knees. Then her hips. By the time I smashed her pussy she was quite broken. But I didn’t stop. I broke each one of her ribs. Her collar bone and then worked my way down her arms. To each and every finger. The slut screamed and begged. But I was loving it to much to stop. Then I had show her how to use a knife. And I was going to make it last a good long time. Cutting a finger off.. A toe. Scream for me bitch. OOOh I will kill her. Or I will let her make more money for me and then kill her. I have plenty of time to make her pay.
Unmasked Lust=Evil Phone Sex
He didn’t even try to hide the lust in his eyes. The look was dark and as his eyes ran up and down me. I could feel him undressing me in his mind, imagining the curves of my body with out my clothes on. He looked like a wild animal ready to take his mate, hard and rough. I could tell by the way he looked he had it in him to demean his woman, he was used to being in control. He carried himself with an air of confidence and arrogance. Just the kind of man I love to tame. A challenge I am always up for!
I approached him with all the sickening sweetness i could muster without puking in my mouth. I wanted him to think I was demure and shy and oh so innocent.
My act worked perfectly. He invited me back to his place with a satisfied and evil smirk on his face. I accepted with cum soaked panties knowing I would take him down a notch, or two, or three.
As soon as we got to his place he made us a drink and I opened the pill into his drink, waiting for it to take effect, all the while creaming in my panties.
I knew he would be to heavy to move so I have to tie him up right there on the floor.
I find a nice sharp knife in the kitchen and take off all my clothes waiting for him to stir. When he opens his eyes I stand over his face and spread my pussy lips and ask him if this is what he wanted tonight. He is so confused; poor thing.
I begin cutting the clothes off his body and I can feel him shaking but his macho attitude is keeping him in control, or so he thinks.
I lick the blade and begin shaving his legs, he is a hairy one…
The closer I get to his penis the less he can maintain his composure…..ahhhhhhh yes this is what I have waited for….The tip of the blade touches his balls and he urinates all over himself, making me cum and earning him a nice big slice on his inner thigh. He cries out in pain, bad move. I go to the kitchen and cme back with a box of salt and pour it all into his wound.
“Don’t you enjoy demeaning women?” I ask. He nods his head but doesn’t speak.
“It’s going to be a long night for you” I say with a smile….
This Little Piggie
One of all time favorite types of torture is to take something that is human, and turn it into something inhuman. How do I do that? It’s pretty easy actually, you just need time. It is not something you can do in one day. It’s not torture if it is done too swiftly, and I am one of those girls who can get into a project like nobody’s business. First you strip them of all human luxuries. You take away their shelter, their food, their clothing, their water, their ability to get clean, anything that makes their life normal, you strip away from them. You do it slowly though. First you take their clothes, and you toss them outside. In this case, we are going to make ourselves a piggy.
So piggy girl gets tossed into the pig pen, not with sows, no no, with a hog. A strong, amorous hog. Then you leave her there for a few days. Then you deny her access to the troth and water supply. When you go out to slop the pigs, you make no eye contact with her, and you ignore her completely. If on these occasions, if you find that she makes too much noise, then you remove her ability to speak. You go out to the pen, you grab her, you tie her up, you attach a clamp onto her tongue, you pull it toward you as far as you can, and then you take a pair of tin snips and you cut it off. You then tell her, that from now on the only noise you want to hear from her is a pig grunt or oink, otherwise, no food and no water. You make her practice.
Now you might find that you have yourself a fighter on your hands. A simple remedy is that you give her food, but you only let her eat the pig shit that you scrape from the floor. Then you shackle her to the floor with her ass up in the air so that hog can just wander on over when the mood strikes him.
Then when piggy starts to behave, you take away their sight, just put a hot poker up to the iris until the whole thing bursts. If you do it slowly enough you can actually see the fluid contained within the eye bubble up, it’s a very amazing thing to see. Then last but not least, you take away her human touch by strapping her to a table, pour hot tar down on her, a little of a time, then pull off the skin.
You will have yourself a properly tortured, inhuman piggy in no time at all. Then when you are done with her, just take her into the slaughter house and have yourself a yummy Ham for Easter.
Mmm, What A Bloody Mess
I knew from the look on your face you were more than pleased with my little surprise I brought home for you. Isn’t she sweet baby, so pretty, fresh and innocent…oh but not for long because we are going to subject her to things grown men couldn’t ever dare think about.
But, people like you and I crave all that is depraved and evil don’t we, we’re addicted to it and I am the perfect accomplice to feed your addiction. When I push her down to her knees before you, you take my hand and pull me close to you. Kissing me deeply I feel your hand slide up inside my thigh to my wet smooth pussy, fingering my swollen clit.
You tell me I went beyond your expectations with this tiny worthless little cunt, that perfect untouched body is all ours now and we’ll put her through unimaginable brutal torture. Just how much pain and gore can that tiny body withstand….well, we’ll find out for ourselves right now.
Mmm, doesn’t she look delicious strapped down with her wrists and ankles bound like that? Hearing her whimper and moan makes my cunt drip and throb harder. Fucking with her mind is almost as fun as fucking her fresh, tight body. When she cries out for her Mommy, I tell her that her Mommy didn’t want her worthless, pathetic little waste of space anymore and gave her to us!
Ohhh my, the look of incredulity on her face is priceless, breaking down her body and soul is so addicting, it’s so hard not to laugh right in her little face…so I do! Giggles Mmm, the blood lust between us is growing stronger and more intense, all those dark hidden taboo fantasies that you keep hidden in the dark corner of your mind are finally realized.
After I’ve had her eat out my sweet, pink snatch while you fucked her up her ass hole I show you something I’ve made special for this occasion. I made a very special dildo for you to use on that tight, young cunnie. It’s a ten inch dildo that I have attached broken shards of glass, hooks and pieces of broken razors fashioned on it….isn’t it beautiful?
Make sure she gets a nice long look at it and let her know exactly what you’re going to do with it, I mean I believe in being very truthful. And the truth is, this little worthless cunt is going to experience every degrading, demeaning and hardcore torture/fuck session we can think of.
Are you ready to finally let go and cum with me. let me lead you to all those and rape phone sex fantasies you’ve been trying to ignore? Your cock is throbbing right now just thinking about it and believe me it only gets better!
My First Willing Victim
I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!
My Rival
I have a rival and she thinks she is smarter than me, well I beg to differ! You know that phrase keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Well I keep her close to me she doesn’t even know that I think of her as a rival. I think I am going to invite her to my house and do something really bad to her. Ok she has arrived at my house and I invite her in and act all nice and shit. Then I pull my gun out and point it at her head and lead her to a room I have made just for her. I have a chair in the middle of the room, some rope, a cattle prod and my knife of course! Just enough to torture her sorry little ass. So I make her go back to the room and make her sit in the chair and tie her up. The first thing I do is shoot her in her knee caps so she can be rithing in pain! Then I hit her with the cattle prod a couple of times listening to her scream. Mmmm that turns me on so much, her little screams and whimpering! Then I circle around her rubbing my gun over her head and ask her if she wants to live. Of course, she said yes and I said I might let her live but I am still thinking about it. Of course I am not going to let her live, I am going to snuff her out like the dog she is! I hit her with the cattle prod again, God I love torturing this bitch! I then get my knife and slowly start slicing her head and cutting her hair off. Then I start slicing the bitch up all over her body listening to her scream loud! I slice her nipples off, lol, and then I slice down her stomach, not enough that her insides fall out, but really close to it. Now she is begging me for her life and crying and shit, lol. I finally decide to put that bitch out of her misery and point my gun at the temple of her head and shoot and watch her DIE!! That is what I like to do with my rivals.
Your Nightmare
I am your worst nightmare. The things you dream of in the darkness of the night. The things that haunt you when you wake because you can’t shake the feeling of dread and doom. That is me. What haunts you fills me with joy and excitement. Your nightmares are my fantasies. I creep into your sleep and take over your mind. I am waiting in the dark to take you into my world and make those nightmares come true. You will be filled with fear that will over take every fiber of your being. You will try to scream but no sound will come out of your parted lips. One minute you will be betrayed by feelings of excitement. You don’t want this to turn you on but the fear and the unknown are keeping you on the edge of ecstasy and extreme fear. Your phobia of pain is mingled with you curiosity and your body is in conflict. Not knowing if it should be thrilled or scared and yet the mixture of both has you are rock hard and on edge. I love seeing the confusion in your eyes. I love being your worst nightmare and your darkest fantasy all at the same time. I thrive off the thrill of seeing fear one minute and ecstasy the next. You are the reason I am the dark and twisted bitch that I am. You feed my hunger and today I am famished.