Blood Slut


I love the sight of it. Delicious, pooling red richness as deep and vibrant as a liquid jewel. It gets me hot. It makes me wet . . . and it rushes me with the capricious adrenaline of a sick, heartless bitch. I want to grab your hair in the palm of my hand and twist those dark locks around my fingers. Tangling them, grasping them, holding your head in my hands. I want to crack open your skull against the wall and whisper at you to hush, shushing you maternally as your own blood is gurgling in the back of your throat, as you’re choking and sputtering as your life is dying, as you’re leaving this plane of existence and my clawing fingers are shoved up your pussy, violating you and watching you suffer with your dignity shattered at my feet. I suck your life, take your soul, laugh in absolute pleasure. I get high on your pain. I love to see you hurting, it fills me with such glee at your expense. That kind of abject control. That kind of power makes my heart beat faster, my veins pump harder, and my legs wild enough to wrap around a man three times over again. I love a good blood slut. I’m a pain whore . . . ‘cus I just love to cause it. I lean over you and absorb it into me like energy draining right from your soul. I’m a succubus of pain. And while you’re taking your last breath, I’ll shove the tubeless truck iron into your uterus that much deeper, laughing at your misery and filled to the brim with deadly elation. When you’re just about to expire, I whisper how your mother won’t miss you, she’s better off without you anyway. I tell you what I’m going to do when I sneak into your house and kill your cat tonight. The helpless agony of a million broken dreams and guilt as everything is lost at my fingertips. The utter and depressing hurt in your eyes. Yeah, baby. It’s my aphrodisiac.

Choke-Her Chain

torture phonesex angie

I have always wanted a pet dog but never wanted to have to clean up behind one or take care of it. So when I decided that it was one of my slaves turn to leave the fold, I decided to have some fun with it. I bought a doggie tail butt plug, a choker collar and a leash. After stripping her naked and making her get on all fours I stuffed the butt plug up her ass, put the choker collar on her and attached the leash. I made her do all the things a dog does, from barking to doing the normal dog tricks, sit, stay, roll over , shake. I took her for a walk and made her shit and piss outside on the lawn in front of the house. To add to her humiliation I made her smell her own shit. When she started gagging and puking it really pissed me off and I began yanking on the leash, choking her with the collar. Each time she gagged and spit up it made me madder and I pulled harder. Her face began to turn red, her lips were becoming blue. I knew I was strangling her with the collar and it began to turn me the fuck on. I kept going pulling the collar harder, holding the pressure longer, over and over again. I could feel my climax building as I watched her being strangled at my hand. The closer I got to climaxing the more intense the yanks became and the longer I cut off her ability to breath. Finally she fell limp and I yanked and held the pressure as my cunt exploded in an intense orgasm. Death by strangulation is something I have done many times but never like this and I loved the new thrill!torture phonesex choker

Strangulation phone sex with Indigo

Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex may seem a little rough to those of you without passion in this world, but I for one feel it is a necessary part of my life. I have this burning desire to consume you, and I know you feel the same way about me. When we have that tasty little morsel all taken care of and you’ve had your fun, all I can focus on is getting you naked and on your back. I love the feeling of riding that cock of yours while my hands are wrapped tightly around your neck. I think we have perfected the art of breath play, so we should start selling tickets to our hot and steamy adventures. I’m sure there are others who can appreciate watching me strangle you while I fuck your brains out.

The movements you make, and the sounds that come from you are intoxicating to me. I love to watch your face turn all those beautiful shades of red, then blue. I know you are really having a good time when that purple hue shows up around your lips, oh my, it’s as though its directly attached to your cock. I don’t know how you do it, but you seem to get harder the more I strangle you! I can see in your eyes the moment you cum and release my grip that you just had an intense orgasm. I always want to ask you how it feels, but I always seem to lay on top of you and fall asleep. For those weak ass punks who think they can satisfy me, do you think you can handle strangulation phone sex? If so, then bring it on!

Home Invasion

Home Invasion Phone Sex


Home invasion phone sex is so hot! I know just the home to invade. I used to babysit for them when I was younger. Boy did I have them fooled. I know the layout of the house so it will be fairly easy to fuck up this household. I have plans for this home. Who wants to help me? We can go in the night and sneak into the house. We can tie up the family members quietly one at a time so we don’t wake up the others. We can keep them all in one room and torture each in front of the other. Tell them we are going to let them live and give them a little hope. That way when we actually do snuff their lives out we can watch the last glimmer of hope fade away from their eyes. Taste the final tear that falls from their eyes. It tastes so sweet. Mmm, this is how I get off. I am so wet right now. I have special plans on how they should die too. The head needs to be detached from the body. I can use my big knife to slice through the necessary meat. What would you like to do with them?


Home Invasion Phone Sex 1

Paper or Plastic

torture phonesex karmaThe ad was short and to the point: “Man that loves living on the edge I have extreme, and sometimes dangerous, always kinky fetishes, looking for female with the same”
It definitely peeked my interest. I read it several times and the possibilities seemed endless. I was way more then interested. I knew I would call. I just hoped I wouldn’t be disappointed because my definition of the words “extreme and dangerous” were definitely far different from the average persons.
I called and we agreed to meet. He wanted to meet at a hotel for the first time. I knew this would not be satisfying for me. My idea of a wicked and twisted good time could not be had at a hotel without someone calling the law.
But I was determined to meet the requirements of his ad, based on my standards of course. One way or another he would put up or shut up. And you can bet I would be the one to be shutting him up. Very probably for good.
My cunt is creaming at the thought.
Any way our first meeting at the hotel was like playing patty cake. I don’t know if he was testing me or just warming up or if this bull shit was his idea of extreme. But all he wanted to do is burn play. Candle wax, small branding, putting cigarettes out on each other, the kind of shit that is like the appetizer, before the salad that comes before the steak and rich dessert in a four course meal. It was just enough to make my mouth water and my cunt long for more.
It took me two more visits before I got him to my place. He got one look at some of my “kinky” accessories and began to open up some more.He didn’t even notice the sign on the door to my room.torture phonesex contest1
I talked him into some strangulation play. Him choking me, not my idea of extreme but we were getting there. I could tell by his hard ass cock that he was game and it was game on. Surprisingly he didn’t wimp out and he choked me to the point of me passing out which gave me a fair orgasm before I went black.
When I came to he informed me that he still hadn’t gotten his rocks off only he wasn’t into strangulation as much as suffocation. He wanted me to put a plastic bag over his head .
It was my time! I laid him down with the bag securely behind his head. I made sure I could easily pull it over his face before mounting his throbbing cock.
I rode him in a frenzy imagining what I knew was to cum, what I had waited for, my moment of extreme orgasm.
He urged me on and I knew he had never been fucked like this, my desire to take his life urged me on and increased his need for more.
Finally I could tell he was close and even though I was supposed to wait for his word, I pulled the bag over his head. In his excitement he went with it and soon he was close to being out of breath and his dick began to jerk. He expected to cum and for me to remove the bag or cut a hole over his mouth.
Smiling and riding him harder and faster I held the bag tight, his cum spewing inside me, my orgasm was building, knowing what was going to happen. When he realized I wasn’t releasing the bag he began to panic, building the intensity for me.
I could see his eyes wide and full of fear thru the bag as he struggled. Again heightening the intensity of what was happening for me. I was going to cum all over him as he jerked and spasmed taking his last breath between my legs and deep inside my cunt.
As he lost the fight I gushed cum, in thick, milky, shots, squirting so hard it flowed down his hips and matted the hair on my cunt.torture phonesex contest

Home invasion phone sex

My boyfriend and I have been trying to decide what we want to do today. We are really in the mood to terrorize and torture someone today. I told him how about a little home invasion phone sex? He said that definitely sounded totally demented and awesome to him. So we started scoping out places we could break into. We found a huge house that we know these people have money and jewelry and awesome expensive cars. Since I’ve got my boyfriend with me we can do way more damage to this couple! We wait until they get home and are getting ready for dinner. I go up and ring the doorbell with the story that my car broke down may I please use your phone? Well next to me hiding behind a bush is my boyfriend, lol. So as soon as he says sure and opens his door more my boyfriend and I pull out our guns and tell them to grab their dining room chairs. We made them sit in the chairs while we grabbed our rope and tied them up and duct taped their hands behind their backs and their ankles to the chair. We then ask them where there safe is. At first they were reluctant but when the husband saw me pistol whip his wife and then slide my gun in between her legs he decided to cooperate. He told my boyfriend where the safe was and the code to get in while I stayed with his wife, gun still between her legs.

My boyfriend came downstairs with a whole pillow case full of money and jewelry! But we felt like doing more so he started pistol whipping the husband and I was dying to violate his wife! So I took my knife out and slit her skirt all the way up and the pulled her panties out and cut them in half. Then I took my gun and started fucking the bitch’s pussy with it, lol. You should have seen her husband such a pussy, lol. He started crying and shit, lol. Well my boyfriend decided to have a little fun with him and shot his knee caps out first, then shot through the top of his hands, lol. You should have seen all of the blood! Then he decided to put him out of his misery and just shot him in the head. I was still having fun with the wife and she was crying and begging for her life but no I don’t think so. I decided to kill the bitch differently this time. I just shot straight through her pussy but it didn’t kill her just hurt her really bad, lol. Then I just put my gun to the front of her head and shot her dead. It was nice to see the life drain out of both of them. Then my boyfriend and I fucked on the floor in between them.

I Want Your Mind, Body And Soul

You came looking for me for a reason, didn’t you? And you’re really not sure why or how you came upon my name and found me, but I know why. I’ve had complete and total control of you, you always sensed it, admit it. You felt this urge and yearning for someone, that certain someone you felt pulling you toward them.

You knew you never had complete control of yourself, you’ve always needed someone to guide you and direct you on every aspect in your life. You could hear my voice at night when it’s dark and quiet calling your name to let go, release yourself of all your inhibitions and submit to me, your Mistress.

I will take you over and will have you feeling and experiencing things you never thought possible. I am your sensual, erotic Dominatrix who will instruct you and guide you and satisfy those cravings your body has ached for.

I’ll have you lie back in the dark listening to my soft, sultry voice telling you to release yourself of all your fears and submit to me. I will give you ultimate and total pleasure and I’ll have you craving my voice and touch constantly. You will become my slave and devote yourself to me because the satisfaction I bestow upon you is worth giving me your mind, body and soul willingly.

Stupid Fucking Bitches


Accomplice phone sex with StormStupid Fucking Bitch. I am tired of dealing with stupid fucking bitches! I am a nice person. I try hard to be nice to everyone. Just because I have some tattoos people think I am trash. Clerks who just walk away from me. Old bitches who come up and say I look like a whore with all my tats. When did the world get so fucking nasty! I can tell you this. I am DONE with it. I will NOT put up with it anymore. I tell the old bitches that mouth off that someone should cut their fucking tongues out. I make sure I make a big enough scene in the stores to where the managers have to come help me, and they BETTER fucking me nice. I have stopped just smiling at fucked up people who do fucked up things. Now I pay the Bitches back. FUCK them hard core. Time to teach some lessons! First I go into the coffee shop where the bitch refused to serve me. I waited until the shop was empty. The manager was in his office and the bitch was cleaning off the counters. I walked in and she huffed and turned around like she was going to ignore me again. Not this time! I told her I was sorry I accidentally ran into her car. Oooh she ran out so fast to check on her little pride and joy. I followed her out, and when we rounded the corner I picked up a brick and nailed the bitch in the head. I threw her limp body in my car, and drove her to the next town over. It is a much bigger town. With a VERY bad drug infested neighborhood. I stripped the Bitch down. Completely naked, and then shot her up with a VERY large dose of meth. Oh she wont be kicking that habit any time soon. More importantly she is going to learn how to service some one. I dropped her off buck naked, doped up in the middle of drug central. I watched from a few car lengths away as some gang bangers surround her. Then they drag her into an alley. I can only watch a little as they take turns teaching her how to SERVICE. They used her like a bitch needs to be used. I don’t know if she will make it home, and really I don’t give a fuck. To many other bitches needing lessons to worry about this one.

Teen Models Wanted

torture phonesex karmaWhat a wicked and well planed scheme. The warehouse was just out of town and had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was in great shape and the interior was perfect for a fake set up in front and a glorious torture chamber in back.
The ad was short, sweet and cheap and the response was overwhelming!
I set up appointments as the secretary and was ready and waiting for them.
The first Mother/Daughter duo was stunning. Of course I started snapping photos and gaining their trust right away.
Then it was time for a break or so they thought. My heart raced as I took them to the back and used one against the other while recording the whole thing.
The poor Mother knew if she didn’t do as I said her Daughter would suffer and the Daughter knew the same.
I began by cutting their pretty little faces and making them lick the blood off each other. Keeping the torture simple for now, until the others arrived.
As the day worn on five Mother/Daughter duos showed up. More then enough for a night of hideous torture and mutilation, destroying their beauty, accompanied by my pleasure and endless orgasms.
All of it on film. Fucking the little ones with knives, removing nipples one at a time, cutting and slashing and delighting in the screams and pain.
Today I sleep amongst the corpses and tonight I get rid of all of them.
I love it when a plan comes together!

Extremely Evil Phone Sex

torture phonesex angie 01When I found Ms Brown she was a wee one. I fell in love with her simply because of her nature. I created a beautiful home for her in an aquarium. It was a paradise for her and she deserved nothing less. I have taken such good care of her, pampering her and making sure she stayed healthy and happy. Each time I tend to her my cunt secretes sweet juice just knowing she will do the same for me when she is big enough. My juices bring me pleasure and hers will cause excruciating pain rewarding me with more pleasure. Ms Brown finally grew to the size of a dime and it was time for her to show me some evil, twisted, love and pleasure. torture phonesex spiderI took her down to my basement where I have kept him for months, keeping him well fed and slightly tortured, in preparation for what he would endure. The plan was to start at the bottom and work my way up over a period of several weeks, or as long as he stayed alive. I carefully placed Ms Brown, my beautiful Brown Recluse, on his lower leg, just above his ankle. She did not disappoint me, injecting her venom with a nice bite. Returning her to her home in the aquarium, my cunt was alive with what was to come. As the days past the bite became inflamed and filled with the effects of her venom. I watched as it worsened and he became feverish, moaning from pain. Finally it was time. Using a dull and rusted razor blade, I cut it open and began digging at it with gloved hands. His screams of agony served their purpose, bringing me intense orgasm after orgasm. It has been several weeks now and I enjoy going down to the basement and digging my gloved hands into his growing and festering wound.torture phonesex bite I believe it is time to let my lovely pet have another taste of him.  This time on his inner thigh very close to his groin. I will allow this bite to fester and grow and will enjoy inflicting more pain on him. If he survives this one, his cock is next. I will continue to work my way up his body, giving Ms Brown delicious tastes of his flesh as I watch him decay and cause him more and more pain. I am hoping that he will survive long enough for me to get to his face so that I can watch that decay as well after my lovely Ms Brown pumps him with more venom. I am not sure how  many Brown Recluse bites a human can survive without treatment as the flesh is eaten away and falls from the bone. However I plan on finding out as I cum with delight throughout the process!torture phonesex angie 02