Castration is such a wonderfully fun procedure. I love it when I can use a dull, rusty blade and make pain so much more intense. I love when the wound gets infected and my newly castrated patient becomes weak with fever which is always followed by them becoming delirious. If course when most people think of castration,the instantly think of males. However I do not discriminate when it comes to administering pain to my victims and I am just as happy castrating young pussy as well. And today I have some sweet young bald pussy lips to remove. Slowly and carefully. No anesthesia is necessary. A nice sterile sharp scalpel is not required. All I need is this sweet young victim, tied to my table. Legs spread wide open with her eyes wide and full of fear. This nice dull knife that has so much rust on it you can’t tell it was ever silver. And this yearning deep in my pussy to draw blood and cause pain. My cunt tingles as I grab that pussy lip and pull it, placing the blade on the top part, pushing the blade into the skin the first drop of blood and the scream flow forth together and my cunt contracts in anticipation of the orgasm that will surely come.
Sweet Little Pussy Lips
Caught In The Act (Almost)
Ahhh babysitting the fucking brats again. This has turned out to be a super fucking gig. I love drugging the little bastards and fucking them up. And the parents have no fucking clue how sadistic I get with these little fuckers! I went about our usual routine, feeding them their laced dinner, rubbing my cunt under the table as it gets wetter by the minute. Thinking of all the twisted shit I am going to do tonight. Just as their little heads start to bob I get up and take all their clothes off before tying them to their chairs, legs spread and ankles tied to each leg. I am on my knees and just about to take that little cock in my mouth when I hear the front door open. Fuck me what the fuck are they doing home? They aren’t due back for hours. Standing up and straightening my clothes I emerge from the kitchen to find him there looking through the credenza for something. God I hope he doesn’t go in the kitchen, good thing the little brats can’t do anything but drool at this point. He has forgotten his credit card he thinks it is in his office on his desk. Fuck he has to walk right -past the kitchen. Luckily I am able to keep his attention and keep him looking at me as we pass the doorway. Finally he has his card and is walking out the door, none the wiser. Fuck that was close as shit and as I close the door the rush of almost getting caught sends a wave of cum flowing out of my cunt and down my legs. Time to get back to business.
My Master
My Master, King of the Demons, Satan, Beelzebub has me in the palm of his hot and slimy hand. I live to please my Dark Lord. When I please him with my evil deeds, when I bring him pure and young sacrifices not yet tainted by man he rewards me with his huge red hot cock deep inside me. He fills me to the point of ripping my flesh open so that he can consume the blood he has produced. The heat of his breath on my skin brings beads of perspiration from both desire and anticipation. I know he will fill me with his demonic seed and one day I will carry his son and raise him to adore his father and to do his bidding just as I do. My cunt flows with juice that soothes his long, hard, pointy cock as he stabs me deep inside, pushing all the way into my womb.
I hated malls growing up, and I hate them even worse now. There are so many stuck up cunts walking around with their latte’s and coach bags, really pisses me the fuck off. I only went there to upgrade my cell phone since it was the only store local to me, but that’s when it happened. This stupid cunt with her pink everything asked me why I was dressed like it was Halloween. Then those bitchy friends of hers all started laughing. They wouldn’t be laughing for long. I simply stared at her and asked her name. “Honey.” she said, hmm fitting.
I followed that rich cunt home and waited till the wee hours of the morning and rang the doorbell. What a dumb whore. I quickly subdued her and dragged her to my car. It was time for a trip to my Daddy’s farm. His honey bee farm. A place for bitchy “Honey” too!
She was still passed out when I slapped her awake. Oh that look on her face was sheer terror! She tried to struggle, but I had her tied to that utility dolly good! I ripped her nightgown off and I started painting her with pure honey. Oh what a sight. I poured it in her mouth, shoved it up her nose and shot it in her ass and cunt. There was this cute apparatus that I stole from my gynecologist. You know the one that opens up your cervix? Mm hmm… those bees were gonna find treasure up in there! I put honey on this “Honey” treat all spread eagle like, honey dripping from her gaping cunt, and her asshole. Hell I even shoved it in her ears. Can you just imagine how loud and hungry those buzzers are gonna sound in her actual eardrum! Maddening I tell you! My cunt was getting wetter and wetter!
I wheeled in that screaming teen and the crowd went wild! I literally jumped up and down with excitement as this young meat was stung, stung, and stung again. You could see those winged devils crawling everywhere they found a taste of honey. Her bites eventually turning to oozing bloody welts. There were so many bees in her cunt, and down her throat. It was sheer magic.
I bet you would love to have seen this!
I was recently asked by one of many sick adorable freaks who call me, if I ever get aroused. This made me chuckle, of course I get aroused. My arousal comes from things more along the lines of death, mutilation, torture, forced sexual situations, decay and all around heavy taboo fantasies dealing with depravity. Meaning, the nastier the better. By nasty I do not mean such cliche things such as “Oh, yeah face fuck me harder. I love your cock in my sweet pussy.” I am referring to the nasty that swims inside the deep pools of the sexually insane mind. Those thoughts that form in the darkness of madness and are done with a happy heart.
However, if nasty to you involves a blow job where you release your nut paste into the back of My throat, then I implore you not to phone Me, as I am not into that type of thing and I find it very dull to say the least. That does nothing for Me, it bores Me to tears. I become aroused at the thought of skin peeling away from flesh, the high pitched screams of pain echoing through the alleyways in some low rent crack infested housing project. I take pleasure in the pictures that stream before my mind’s eye where there is something frail and delicate tossed to the wolves of human cruelty then left to whimper until their mind can take no more and it shatters into psychosis.
This is what arouses Me. This is what I like. This is your answer to the question you posed.
Creep Up On Ya
What’s lurking in those deep dark shadows . . . distorted shapes that seem to be twisting around your ankles, and clawed hands that grab, the sharp fingernails digging in deep. Nightmares come from this inherent fear of the evil that lurks beneath the surface. Do you know what else nightmares are born from? Parties after dark . . . social hour. Everyone believes that more bodies means more safety. Isn’t that the idea behind the so-called “buddy system?” Haha. I know the truth.
More bodies just means more wicked fun. More sinister persuasion. More merciless fucking. All of those scantily-clad whores and drunken rich boys. Gyrating bodies and unsuspecting prey. The great thing about already being on a boat is the fact that there is plenty of rope lying around. This comes in handy when a sick, twisted slut like myself wants to tie up a couple of hos and man whores with tight, circulation deadening sailor’s knots. I like to maim penises. Some chicks like to tie hair bows, but I’m a little different. I especially love the feeling of a firm, juicy, cum-filled ball weighing down heavily in my hand. When the party guests wander off and leave their drinks unattended, I’m looming over the bar, shaking a little bit of magic potion in there to put them fast asleep.
Knock Knock
Darling little Angels, With pretty hate filled eyes,
Trained to gasp with pleasure, as men slip between their thighs.
Holding on so tightly, small hands upon his face
Never did the stupid fool consider the real price of this wicked place .
He grunts, groans and whispers, sick demented things
into soft, tiny ears, as they are forced down upon rusted bed springs.
When his sack is empty, he pulls away to leave,
Until he feels that little tug, hard upon his sleeve.
For one forever moment, He shows a little love,
He reaches down toward his freshly soiled Princess, to give a swift short hug.
She presses broken finger nails into his soft fat flesh,
She clings to her former lover as the other tasty young things
emerge to join in the mesh.
He tries to thrust her outward, push her hard away from his side,
the nails, they dig in deeper as her mouth stretches opens wide.
The others are upon him before he can fight back,
They are hungry little demons looking for an
after hard fuck snack.
You see this stupid piece of male meat walked into the place,
thinking it was your typical young girl whore house where he could just shoot his load upon a small little face.
She took his money gladly, then lead him down the steps,
Into the damp dim gloom, you could hear the little voices coming from each tiny room,
He picked the one he wanted, his cock already hard.
She smiled a crooked smile, then knocked upon the door,
it opened up silently, hardly scraping on the floor.
The little thing giggled, then laid down on the bed that was smelly and blood marred.
At first he didn’t notice how the blood was also on the wall,
Or how there were screams from other men echoing in the hall.
Now he is surrounded, brought down to the floor,
teeth, sharp and jagged keep going back for more.
Within a few horrific minutes, he isn’t there at all.
The sweet little evil one, in whom he plunged his cock,
licks off her sticky fingers, then awaits another knock.
The Soccer Mom
Ahhhh. The Soccer Mom. The topic of many of conversation. I fucking HATE Soccer Moms. They for the most part are just slaves to their families. To me slaves are to be abused, used, and then tossed aside when they are done being useful. However, they can be used for other things. Things that the common person would never think of using them for.
Take for instance Leslie. Leslie used to live very close to me, her and her three little demons. I would see her loading them up into their minivan, yelling for them to hurry up, her looking like she had been tortured by a make up artist on crack. She was just a fucking mess. To top it all of, she was just a bitch. She thought her little vagina bullets were the best things on earth. The fuck they were. Three tiny little bitches in training to be just like their Mother.
You know about my friend. I have mentioned him so many times in my blogs before. He was over when he heard Leslie screaming for her bitches to get in the damn van, they were late! He started to laugh and told me he had an idea. He stayed at my place until Leslie got home, as soon as she pulled up, he hauled ass over to her driveway. I had no clue what the hell he was doing. I saw him point at me in the window and Leslie waved at me. Her idiot botched abortions started to run toward my place. My friend was walking behind them with Leslie.
I opened the door and gave him a WTF look, he winked at me. I just shrugged, as soon as the door shut he picked up the poker from my fire place and cracked Leslie across that back of the head with it. The bitches started to wail. He walked over to them and smacked them all across the face, they shut up pretty damn quick. He looked at me and told me to help him. We hauled the baby maker up the stairs, stripped her, tied her up, gagged her, then tied the wee bitches together and tethered them to the radiator.
Once the Soccer Mom woke up, it was torture time. Have you ever smelled burnt flesh? The way his dick jumped when he held that knife blade against her skin right after he held the blow torch to it was amazing to watch. When he was done there was no more Leslie, and her bitch babies were full of his cum, and full of his knife blade wounds.
Cruel Intentions
I’ve got a secret. Can you keep it? Sure, I’ve got a fucking rosary around my neck. I walk by all of those spoiled girly-girls all of the time and I just smirk at them. I’m a bitter bitch, but I know what’s up. When I get myself alone, I can always count on the special white stuff I store in my necklace. You want to puff a little bit of this powder, huh? Yeah, baby, I’ve got you covered. The two of us can have a lot of fun. First, I’ll do lines of this coke off your dick while you spank my cheek with it. Then we’ll really fuck a slut up. Have you ever held a tramp down and shoved stuff up her holes? I love to get my fist and punch them up there until they’re screaming for more. “Say your prayers, little girl!” we’ll shout at that whore. Then the two of us will bang her from every orifice she has. Messing up those holes, getting them nice and full of your cum. And when we’re done and need to dispose of the mess, I’ll take my rosary out and thank God Almighty for bringing us such a fun little fucktoy! Cum with me, baby, and we’ll go as high as the sky, screwing every dumb slut we run into on the way there.
The Evil Sitter
I get to baby sit the fucking brats again. Last time was so much fun and this time I have some really interesting things planned. I have their drugs packed and ready to administer at dinner time as soon as their parents leave. This time I have some toys and I am going to make them torture each other with while I watch. My cunt is alive with the sound of crying…I can’t stop thinking about how much fun this is going to be. I have fish hooks that they are going to put though each others bodies. I have a cattle prod and they are going to shock each other in their little pussy and cock. I have a jar full of red fire ants and they are going to pour honey on each other and then put the ants on each other. I am going to watch them cry and scream while they obey my every command, knowing they won’t remember a thing in the morning. I love watching others torture each other with me in control almost as much as I love to issue the torture myself. This is going to be a fun night for my cunt to cum and be happy!