She Didn’t Have A Chance…


This stupid little bitch that you see in the picture her name is Erin and this fucking whore wanted to make fun of me and tell me that being a gothic girl is stupid. She just kept running her fucking mouth and she needed to be taught a lesson. So, I decided to teach her one today and I did not even have to work hard. LOL She came right to me she walked up to my door and asked me if she could use my phone because she was locked out of her house. Of course I told her yes. When she walked in I locked the door behind her. She called her parents and they said it was going to to be little while before they would be home. So, I offered her a drink. She said she was sorry for all the things that she said. I told her oh it is just fine, then I noticed she finished her drink. So, I said do not worry about anything you won’t remember anything in a minute she got the most intense look in her eyes as she feel backwards on the couch. I told her not to worry it is just a drug that will make you paralyzed for hours but you will still be able to see and feel. I knew by the look in her eyes she was terrified. I walked off and then came back with needle and thread. I asked her do you remember all those things you said that would hurt a normal person. Well. you won’t be able to say those things anymore, and you said it to someone that is by no means normal at all. I took the needle and shoved right through her lips and pulled it back through and did it over and over again until her fucking mouth was complete shut forever! LOL When I looked her tears were just dripping down her pathetic little face. As, I was finished I leaned over to her and told her don’t worry you are going to be a amazing dish tonight!

Torture Phone Sex


I grew up always torturing things. If it wasn’t the pets that we had it was all my neighbors pets they would always wonder what happen to them not knowing that their stupid little fucking pets were cut up in our basement while my parents were out of town. I would torture and beat them and then cut them up in little pieces and then feed them to my dog the only one that I would not torture. After awhile animals just were not doing it for me anymore. My mind is demented and I need something a little more twisted to do. As I was walking down the street to take one of my neighbors pets, I saw one of their little ones and I knew right then what I had wanted this whole time it was not pets, or any animals for that matter it was this little bitch standing in front of me. She looked delicious to me. My mouth was watering just thinking about the taste of her skin, well all of her body. I went home and planned it all out that I will be going into her window to get her later tonight while her parents are sleeping. She will be plenty for me to eat while my parents are gone.

A storm is coming…


Oh boy is a storm coming, no one can feel it but me, no one else can sense the torment that is on it’s way but believe me it will be felt by everyone soon enough. I can only hold back the rage for so long before I need to let it all out and when I do finally let go, you better back the fuck up so you don’t get caught in the cross fire. I need a BIG explosion this time, one stupid little whore dying in tribute to me is not going to be enough this time, oh no, I need a mass slaughter of many many innocent creatures to satisfy my current blood lust. I want to see rivers of blood and hear the sound of hundreds of little brats sobbing for their mothers and begging for their pathetic lives. I want to see the fucking apocalypse begin right now in this moment! Are you ready to join me?

Torture Phone Sex So Shocking It’s Hot!!!

hot phonesex karma6Being the sick and fucking twisted bitch that I am, my mind can’t help where it leads me! But if your fucked up too, your right there with my ass.
I am in town again getting a few things and I see this dude, his skin is all fucked up and healing from what looks like burns. My pussy is instantly on fire thinking of how he must have screamed in pain, withering to the ground and finally passing out only to wake up in more pain.
Days go by and I have fucked myself raw thinking about the images in my head over and over again. I can’t take it any more, I have to fulfill my fantasies. So I hide at the edge of the woods till I see a pretty little thing. Hot mini skirt, lots of skin showing and just as petite and prissy as they come. She has an exaggerated wiggle in that tight ass walk of hers.
She is going to be so easy to take.
I get everything ready while she is watching tied and gagged for now. The generator is humming, I have pots of water filled, wires long enough with several attachments I have made, from pipes to flat pieces of metal to clamps, I have the extension cord out and the curling iron and flat iron heating up. Yes I am almost ready for this sweet little morsel!
I lay her on the army cot face down first and tie her to the metal frame. Pots of water close by and everything close enough to grab.
I take the gag out of her mouth and dip my fingers in some water, rubbing them over my hard nipples as I look at her and smile while licking my lips.
I reach over and grab the curling iron. It isn’t very big but it is very hot and as I look her i the eyes I lay it on her ass, smelling the burning flesh, listening to her scream and fucking my cunt with the other hand.
Ahhhhh this feels so good! I place a clamp on each of her big toes after licking and sucking them and getting them nice and wet. Then I repeat the process on each of her pinky fingers. I look her in the eyes again as I crank up the juice and listen to her skin crackle and turn black while she screams out in agony!
I want her mouth, I place a clamp on my clit and her bottom lip and kneel in front of her, hand on the control and make her lick and suck my cunt while I control the shocks to my cunt and her mouth. My god this is delicious!
I want to burn her I need to see a huge hunk of flesh boiled and seeping fluid so I grab the iron and press it deep into her ass cheek as I cum all over myself!
The night is young and I will burn every inch of her flesh to a mass of pusses, festering boils, and distorted flesh before pouring gas on her and setting her on fire!
Karma will fuck you, sassy little bitch!

My Specail Cuffs….

hot phonesex angieI have devices of all shapes and sizes that cause a varying level of pain and agony and I love using each and every one of them. A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine and fellow censure of the macabre about restraints. I am, so bored with the same old hand cuffs, shackles and chains. Little did I know he would bring me a gift. A delicious, mouth watering, cunt quivering, gift. I can’t wait to use it and the idea of it makes my cunt drip with anticipation. He welded a hand cuff to each end of the pole and inserted nails into the cuffs so that they would pierce the skin the tighter I choose to make them. I can imagine my victims skin ripping as they twist and turn trying to get out of my new toy. Blood gushing everywhere from the sensitive area that is bleeding. This is going to be so much fun for me and so much pain for someone of my choosing.


Dogs For Dinner


Since I could not have the human flesh that I wanted for dinner. I went to the secret little place I know that slaughters little fucking worthless dogs. I went over there and helped a friend of mine that works there. We took four different dogs and skinned them and then cut large chunks of meat off their bodies. When we were done torturing them and then cutting them up she let me take a few of them home for dinner. I got home and made me some delicious dog soups, and a great dog sandwich mixed with a little human flesh that I had left.

Today when I got up I wanted another one. So, as I was sitting on my porch I noticed my neighbors little dog is running around. I grabbed a piece of human flesh and held it up to the dog so he would come to me. I grabbed him and took him in the house and kicked the little fucker around until he passed out. Then, I grabbed him and grabbed the butcher knife that I have and chopped him up in little pieces and put them in zip lock bags so I can make some wonderful sandwiches and soup this week!

Written In The Stars

whats ur sign baby1

Well, it’s a known fact that Scorpio is the most sensual, sexual and hypnotic of all the astrological signs in the zodiac. And I for one must agree, there are times when it’s as if the stars are aligned a certain way and an uncontrollable urge comes over me and there’s nothing I can do about it.

it’s comforting to know that even the universe itself is in agreement that my need to overtake and act on my need to use these fresh young bodies for my pleasure. Maybe that’s also one of the reasons why it is so easy for me, how these sweet treats cannot resist or deny me what I crave the most. Overtaking and using their bodies to satisfy me almost brings a smile to my face.

They surrender to the fact that there’s nothing they can do or say to stop , it’s submission is their only response and I enjoy every bit of it. Their excitement, curiosity, passion, and finally when it’s too late their submission makes the taste even more sweet and satisfying. it will all be worth it, I will leave nothing to waste and I will savor every bite.

sexy scorpio1


Cannibalism Phone Sex Party

We always have a end of the year party for school. We get together and go on a camping trip for a few days. There has been eleven of us that go together every year. The agreement is every year we pick one girl to go with us. She must have a healthy looking body, and take very good care of herself. On our way to the camp site we stock up on lots of beer, and other goodies that we always need. One of us eleven leave to go get a very special drug, we pick up our new friend coming along on the way to the campsite. When we get to the camp site we all set up the the tents and where we are going to sleep. We set the fire pit up so we can stay nice and warm and the roaster cause we plan on catching a delicious piece of meat. James the one single man at the party starts flirting with our new girl we brought with us. He asks her if she wants a beer and of course she does when he brings it back to her she drinks it all up very fast not even noticing that special drug is in it. It is getting closer to dinner when she finally passes out. We give her a few minutes to go into a deep sleep.


All the men get together and take her down to the lake and strip her completely naked and rape the little pig bitch. Once they are finished fucking and raping this little whore pig. They put her in the water for us and start cleaning and washing her till she is completely free of all perfumes,cum and any other substance. Then it is dinner time. We put our large piece of pork up on the roaster so we can watch our little fuck pig roast. She is going to be so tasty when she is ready for us. We always have a special piece of meat for dinner at our end of the year parties.


Mutilation phone sex with Storm

mutilation phone sexMutilation phone sex is fantastic. I found a nasty little mall rat to play with last night. She was rude and disrespectful. You know the type of little bitch who thinks she is BETTER than everyone. She turned her prissy little nose up when she passed me. I could hear her loudly snicker and say gross like I was a piece of trash at her feet. Something I could not let pass. I followed her till she made it to her car. Of course she was parked in a handicap spot when she obviously just thought the rules didn’t apply to her. But she is about to learn. She didn’t notice me when I hit her. She feel like a sack of potatoes. I got her quickly in the car and I was off. I drove all night to my cabin. Very secluded. The two times she woke up I hit her with a brick to put her back down. When she finally woke up I had her stripped and tied spread eagle between two beams. She started screaming at me like I worked for her. Ordering me to untie her! AT once! Lol I picked up a box of bricks and threw one at her. She screamed at me and I threw another one. Every time she spoke I threw a hard brick at her! She was bleeding and turning black and blue before she learned to shut the fuck up. I held a brick in my hand when I walked up to her with the shears. I turned them on and shaved her pretty blonde hair. She started to scream and I picked up the brick she shut up instantly. Grown dogs can learn. When I had her shaven I picked up the knife. Time to have some fun. First I sliced up that pretty face. Long deep scarring slashes. Then I took out 2 razor blades. I walked behind her and spread her ass checks and wedged the blades in her ass. They lodged slicing deep in her checks. She was whimpering like a dog. But still hopeful I would let her live she didn’t scream at me. Stupid Bitch! I took great pleasure in leaving her that hope as I sliced her arms and leg.. Then moved to her stomach. I cut from her cunt to each of her tits. But the best part was when I pulled out the machete and walked up to her. I knew the second she figured out what I was gonna do. As I started to push that blade between her legs. The second she knew she was gonna die. Then she screamed. Loud and long. That is when I shoved the machete right up her cunt. I left it lodge in her. When I grabbed the baseball bat. That was shoved right up her tight ass. I have never heard someone scream so hard. I picked back up my brick and smashed that bitches face in. That’s what happens when a bitch needs a lesson.

Snuff Phone Sex with Teen Accomplice Lydia

 My Daddy and I love to spend time watching people. Most people probably do people watching to be nosey or to feel good. We watch it for potential victims. Since I’m so young and I look so sweet and sound so innocent I’m the bait. Daddy is the brains! We find who we like and he goes out of the restaurant and “dispatches” their car. Seeing a cute little girl offering her sweet Daddy’s car up as a ride is pretty irresistible. They don’t know that this tiny teen is capable of murder and mayhem of epic proportions! I am a Sadistic Teen and I love working with my Daddy. He has such an eye for the perfect playthings. Daddy and I have the same dark heart. I get so excited when I watch his big strong hands squeezing a helpless throat. I love making his cock twitch as I do or say something pure evil. Oh we’re such a perfect pair Daddy. I wonder who we will find next. It’s almost dinner time and I want to play with you.