Canabalism Phone Sex * Just a Simple Hunting Accident

Cannibalism Phone Sex ReaganCannibalism Phone Sex ReaganSometimes it does not pay to get in the way of how nature does things. I spent many years watching animal rights activists go balls out, trying to stop hunting season. Even in the hunting preserves. Those stupid cunts will do many malicious things.. like sabotage camps, and other dumb fucking things. Mostly they will just piss off decent hunters. After all, they just want dinner… so who cares what meat they cook right?

As they aimed for the doe, that chubby bitch came out of no where. It all happened so fast. She heard a funny wet noise when it entered her belly. Looking over, the deer had run off and it made sense now. At least she had saved the animal this time. Feeling faint she landed on her knees and tugged at the metal shaft now poking out. Her skin opened up and a rush of blood gushed out.. she was puking blood and the world faded away.

The hunters looked at their kill and decided this was a doe Cannibalism Phone Sex Reageanworth taking back to camp. Stripping her naked they burned her clothes and dragged her back. The wives will know how to cook this piggy. And to their delight there seemed to be a spit big enough for a buck. The woman cleaned her out, guts and all. They put the foil wrapped potatoes where the lungs used to be, cornbread and shelled walnuts in her belly. Re using her liver they they used onions and garlic some salt and pepper and re placed it. Stitching the belly back up they started to baste her piggy thighs and took turns spinning her on the fire. They found most of the gravy came from her tits and ass. Meaty bitches are always the tasty ones!

Do you have any delicious hunting accidents to talk about?Cannibalism Phone Sex Reagan 

Whatever You’ve Got

torture sex kaliI was minding my own business on campus a couple days ago. My phone rang and “DADDY” flashed across the screen. “Hi Daddy!” I answered “Hi Princess” he said. He actually sounded sober. “How’s about me and you grab some lunch, a Daddy daughter date?” “I’ve got 40 minutes til my next class” “Sounds perfect. Meet me out front in 6” Sure enough, six minutes later on the dot, Daddy pulled up in his work truck. “Subway okay?” “Sounds great Daddy!” We stopped and went in. Daddy ordered some manly sandwich and I ordered an oven roasted chicken breast with all the vegetables besides jalapenos. I started to order my usual Diet Coke but my dad reached his hand out “Just water for the little lady, please” Weird. Oh well. We ate our meal and caught up. I looked at my phone. “We’ve gotta get back, dad” “Oh, alright” We jumped in the truck and he drove…past the school….to his construction site. Fuck fuck fuck not again. We got out and his buddies rushed me, showering me with kisses and compliments. I acted flattered but was really truly terrified. As I dutifully flirted with the men, I saw one out of the corner of my eye coming up next to me. I felt an agonizing pain in the side of my head and promptly passed out. When I woke up, it was dark. I was in the bed of a truck, and I hurt. Oh my god I hurt so much. My cunny burned, like I’d been fucked hard, and my side ached so much. I put a hand to my side, right above my hip, and raised my hand to my face. Spunk and blood, mixed together in a strawberry cream pie…but why was it coming from there?? I succumbed to the pain again and passed out. I awoke to a man lifting me up and throwing me effortlessly over his shoulder. I smelled Daddy’s familiar scent and asked what was going on, why was there so much blood, why does it hurt so much? He gently laid me down in bed and covered me up. “Daddy and John have a gambling problem, hun” “I know that, Dad. But what…” he nodded to his truck, which we could see from my bedroom window. It was backed up to the window with the tailgate down for ease of getting me out, and it was then that I noticed the cooler. “Good price for human kidneys, Kali” My jaw dropped. “But this wound, daddy. So much…” he laughed “All the men on my crew, their wives are snooty bitches. Don’t put out but for 2 days a year. None of them can resist a good hole when they see it”

Angie’s Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain

domination phone sex orgyOne of my Master’s traded me to a female domme, Mistress Angie. He never told me why, but she showed up and claimed me as her newest bitch. I wasn’t sure about this; I’m accustomed to male masters. She informed me I was going to fit right into her Dungeon of Pleasure and Pain. When I tried to question her she punched me so hard, I was knocked out cold. She transported me to an abandoned building. An old insane asylum she uses for torture sex shows. When I woke up I was in a BDSM outfit . A big guy picked me up off the floor, threw me on a table and started taking my ass. I tried to see what was around me. It was dark, but there were these flashes of light that let me catch a glimpse every now and again of the depravity going on around me.

torture sex snuff mutilationAs my ass was being violated, Angie let me know that things could go two ways for me. I could be part of her pleasure palace where I am fucked for her hardcore bondage and anal torture clients. Or, I could suffer a worst fate. Mutilation, torture sex, and snuff for her more sadistic clientele. The screams I was hearing came from women who were not good fuck pigs, but torture dolls. Women who apparently didn’t know how to survive.  Angie was a sadistic bitch. She had women in various rooms all suffering  genital mutilation and torture while she filmed it. This abandoned building was a warehouse of missing women. Women, like me, who were sold or traded, some even kidnapped. Angie was operating some sort of underground sex fetish hotel . Guys have a selection of woman: women to fuck and play BDSM games with, and women to torture and snuff.

bondage phone sex femdomI am a pain slut, and a good submissive, but some of the things I saw guys paying for sickened me. This was beyond nipple torture and whipping. I saw a guy shoved a live rat up a girl’s cunt and staple her pussy shut. I heard a chainsaw and screams. Anything goes in her dungeon. You can smell the blood and death and fear in the air. I prefer to live. So, I will let men fuck me however they want if it prevents my pussy from being mutilated and keeps me alive.  But if you are looking for whores to torture and kill or just fuck against their wills, she has a wide selection of women available, from teens to grannies.  I’m going to be a good whore so I avoid Angie’s wrath. She said Master spoke highly of my obedience, so if I do well as a fuck pig, I will get promoted to her accomplice. If it is a matter of my life, I will snuff out a slut and enjoy it. Fuck female bonding, it’s all about survival.

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Left it all Behind


Before I got myself together and really started taking care of business I was struggling hard. My bottom was when I found myself hanging around in an abandoned building right outside of town. I knew it was dangerous here but it was more comfortable for me than a shelter and it wasn’t far from town at all. I had been walking to a bus stop when I noticed it, it looked like no one had been inside there in months. Instead of hoping on the bus I went to check out what was inside. As I entered I saw how dark and dusty it was, but there were rooms every where so I was excited to explore. I unpacked myself right inside the front room, just in case I had to flee I would be able to grab most of my things.

A few days of staying there and I was feeling like I had really found my home. Of course it was silly to think that, but I found comfort in calling it my home. One night when I came home I was met by a group of white men who seemed to be pissed that I was “squatting” in their neighborhood. They tortured my black pussy shoving cocks in my ass and a huge cucumber ripping my ass hole wide open. They were shoving the cucumber so far inside of me I thought I would burst. They made me their cum slut that night, shooting their loads anywhere on me.  I could feel the skin around my ass hole tearing as they tore into my pussy. They all fucked me raw right there in my doorway and left me on the front porch with the cucumber still lodged in my ass hole. When they were done my face was covered in cum, it was dripping out of my hair as I laid there trying to catch my breath.


Out Of Time


I had to find someone for him and quick! This time he had given me a time limit for my assignment. I had to be back before sun fall with a white princess that could help him rape his nigger slave. Leaving my cage I had no idea where I was going to find this chick! Determined I figured I’d trail the bars because I knew the drunk chicks would be easy and free. I saw my angel walking out in a white dress with her beautiful legs looking perfect for my mission. She agreed to come back with me and we were off back to my master.

He took one look at my angel Angie and I could see on his face that he was satisfied with what I had arrived back with. He pulled me down to my knees and tied me at the door. Him and Angie disappeared for what felt like hours! Finally coming back with what looking like a box of torture. He placed it just far enough to where I couldn’t peak to see what was inside. He placed our princess right between my legs to eat my pussy while he pulled the first tool out the box, clamping my nipples hard I instantly came in Angie’s mouth. He handed her something and I could feel the lips of my pussy being clamped open as I felt an intense vibration right on my clit. She was holding a vibrator on my pussy while he pushed anal balls in my ass to stuff me. I couldn’t scream out because I was gagged, even though I wouldn’t dare make that outburst. My last outburst ended in me not being able to control my potty breaks for a few weeks.

They had there way with every part of my body that day. Angie was an amazing princess, she controlled my every nut and made sure that everyone I had was more painful than the one before. The tears draining down my face just caused her to fuck me harder. She loved to pull the pain out of me. I fell victim to her power as he tore into every hole I had. I was stretched out until the early hours of the morning. Waking up the next day still chained at the door, awaiting my next torture fest.

Becka’s Bloody Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn titleWhen I met Becka and she told me about her “little secret’ my cunt exploded! This little whore thinks she is a real pain slut. She claims to love the pain of being cut and watching the blood drip down her arms and body. She claims that she cums the hardest when pain is being inflicted upon her. I have just the thing for her. I am going to film a sweet little porn. I am going to bring a new meaning to the term ass rape  for her and she is going to bleed like she never has before!

I had everything set up in my basement . She was about to get everything she asked for and more. The cameras were set up. The knives, scalpels and razor whips were all in place. The restraints had been checked and double checked.

She walked in looking all slutty in her skimpy little mini skirt. her makeup done to perfection. I could imagine that make up running down her tear streaked face. In fact I had an extra special surprise for her.ass rape porn becka

While she was telling me all about how her dad had no fucking clue about her ” dark and twisted” side, she said he would have her locked in a convent if he ever found out. So what better accomplice to have for the filming of this bloody ass rape porn party then my friend Francis? Also known as Sister Mary Francis. She was once a nun and still has and wears her habit for twisted fun.

She is going to be the star sadistic in this porn. Next to me, no one inflicts pain and is so warped and fucked up as Francis.

Walking Becka to the basement, my cunt is alive and on fire. I know what is waiting in that basement of mine.

I will leave what happens to your imagination until I post the video on line, at which point you can view it yourself and jerk your cock to the carnage.ass rape porn francis

Movie Night

Snuff MoviesI think each and every one of us have a favorite all time movie.  Mine is a bit more…brutal than most.  My favorite film of all time is one that is entitled “A Serbian Film”, some of you may have seen it, and if not then perhaps you should.  This is about as close as you can come to having a movie about brutal, violent, gory, tortuous, vile sex that you can get.  It’s my go to snuff movie for inspiration.  This movie also has the distinction of being banned in not one, but four countries. 

There is so much depravity in this film that I come away from watching it feeling almost giddy.  I have never been full on giddy in my life, so that should tell you how much this movie is fucked up.  There is a plot to this movie, albeit stupid, but a plot none the less.  Just like you do not watch regular porn for the story line, you do not have to watch this one for a story line either.  The way it is shot is visually assaulting.  Beautiful, simply beautiful.

The next time you have your lady of choice over for a romantic evening.  Pop in this movie in the Blu-ray, and perhaps you can try to outdo the scenes in the movie.  I will leave you with my favorite line from the movie and it comes at the very end when one of the men filming the whole thing unzips his pants and heads toward three dead bodies, as he is doing so  the director says, “Start with the little one!”

Snuff phone sex

Violent Phone Sex

She Deserved it!

She was set to play an evil villain who would infiltrate the KKK. She would never be seen fully nude as she’d be married to a white man who was in on the plan as well. With her make-up and disguise fully done she participated in meetings and would often lead the rally’s against the niggers. The niggers knew her well by name, she had instilled the fire of fear into each and every one of them.
Strangulation Phone Sex

There was a rally being held in honor of the niggers that had just been shot and killed right outside of town. Just as she entered someone brushed up against her and forced her wig to get caught on the tent’s hook. Her nigger hair popped right out and she was exposed for the traitor she was to everyone, even the niggers out back watching. The massive group of cheering white people, quickly turned into an angry mob. They crowded around and lifted her, passing her body to the center and taking off her clothes along the way.

She was fully nude by the time she got to the stage, each man of the clan fucked her slave pussy hard and whipped her with each stroke. She was all bloodied by the time the last member came to shove his big white cock inside her. No whip in hand, he strangled her until he was ready to bust his giant load inside her. She surely would’ve been pregnant if he hadn’t strangled her to death.

They left her dead body laying there as they exited the building. The niggers who were watching came inside to get their taste of her dead but juicy pussy. They opened her legs and her pussy squirted cum right onto them. With a big black cock one of them went right into her pussy, shoving his huge dick all inside the Klan’s nut. Grabbing onto her big tits he pushed his cum right inside her dead pussy. One by one they filled her dead pussy right there on the stage, she deserved no better for dishonoring them both.

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

Castration Phone Sex with Venus: Fuck Pig for Sale

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Are you looking for castration phone sex? I have lots of private fuck pigs who recognize they have worthless peckers than can do me no good. Take my fuck pig below. My Pomeranian has a bigger dick. Therefore, this fuck pig belongs in a cage. In fact, I am gonna auction him off to the highest bidder. If he can’t bring me any satisfaction sexually, he is gonna bring me money. You see, if you got a worthless pecker, you don’t need it. Hell, I suspect you won’t miss it. We all know, no woman would ever miss it.

I can make money off his castration. Lots of sick fucks out there just like me who would pay for the fun of slicing off the balls and dick of a useless prick. I’m running my own private Hostel! If he had money, I would get out my knife collection and slice his junk off myself, and get off watching him bleed and writhe in pain. But you go  to pay for the privilege of me ridding you of your worthless bits. So, I am going to auction off my fuck pig to the highest bidder to do whatever they want to him. Castrate him, snuff him, beat him,  torture him,  cook him and serve him for dinner. I don’t care what the fuck you do with him. He is a worthless fuck pig. I own him, so I can do what I want with him. And if you buy him, you can do what you want with him. I’ll throw in his cage for free.

All reasonable offers will be entertained. Let the bidding begin. You will not be disappointed. He knows he is a worthless pig.

castration phone sex fuck pig