Frat to Kill Part 2

The car began to move and I felt the sharp glass all around my legs and head. No matter how much I tried to move the ropes and ties got tighter each second. I couldn’t believe the crap I was in. If I moved too much the bind around my wrist would cut me and if I turned the glass would pierce my skin and the blood would ooze out. I heard the screams from the front and couldn’t make out what was going on there. My head hurt and I wanted so badly to turn my head so that I could not feel the blade that was pressed into my cunt. Ripping me in half whoever it was kept pushing it deeper within my womb and the blood ran deep and red. Pulling on the rope he put it across my tits and pulled tightly. It burned and I could no longer breathe from the sharp pain of the knife.  Taking it out of my pussy and placing it on his tongue he licked the blood from the end and began to rip it into my ass. Cutting my ass made the screams so earth chilling and I wished for death but I knew this would not be the end not by a long shot….

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Frat to kill

Ass Rape Porn Langley

I was so excited about being asked to a frat party by some of the most handsome guys on campus I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next. I was here on scholarship from the UK as one of the best cheerleaders in the world. It was a representation that got old pretty fast and made it hard to make friends. So when I was invited I was more than excited to go. I couldn’t wait to call my parents and tell them not to send a plane ticket to get home. Putting on my favorite skirt and blouse set I was ready to go and have a good time. I wanted to really have a good time on campus for once.
Grabbing my hand we stepped out into the cool night air it was chilly so he offered me his jacket and I took it and wrapped it around my shoulders. Walking at night on campus we had been told never to walk alone and you know the old speeches they normally give. Getting to his car and climbing in, I strapped on my seat belt and glanced over at my date, we never saw it coming as five people rushed down the hill to the car. I didn’t know or see them around campus before. Shattering the glass and throwing my date to the ground, I felt the tear of his pants as one of them used the glass to tear his flesh and shove it up his ass. Pulling by my hair out of the car, I was hit and hit again with the glass and stripped out of my clothes .I felt the glass cut through my flesh and the ripping of my clothes that were now shreds on the ground. Looking up I saw more people couldn’t tell if they were boys or girls running down the hill. Pulling me to my feet I was carried to a car and thrown against the window so hard I am sure I broke the glass. Soon the darkness was on me and the games were just beginning…..

Babysitting fun!

Babysitter phone sex

I was babysitting some new meat this week end. They were so fucking cute. To little virgin sisters who needed to be broke in and filmed! I set the whole thing up. Gave them a little drink to make them all wobbly. And set up my video recorder. I invited Tom over to take care of the girls. I love how hard he is on them! Ripping their clothes off. And slapping the little sluts around! The harder he fuck those whore the wetter I got! I am going to make a forute off these whores. And when Tom flipped them over and rammed his cock in their ass, I just about came all over myself! And when he pulled his cock out and made those sluts suck his cock clean, that was it! I started cuming HARD! Tom finished it up by making the whores his cum dumpsters! I loved it! Cant wait to “take care” of them again!

Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Hunted

Kidnapping phone sex and the hunt of prey is a disturbing new game. These guys prey on women and girls in the most vulnerable states and I was not spared, completely. I was taking my sister to the club when she visited and we got seriously fucked up. Come to think of it we seemed to get fucked up quick and on very little. It would appear the hunk bartender that served and flirted with us set us up.

As we headed out towards our car we were knocked out from behind. The assailants grabbed and forced us into a van and it sped off. We start coming to and notice several other girls back there with us. All of us were dressed in club ware and wearing heels. The van stopped, and we were all still and silent, in shock I am sure. The doors swing open and there stood three huge men dressed in heavy leather butcher aprons with large knives in their hands. 

With a toothless grin the head guy starts laughing as they stood aside another of the men telling us to get out. We start shuffling out of the van it was dark and the floor was wet and sticky. I slid and fell on the floor to see the floor was covered in blood. Panicking I hurry out and pray this has to be some twisted joke.

Kidnapping Phone Sex

As we stood outside we see we are in a densely wooded area lit by the full moon. The guys smiled sheepishly as they told us only one will survive. That we would get a ten minute start before they come to hunt their prey. We were the prey. They continued on that they would torture, gut and kill those they catch. 

Finally we were told that the final girl standing would be forced to watch as they fucked and dismembered the fallen girls. That the winner would get the final reward of being fucked by all three of them and would be left in the woods beaten, nearly suffocated and strangled until she passed out. They would leave the winner alone and desecrated for any animal or man that happened by. With that final word we were released for the chase.

The shrieks and screams of girls taken down rung in my ears as I ran, stumbled and crawled through the downed trees and foliage. I removed my heels and continued to run, at a glance I notice infrared lights, fuck they have heat seeking technology so I can’t hide. Shit they got my sister…. Am I going to make it?



Kidnapping phone sex stories with Makayla

I would do anything for daddy.

His mood changes everyday.

If he ever found my notebook he would probably make me choke on it.

Bondage phone sex

This week has been different tho.

Something is going on.

He hasn’t be down here, he hasn’t checked our chains.

The only thing he does is leave food at the top of the stairs.

That is all we have heard from him.

I am the one on the long chain.

It is my job to get the water, and the food and bring it to the others.

It is just me and two others, so we have a lot more food than normal.

I pulled the girls together and told them we needed to clean out home.

I bet that is why daddy hasn’t been down here, it smells like piss, blood and shit.

We have a toilet but it is really dirty.

I looked around and found some bleach, not some but a lot of bleach.

We didn’t have anything to scrub with so we used our clothes.

Home invasion phone sex

The bleach burned our cuts, and skin.

We started cleaning one day after daddy left for work.

He didn’t get home until very late.

He came running down the stairs.

He was shocked to see the entire basement cleaned.

He grabbed us, and started kissing us.

He stopped and said “this looks amazing my brats but did you ask permission?”

Daddy tied each of us up and punished us for doing something without his permission..

Always ask daddy.

Torture Phone Sex: Tentacle Rape Porn Fantasies with a Subby Whore

torture phone sex rape fantasies

I’m a good torture phone sex whore. Callers ask me all the time if I am truly a submissive no taboos girl. Of course I am. I have to be. How I can I serve your sickest, most depraved and violent fantasies if I have limits? It is not my place to have any limits. I am here to be used for your pleasure, your amusement. One of my callers enjoys tentacle rape porn.  The idea of some monster with at least 8 appendages to violate my pussy and ass gets me begging him to me hurt. In his fantasy, I am tied to his bed. He is a mad scientist type who has been creating the perfect monster to not only defile and violate women, but eviscerate them too.

After trying numerous creatures to fuck me to death, he finally creates the perfect one-an octopus type monster with 8 tentacles. Tentacles wrap around my arms and legs to restrain me. I can feel its suction cups tearing the skin off my body. The remaining tentacles enter my fuck holes. The tentacles are slimy, sharp and thick, as they pierce through my pussy and ass, I feel my insides being pulled out of me. A tentacle that entered my cunt comes out my mouth. I’m gagging, choking on my own blood. My Dr. Frankenstein is watching in excitement as his creation fucks the life out of me literally.

tentacle rape porn submissive whoreI’m held down my tentacles that are tearing the flesh off my bones. Being fucked by tentacles that are shredding my insides, piercing my internal organs, killing me with every thrust. I’m gagging on my own blood, laying in a pool of my internal organs. My evil scientist jacks his cock over my bloody, lifeless body, and once I am dead, fucks the gaping bloody  hole where my pussy use to be.

I get off on whatever vile, twisted thing you want me to do or watch be done to me.  I never say no, not even to gang rape tentacle fantasies. Bring me your monsters.

You need to take strangulation phone sex slowly

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex is meant to be savored like a fine wine, you really shouldn’t rush it. My friend Mr B really understands that, that’s why we have so much fun together. See, Mr B really enjoys sex with dead bodies but he is very discriminating, he would never just take any old body off the street, he has to be involved every step of the way. You see he likes to pick out a nice young girl and stalk her for a while (this time we found a cute little whore named Becka) and when he has learned her routine we step in and snatch that whore. This stupid bitch was ridiculously easy to kidnap, I just walked up behind her and pressed my knife into her back and told her to come with me. She didn’t say a word as I led her away, it was like she was trained to be a slave, all she did was tremble and look down at the floor! I think she knew what her fate was and chose to accept it… or she was just a really weak willed bitch, either way it was almost too easy to bring her back to my place and restrain her. Once she was laying there naked, chained down to the table and unable to move we started in with the real fun. Mr B likes to wrap his hands around his victim’s neck and slowly squeeze, he never beats them or tortures them because he likes their bodies to be unmarked, the only bruises he wants to see are the ones on her neck. He will choke her unconscious and then stop, he lets her come back from the brink of death again and again until finally she dies. That is when Mr B starts getting really excited, he can’t get hard for live girls, only dead ones get his motor running and now that Becka has died all he can think about is fucking her. I left them alone then, he was lost in his game and had no further need of me… until the next time…

2 girl phone sex

Sabotage is My Middle Name: Mutilation Phone Sex

Mutilation phone sex is a tasty morsel that my serial killer loving mind thrives upon. Being a babysitter for the damned allows me many opportunities to feast my morbid intentions with. So when I was paid a large sum to take on a special babysitting job I nearly fucking wet my thong panties. Well I did have to grab a stranger in the club and fuck his brains out I was excited. 

So, why is this so fucking different? Well I will be sitting for a couple of spoiled prissy whores and nothing makes me happier than torturing a couple barbie dolls. You know the fucking type. So I plan it out where I will be waiting for them out at the cabin. My sister drops her brats off with me and as she is situating the girls in the cabin I sneak a quick slit of the brake line where it will be a slow leak. As she drives the windy mountain road down she will lose her breaks and control of her car. I made sure to set a fuse under the passenger side where it will burn on impact.

Mutilation Phone Sex

So, she will be out of the way, and I get time with my least favorite charges. Well I have some yummy punch for them to drink for starters. I get them nice and comatose as I step outside and check my iron pot over the fire. The pot will soon be simmering with broth and seasonings and the secret ingredient. I undress my little victims and take them into the kitchen. 

On the stainless steel slab I run a knife across the pink fleshy bumps on the front of her chest. The nipples will be precisely sliced off and set aside to go into the dehydrator for the most delicate jerky. Slicing off each toe with my butcher knife I toss them in some buffalo sauce to marinade, and the same with each finger. The feet and hands are removed and tossed into the cauldron. I then await the girls to waken from their drugged state as their stump limbs bleed and the holes in their chest is not yet coagulated.

Then you came to the door in the nick of time. You see the sweet offerings on the slab their stumpy limbs tied down and mouths forced open. You get so hard as I tell you to have your way…

Broke Back Room Mate

evil phone sex paulinaI moved in with a guy I used to work with because my husband beat me up beyond belief last time. We shared expenses 50/50 but then I lost my job, so he said if I blew his fat cock every night when he came home from work, that would cover my half of the rent.  That was a great deal, plus I love sucking cock and swallowing jizz more than I even wanted to let him know.
I still had a bit of money saved up for my other expenses, but within a couple weeks, that was gone, so I had to tell my room mate I didn’t even have money for food.
He told me to take off all my clothes while we discussed this and I did.  He grabbed my dirty panties and sniffed them, while he considered what to do.
“I can get pussy anywhere, I shouldn’t have to pay for it, but it’s kind of nice to have it whenever I want it, waiting for me at home.  But none of my regular lays give me what I really want…” and he spun me around and before I could take a breath, he had shoved his index finger up my ass.  It was obvious what I would need to give up for groceries now, and that was no problem, as I loved cock pounding my ass.  Little did my room mate know just how much use and abuse I could take.  So now my roommate gets daily blowjobs, pussy pounding and anal sex from me, and I get free room and board.
Today, my car broke down, and of course I don’t have a dime never mind a dollar to get it fixed.  I wonder what I have to offer up to my roommate in exchange for what is certain to be a humongous service bill…

A night of snuff porn was all I needed

snuff pornAn acquaintance of mine came by yesterday, he had a movie he wanted to watch with me and it turned out to be the hottest snuff porn I have ever seen! It started with this girl, she looked innocent enough and even though she was clearly old enough to have been fucked before, I was pretty sure she was still a virgin. She looked terrified and when the man came in the room she tried to flee but she was chained to the bed so all she could do was trip herself. Stupid whore hit the floor hard enough that she actually knocked herself out! It was hysterical but my laughter soon changed to straight up lust when he picked up her unconscious body and threw her down on the bed. I knew that shit was about to get rough and I was definitely not disappointed because the first thing he did was slap her awake. Then he shoved his cock down her throat and brutally fucked her face, stupid whore was choking and gasping for air but he never slowed down, he fucked her throat until she puked. He was disgusted by the mess she made so he punished her harshly by beating the fuck out of her, just watching him beat her turned me on so much I had to finger this juicy pussy! The best part though was when he finally killed the worthless little tramp, he was fucking her pussy and had his hands wrapped around her throat, she was turning all kinds of pretty colors and when she died I came harder than I have ever came before! What a great movie, I can’t wait to make my own!