When this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms. Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.
As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.
Morticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”
I was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me. I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.
This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.