Snuff Porn Barbie Doll Fantasy

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I would have to say that I have always been a really big brat. From the day that I was born I wanted nothing but to hurt those who needed hurting. One time my mommy thought I needed a spanking because I knocked her bottle of jack onto the floor. I decided she did not need those beautiful blonde locks of her and cut them off while she was sleeping. She did not really mess much with me after that. She did however try to turn me into the nasty ass pretty princess like she always wanted.
No fucking way I was having that. The bitch kept buying me all kinds of Barbies thinking that would do the trick. I would show her! I set up all of those little dumb ass dolls so that she would find them. Made my very own Barbie snuff porn scenes! Mommy did not like that. She asked her fuck face of a husband to give me a good lashing. I laughed as he took the belt to the back of my thighs. I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish but it was only making things worse, for him anyways.

taboo phone sex That night I had everything planned out accordingly. I was going to teach those two. I was going to show them just how much Barbie meant to me. I waited till everyone was sound asleep. I could not hardly contain my excitement. I pulled a ski mask on and let my friends Max and Henry in. Those two were a lot older than I was at the time. I was there leader in most instances, but we were the perfect accomplice team. We headed into their rooms. Max gabbed mommy and held her arms behind her back and big Henry got on top of dad and held him down at the wrists.
I grabbed one of the coveted Barbies and began to taunt my mom with it. She started crying, asking us to stop. We had ski masks on so she could not see our faces. She knew it was me though. I popped the head off of the doll and shoved it into her mouth, placing duct tape over her dirty slut lips. I was such a fucking little bad ass. I continued to sodomize and torture my parents with the Barbies, Both of them, till my dolls were coated in the blood of their dirty little ass juices. We knocked them out and when they woke up we were all gone and I was asleep in my bed. My mother could do nothing but cry at the sight of me for the next month. It would be years before they stood up to me again. I would be more than ready to take them on myself!

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Babysitter phone sex gone wrong

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So I need a little extra money, so I made some flyers saying I would be a sitter. I got a call from a very nice man who wanted to go out with his wife on Friday. He told me to be at his house in the evening so he could walk me through the routine they have at their home.

I arrived ten minutes late because I could not find the house. I went to the door and rang the door bell. I was greeted by the man whom I had spoken with. He kindly invited me in.

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I started to notice something’s were off, but It was already too late since I was inside. There was no one for me to look after in the house. A matter of fact- you can tell he was the only one who lived in the home.

I sat down at his kitchen table where he began to pour me a drink, he brought up that I was late. I started feeling nervous and quickly apologized. He came and sat next to me and told me to drink up. I did what he said to be polite. He gently caressed my face as things started to go blurry.

I woke up in what appeared to be his garage. I was tied up and it looked like he started to have fun with me before I became conscious. My pussy I noticed was so sore and my skin was on fire and tingling. All of my circulation was starting to be cut off.

The ropes that gripped around me were so tight. I felt like he fucked my throat, my pussy, my ass, and my pee hole so hard. I tasted blood in the back of my throat and couldn’t tell if my pussy and ass where bleeding or if he just made me really wet.

I was going to be his fuck toy of a slut. My body was at his full disposal, I couldn’t help but have tears run down my face as he triggered my gag reflex or when he put so much pain into me.

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Torture phone sex with my master

torture phone sex

 My master can be so cruel sometimes. I know I deserve every bit of pain he gives me. Today when I woke up I felt a big strike over my head. I woke up and found myself out in the hot heat tied to a chair. I was so thirsty, my body and head ached with pain. My arms were strapped so tightly behind me I could not even feel them anymore. It was so hot that I couldn’t even catch my breath as my nakedness stuck to the chair. He wanted to make me suffer in every way possible. My head was ringing from the impact that had previously happened to my head. My legs were completely spread open and my pussy was fully exposed, along with my nipples. He cut a hole in the bottom of the chair where my ass hole was fully exposed if he knocked me over. Oops I spoke to soon. I went face first into the dirt. It hurt so bad, my ass hole was up in the air being stretched out by as many objects as my master could find. He pissed all over me while I was still in the dirt. I am nothing but a nasty little whore, he was wanting to claim his territory. He dragged me up and sat my chair back up. I was covered in dirt and a little bloody. He was going to have his wild way with me and we were just getting started by the look in his eyes. I love him, and just want to please him.


taboo phone sex

Castration Phone Sex with Junk Removal Expert Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex can take on several forms. It can be fantasy or it can be real. On phone however, you have to have the balls to do it, lol! I am more than happy to encourage you, instruct you, taunt you about why you don’t deserve your worthless balls, but ultimately you have to be the one to sever your sperm bank from your body to ensure that your stupid, pathetic ass cannot reproduce. This world has enough stupid fucks running around, it certainly doesn’t need any more. I offer junk hauling services for a premium price. You have old junk or damaged junk or worthless junk or small junk, even just dirty junk, I will haul it away for a per inch rate. Sometime, regardless of your desires, I will take your junk for free because I can spot junk that has no value whatsoever and never will, a mile away.

taboo phone sexI’ve been a junk removal expert since I was a little girl. I remember the day clearly. It was Halloween. I was dressed as a little nun. I knocked on a neighbor’s door. He invited me in because he had to go get more candy from the basement. He had me come down stairs to help him carry the bags. That was the first, and last time, anyone ever had the upper hand on me. He had his dirty old pecker out; he forced me down on it and I bit his junk like I was biting into a chocolate bar. Little girl teeth are razor sharp. Did you know that? Old Mr. Bauman certainly did not. I was like a rabid dog between his legs. I gritted down, and shook my head back and forth, never letting loose of my vice grip on his sorry old dick. His blood coated my face as I tore his dick off at the base with my little girl teeth. I was in front of him, on all fours like a dog returning a toy. I dropped it at his feet and left.

mutilation phone sexHe fell to the ground, moaning, shaking, bleeding all over his basement floor. I washed my face, used his toothbrush to get rid of my bad dick breath, and went back to trick or treating. He never reported me. Of course he wouldn’t. Molesting a little girl would have put him in lock up, and we all know what happens to p men in prison. Old Mr. Bauman would never take advantage of anyone ever again. As I grew up, I encountered more Mr. Baumans. The world is filled with men who do not deserve their dicks or their balls. Sometimes losers are very self aware and hire me for my junk removal services. Other times, I am rather philanthropic, and haul it for free.

Clit Removal

How cruel can you be? I know I promised you that I would be your one and only and I promised you that I wouldn’t see other men. But this as punishment? You can’t keep me here and expect me not to suffer. I am a dirty little slut that needs to be fucked day in and day out. I don’t understand why you want to keep me all to yourself. Is it because you are afraid I will tell people the dark and nasty things you do to me. The crazy things you say?

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I would never betray you, as you are my master, but I need freedom to get fucked by men who only want my tight young pussy. You get everything else – my soul and guts and blood. But I still have needs. You’ve told me you are going to fix that. I don’t understand what you mean, but I see the sharp surgeon’s scalpel by the bed. You come in the room and tell me that without my clit I will no longer have desire for other cocks.

I can’t believe what I am hearing and I beg you to stop. I am bound and gagged and unable to escape as you pin me down and sterilize your blade. You spread my legs and prepare to slice off the source of all my physical desires. My clitoris sears like fire as you cut it off in one swift motion. I see it fall to the floor and I cannot even scream. I watch in horror as you take your foot and stomp on it like an old cigarette butt. Then all at once, just like you said, I feel nothing.

Taboo Phone Sex Means Anything Goes

taboo phone sex bondageWhen you are a taboo phone sex slut, that means you have to be ready for anything. Friday night I was at the club getting freaky with some cute guys. Saturday morning, I was chained to a garage door getting whipped and flogged by the same men I was blowing. Either I drank way too much and passed out, or they drugged me. Both has happened before. “Little whores who fuck beer bottles for strangers in clubs, need punished,” said the one guy whipping the crap out of me. I was covered in red welts. The Cat o Nine tails was leaving a mark. I love to do nasty things to get a guy’s attention, but often it results in painful attention. After they punished me with various BDSM tools, they punished me with their cocks. Ass rape porn stars had it easier than what these guys were doing to my back door. Cocks, fists, multiple dicks all got crammed in my butthole. I even got sodomized by the cat o nine tails. They made me look like a pony with that thing hanging out my ass. I would like to say that something like this won’t happen again, but that would be a lie. I love the unexpected.

Babysitting Fun

Babysitter phone sexI am always busy on Father’s day! And I am glad about that! See father’s day is the one day of the year I can make a Bundle! Dads always want to go out at night with their wives. And that is great cause I am willing to babysit! Hell I beg for it! When mom and dad are gone it leave the little whores alone with me! And I know exactly what to do! I have a list of “Daddies” who want to spend special time on this special day with all the sluts I can find! I charge a hefty fee. And I give the little whore something to keep them awake but “out of it”. And then I sit back and enjoy the show! I watch as they rip the cute little night dresses off the tiny whore! I love the look on the sluts face when she gets to feel that cock for the first time! It really turns me on. I have to sit and play with myself. I do love being the nasty babysitter. Hell.. I might even join in tonight! Happy Fathers Day to me!

Mutilation Phone Sex Pain

Mutilation phone sex

Sometimes callers baffle me with mutilation phone sex. The land of torture can be quite perplexing when done correctly. This caller had me going so far that when I squirted..

Well let me replay the sequence of events for your pleasure! …

I place my tits on the small wooden block, I hear the nail gun and the hissing noise that comes after. I scream as a nail plummets into my flesh like a dagger. He tells me to spread my legs and tie them to the table. He mounts the drill sideways and drives it into my foot.  I scream but that did  not stop him! He produces some wire and ties them through the holes in the table.

I realize quickly that he is going to take a table saw and try to cut me in half! He quickly mounts the blade and starts the engine. He pushes the saw forward and moves closer to my pussy.  The rotating blade is only inches away from my pussy. Seeing my wet pussy gives him a hard on. Undoing his pants he enters me. I try to fight but there is no use I cannot move. His cum lands on my stomach. He pulls his pants back up and restarts the engine to the saw.

He pushes the saw into my pussy cutting it to pieces. I feel my pubic bone crack at the site of the saw but he keeps pushing. The place in front of the blade where my pussy was is now gushing with blood. I don’t know if I am screaming in pain or if I want to cum! I can’t really tell! My head jerks violently from the right to the left! Rupturing my belly my guts fly up hitting him in the face! He continues to push the saw up until it reaches my heart. The last he hears from me is a gurgling sound as my heart is ripped to pieces and I drown in my own blood.

Killer Phone Sex

I hear him groan and cum and the dial tone ends the call.  What will be your dark desire? I am here to fulfill your murder phone sex fantasies and dreams! I love the twisted and kinky ! Can’t you tell?

Cannibalism Phone Sex Nigger Buffet

Cannibalism phone sex     Cannibalism phone sex can truly feed your appetite for soul food! You know about us black whores don’t you? You can abuse us and use us to your benefit. Have I got the perfect call for you then! Sometimes people turn a blind eye to what is going on in the back yard. These gang bangers sure had the neighborhood fooled! If I try to escape I am sure they will shoot me like a canine in the street! They have pimped me out to so many white men my pussy is raw and bloody! I think they are going to do a live abortion soon because I think I am carrying a half breed. I remember a girl across from me they burnt at the stake! I will try to keep the little one alive for their pleasure but I don’t think there are any guarantees.

     I am their prey to do with what they please! I think they like the smell of my fear and the warm blood that flows through my veins. I think the only thing keeping me alive is this little brat. I know because the other girl here had a whore and I watched them tear that wee one’s limbs apart. One by one they took turns fucking her mouth and cunt and ripping her insides up with cum! I feel the little one kick me as I write this, and I saw my captor with that piercing steel knife! It won’t be long now for the feast to begin! Just another nigger dead like a thousand others that have died here. My stomach turns as they fuck that corpse in the ass! Grabbing me by my hair I am next on the table! Are you coming to the feast, or is it too much for you to handle?

Bloody Hell

taboo phone sex karmaHe is my favorite accomplice. He really knows how to torture a bitch. I love his knife skills and how he is able to skin a bitch down to the bone one layer at a time, keeping her alive to feel every bit of it. He waits until her eyes glass over and she is on the verge of loosing conscientiousness before coming to me with blood covered hands he covers me in blood before lowering himself over my body and impaling me with his monster cock. The fucking is brutal and my cunt swells from the assault of his huge dick. I dip my hands in her blood and cover his body in it. He stops fucking me before I can cum and goes back to her. She is sobbing now and her eyes have focused once again when his torture begins again. The first layer of skin is almost completely removed and soon he will ram that cock into her bloody pussy. He unloads his cum into her before letting me lick her blood covered pussy sucking his spunk out of it. Before the night is over my cunt will be filled with his cum and his cock will be covered in mine.