Burn Bitch!

Torture sexThat fucking little bitch down the road has GONE to damn far. She has always copied me.. followed me. Wants to be wild like me. But she is just a preppy little bitch that has no clue how dark I am. I have my favorite tattoo artiest and lover. Jean. I have been seeing Jean for damn year 3 years off and on. And when that fucking bitch caught on to it she started the same old shit! Angelina thinks she can just take over my life. Copy my hair. My tattoos. Even my furniture and my clothes! Everyone says I should be fucking flattered. That it is the truest form of flattery. And I could ignore most of it. She is but a nuisance. But then she went after Jean. Started telling all kinds of fucked up lies about me… Now Jean doesnt want to play with me. That Fucking bitch went to fucking far. So I did what any good bitch would do. I broke into her house and shoved my panties down her throat. I tied that bitch up and went to town. I let her know what I am REALLY like. I started peeling her skin off of her. I used my small scalpel. I peeled her like a fucking grape. Slowly. I fucking loved the fear in her eyes. She pissed on herself when I told her I was going to kill her. After I peeled her skin off… I poured salt all over her! I let her burn for a while. Then I set her on fire. Burn in hell bitch!

Beaten Bit by Bit

The handkerchief in my mouth had the worst chemical taste on it. It made my eyes water from whatever was on it. At least it kept my nose open so I could breathe. I woke up in some strange place and my mind is just now getting less fuzzy. I feel like I have been beaten all down my legs, but they are bent and tied behind me so I can’t see them. I see blood on the floor beside me and wonder if it is mine. I can hear something that sounds like a girl trying to scream coming from another room, but her screams are muffled, and I know she must have the same handkerchief I do, which terrifies me.

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I listen closer and hear loud thuds before each attempt at a scream, and some thumps so loud it feels like a body being thrown around. What in the fuck was happening? I couldn’t remember anything of how I got here. I was walking down the street and a car pulled up and that was all I could remember. Now I am tied up and gagged inside some weird dark place with hardly any furniture, and clearly some sort of maniac in the next room. The attempted screams soon turned into pathetic whine and whimpers and got quieter and quieter. It sounded like a dying animal, but I knew in my heart is was another girl.

The noises finally stopped and all I could hear were footsteps coming down the hall towards the room I was in. The door swung open and you stood there, covered in blood, and then smiled as if you were delighted. You said, “You’re finally awake!” like it was the most normal thing in the world to have me hog tied there. You stepped back into the hall for a second and came back with a baseball bat. It was also covered in blood. You came towards me and I couldn’t move, and I was even too scared to try to scream. You rolled me over and untied my legs. They were so stiff and sore, but the worst was yet to come. You swung the bat above your head and brought it down onto my feet as hard as you could.

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My bones shattered and I finally started trying to scream. You kept swinging, making your way up my legs, smashing my bones systematically from the bottom up. The pain felt like fire and every dull thud created more and more sharp pain and blood spray everywhere. As you crushed my torso and ribs, I could feel myself choking on my own blood. I began whimpering and whining, and now I know why the other girl did. The last thing left to smash was my face. The rest of me was a broken bloody mess. You stopped for a moment, to hear me whine, and then swung the bloody bat right at my slutty little face….

All Yours

You’ve kept me alive long enough to become one of your favorite girls. It is our anniversary – one year since you stole me that night in the parking lot outside of the shitty bar I danced at. I remember being so scared and how you made me believe you were going to snuff me that very night. You cut me and whipped me and made me submit to darkness I never knew existed. Then my orgasms started coming one after another and in a moment of weakness you told me I was special.

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You’ve never said it again, and you know I need to hear it. I have become a teacher to all your new pretty little fuckdolls. Teaching them to take the pain and teaching them how to put on shows for you. You dress me in the finest leather, but still treat me like the worthless pathetic whore I was born as. But tonight I caught you staring. Tonight when your newest bimbo fuck doll was learning to lick my cunt with her soft tongue. But you weren’t staring at her – you were staring at me.

I felt your black eyes taking in my scarred body, and I got chills thinking about all the times you had cut me over the past year. The scars are all I have and I touch them at night when no one is watching as I cum all over my sheets. I don’t dare look up into your eyes. That would be the end of me. I have no right to think I deserve anything. But I still feel you staring. I see you reach for the small sharp blade you keep in the drawer. You walk towards her and I, and my stomach flutters as you slice her neck and she bleeds out as her head thumps down against my pussy. I cum all over her dead face, and I know that you see something in me. Something dark that you have grown and appreciate. Even if you never say it again.

Medieval Torture Sex: Weapons of Destruction

torture sexTorture sex is my favorite. I know it is hard to believe, but I am a glutton for punishment. A total pain slut. I’m attracted to cruel dominant men. I’m not talking spankings or even floggings or cannings. I want to experience serious pain; come inches to dying; need medical assistance. I can’t have an orgasm without pain. I have my own collection of weapons that Masters sometimes have to be encouraged to use on me because they are deadly.

I recently procured a medieval spiked mace and sword. Nice addition to my collection. It is very menacing, very deadly if used correctly. The problem is that I can’t use it on myself. I knew just the man who would. I called Master Louis. He came right over. The thought of hurting me had his dick rock hard. He is a twisted mother fucker who loves destroying the looks of hot bitches. When I showed him my new toy, I mean weapon, he practically salivated .

snuff pornWe went to my basement. He laid down plastic and strung me up. With glee in his eyes, he began to spin the mace balls. One shot to the stomach and it was an instant blood fest. The spikes ripped my flesh. He hit me several more times with it. I could feel the blood pouring out of me. I was turned on by the pain. The plastic beneath me was covered in my blood. Looked like a snuff porn had been filmed. Aroused by the blood. I wanted him to hit me in the face with it, but he was too much of a wuss. I taunted him, called him a coward and finally, one of the spiked balls hit me in the jaw. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in the ER.

I’m healing up nicely. But it is only a matter of time before someone else tortures me. Maybe it will be you?

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies in my Own House

My parents left me home alone to “watch” the workers that are remodeling the kitchen. I decided to just stay in my room and ignore them til they left. I didn’t like the way the one kept leering at me and my ass every time I went near the kitchen. I was laying in bed and I heard someone coming down the hall towards my room. I knew my folks weren’t home yet, so I sat up in bed and tried to jump down to get to my door and lock it but it was too late. It swung open and it was that man – the dirty one with the dark eyes.

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He came straight for me and before I could even scream he had his hand over my mouth telling me to shut the fuck up. All the banging and saw noises coming from the kitchen meant no one would hear me anyway, so I obeyed him and he let go of my mouth. He shoved me back on the bed and said he was going to play out all his rape phone sex fantasies on my tight little body. I begged him not to touch me, but he was so strong. He stunk and was sweating all over me as he grabbed me and spread my legs below him.

His fat fingers were inside my pussy and I tried to close my eyes and pretend I was somewhere else but it wasn’t working. I could hear him unzip his pants and felt his hard cock start ramming my cunt. I couldn’t help but moan and scream as he plowed it inside my tight little pussy. He pounded me without mercy and my cunt was on fire from the fast strokes. He grabbed me by the throat and the room started spinning as he tightened his grip right before he came. I lost consciousness just as his hot cum poured deep inside my pussy, and he left me laying right there on my bed for anyone to find.

Torture phone Sex Extremist

torture phone sex      Torture phone sex calls take me to another level! We both love the extreme and violent. I am often beaten several times a week for your sexual gratification and I love it! Its summer vacation and I finally managed to save up enough money for the ultimate pleasure. I am going to buy another women for us to play with in our snuff session. It would be a dream come true. Now it is in reach of my grasp and soon to be happening. I was in the middle of masturbating when you brought her in. I loved being tortured and I couldn’t wait to see what kind of pain would be inflicted on this one. I was hoping to for her to get killed swift and slowly!
     I saw the guillotine so I hoped for a beheading. I watched as the she was stripped naked and strapped to a cross. Your cock was rock hard. Positioning yourself above her head you forced your cock in her throat. I could see her gagging on it and your powerful hands making her bob up and down on it. Grabbing her tits in your hand you squeezed them! I heard her scream and cry from the pain. Pointing your cock right at her mouth you shot another heavy load of cum into her mouth. Slapping her across the face you headed towards me. I knew what was going to happen! You were going to use me as your toilet! I felt the piss trickle down my face on my tits! I swallowed most of the piss but tried to spit some of it out!
     Turning me around you forced my head into the toilet bowl while you rammed your cock deep in my pussy. I was asphyxiating in the toilet bowl. My arms hung limp and my body began to shake! It was one of the best sadistic phone sex fantasies I ever had and I can’t wait for more!

Snuff Porn Accomplice Helps Make Snuff Porn Torrent

snuff porn extreme bondageSnuff porn is a popular Google search keyword. This means that lots of folks enjoy looking at snuff films online. So, it is not surprising that snuff porn torrent is on the rise. One of my masters had to explain it to me since I am a stupid whore. A torrents is a file sharing program for videos. The Napster of the snuff word I guess. A torrent isn’t just violent or gore related, but the snuff ones are among the most popular. This got Master thinking that we needed to step out of the world of ass rape porn, and start getting deadly.

I didn’t want anything to do with those kind of films. But, I had no choice. Master hung me upside down and beat me for hours until I agreed to procure him a victim. He wanted a pretty young blonde one. According to him, blonde victims are most searched for in the world of violent video file sharing. I got him a blonde bimbo. Promised her good drugs and hot men and she accompanied me to her death. Master was very happy with my selection. She even had a high pitched baby girl voice that he thought would sound really hot when being tortured. I slipped her a roofie to make her more pliable. I hate being an accomplice usually, but her voice was like finger nails on a chalkboard. Plus, I knew more intelligent plant life than her.

snuff porn torrentI gave her some acid for a good trip. Master handed her a big ass cross and told her it was a cock. She was so fucked up she believed him. Started impaling her cunt with it. Blood was flying out of her snatch. She looked like the victim of a back alley abortion, but she kept fucking herself. Master started filming it. It was the weirdest shit I had seen in awhile. Not sure I would ever search for such a thing, but guess I could see the market for it. The stupid cunt was fucking her ass next, which garnered even more blood. Master had her yelling all sorts of blasphemous stuff. She was saying fuck Jesus as she rammed the cross deeper and harder into her bloody tattered fuck holes.

Her cunt lips got severed off; her ass prolapsed and her clit was a raw bloody nub. I didn’t think Master would really snuff her. Most of the snuff films on the Internet are fake, or at least I had hoped, but Master said we had to kill the cunt for the sake of realism. He decided that she needed to die on the cross like Jesus. He crucified her. Nailed her to this wood cross. It was awful to witness. Her shrill cries of pain were deafening. He even hammered a nail through the nub that use to be her clit. Nails through her belly button, her eyes, her extremities…. But the nail in her coffin was the one to her temporal artery. She was already limp and bleeding, but alive. After he shoved that nail in the side of her head, she was dead as a doornail.

ass rape pornMaster filmed every gruesome part too. Kept the camera rolling until she stopped twitching and bled out. Seeing a chick fuck herself with a cross and die by crucifixion turned out to be a very popular torrent. He had over a thousand downloads within 24 hours of his file being shared. The file was free, so I didn’t get why we killed a girl, even a stupid one, for free. “Oh you stupid whore. I’m creating a fan following. Before long I will be offering 8MM private snuff movies to the highest bidder,” he said with an evil grin. So in the meantime, I guess he is killing stupid whores for practice. Have anyone you wanna offer up?

Screamer Sex

You spent all day getting my body ready. I got to come upstairs and shower and put makeup on. You had a tight black leather outfit for me to wear and that told me you were in the mood for some brutally violent abuse tonight. I put my makeup on slowly and did my hair perfectly, knowing the whole time that it would all be destroyed before the sun comes up tomorrow. I put on the heels laying on the floor, and still half naked, made my way back to the basement where you were waiting for me.

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You have control of me now, and you know I won’t try to run. My heart still races like a wild animal every time I see you. My brain screams at me to run, and I know the pain that awaits me. But you make me feel special, and that means everything to a pathetic slut like me. I get on my knees on the dirty floor, and you grab me by my hair. You pull so hard that my eyes water, but I dare not scream yet. I have to control my fear so that you torture me all night long. I want to stay alert and if I lose to much blood too soon then I will go out early. My screams make you slice deeper, so I have learned to control them for you.

You yank my head back and use your other hand to grab a small knife to slit the corners of my mouth. Blood drips down my chin as you slide your cock inside. I can taste your hard cock and my coppery blood and I try to suck but the slices in my mouth make it impossible. You fuck my face so hard that I feel like your cock is going to come through the back of my throat. Such cruelty, and I am so lucky to have you to do these things to me. I stare up at you but you won’t even look at me. I am not worthy, not even with all my makeup. You bring the blade down to my breasts and continue my mutilation until you get me screaming…

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies For the Blood Thirsty

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies     Murder phone sex fantasies for a whore like me are the greatest! I love callers who have a bloody thirsty imagination …
Tender flesh under your fingertips deepens your desire to torture me!. You can feel my pulse trembling with fear of what is to come! I feel your cock harden and my face soaked with tears. I ask myself why it is such a turn on for you to cause me pain! My prolonged suffering, the screams, the taste of my blood on your lips!
     I feel your hands on my delicate flesh. A violent kick to my pussy causes me to sob. Blood trickles out of my cunt and I am sure the living organism in me is now dead! I am forced to kneel at your cock! Grinning you look down at me and heave your penis at me! Grinning you rub the purple tip back and forth across my mouth the foreskin becomes smeared with blood from my lips. “You better suck me pretty good.” you rasped. “If I feel the slightest bit of your teeth I’ll pull them out with pliers.” Tears spill down my face but I manage to grasp your cock.
     Using my tongue I lick the sensitive underside of your cock while my clasping hands move along your shaft! My body would be powerless to refuse! Your hands twitch as they imagine probing apart my ass cheeks. I try to bite you and for that a boot catches the underline of my stomach. Pinning my wrists to the floor, you push your rock hard cock into my pussy. I attempt to raise up but am violently pushed back down again. Blood seeps from my pussy. Turning me over I feel the spread of my ass cheeks. You said you were going to put out a cigarette on my tiny little hole but I guess the idea was too much for you because I felt the cum ooze into my asshole! “Oh well!, you said. Our next Killer phone sex Fantasy will be even better!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Reality

Murder Phone Sex Fanatsies      Murder phone sex Fantasies can be so real! The calls I have like this not only send chills down my spine but take care of that sadistic need of torture that possesses me!
      It was all I could do to keep from gagging on the stuffed panties that were pushed into my mouth! The tape was mashed against my mouth making it impossible to breathe. 50,000 volts from the stun gum placed at my neck knocked me unconscious. You couldn’t control yourself as you picked me up and dragged me to a nearby table. I thought this was some cruel joke but I knew it wasn’t. I tried pulling at the ropes to release myself but it was no use. My blouse is ripped open and I see the cruel looking devices you are taking out of your bag. Ripping the tape off of my mouth you pull out the sogging panties. I told you I could use my tongue really well and now you want a sample. My moans are like rasping sounds in my throat. You said you would have great pleasure in me choking and place the plastic bag around my head..
     I feel your hardness through the plastic as you ram your cock deep down my throat. The bag puffs up and bounces around as I thrash around on the floor. My legs try to kick free from the bonds but I cant. You don’t try to thrust further inside of my mouth. You simply rely on the milking of my squeezing throat muscles and vibrations of me choking. My tongue begins to swell almost painful against your rigid cock. Suddenly the bag sucks up tight against my face my body rises and I began to violently spasm beneath you. I am still twitching as you shoot the last load of cum down my throat!
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