Kidnapping Phone Sex: Profit for Me, Fun for You

Kidnapping Phone SexWant to go hunting with me? I know how to mix business with pleasure. I can line our pockets while getting us off hard. Do you know how much young corneas go for on the black market? Almost as much as kidneys. But with eyes, you don’t have to slice and dice; you just need to gouge them out. Less mess, quicker in and out, so you can make much more money with eyes. I am a fan of the little ones because their eyes not only pop right out of the skull, but I can profit doubly. I’m a conservationist. I use all of the body. Once I gouge those little eyeballs out and get them in a sterile jar and on ice, you can play with the body for a fair price.

taboo phone sexAnd at that tender sweet age, they are easier to manage, especially when still lamenting the loss of sight. Bonus, they can’t see you, so if you wanna snuff them out that is just for pleasure not for survival. Last week I snatched up Abby at the mall. A blonde pretty virgin barely teen girl. Just what my client wanted. I tied her to a chair, put my knife to the corner of her eyes and popped out some pretty blues. I wrapped her sockets with gauze to stop the bleeding, then brought in Tony. Tony paid top dollar for this morsel. And I made top dollar off her corneas. Double score.

fantasy phone sex tortureTony was a sick fuck like me. His fantasy you ask? Force fuck a virgin young girl in all her holes. Ass, pussy, mouth, urethra, nostrils, ears and eye sockets. Abby was so tiny and young, and Tony had such a large cock, that when he shoved his cock in her mouth, it came out one of her eye sockets. Fucking sick shit, but so hot.When he came, it looked like her eye was weeping cum.  I played with my pussy watching her get skull fucked, as I waited on my other client to pick up her pretty blue eyes that would give the gift of sight to some rich mother fucker’s brat. Abby may not have had the privilege of money, but she had the privilege of a dirty old man’s cock in ALL her holes. What is your twisted fantasy? I bet I can make it equally beneficial for us both.

Taboo Phone Sex Skull Fucker

taboo phone sex

There is nothing I hate more then a man who only likes to use one part of a dying body. You see, there are many pace to fuck someone, each with pleasure and a sensation both new and arousing. Sure, you have the pussy and the ass, but why stop there. There is the mouth, the nose, the skull…you can also lop off limbs and remove the bones and shove in your own boner. That is also sexy, and the warm body hold on tight to your big hard throbbing cock. My personal favorite to watch is a skull fucker. The sounds a brain makes when a big hard throbbing cock is thrust through the eye socket of a little girlie makes my heart flutter with joy. You can decapitate the victim, or leave her little head in place. The satisfaction is the same, only the method is different. Skull fuck her little brains over and over again till you turn her brains to mush then make sure you fill it with your jizz! Then I will pour the mixture from her empty eye socket and have myself a nice treat. Mmmhmmm good! 

snuff porn

Faded Hope

I couldn’t believe my luck. I had finally freed myself from my captors. First place I went was home.. Home sweet home. I showered for the first time in who knows how long and put on clean clothes. But that was then I learned that I had missed the death of my father. There was a note on the counter in the kitchen about his funeral. Putting on shoes, I headed out to the graveyard. It was just getting dark, but I needed to see it.. my father’s grave. The dirt in front of the new headstone was still dark a fresh. I felt the tears burning down my cheeks as I had missed the last days my father was living. He’d never know how his sweet girl had been taken and raped and tortured.

I was about to turn and head back when something hard hit me in the back of the head, sending me sprawling forward into the fresh churned earth. I groaned as I was seeing spots in my vision. Then I felt hands on me… their hands. My captors had found me. “Time to teach you a lesson my dear..” one of them laughed as they used a knife to cut away my clothing. They were not gentle as the blade sliced into flesh a few times.

My hands dug into the ground as they started forcing their cocks into me, one after the other they used my body. I screamed and clawed at the earth but no one way around. I only had the dead to hear me. Then one of them grabbed my hand and using a ground spike, he forced it through my hand. I cried and screamed, but he just went to the next. When he was done, I was pinned like an X above my father’s fresh grave. They beat me, used the knife to cut my soft flesh and as most of them jizzed on me one more time, the oldest slit my wrists. They left me cold and mostly naked, bleeding to death above my father. I was so happy when I felt the darkness taking me.Snuff phone sex

Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

I saw Taylor selling her body on the street. Poor little dirty Taylor. I drove up to her, asked her how much for 4 hours. She seemed shocked but she told me $400. I pulled the money out and told her to get in. As we drove to my house I explained to her I wasn’t buying her for sex. I had been in her shoes before and I know how good it feels to have a bath and a bed to sleep in. The poor girl started crying right there in the car. I told her not to worry. When we pulled up she kept asking me if I was sure. I smiled and said yes, The entire way home I thought of a great dinner to make while she got cleaned up. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her a razor and some clothes. I told her to clean up good. As she walked out of the bathroom The house was smelling so good! I had all the food prepped and ready to be put in the oven except for my meat. Taylor walks up and checks out what I made. “Oh my gosh Ivy, this all looks so good! There is so much food who is this all for?”  I looked at her as I held the hammer in my hand behind my back. “It’s for me and a friend to enjoy.” I slammed the hammer into her head.

Snuff porn

She woke up as I was shaving her head bald. She started screaming. “Oh Taylor stop screaming, you are giving me a headache! Besides I need to get your prepped. My friend will be here soon and he liked to play with his food before we cook you.” Her eyes were wide, “Yes honey, I am going to cook you. I am going to spread this oil all over your body, season you to perfection and even play with you before I shut the oven door on you. I want to watch your skin tun golden brown. Then I’ll slice you up and eat your body!” Oh We are going to enjoy our dinner. I hope my guest shows up soon, I am starving! 

Cannibalism phone sex

2 Girl Phone Sex Fun: Never Underestimate an Old Subby Bitch

2 girl phone sex tortureHis instructions were clear. Find a young bitch for me to play with as you are getting old and boring. I have been with this particular guy for over a decade. I’m older now, and he wants a young new model to torture and abuse. Taboo phone sex has always been his thing. Snuff, torture, BDSM, young girls, force fucking, forced intoxication….. all things he loves, all things with me he has grown bored doing. Suddenly I went from victim to accomplice. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but I knew I had to find him a young teen girl fast or he might kill me since he had decided I am no longer worthy to be his fuck pig slave.

I saw Taylor at the mall. A cute barely legal little whore. I was like her once. A young cute bitch eager to please men, willing to do anything for their attention. I told her about this rave my friend was having; showed her his picture and soon she was back at my place where I over powered the whore and chained her to the couch as a present for him. Taylor tried to get away, but could not break the chains or wiggle her tiny frame out of the shackles. I felt oddly dominant. Seeing her strung out scrawny ass tied up to the couch like that made me want to hurt her. I think I was jealous. I knew where he kept his torture tools. I came back with a riding crop and a whip and started smacking the whore around. She screamed and yelled. Even called me names, which made me strike her harder. I wanted to ugly up his new teen whore. Maybe if he saw a damaged slut he would realize how valuable I still could be to him.

domination phone sexMaster came busting through the door and punched me square in the mouth. He then kicked me repeatedly until I was in fetal position. He went over to check out Taylor to make sure I had not hurt his new pig. I didn’t see what the big deal was; I mean I picked her out, not like he knew her or anything. I just wanted to have a little fun with her too. He dragged me down into his dungeon and whipped me so bad, my skin broke. He tossed me on the floor. “You belong in the gutter you worthless pig,” he yelled as he started pissing on me. Kicked me some more, then strung me upside down and skull fucked my mouth. After he shot a load down my throat so forcefully that I puked, he cut me down and used me as a punching bag some more. He made it clear to me that Taylor was his new bitch, and I was a worthless whore.

What I did not see coming was that he would let Taylor use me. He freed her and ordered her to get some payback. The little bitch kicked and bit me, even scratched me. She called me an old bitch that should be put out to pasture. I ended up in a cat fight with a bitch half my age over a Master I should have been grateful was cutting me lose. Stockholm Syndrome perhaps, but I fought that bitch hard for him. In fact, I ended up snapping her little boney neck and killing his new pet instantly. Honestly, I didn’t know I had that kind of rage or strength in me. I guess the thought of being traded in for a younger model didn’t sit well with me. But my jealous rage and willingness to kill the competition made me his top bitch again. Oh no, what did I just do.

taboo phone sex teen

Snuff Porn; This Piggy Went To Market

I have been taking part in a rather tasty underground snuff porn market. I noticed that it was flooded with the kind of high quality flicks that I not only record but take part in as well. Lots of devious people travel to this market to get all kind of fun things they are looking for. That is when I  decided that it was missing a key element to make it so much better, an open slut market. This would be a place where all taboo phone sex lovers could find there little play things for acting out every last fantasy. Of course they would be able to find an accomplice if they needed one too. 

Snuff Porn

I spend the next week compiling little tasty treats of every size, age, sex and color. That was when I realized that I had picked the perfect little piglet for my good friend Dr. Fell. She was about 20, and thick in all of the right places. I kept her drugged up and called him to let him know I had found the perfect surprise for him. I invited him down to admire the market that I had put together. He was very impressed with his with his little accomplice. When I showed him what I hunted down for him he was ecstatic. 

taboo phone sex

We took her home that night. Of course, with the drugs in her system she made the process a million times easier. Dr. Fell took time to unwrap his present and take a closer look at her. He took the shower head and began to spray her clean of all contaminants before taking her to the kitchen. She was so high she even held the bowl of oil on her plump belly so i could baste her properly. Dr. Fell stayed at my side talking to his thick meat telling her all she would be to him. 

Cannibalism phone sex

As we began to tie her arms to the pole she began to whimper as it was brought to reality that we were not playing. With one of us on either side we lifted her up and put her so she hovered over the open flame. She opened her mouth to let out a giant shriek when Dr.Fell placed an apple inside of her mouth making her silent. He placed a kiss on a forehead and thanked her one last time as we watched her roast over the open flames. The perfect me for Dr. Fell and I. 

Used and Abused

I don’t know how long I was out, but hearing their cruel laughter in my ears made me want to return to that silent darkness. But my body was waking and I was becoming aware of what was around me. My hands were shackled and strung up before me while I could feel my legs had been strapped to a spreader bar. I was naked with my ass out. I could hear growls and it made my bare skin shiver. The first thing I felt was a cold wet nose, then a long tongue licking at my exposed and vulnerable pussy lips. “Please!” I begged, “please don’t do this!” I knew my please would fall on deaf ears. After all they had done to me… I was a source of entertainment, nothing more. I screamed as the large furred beast mounted me. His long thick cock slid into me while his claws dug into my shoulders, holding himself on me as his hips started moving. The pain and the fear swept through me as he growled right next to my ear. Inside I felt a knot starting to form, pulling and tugging at my insides. Just as the pain was getting to the point I was seeing spots, the creature found his release. A mouth of fangs bit down on my shoulder as hot seed filled my womb. I screamed then and as soon as he let my shoulder go, I slumped to the ground, a sobbing bloody mess. Darkness reclaimed me as I felt the beast pulling painfully with his knot still stretched within me.Bloody phone sex

Snuff Porn: A Young Rape Porn Fantasy

An afternoon of snuff porn recruitment for a sweet young thing to star in our young rape porn fantasy video led me to my neighbors daughter. She has always been a pain in the ass and today I get a chance to have my way. And to watch my neighbors face as I tell him all the things that we have in store for his little sister was priceless. It never occurred to me this slut would prove beneficial in my life in some way. And tonight is the night!

She thinks that she is being brought to this party with me as a guest, and well she is… sorta. The guest of honor is more like it, and yes she will get to get fucked up and high, all those things she keeps yabbering my ear off about as I drive her to the party. I slipped her a xanax in the flask of vodka and fruit punch I gave her and she finished it off like a good girl. So by the time we arrive I have to assist her into the place. This is all going perfectly as planned. 

snuff porn

Once inside I have my gang members take over in walking her to the set. Awaiting her are five nice sized biker guys just drooling to get at the sweet piece of ass I brought for their all out debauchery. We need to show the other gangs that we don’t play around, and this snuff ass rape porn is just the thing to make that point. I get to play accomplice and do all kinds of nasty things to this pristine little slut.

First things first and that’s to start slicing off her cute dress, then get all nice and nasty sucking off one of the guys and as he is about to blow we shove his dick down her throat to gag her with a huge load before I put tape over her cunt mouth. I don’t trust the hag to be quiet as I know she is a screamer when getting fucked. Once her eyes got nice and dilated and really big as she watched the guys pull their cocks out, we grabbed her and shoved her face down on the bed. Shoved her face into a pile of pillows and I cut her sweet pink panties off. Two big guys at a time took her holes and she was tighter than we expected her to be. I guess my neighbors cock must be small since I believe he’s the only one that has fucked her. 

Young Rape Porn Fantasy

As the guys climaxed a couple of them loved it rough and needed me to partially strangle them as I took a strap-on to their fuck holes. It was quite the scene. The movie showed the other gangs that this is not the bitch to mess with. As the end of the tape came near the last guy to fuck the little whore was going to get his neck slashed by me just as he started cumming. You thought the young slut was going to be snuffed didn’t you? We need more time with her, maybe later.


Morticia’s young rape porn fantasy

Taboo phone sex

I know I am not the only one who has a young rape porn fantasy. 

I want a tight young female that I can take advantage of. 

I want to lick her top to bottom. 

Rub my tongue over her nipples feeling them get hard in between my teeth as I bite them off. 

I want to hear her scream as I torture her. 

I’ll open her cunt with a tool, stretching her open and put thumbtacks in that tight young cunt. 

young rape porn fantasy

I  want her to fucking bleed out as I fuck this bitch with a giant cock making the thumbtack go deeper and deeper into her cunt. 

I’ll lay her beautiful pure body down on the ground covering her with thumbtacks. 

Next I’ll take thick heavy glass and lay it on top of her body making the thumb tacks push into her skin. 

I’ll lay down on top of the glass and fuck myself while I crush her body. 

One by one her bone crushing under my weight and the weight of the glass. 

Hearing her screams as I orgasm on top of her slowly dying. 

porn needles snuff

Home Invasion Phone Sex Nightmare

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex was pure fantasy for me until recently. I was asleep soundly, during a summer storm. I sleep right through thunder and lightning. I didn’t even realize that the power was out until a hand was over my mouth. I thought it was one of my Master’s needing some perverse force fuck session, but I quickly realized I had no clue who this man was; I had never seen him before, but he seemed to know me. I am a submissive whore, but I didn’t know how to act with a total stranger. I tried to fight him as he restrained me to my bed. He punched me in the face then used my tits as punching bags.

He shoved my panties in my mouth, then helped himself to my goodie drawer. He showed a dildo up my ass while he punched my “worthless tits” repeatedly until they were black and blue. I was trying not to cry, but I was scared. I had no safe word with this guy. This was not some master and servant game, but an act of random violence. When he forced his cock into my pussy, he put his hands on my throat to choke me. I felt light headed. I started trembling. As he penetrated me bare back, I had fears of pregnancy and STDS. I begged for him not to cum in me, but he insisted he wanted to leave a present in my belly to remember him by.

rape phone sex fantasiesAs he talked about impregnating me, it was obvious this attack was not so random. He knew I was ovulating. He knew my monthly schedule. He knew I was not on any oral contraceptive. He left me tied to my bed while he force fucked me for hours.”I left 4 loads of baby batter in your whore cunt, bitch. I know you will have a permanent reminder of me in 9 months,” he said. I told myself if I ended up pregnant, I could terminate the pregnancy. “Oh bitch, don’t even think of aborting my seed. I will be watching you and if you even think of an abortion, I will gut you like a pig and rip the spawn right out of your whore belly,” he seethed as he carved a W in my belly for whore.

He punched me some more, which got him hard enough to dump another load of batter inside me. He left me tied to the bed. I laid there for almost 24 hours, covered in blood and piss until my friend came looking for me and rescued me. As she helped me into the bathroom to clean up, we saw the note written in my blood on the mirror, “Tell a soul and you die.”