Truly evil phone sex right here!

evil phone sexSometimes in life you simply need evil phone sex… and not just a little bit evil, I’m talking about truly depraved, twisted fucked up shit! The kind of shit where people die and they die very fucking slowly! Now, come on over here because I want to tell you a little story about this strung out whore i found walking the streets late at night. She was obviously a crack whore, she was barely dressed, all she had on was this skanky little dress and these ugly ass stripper shoes… bitch looked filthy like she hadn’t had a bath in weeks! Obviously there was no way I could let that whore live right?? I pulled over and asked her if she wanted to make some money… you know that whore didn’t even hesitate, not one little bit! She saw that 50 dollar bill in my hand and hopped right in my car like it was nothing. Little did she know that she had just signed her fucking death warrant! The smell coming off her was sickening, she smelled like sex and desperation, I knew that as soon as I got to my private cabin that this fucking whore was going to need a hose down before I would dirty my knife on her. It was funny though, she never protested, not even once! I drove her to the middle of nowhere and literally hosed this fucking whore down in my driveway and she didn’t say anything! I guess she was too high to really comprehend what was going on… but she wasn’t so stoned that she couldn’t feel every fucking stroke of my knife! That whore screamed every time I cut her… but she never even tried to get up! I didn’t even have her tied up and she never tried to save herself! She just laid there and let me kill her!

Taboo Phone Sex Party and Feast

Have a taste for some taboo phone sex with a twist of fate added for indulgence? Well if cannibalism phone sex brings you to salivation I will offer you sweet salvation. Bring one item from my list in order to be admitted to the Den of Sin motorcycle clubs event of the year. The List is printed on the flyer that was mailed out to a select few non-members so consider it your personal ticket to the event of your life, or death.

A virgin sacrifice is needed for the clubs survival, and well a dirty little secret about our founders, they are real cannibals and need the delicacy of human flesh to fulfill their life lines and ensure their ageless radiance. I guarantee this event is not to be missed by any of you serial killer types that have been successful. I will not have any in attendance that appear to be on the radar. I know who you are as I have my insider information.

Let’s get to the details, shall we. Under the open night sky we will gather at the center of our founders 30 acre plot of which is cleared only in the center. What does that mean? Well, the way in is heavily wooded and folks have gotten lost trying to find their way in. That is intentional due to the nature of our practices. Once you find the hidden circle of sin you will be welcomed by the visuals of the damned with young precious virgins tied to pillars, nude. You’ll find some of the darkest evil bikers gathering, with drink and fires ablaze all about.

There will be debauchery and chanting. You will inhale the essence of sex, blood, and that of burning flesh and hair. The most curious wonderful scent of culinary excellence is also there. You may be best not inquiring as to what the various meat offerings are. In the very center you will see an Victorian claw footed  bath tub with a fire pit in the ground beneath it. You may also notice a few deep ditches about and what looks like a wood chipper. Those are to properly dispose of the remains.

Taboo Phone Sex

Snuff Porn Road Rage

snuff pornSnuff porn was not on my to do list when I left the house to run some errands. I can be a dumb clueless blonde. I was self absorbed in my own world as I drove away from the mall that night. I was driving and texting so I never realized I cut a guy off when I ran a red light. Not sure how long he had been following me. I didn’t realize anything was wrong until he ran my car off the road on a desolate side road. I was taking a short cut home, bypassing the highway traffic. I hit my head on the steering wheel. When I looked up a bit dazed, I saw a shadowy figure in front of my car like something out of a horror movie. I rolled down the window thinking I had been in a car accident of some sort. He started yelling about women drivers. He was full of road rage. I got out of the car to apologize, but that angered him further. He punched me in the face. It must have knocked me out because I woke up tied and attached to some metal contraption. It was very dark and damp, clearly a basement. I was naked. I pleaded with him a thousand times over, but his road rage had only escalated. He took a baseball bat and beat me with it. I was helpless, tied up, unable to defend myself from the blows to my body. I felt my ribs breaking. Do you know what happens when your ribs break? They can puncture your lungs. I was starting to struggle to breath. I could taste blood even though I had no head injury. He laughed at me as my lungs filled up with blood. He sodomized me as I was dying. “Only good female driver is a dead one,” I heard him say before everything went dark.

The Joys Of Observing Torture Sex

torture sex angieI stopped in my tracks and was on full alert.

Not moving a muscle I listened.

I know I heard it.

There it is again.


Clearly the sound of a cry that is being muffled by a hand or gag. The sound is unmistakable.

My panties are getting wet and I follow the sound. Stopping every now and then to make sure it is getting closer.

Peering through the branches I see him.


Eyes glowing with evil satisfaction.

Under him lay a body.





His dick is standing at attention facing her.

Bouncing happily.

Pre-cum covering the tip.

Covered in her blood.

Silently I watch as he administers his own special brand of hell. Savage torture sex for her. Erotic, powerful pleasure for him.

Masturbating to the scene before me, I am aroused vicariously through him and he doesn’t even know I am there.

Finally he tires of her and leaves her there.



Barely breathing

Her eyes fill with tears and the hope is evident when she sees me emerge from the trees. She feeds the twisted fire with in my soul with her optimism.

I walk towards her and gently run my hands over her tattered flesh. Her blood is thick and beginning to congeal in places.

My cunt is pulsating.

I can’t resist any longer.

I pull my pants off  while removing the dirty towel from her mouth I replace it with my cum soaked panties.

I begin to rub my wet pussy hard against her bloody, swollen and bruised cunt.

I hold the knife to my tongue feeling the sharp tip of the blade waiting for the explosion that is near.

As my orgasm grows closer so does her end.

I will feel her body spasm as she takes her last breath under me, my cum flowing onto her flesh as life leaves her body.

Snuff phone sex in the park

snuff phone sexI’d had a very nice day at the park doing drugs and panhandling. I’d even crashed a few parties and been offered a few drinks. I was feeling no pain as I staggered through the grass. I had no clue that I was being watched until it was too late. A group of homeless men living in the shadows of the park were like silent predators, seeing my small, drugged body as the perfect sexual target. They were on me like wolves, beating me unconscious and pulling me into the netherworld of the forest.

I could barely open my battered eye sockets. I tasted the blood on my lips. A dozen of them stood around me. I could feel my ravaged pussy now as yet another one of them climbed on top of me. His foul breath came in gasps as he pumped me viciously with a rock hard cock. Another feral creature stepped forward and grunted, trying to get his nasty stick into my ass at the same time. I whimpered and they knew I was alive. A third one grabbed me by the air, pulling me upward to his giant cock and plunged it into my throat. He used it like a weapon, asphyxiating me, as I wheezed for air. This seemed to inflame them and I was surrounded by horny animals, all wanting to use and abuse me. I felt the world going dark around me as he rammed my windpipe over and over with his oversize meat stick. Even in my drugged state, I knew I was dying. My soul seemed to leave my body and I found myself hovering over it, watching these monsters continue to fuck my dead carcass. Despite it all, I felt my pussy begin to twitch in orgasm. It was one bad drug trip…or was I really dead?

Summer Vacation!

Babysitter phone sexI love summer vacation. I make so much fucking money! All those fucking brats out of school needing a babysitter! And all my perverted friends willing to pay big money to fuck ever single innocent little brat I can find! I am more than willing to let them use the fuck toys up! Money plays as they say! Like this week I am watching Sammy and Dani. Twins. Sweet little tight, long legged,Big doe eyes fuck toys. I took a lot of pics of the soon to be whores and the guys have been bidding all week on them. Bidding to see who goes first! Of course they all get a ride. The more the merrier. I mean you really need a bunch of training to be a whore! I am gonna make a killing off these sluts! I already have everything set up. I told the parents I couldn’t work tomorrow. They hired the new girl down the street. I am gonna show up to pick up my “forgotten” book. And I am gonna slip the new babysitter a micky. She wont know what happened! Then It is time for the twins. I do have a special drink for them. Then winning bidder gets to go upstairs. I stand out side the bitches door to make sure they cant get away! I love the sound of the clothes ripping off. The sluts screaming and begging! I have to play with my pussy just listening to it. All the guys waiting can have a warm up on the babysitter while they wait. I give the winning bidder an hour.. but it never takes that long! Then the train pulls into the terminal. The guys all poor into the whores room. They are scared and crying. And it is open season! Every hole gaped and stretched open! I cum over and over watching! When everyone is done. I use some home made bleach douches to clean up! I roll up all the plastic I laid down before the party and we get the fuck out of there. The babysitter will be blamed for everything. An added bonus! She looked like a real bitch! Man I love summer vacation!


A Day in the Park: Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesMy callers love to hear me share my rape phone sex fantasies. All women have them, right? It is just not considered politically correct to admit you have rape fantasies. I told this one caller months ago that one of my rape fantasies was to be taken spending the day in the park. Coincidentally, I spent Saturday at the park by myself. Honestly, I was not thinking of being gang banged or anything like that. I was just hiking in a nearby national park. Getting high, while up high on the mountains. I was not paying attention to my surroundings as usual and before I realized I was in danger, several men rushed me. I almost fell backwards into the gorge. I was saved only to be tied up by mountain climbing rope and suspended to a tree. At first, they just taunted me calling me names like stupid whore.  Then the torment escalated. They hit me with sticks and threw rocks at me like I was a piñata. I screamed for help, but none came. A rock hit me in the head. Blood started running down my face like I was in some horror movie. Talk about a wrong turn. I was in a secluded part of the park not marked by trails. I had no cell service. The men left me bleeding hanging from a tree.

bondage phone sex A single hiker came by what felt like hours later. I was so excited to be rescued. He was not exactly the rescuing type. He saw an opportunity and he took it. He cut me down with a knife, left me tied up and force fucked me. My mouth, my ass and my pussy were all up for grabs with him. He never spoke once to me. Just grunted like a wild animal as he shoved his cock in my fuck holes. I was violated twice in the middle of God’s country. Finally, a park ranger rescued me, but because drugs were found in my system, no one believed my story. They thought I got high and fell down a hill. When I got back to my house, my caller I shared my day in the park rape fantasy with called me to see how I was healing up. I will never know which one he was.

You should try camping my way!

snuff sexI went on a little camping trip last weekend, it was the most intense night of my life but probably not much like your camping experiences. You see, I went all by myself to a private campground that is pretty popular this time of year, there were several families all spaced out, each in their own tents about 40-50 feet apart from each other. My goal was to slip inside each tent silently, kill all of the occupants and slip back out undetected by any of the other families. I didn’t want any of them to get away, I wanted to leave a total bloodbath behind me! My panties were soaking wet when I slipped into the first tent and I came with the first thrust of my knife. I killed them all one by one and slipped out so I could make my way to the next tent. I killed everyone at that camp site, not a one of them screamed or begged for their life, they all slipped away under my knife. I left behind a total bloodbath… it was a gruesome scene for the people that found them I am quite sure… I wonder if they have nightmares about what I’ve done…

Teen rape porn

teen rape porn

I was walking home from playing with a friend and I was pushing my bike through the neighborhood yards until I came across some neighborhood boys. They were much older then me and asking me lots of questions. I was just trying to get home since it was going to be dark soon, but they were making it nearly impossible for me. They grabbed my bike and pushed me down and asked if I was the neighborhood whore like they heard. Before I could say anything the pushed their cocks out of their pants and began to pound my face. They kept smacking me around and they all took turns holding me down. They were grunting and pounding my holes. I was begging for them to stop, but the more I begged for them to stop the harder they took initiative to pound my little cunny harder. They laughed and did hand shakes as they took turns fucking my holes.

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I was partying a little too hard this week and I obviously put myself in some compromising positions. I made some friends on the beach and they insisted that I get with them and have some drinks. I didn’t have any hesitations, and I just wanted to party hard. They all looked at me waiting for me to shoot my drink to the back of my throat. I guess that sign right there would be the turning point for most people to catch on that they might be in some trouble, but not me. I was desperate for a good time and before I could really fathom what was happening, I got dizzy and light headed. My eyes got heavy and everything got blurry as I passed right out. I was fucking drugged like a pathetic stupid dumb whore. After I awoke from my black out and tried to clear my vision, what I saw was horrific. Dude after dude, pissing all over my helpless unmovable body. Get up and run, right? No, wrong. I was tied up in an “x” position. I was bloody and could not tell where the blood was coming from. It burned and shot stabs throughout the nerves in my body. I squirmed and squeaked. My holes were gapped open and I could feel the breeze of air slice my naked body right in half. Goose bumps broke out through my body, that the men were mocking and laughing about. I was the biggest joke. All I wanted was to break free, I had to face the reality that this might be my dead end.