You know what never gets old? Torture sex!

torture sexYou know what never gets old? Torture sex. Probably because I’m not the one being tortured and used and abused. I love to fuck bitches up and it’s so easy because I can clean up real nice, look perfectly innocent until the time is right. All I want to do is help; I am really good at is being the ultimate accomplice. Look at me, I’m so approachable. Any girl would trust me to be her very best friend. Maybe I would invite her over for dinner to my boyfriend’s house… or just tell them it’s my roommate – it won’t matter. I will find a girl, at the local college maybe; I will blend in so well. After doing some research on the loner girl, I will approach her, and befriend her as well. At first, of course she will be standoffish as she is not used to someone as attractive as me talking to her, and I will invite her to my play for dinner… where the real fun will begin. Now you tell me, what will we do to her at dinner? What is our new victim’s outcome…? Whatever it may be, I cannot wait to hear her whine and beg and her tell us how young she is and how much potential she has in life to change the world and blah blah blah. Shut up bitch, no one needs you, you were put here simply for our pleasure and the sooner you get over yourself the better. Don’t make me hurt you more than you can imagine with this lovely knife of mine…OH WAIT I was going to do that anyway! Literally makes me laugh, and I tell her “I am going to make you cry even more, you’ll cry tears of blood.” This only makes her lose it, which is the perfect time for me to start fucking her up with my knives. Feel free to join…

Snuff Phone Sex with Natasha

snuff phone sex “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the most evil snuff phone sex slut of all?”  That would be me, mother fucker. As you’re out having fun, I’m watching you. Don’t think for a moment that you are safe with other people. I will find a way to get you.

Ask me what my favorite phone sex is and I will say Accomplice phone sex. Having a willing partner is always hot and the bloody sex is so good. Together we are creatures of the night and we will get our prey. You will know that hell exists when you fall into our clutches.

Last week was a good example. A cheating whore needed a lesson. She had been out flaunting her shit and spreading her legs for the last time. We yanked her out of a car as she was getting banged in the backseat. Breathless and naked, she begged for her life. I drove her far out into the woods where her BF could find his revenge. He punched her in the face over and over as he drove his cock into her cheating cunt. I held a knife to her throat and made little slices as he got closer to orgasm. As his cock blew, I cut her windpipe and jugular. Her death twitch milked out every drop of his cum. She gurgled as her lifeblood soaked the leaves. He and fucked right there in the gore of her carcass, rolling on the bloody foilage. After we smoked a fat one, he fucked her lifeless body one last time. I fingered myself in glee as I got off on his necrophila. We were so turned on that we went out searching for another victim. We found a tasty young teen who had run away from home. We tore her to bloody pieces, leaving her for the animals, after we clubbed her with a car jack. Stay tuned for the rest of the story in my next blog.

accomplice phone sex


Murder phone sex Fantasies with Morticia

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Your Murder phone sex Fantasies are happening more and more. I can influence you and make you do what I want. You are a weak man with very bad thoughts. Thoughts so sick you want to cut your own cock off. You are becoming paranoid that everyone knows what you want to do. You keep thinking everyone is out to get you, fuck even your our flesh and blood is turning on you! Your once sweet Innocent little girl is now a dirty fucking whore. Not even legal yet and you know she has fucked every one of your friends, but she hasn’t fucked you. Why hasn’t she fuck her daddy yet? I am that devil inside of you who can make you cross the line and do what you need to do. I am that voice tell you to do one more hit. Take a big hit of that crack and hold it in.

Snuff phone sex

Your cock is rock hard and you want a piece of her pussy. You want to show me how much you worship me. You want to make her scream as you force your cock into her whore asshole. You are going to make her pay for being a dirty whore just like her mom. That bitch is the reason why you are addicted to pussy and crack. She fucked you so good and got you high all the time. You even question if that whore upstairs is even yours..  Call her down into the basement. Scream her fucking name until she gets so fucking annoyed that she comes down to yell at you. That is when you hit that bitch in the head. Knock her fucking ass out.

Taboo phone sex

Now that she is all good and tied up lets find out if she is yours. Can her cunt take your cock? Is her cunt so fucking tight you start to realize the smoke had your head in a haze. That your sweet innocent little girl isn’t a whore, She hasn’t ever had a cock inside of her. Take another hit before you realize her lifeless body is so stiff that is why her pussy is so fucking tight. What have you done? Tell me every nasty detail what you did to her tiny lifeless body.

Two Against One

bloody phone sex

Somehow my husband found out about the neighbor. If ask me I truly believe they are in works with each other. And yesterday they both confirmed what I thought to be true. I was cornered by the both of them. With no where to go. My husband had a knife to the side of my throat as he forced me to my knees and made me suck the neighbors cock. He would cram his dick deep into my throat then look at my husband and smile and that is when my husband would pinch my nose shut. Unable to breath or move because he still had that blade pressed into my neck I started to panic. Chocking on his cock I puked all over him. That is when I started taking blows to the head. Each of them bashing me upside the head all the while I am still being skull fucked with the neighbors cock. It started to get real fuzzy and eventually I blacked out. Once I finally came to. I found myself handcuffed to my husbands work bench out in the garage. I had a screwdriver shoved in my ass and a dildo in my pussy which was attached to his power drill. I was covered in bruises and my neck ended up with a shallow slice enough to cause it to bleed leaving all kinds of dried up blood down my neck and onto my tits. If this is not a living hell I don’t know what is.

2 Girl Phone Sex Let’s fuck bitches up!

2 girl phone sex (41)

You’re here because you don’t want any vanilla shit. You want me to be your little accomplice with one of these stupid victim sluts. That’s what we call a 2 girl phone sex call…the kind that involves you and me using her until we snuff her out. Then on to the next! Don’t worry Daddy, you know my pretty little face can lure any girl to us. I can befriend her or get close enough to knock her ass out and bring her home for us. What do you wanna do Daddy? What can we do to fuck this whore up?! Oh you know I am going to get my knife and we are going to fuck her with it. But not yet, that’s for the end. First I am going to hold her down for you Dad. Let her scream and cry and wish she was already dead. She will beg for mercy and beg for us to do anything but hurt her and fuck her but that’s all we want to do anyway! Silly girl! I am going to sit on her face to shut her up Daddy…you do whatever you want while I talk your through it, while I take care of what you really wanna do. Go violate those holes, let me help you. You know you want to make her cry…and I want to hear her muffled screams through my pussy. Do what you wanna do! Get that tight pussy and make it yours. You know that’s what you want and I am going to help you take it and OWN it. Make her your sex slave, make her your little bitch. Get her pussy all bloody with your dick then make her suck it. I’ll help ‘convince’ her with my knife. Only to shove it deep in her little cunt until she’s got a huge gaping hole! That’s enough to make her bleed out, right Daddy???

Blasphemy Sex Sunday

blasphemy sex karmaEvery now and then I like to hit a church on Sunday.

Not to worship but to corrupt.

I don’t believe in the holier then thou, all seeing, all knowing and all powerful God…..and turning someone of faith inside out and upside down in their own place of worship makes my black heart happy and my goth pussy wet.

Entering the grand and ornate church makes me want to puke but I have butterflies in the pit of my stomach thinking about what I am about to do. I follow the signs in the hall way that lead to the Priest’s office. As I approach the door I hear him in there softly praying as he finishes working on his sermon for the morning.

I don’t bother knocking, I just push the door open. He looks up and smiles motioning me in.

I stride across the room and behind his desk picking up a rosary as I walk by. Before the words of question can escape his lips my tongue is down his throat and I am shoving his hand into my pussy, bald, wet and uncovered under my short skirt.

His mild resistance tells me that he wants this too. My hand touches his and he can feel me pushing the rosary inside my slippery cunt between his fingers as his dick grows against my belly.

Hell fire and damnation.

I bring him to the brink of blowing his holy load and stop.

I tell him he is going to escort me to my pew and as he gives his sermon I am going to make him cum. I have recorded our little time together and if he doesn’t cooperate I will show it in the middle of the service.

When he cums he is to scream “hallelujah, hell fire and damnation” Then he is to call me up to his podium so that I can see the cum all over his robe.

The sermon begins and as he is preaching I begin to pull the rosary from my cunt. slowly on bead at a time. Finally it is all out of me and I lift it to my mouth sucking my juice of the beads. His breath catches and he almost looses his train of thought. I hear him groan through his words and he yells, just as I ordered him to, before calling me out of the congregation.

Blasphemy Sex Sunday fun.



Knife Play Phone Sex Lessons

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex fantasies get my pussy so wet. I run this little school for girls. It is a training school. I assist dark little bitches in growing up to be sadistic women like me. You just don’t become a murderous, castrating whore over night. Behind every evil woman is a female mentor. Yesterday’s lesson was in dismemberment.  I had this annoying fuck who cut me off in traffic as our learning victim. I wanted my girls to understand the thrill of inflicting pain, while seeing how pain affects one’s body. I have a makeshift medical examiner’s room in my basement. Only the folks on the slab are not quite yet dead. This jack off was strapped down spread eagle on his back. I had him hooked up to a blood pressure machine and a pulse reader. We had not even begun the torture sex and his BP and pulse were high. I had an array of knives for the lesson. My pupils were so excited. One little girl asked to go first so I rewarded her enthusiasm with a big knife. She made some cuts on his thighs to see how his vitals skyrocketed. More girls grabbed knives and started cutting and stabbing. They giggled as he screamed in pain and pleaded for his life. That just turned us all on. He was close to having a heart attack by his vitals. It is amazing what pain does to the body. When I cut his dick clean off and blood spurted everywhere he actually passed out. No worries. We had smelling salts to revive him. I shoved his dick in his mouth so he would stay awake while my little evil angels took off his limbs. Had to use a chainsaw for his legs as he was quite stocky. Despite all that pain and blood loss, he did not die immediately. Of course when we chopped his head off that did him in. His head rolled around the floor with his eyes wide open as if he was watching his body die. It was a fun lesson, well for us girls at least.

Evil phone sex is the bloodiest.

evil phone sexI knew from the way he looked at me that he was pure evil, the epitome of evil phone sex. Still, I knew he had the good drugs and I couldn’t resist. He watched me warily as I approached him in the parking lot. He was an unattractive man with a reputation as having a huge cock and lots of money. “Excuse me, sir. I’m looking for something special to help me celebrate tonight.” His gold grille flashed as his evil mind ticked. “Please step inside of my limo and let’s talk.” But I was so naive. As soon as I sat down, I felt his hands around my throat. “Damn trashy drug whore. Why you bother me?” he hissed.He flicked his knife out and cut my bra, exposing my huge tits. “Nasty.” he grumbled as he slashed his blade across them. The blood spurted all over his pretty limo. This really enraged him and he let loose with a barrage of punches. My neck snapped back with the impact as my nose shattered and my eye sockets crunched. I felt a tooth fall into my cleavage. He pulled out his cock and began to jerk it, obviously pleased with the damage he had done. ” Here’s your something special, whore.” He motioned to two of his men. “Give her a double and dump her.” I saw the flash of a needle as something was injected into my neck. I began to foam at the mouth as they shoved me from the limo. I landed right in the middle of hell in the homeless district as the dirty bums surrounded me with grins on their faces. Out of my good eye I saw cocks being pulled out as I lost consciousness. The coma took me before I knew how many men were to violate my half dead carcass that night, spewing diseased cum into my drug ravaged body. Such is the life of a druggie slut.

Need a Teen Rape Porn Victim?

teen rape porn

Are you looking for a teen rape porn victim? If so…I’m the girl for you. Let me tell you why, if you will allow it. You see…my Daddy is a drunk, a big  horny drunk at that. I don’t know where my Mommy went, but she went far away. A place where Daddy couldn’t find her and beat her and fuck her. She left me here for that. So ever since I can remember (like thumb sucking days old) my Daddy would come home drunk ready to make me his little bitch. He has never been easy or gentle on me, I don’t even go to school because I am always covered in bruises and slash marks from him beating me whenever I struggled, or whenever he wanted to simply take out some anger. I’m basically just his little rag doll. He does whatever he wants to me, and there is nothing I can do about it. I’ve accepted that. I realize my worth is nothing, and I know the only good thing about me are my tight little fuck holes. In fact, Daddy has drilled that into my head as he goes back and forth from my ass to my pussy, and even as he passes me along to his friends. He makes me say lots of degrading things while I am getting fucked, even thru the cocks I have shoved down my throat. “I am nothing but a worthless whore” “Please degrade me” “Use my mouth and ass, please!” “I am nothing but a fuck toy for you and your friends, I beg you to use and abuse me to no end” All this is easily interrupted by a smack to my face or a cock being shoved in my mouth, but what can I do? It’s all true!


Don’t go into the woods

The crackling of the fire and the sound of her choking on her own blood made me warm inside. I was so warm I couldn’t feel the pain just yet. I was tied up being forced to watch them hurting my friend. Kali had stopped fighting. Her body had gone limp 20 minutes ago. I can’t close my eyes, I can’t look away. They  are forcing me to watch.

Violent phone sex

It was 30 minutes ago when he walked out of the dark into our camp site. He asked if we were alright and if we wanted to share some fish he caught. Kali and I didn’t just want his fish. His shirt was off and we could see his rock hard body. That tattoos on his tanned flesh made both of our tight bald pussies throb. Kali and I stole some beer from our daddies. “Now are you two even old enough to touch a beer bottle?” He knew right away we weren’t even legal. Our assholes were puckered up, worried we were about to get into trouble. We did what we always do. Asked if there way ANYTHING we could do to make him forget our age. The way he licked his lips after he took that first drink of his ice cold beer made our pussies throb. I squeezed Kali’s hand as we waited for his answer. He sat down next to us by the fire, he opened his bag and handed us a big bottle of whiskey. We should have ran right then and there, He made our skin crawl and we were already too drunk to notice it was fear not sexual desire. 

2 girl phone sex

We smiled as he said “You two young ladies drink this here bottle and we gonna be just fine.” His southern drawl had my nipples so hard. I wanted him and the way Kali was looking at him, I knew she wanted him too. The whiskey was hitting us hard. I was so loopy and drunk that I could not believe my eyes. We thought it was just a joke. He chained me up to the tree and slowly cut my clothes off with his big sharp hunting knife, he gave me butterfly’s when he ran the back of the blade between my pussy lips.  I thought he was about to have kinky sex with me and Kali all night long. He turned from me to go to Kali, I thought he was just going to tease us both all night. He pulled out his big thick cock and made her suck him. I could hear her choking and gagging. Then I heard her scream… I could see him fucking her eye hole!

Torture sex

He was skull fucking her as he stabbed her in the back with that giant fucking hunting knife. After 20 minutes he realized she had been lifeless for the last 15 minutes. He pulled her off his cock, there he still warm body on the fire and walked towards me.