Blasphemy sex is in the eye of the beholder.

            Blasphemy sex is in the eye of the beholder. To be sure what one sees as blasphemous another will see as acceptable. Now take for example incest. If you are looking at blasphemy, then Adam and Eve committed such atrocities under the supervision of God.  

            Another thing that must be remembered is that Moses built an arc and proceeded to repopulate the world with only his family. Now you must think about how old people were at that time. After all Jesus supposedly lived to be 33 years old. Married a whore. Magdalene was a whore.

Blasphemy sex             At the same times Mary was supposedly a virgin and got pregnant just as she became a woman which is early teen or even a bit younger when she had Jesus. On the positive side if you are looking to compare to the bible you are hitting blasphemy.

          Blasphemy phone sex just going through the bible.

            Now that is not say that the bible is all about the taboo now. Not then. Then they used to use water as torture to see if you were a witch or a heretic. Generally speaking, it was death in the long run. It must be remembered that it was a sin to question anything.

            With this in mind not many people really enjoyed being stuck in a cage and drown. Slow and painful. As shown above I like it. In fact, I look forward to playing. All things considered, what was taboo is no longer.

            After all what most consider taboo phone sex is anything that you find wrong. Almost too evil to talk about. That is to say with anyone but me. Come for the fun. We will discuss everything.

            In due time you will learn that nothing is off limits to someone like me. For I will tear apart your beliefs. At the same time making you cum.

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