Blasphemy sex is so fucking hot. I am not a religious girl. If I worship anything it is Satan. Hell, I believe in. Heaven? Not so much. I snuck into a church last night with a male friend. We decimated the place. First, we fucked in the pews leaving cum spots all over the very places that God’s stupid ass followers sit to hear the bullshit out of the Bible. We pissed in the holy water used for baptisms and shit. I fucked my cunt with crosses. My accomplice shit on the Bibles then wiped his ass with pages from within it. We wrote Satan Rules and drew symbols of the Beast all over the walls. We broke the stain glassed windows. It was just two of us, but that stupid church looked like a gang destroyed it by the time we were done. When the congregation came to worship their dead deity, they would get the shock of their life. My partner and I came so hard thinking of the shock of that flock of stupid ass people who believe in God. We even left pig blood all over the church and pictures of little ones getting fucked. Fuck them loser church goers. Biggest hypocrites around. They should trust in Satan instead. Satan isn’t a hypocrite. I love blasphemy phone sex.
Jesus God damn motherfucking cocksucking cunt licking ass rape porn watching Christ, you should respect God bible and church.Amen.