Blasphemy phone sex decimates the church.

Blasphemy phone sex             Blasphemy phone sex decimates the church. To begin with we need to find the perfect church. Going to fuck on the pulpit. In the confessional. Next will be the virgin Mary’s arms. Once we have spread the cum around. Going to move onto the next church.

            For the most part fucking in a church is super naughty. However, adding in the blasphemy of doing it on the cross in every church adds to the element of super nasty. Condemning us to hell. Lucifer or Samiel as he was originally named will be waiting.

            In the long run, I will pass you over and take on Lucifer as my lover. Sitting alongside of Satan making the priest fuck the virgin Mary while hailing him. Say it. Say hail Satan.

            Choir boys and girls need to be fucked. All dressed in white. Taking that virginity. The Evil phone sex will drive you wild. Get down under me. Lick that pussy. You know you will like it. Beg for more.  

            Suck Satan’s cum out of me as soon as he has filled me up. Watching as he fucks me, and I ride him yelling Yee-haw. Not oh God. It’s Satan give me more. Hail to the almighty Satan.

            Join us in the path of destruction. Following behind us. Cleaning up in our wake. Watching the decimation of the church.

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