I used to think snuff porn consisted only of pretty girls getting tortured for the satisfaction of all viewers. It was not until my thirst for blood led me to the male penis that I found out that snuff be way heavier. I was an accomplice, when I realized that the man in charge was not so manly after all. I was growing old of how squeamish he was around dead body that we created decided that it needed to be fixed right away he whimpered and cried for me to stop, I couldn’t. So I decided that I was going to make him into my collection of victims. I tied him up to a chair and smelled close to his neck. His veins pulsated as his heart raced with fear. I love listening to him cry and whimper, begging me not to hurt him. That was only making it harder for him, I went over to my table so I could let him see the tools I was going to be using on him. I thought hard to myself decided a man, a man he called himself. But was he a man? No he was not!

I grabbed some rope, easy enough, and I tied it from the underside of his ball sack on top of his already throbbing penis. His cock was hard turned on by the fact that I was dominating him. Something that I knew I would never have problems with but never really faced. I had always been an accomplice never really thought I’d run across somebody who claim to be man, but really a sissy, And I did!Dominating, which came by awfully easy you ask me. He begged and cried for me to stop but his eyes said something else. His eyes, that begged me to continue on with his penile torture. I tied it with a rope from the under side of his balls across the base pulling it hard listening to whimper and then taking two alligator clamps I secured them onto his nipples, and he yelped. He yelled as if he was being kicked in his side. Which I already did intended on doing from the beginning. I took my high heels and kicked it straight across his face scratching him tip of my heel into the side of his mug. I loved every second of it.

As I continued to rip his body apart and burn his nuts, he pleaded with me to get in a moment of satisfaction. Suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling and put his big throbbing cock into my mouth. I began to suck on it running, my tongue along the underside of his mushroom tip, and moving my head up and down. That’s when he said it, that’s what he really set me off,”good girly,” he said to me. Girly? I am no girly, I am a woman yes but not a little girl. Not like he was making me out to be I became enraged I dug my teeth into the base of his cock.I listened to scream his whole body began to shake as I bit harder. I bit until I met my teeth on the other side completely clamp down on to his wiener. I ripped his cock straight off of him spitting it out into a tray that’s when I started, collecting and munching on dicks for fun. It was a nice hobby and I really enjoyed it couldn’t wait until I got more victims like him, victims I would enjoy torturing for taboo phone sex fun!