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Choke me with your cock..

rape phone sex fantasies

This first time my husband sold me for a fix, I had no clue how to suck a cock. Well I had sucked cock before but I wasn’t a pro at it. My new masters made sure to teach me the way they liked their cock sucked to perfection. And they weren’t gentle or loving in any sense. I got a throat fucking, gagging, rough, cocksucking lesson. They had me on my knees for hours some days. My knees would be so bruised up and weak after they finished with me but that was the least of my problems. I would have to suck both of their dicks at the same time and if I made a mistake I got a fist to the face. Even with a black eye and a swollen cheek I had to keep sucking their cocks. Meanwhile, my masters would degrade me. They love calling be a “stupid nigger whore” and “porch monkey”. They often tell me I should be glad I have such a sexy ass body because I would have been dead a long time ago. They keep me because I am loyal and obedient. Those compliments are short lived because they are right back to torturing me and fucking my sore throat. One of my masters has been making me gag on his cock and I can feel my throat closing from being so sore. That’s bad for me, they will only fuck me up some more until they force it open again.

She Tasted Great

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Guadalupe, one of my many owners, lost his temper again. He looked through his girl’s cell phone and saw that she was texting another brotha. This enraged him because he was head over heels in love with her. They had been together for quite some years now and he even had her name tattooed on his back. She and I talked sometimes when we prepared the meals for the men. I envied her so much because I was just a fucking object whereas she was the love of somebody’s life. That ungrateful cunt should’ve known better than to text another man when there were women begging to be in her place! When he saw the text messages Rosalita automatically began to try to explain by Lupe wasn’t for it. He slapped her across the face and dragged her body down the stairs. I could hear the back off her head “THUMP” each time it hit a step. I know what that shit feels like and trust me, it isn’t good. He ripped her clothes off as she screamed for him to stop and calm down. “Papi, it isn’t what you think” she exclaimed as he ripped off her bra and panties. I watched as he took her body for the last time. As he thrust he said things like, “I really loved you Lita” and “I can’t lose you to anybody else”. I could hear the pain in his voice as he grunted. Then when he was done, as cool as a cucumber, he held her by her hair and slit her throat from ear to ear. Just like that Rosalita was gone. Lupe called me over and told me to clean up the mess and get rid of her cheating ass. I remember the last time I tried to get rid of a bitch they fucked and murdered but that didn’t end too well. I had to be quick and then I got it! I wanted to give Guadalupe one last chance to be with his “Lita” so I dragged her to the back yard. It was all fenced in so nobody could see me hauling a dead puta with me.accomplice phone sex layla (6.0) I got the chain saw, prepared myself, and started cutting. I cut her arms and legs into four pieces and cut all the meat off the bone. As for her torso I didn’t want to do much with it because the bitch had a brat in there. From the looks of it she was about 4 months. I disposed of her mid-section and head and went to the kitchen to clean the meat. I removed all the fat trimmings and flesh so that I could season it up real good for dinner and serve it with my famous enchiladas. That’s right; we’re going to eat this cunt tonight! I haven’t had a real meal in ages so I will eat any meat put in front of me. When dinner was done all them rushed to the kitchen for a plate. Guadalupe came back for seconds and showed me the first sign of affection I’ve gotten in months. He kissed my forehead and said, “She was delicious.”

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex layla (5)

The way you react seeing your first dead body is never how you expect it to be. They dragged her in the house midday Tuesday. I was cleaning up after a long night of the men pre-gaming before the club when the door swung open. Rodrigo had a little chicquita flung over his shoulder as the others followed behind him. He slammed the door and threw her body on the ground. I knew she was still alive when she hit the floor and groaned. She was about my height but a little thicker. She had a fat ass and medium sized tits. If I was a free whore I would definitely fuck around with her. Rodrigo told me to tie her up to the bed and put down a tarp. She and I knew exactly what he planned on doing hence why she started to fight back. I had to knock this bitch out before she did the same to me. Rodrigo was impressed at how well ii fought back but his being impressed was the last thing on my mind. I tied her up as quickly as possible and slapped her until she woke up. I was ready to see someone besides myself be the victim for once. Rodrigo pulled out his cock and pissed all over her. She screamed were gargled as his piss filled her mouth and ran down her chest. I cackled with sick pleasure as he shoved his cock down her pissy face hole. Then, I fingered my pussy as she screamed from the pain of his cock getting shoved forcefully up her ass. Finally I came all over my panties when she slit her throat and came all over her bloody dead body… I never found out what that girl did to deserve that, but I really didn’t care.

In Fear

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I thought we were simply here to have a good time. My husband never took me anywhere so when he offered to take me to a water park I immediately agreed. I wanted to spend time together like we used to but this day was soon spoiled by his horrible fucking attitude and hair trigger temper. It all happened in the “Lazy River” when we saw a young boy floating past us looking for his mother. I could see all over his face how terrified he must be. Being so young and vulnerable out in the open by his self must be a mortifying experience. My heart went out to the boy! My husband was infuriated at the thought of me giving attention to something other than him. He crept up behind the boy’s floatie and ripped him off of it. I tried to look away as he pushed and held the pre-pubescent little boy under water. My husband had this sick look in his eyes like got whenever he beat me. That’s when I knew he was going to kill the youngin. I begged him to stop but according to that sociopath, “I gotta hear him say it. Let this little fucker beg for his life.” Before he could finish his sentence the water went still. I grabbed the boy trying to blow any air I had back into his little lungs. As my husband walked away I held the body of somebody’s lifeless little boy. I knew I had to move quick before somebody came and saw me holding this dead boy. I had no choice but to free him from my bosom and watch the weight of rigamortis bring him to the bottom of the wave pool. He died fearing for his life and I couldn’t even pity him. Mainly because I knew for certain now that when it was my time, that exactly how I will meet my death. In fear.

If Only

Taboo phone sex layla (5)

When he beats me I go off into my own fairytale. Instead of harsh lashes all up and down my back they are gently placed kisses. I try to mute out the pain by pretending it’s the static formed by the electricity between us. When we first met I was the most beautiful thing in his world. Now, I get beatings and black eyes if I look at him the wrong way. He much rather smoke his dope than be with the bitch he vowed to honor and respect. Recently, I’ve just been a whore he uses to get his next fix. My cunt is worthless to him now. Just like it is to every mother fucker that decides to put their cock in me. I close my eyes and make the thoughts go away. I drift back to my happy place where the sun is shining a bright as my smile. He’s holding me in his arms and nibbling on my neck like a piece of sweet chocolate cake. I love him and he loves me. Now, I hate that mother fucker and I’m pretty sure he hates me too. He forces his dick in me whenever he wants. When he’s ready to bust a nut he pulls out and I always have to swallow his cum.  To him “Spitting and swallowing are the difference between like and love”. Sometimes he just face fucks me for hours. He says he doesn’t want my filthy twat and when he’s done I can’t swallow or speak. Sometimes in my fairytale I kill his pathetic ass. That’s my favorite part. For each time he made me suck or fuck one of his dope suppliers I cut him with a blade. For every tear I shed  I want a drop of blood at my feet. By the time I’m done he is sliced up from head to toe begging for mercy. The only mercy I spare on him is dousing him in bleach instead of ammonia. Then, as I sit back and smoke a cigarette I watch him drown in a bloody chemical bath. If only I wasn’t a victim to his power.

Silly Cunt

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I made the mistake of addressing my new master by his real name the other day. I didn’t mean to but when he had me tied down and was spanking me it just slipped out. I know that I’m a stupid coon and nobody likes me so for me to even be that foolish was unacceptable. Master punished me by making me take my long French tips and dig them deep into my big nipples. He watched me squirm and ordered me to go harder when he didn’t see any blood. My nails dug deeper and deeper until I heard my skin break and begin to leak. Blood flowed down my stomach as I began to cry. “That’s right nigger” he said in approval. The worst was soon to come when he made me humiliate myself over and over again with slaps to the face. I had to bear slap after slap as each hit burned my cheek more than the last. He made me slap myself and say, “I’m a stupid nigger and nobody likes me”. I started to sob from the pain and master loved the sound of a crying bitch in pain and that’s what made me do everything he told me to do. I fear that if I say no he will do it himself and I will have absolutely no control over the situation. He vigorously rubbed my twat that wastaboo phone sex layla (2) pooled with a mixture of wetness and blood. It felt so good but I had already fucked up once and didn’t want to cum before master allowed me. I held back my orgasm and screamed from the pain and the pleasure. Master always cums first and it excited me when he blew his load up my nose and made me choke on it. In the back of my mind all I could think about was being able to cum but first I had to stop coughing. It shot up my nose then down my throat giving me the weirdest feeling. I couldn’t get his sticky load out of my nose fast enough. After catching my breath he demanded his nigger to make herself cum. I rubbed my clit as fast and as hard as I could. My life sucked in every aspect I needed to escape even if it was for only ten seconds. That’s when it hit me.. a wave of pleasure washed over me and I enjoyed being swept away with pleasure. Only a stupid black cunt like myself would think I would be given the time to enjoy that moment. I was snapped out of it with a hard slap to the face. “Clean yourself up bitch” master said leaving me there a bloody mess.

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Damsel in Distress

accomplice phone sex layla (2)T.V shows always show the damsel in distress being held hostage or for ransom. What they don’t show is the shit hat damsel may have to go through when being kept by the bad guy. When my husband smoked all the Mexican gang lord Lupe’s crack without paying up they took me, the trophy wife, for ransom. I wish it was money they wanted ‘cus then I’d be free. In order to get me back my husband had to “find a bitch as fine as this” and then he could get me back. They violently violated me one after the other until I felt nauseous from all the different cum inside of me. The first day I was there Lupe walked in and grabbed me by my hair. He held both sides of my head firmly as he forced his dick down my throat. I choked and gagged but he wouldn’t let me go until he finished. When I spit out his cum he slapped me across the face and ordered me to, “finish my breakfast”. He made me slurp it off the dirty concrete floor. After weeks of trying and countless whores being presented it was no use my husband would never get me back. I belong to these hoodlums now and must obey their every demand. If I don’t, I fear I won’t live to see another day.

Eaten Alive

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She’s just so mean and rough. I never wanted to get on her bad side at all. I don’t know where Reagan came from but I’m sure it was some part of hell. She had fire in her eyes and I knew I would submit to her just like I do my husband. When she walked into the gang house I thought maybe she was one of their girlfriends until she ordered me to my feet. As I stood bare in front of her she inspected my body. She squeezed my tits, opened up my pussy lips, inspected my asshole and finally nodded approval. As soon as she did they put a bag over my head and knocked me out cold. When I regained consciousness she and I were all alone and she was holding a large box.  I on the other hand was uncomfortable as usual and extremely STICKY. From the way it smelled I was doused in honey. I had no idea what this Reagan girl had in her mind but it obviously it involved smearing me in edibles. To my dismay she dropped the large box and what looked like an army of  rats and roaches flew out. I immediately began to scream even though I was warned not to. Roaches were stuffing themselves down my throat as I screamed from the pain. The rats were enjoying a sweet treat as well as eating me alive.

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The Gang House

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The city gang owns an abandoned building where they keep me for months at a time. I barely got food to eat. The only thing that would satisfy my hunger was sucking all their cocks until they filled my belly. I hoped that my husband was going away getting the help he needed. In reality I know he was getting high and fucking all of the crack whores in the projects. I was his payment for a stable supply of dope. They would come to the abandoned house in the middle of the night drunk and high with hard dicks ready to fuck. This is one of the few places I can say was worse than being home with my husband. Only when I was tore up and needed to recover from their lack of care for me did I go home. The first week home is the worst for I am ignored and left to mend my own wounds.  What is my husband doing? He does nothing but fumbling around trying to scratch up money to pay for his no longer funded addiction. Nobody cares about me. I should have just been left to rot in that abandoned house.

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Black Bitch

The first time my husband even proposed the idea of selling me I thought he was joking. When I turned around and saw the rage in his eyes and the sweat dripping down his face. That’s when I knew he wanted to sell me for his next fix. He begged me and said if I loved him I’d do it. I couldn’t understand why my fucking husband would want me to suck another man’s dick for money. This pissed him off so bad he punched me in the face and dragged me by my hair to the linen closet. He locked me in there without food or water until I agreed to be his fuck whore. I was dressed in this sexy lingerie and forced to let men fuck me one after the other until my pussy was bloody and swollen. I had to sleep with my legs open because of how sore it was which brought on even more abuse and torture. I was the property of a gang and called their black bitch. I don’t think they even know my real name at this point. I dream of the day that they beat the last breath out of me. Only then will my misery end.