Killer Phone Sex is something most don’t take serious. I take it very seriously.
I love take hearing someone take their last breath. It is the one sound that truly turns me on.
Last night I went to the supermarket to get me some different spices to cook with. As, I going down the isle to get some, this stupid blonde haired cunt cut me off with her cart and did not even say excuse me and then just laughed it off and kept shopping.
I could just feel my blood boiling I was so mad as I was finishing my shopping. I went to the register to pay and she was standing there. i tried to say something to her to let her know that she needs to learn to say excuse me. The fucking little bitch just rolled her eyes. I could feel my blood boiling over again.
As I walked out into the dark parking lot I put my groceries in the car. She was parked right beside me. I noticed she was all alone and no one was in the parking lot to even witness a thing.
I reached into my purse and put a little bit of stuff I use to put little cunts like this to sleep. I put the cloth over her mouth till she lightly passed out and I shoved her right in the back on my car.
As I drove home I could feel the rush of the fun that I was about to come overwhelm me. We drove into the drive way she is still completely out of it I drug her to my back porch grabbed my baseball bat from the garage and beat the fucking little bitch all over her body. Not killing her I wanted her awake. I wanted to hear her take her last breath.
As she woke up I asked her if she wanted to say she was sorry now. She started begging me for her life telling me she was sorry. Evil Laugh. She should of thought about that before hand. I took the bat and beat the bitch in the head till I heard her take her last breath. She won’t be cutting no one else off NOW! LOL