My parents would never let me play the video games except for the ones that my brother wanted to play and normally that would be the Dark Knight. While, watching and playing the game with him I became infatuated with The Joker. The scene where him and a few other guys went in and robbed the bank and then shot all of them is where I got my next demented idea.
A few days after watching the movie, and played the video game for hours. I went and called my friends Natasha and Storm to come over and we all had a few drinks I told them about my twisted idea of doing what The Joker did on the video game. The next morning we all got ready and walked into the bank and put our guns up in their faces and told them to get down as Storm tied them up one by one and made them sit up against the wall. They were all crying and screaming, they pushed the panic button thinking that I wanted the fucking money.
They just had no idea how twisted and demented I was feeling at that very moment. We each took a gun and took turns shooting them in the head one by one until all these beautiful dead bodies just lay in front of us. As we started to walk away Natasha said that she could not resist the urge to not at least take one of them with us. Just one would be enough for us to eat for weeks. Watch out The Joker may get in your mind next!