Who knew Fright Night would be the perfect place to find my next victim. I swear these dumb bitches never learn. When someone tells you to stay close that’s exactly what you should do or an evil sadistic bitch like me comes along and traps you into something you can’t get out of. Lots of yummy potentials are roaming around after midnight. Some half drunk and screaming because of the fake horror. Some running from a guy with a chainsaw and a Jason mask. I don’t really care too much for those loud annoying sluts… the one I’m seeking out is one that’s strayed away from the group. This one is unaware of the danger she’s about to run into. We are both dressed up and in disguise. She has two options, either she comes with us happily after a little convincing… maybe tell her that we are having a party at my daddy’s mansion and all her friends are looking for her… or I can slip this needle into the side of her neck and make her go night night long enough to get her in the truck.
After we’ve made a safe getaway… the night is ours. We can have all the evil, taboo, torturous fun we’ve been craving for.
Tie the bitch up and go to work ripping, stretching, cutting, licking, sucking, fucking, biting anything we desire. What’s left of her, well we can feed to the pigs right?