I have been a naughty whore…
See I love to get fucked up, fuck and fuck someone else up.
My new dope man is just like me.
They sex is fan-fucking-tastic,
I love the way he smacks my in face with his big 10 inch cock.
I fucking love it when he slams me around, and forces my legs open and slams his black cock inside me.
This all started when I wanted some smoke. I had him come to my place and he laughed in my face with his cocky laugh and said he would eat my pussy if and only if I could smoke a blunt by myself.

After that day is has been a series of random fucking in the street.
Pretending like he is breaking into my home and he forces me down.
He makes me take his cock, all off it!
Then one day… He looks me in the eyes and tells me to pick someone in mall.
I know he wanted a bitch, so I searched and searched for this one girl.
You know the type. The girl that thinks she is the baddest bitch in the room.
After promises of drugs and drinks at my place we got the girl to my place.
I started smoking and slowly taking my clothes off.

Finally I got her panties off and mine.
I pulled her head down to my pussy and she started sucking my clit. That is when he got behind her and started rubbing her ass.
I could see that she was getting uncomfortable, so I wrapped my thighs around her head and helped her into my pussy while he fucked her from behind!