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You know sometimes I come across a guy who is extra cruel in his torture tactics when creating snuff porn vids. He thinks all kinds of nasty thoughts while he is home with his wife. This guy is a professor at some collage. He is not really likes by the students, and is super pissed that none of them want to make any arrangements for grades with his cock either. We have come up with a solution after he contacted the queen of snuff porn. I was going to make my way into the sorority house that he loathed so much, one with all the little slutties that make fun of him and snicker when he teaches.
It was easy really. It did take a whole entire week of prep work to get ready for the festivities however. I had to become a summer pledge for the girls. These were some nasty ass bitches, loved giant cock in their cunts. Every time they laughed I could picture me stabbing each one of them in the side of the neck. When it was the night of the invasion he stormed in. We were all in our PJs, and I hopped up being handed a gun to shove in their little dumb faces.
We made them take of their panties and shoved them into their face hole. I shoved the barrel of my gun into one of the ring leader’s cunts. She cried as I violated he twat. It was already so stretched out, I did not see what the problem was. I made he dumb slut friend lick it clean again. He said he was ready to start making xxx snuff porn. I grabbed the ropes we had prepped already into nooses and wrapped one around each of their necks.
I watched as one by one the dumb bitches were strung up by their thin necks. I laughed as they kicked and tried to find the ground to stand on beneath their feet. They gagged and gasped for breath as one by one they all met their death. One dumb bitch shit her pants, emptying her bowls all over the floor. Another couple pissed themselves. The professor held his cock against their legs, switching from girl to girl. He stroked himself on them. He came all over their feet. We almost did not realize that one little twat waffle was left. I went up to her licking the side of her face before I slit her throat, blood spraying all over my face.
I got invited to a collage party. Nothing major, so many dumb ass bitches tightly packed into a party that all looked really tasty. I tried to hide it and wound up hanging out with a couple of really drunk bitches. These chicks were so thrashed that they thought that I was one of their sisters. I could not help but think how far I could take this little number. One of the gals said that she was too trashed to walk home alone. Lucky for her I had a car.
I went ahead and offered her a ride. When she got in I mentioned how chilly it was and turned up the heat to put that bitch to sleep. By the time she started waking up she was tied to a chair in my room, with a gag in her mouth. I had already started performing my work on her and she noticed that right away. She looked over her named body, her nipples were gone and her chest and legs coated in blood. I giggled as she struggled to get free.
She started to annoy me very quickly with how much she was squealing. I did not like my little piggies to squeal when I was trying to enjoy them. I yelled at her to shut her dumb mouth. Nothing. I flipped that bitch over and told her I was going to give her something to scream about. I made sure to record this for all of my viewers. I put on my strap on, in place of a cock was a nice double edged knife and I ass screwed that dumb cunt. She screamed through the hold of the gag as I created the most beautiful ass rape porn. When I was done I suffocated what little life she had left. It was going to be a messy clean up, but the footage was to die for.
Every once in a while I meet up with someone who surprises me with their love of taboo phone sex fantasies. Someone who knows exactly what they want out of their kills. Someone who wants me to take more of a back seat. Sometimes it is hard, but sometimes it is refreshing. This time I was to be the bait for some hottie on a good bit of acid. I hung out at a gay bar to find some lesbian who would get hooked on my sweet pussy and slipped her some acid into her drink as we were leaving. I drove up out to a field where I said I wanted to play. She was starting to trip out, so when I stripped my clothes and started to frolic in the field naked she giggled and chased after me.
It was dark so I knew that she would never notice him standing there. He had this creepy costume on that would scare the shit out of even the darkest minds. He was dressed like a fucked up scare crow with a costume he had made himself. She chased after me, I could see she was starting to trip hard. Then he jumped down in front of her, she screamed so loud it pierced my ears. I darted back as he was tearing into her flesh. I helped hold her down as he ass raped her, tearing his cock into her. I choked the life from her as I squeezed tightly around her throat. It was intense, and we finished by fucking.
There is not many things that I am significantly good at. Like I am not good at making friends with anyone who does not thirst after blood like I do. I am awkward around idiots my own age when I do not have an intention to slaughter them. One thing I am really good at is snuff porn. When I started making it and selling it to the underground snuff world they fell in love with my work and I appreciated every second of it. I was sent an invitation to the underground snuff porn galleries showing. Now only was I invited to look but I was asked to prep a piece. I was nervous and had no idea what to do till I saw her and she was to be my Georgia O’K eeffe inspired piece.
She was about a teen and super pale which would make her skin perfect for my carvings. I kept her around in a box in the basement for a month or so to make her nice and thin and lighten her up even more. I did not torture her because beside for the minor thing I wanted to do to her she was to depict the purity that I loved to hunt from my victims. I drained her blood slowly and then embalmed her as though she was cowering in a corner. I hit her face behind a cow skull and marked her skin. When my parents had left and representative for the gallery came by picking her up, ensuring she would not be damaged.
I showed up in a gas mask to the event. That was kind of the thing. Everyone knew each other’s alias and no one wanted to give up that security even for a moment of comfort amount the like minded. It was like a masquerade, and I felt as though my mask played to me very well. I was very impressed by everyone’s work, recognizing a few from people who I had helped torture and capture. People who were careful carved and saved and one loving display who was pumped with fluids and adrenaline. His live screams were quite impressive. I was recognized by a lot of my supporters and given a substantial amount of donations to further the quality of my work. It was nice to be around supporters but I was ready to get back to work in my little shell.
Well, it is national BBQ month and that means that Harper’s taste for fleshly goodness is moving to some outdoor cooking. Oh how I long to taste some nice rump cooked over a nice BBQ pit. I went hunting with my favorite cannibal Mr. Closter! He loved to teach me how to hunt and cook our meat with passion and skill and I loved every minute of it. We tracked a couple of girls through the woods for a while. There were by themselves and hiking. We had set some traps up and it did not take long until they found themselves caught in our net. They squealed like little piggies as they were held into the air. Mr. Closter had me approach them with caution. When they saw me they hollered down for me to help them. I released the rope, dropping them to the ground with a big thud. I giggled at their please and reached inside the net to ass’s their fat content. I called to Mr. Closter that they were okay, and he he drove the ATV through and I pulled them out of the net tying them to the back.
I hopped on the back with Mr. Closter and we drove the fresh meat to our stocked campsite for further inspection. I pulled them off with his help. They were hog tied and heavy. One was thicker than the other so we decided to prep her now and save the other tasty treat. I tied her up in the tree and let her hang there gagged. She cried tears running up her forehead. Going back to the other girl, I began to cut off her clothes. Mr. Closter gave me a nod and I knew she was perfect. She cried through her gag, tears streaming down her face. I smelled close to her body, she reeked of insect repellant. I asked him to hand me a couple gallons of water and a bucket so that I could rinse my rag clean and began to scrub her. She smelled so bad. I was taking a considerable amount of elbow grease to clean her so Mr. Closter cut down her friend and shoved her my way. I explained unless she wanted to be first she had better help me. That poor sniffling bitch was lazy as fuck though. Mr. Closter decided that she need to a good brutal raping since she was not doing what she was told.
I giggled as she whimpered and screamed. Not wanting to bother him I got up and grabbed the olive oil from his back pack and brought it back over to my pesticide free prime meat. I began to rub down her body. I poured the oil over her and rubbed over her tits and into every clevis and fat roll massaging her well. Once Mr. Closter was done her tied the other girl back up and informed me he was feeding the fire under our grill. Once she was fully she was hog tied with her hands and feet behind her back. The two of us lifted her onto the grates. Mr. Closter reached over and pulled out her gag and she let out a quick scream before he shoved an apple in her mouth. She whimpered passed it squealing. You could hear the wood crackling. She tried to fight herself free and I assured her she would pass out soon and she did. I continued to baste her and feed the fire under her. I took one leg and covered her in a BBQ mop I had prepared prior. Mr. Closter did not like sauce because he preferred the natural flavors but I wanted to try it. When she was done we carefully lifter her off and let her cool before serving her up with a lovely salad. MMmm she tasted so yummy. Her friend was so lucid and hungry she ate her right up. When I told her it was her friend she cried and called us monsters. Mr. Closter decided she was very unappreciative and gagged her again while we enjoyed the rest of our meal.
Accomplice phone sex with little Miss Harper is sure two give you two things. A blood thirsty boner and the best deviant fun you have ever had in your life. If you like things dark and demented than I am the bloody phone sex bitch for you. Murder phone sex fantasies are my favorite. I love talking about all the things that drive your cock crazy. I am a no taboo evil teen who loves to kill. Let me take you on a wild ride into my crazy mind. I am a little p-slut too. I want to fuck you over a body that we slaughter together. I want to feel their screams fill my cunt while you ass rape their little virgin shit holes. Thinking about sucking the blood from your cock makes my teen pussy wet and ready to have fun. Let’s have fun together, and be my evil lover. I will be your Goth teen prize willing to kill for you on command, cross my heart. Now, let’s have some fun!
I am normally a pretty confident beast when it comes to my killing methods. This time was different, the ritual was different, I was going to be killing not for fun but for sustenance. I had my bag packed with all of the things that he said was essential to this kind of capture; a loaded handgun, a pocketknife, two rolls of duct tape, some heavy duty rope, and a water bottle with dissolved Rohypnol. I changed out of my normal edgy attire into some clothes that I picked up from a store called Hollister. I did my hair up nice so that I could fit in. I went to this party at a sorority house, and kept my eyes open for what I knew I needed to look for. Then I saw her, Annie. She was stumbling around drunk and everyone was shoving her off of them. Some dude shoved her down to the ground where she laid there for a min and everyone laughed before grouping outside for some more fun. I went down to her level and told her I was going to give her a ride home. She said she lived in the dorms which were in walking distance but I insisted on helping. Once she was in the back seat she passed back out. I turned the heat on low to make sure that she stayed that was and called my confidant to let him know I was on my way back to his place with a surprise.
We got back with no problem, I took an extended route with my turns and back roads then necessary, making sure I was not followed. I pulled up to his big scary house and was greeted by him. “She is not waking up anytime soon Sir.” I said as we poked out head inside the opened back door. “Well, we will see about that Harper, let’s go get her showered and measured up.” We each took and arm and drug her over our shoulders into the shower room. “Grab that rope Harper and go ahead and tie her wrist and ankles Harper.” I went ahead and secured her in place. He pulled out his measuring taped and measured her key areas, thighs, hips, waist, arms and breast. I could see him lick his lips, “Yes, yes, that will do quite nicely Harper.”
He handed me a pair of scissors and I went ahead and began to remove her clothing. “I’m really impressed! And you’re still new to shopping. You did great!” I nodded my head eager to move further in our steps. I went ahead and shaved her as he prepped the shower water to not be too cold. As he spayed her I used a wet wash cloth and began to clean her body free from soap and perfumey residue. He never understood why brats these days wore all that carp, but he did know he did not want to taste it. She began to wake up, really groggy still. He began to question her and prep her for her up and coming roasting. I chuckled as she cried and he condemned her to have more respect for herself, and be proud that she was selected.
We lifted her up and brought her into the kitchen and setting her onto the counter. Rick handed me a bottle of sage, olive oil. I rubbed her down while she continued to cry. He explained to her that a life of art major was such a time consuming downfall into the inevitable downfall and drug overdose. That at least with this her life would be enjoyed and remembered. I finished rubbing her down and then moved to stuffing her. A mix was made when I called and said I was on the way. I shoved it into her both vaginally and anally. It was hard for me to contain my excitement. He let her know that she would be rendered unconscious after inhaling enough smoke and then placed an apple in her mouth. We attached her to the spit pole and brought her to the roasting stations. She tried to wiggle herself free of it but she was now going anywhere. She whimpered and gagged until her head went limp. I turned her on the spit pole making sure to base her with the oil mixture. Once her skin was a golden brown it was time for her to come off and her meat to rest. We sliced her open and had a amazing dinner. Her leftovers were packed and saved and the carcass thrown out to complete the circle of life. Mmmm. I could not wait for my next meal.
I can never get enough of making my own underground snuff porn movies. I love getting with a super hot guy who wants to fuck up my friends and willing for me to film it. I wanna watch it over and over again. Becka is a super slut at my school. She thinks that she is real hot shit to. I decided that I was going to make some xxx snuff porn with her dead body. It was not until I found my Mister right that I knew it would be possible. Not only did he say it was okay to make my own snuff, he wanted his own copy. Becka always teased me at school, so I was ready to give that bitch every last bit of what she deserved. I already had my room carefully placed with cameras and Mister right was waiting for us to. I waited in the living room for cunt McDumb face to show up so we could get started. My pussy tingled with anticipation for the upcoming carnage. She knocked on my door and instantly stuck out my hand. See I had told her I was going to give her my iPod so that she would no fuck with me for a month. She was so stupid that she thought I would actually give away my prized possession. I told her I had it in my room and asked her to follow me downstairs so that I could give it to her. When we got in the entrance way to my room she paused looking at all the cameras. “You record yourself sleeping? God you are such a fucking freak Harper.” I looked at her with a snarl. “What?” She replied to my dirty look I gave her giving me her own disgusted look. When she stepped
into my bedroom I grabbed my retractable nightstick and smacked across her head. She fell to the floor with of heavy thump. My Mister grabbed her by the ankles and I grabbed her wrist and tossed her onto the bed. I tied her arms down in front of her. When she began to wake up the real fun started. I wanted he to be fully aware of the pain she was getting ready to receive. I pulled her arms up over her head, dislocating them and hooked them around my rod iron bed frame. We both laughed together as she kicked and screamed. Removing my shoe I took off my sock and shoved it into her mouth. I removed the knife from the back of my pants and sliced up her clothing cutting them away from her. She was not as pretty as I thought she was. Her skin was pimply and full of imperfections. He handed me her ankles and I stretched them far. I removed the sock from her mouth and sat on her face so that could feel her screams in my pussy. I dislocated her thighs from her hips, her screams felt so nice. He had the perfect view of her ass hole and he ripped it open. Blood covered his cock and I came on her face from her struggles. When he was bored I moved to the top of her head and slit her throat. Blood splattered over the two of us and I sucked his cock till he came in my mouth. The warm blood felt so awesome over my skin. I came again as I sucked his dick clean of her ass rape juices. She would not be messing with me anymore, and better yet, I still had my iPod.
Seriously saw the most ignorant thing today and thought I should take care of it myself. This stupid bitch was in her car on her fucking phone blabbing her mouth like a dumb slut. Blah, Blah Blah. I was in the lane ext to her and in front of us was this guy on a bike. This stupid bitch seriously tapped him in the back with her fucking car. I was so pissed, he was so pissed and she wanted to act like it was everyone’s fault in the world except for hers. She even had the nerve to rise up her ugly ass middle finger and flick him off. He started coming at her with a sledge hammer that was for some reason attached to the side of his bike but decided not to. Fuck that, that dumb cunt was about to get it. I stayed next to her till we got nice and deep in the ghetto. This was the perfect are cause around here people did not see sht no matter how much you questioned them. With a quick cut of my wheel I ran that dumb bitch off the road and into the corner of a building. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and once I realized we were alone I walked up next to her.
She was sitting in the driver’s seat. Her was busted and nose bleeding. She was groggy and looked up at me. I reached inside the car and grabbed her by her nappy weave opening the door with the other hand. She babbled and snorted as I drug her out of the car. I pulled her along the asphalt towards my car. She fought me trying to pull my hands free. She kicked and screamed but that nigger whore was on her way to my trunk where I was going to do that bitch in. She screamed loud kicking against the trunk
trying to escape, we left her piece of shit car crashed into the building. I would come back when I was done with her ad light it up in flames. The cunt was too loud so I knew I would not make it to the warehouse district. I decided to just pick one of the many abandoned buildings and cut that bitch up in there. When I arrived to a whole block of condemned place I knew this would be the spot I wanted. I opened up the trunk giving her a good wack with my retractable night stick across her head. She seemed heavier passed out but I got her in the house and tied her to some support beams exposed by their rotting walls.
It was not too long till the bitch woke up. She was boo hooing about how she did not know what the fuck she did. That was the problem I guess. I asked her what her name was and she informed me that it was Layla. I asked Layla the idiot savant where the fuck she got her license. I did not get a replay just more crying. I did not like that; I grabbed her up by the throat and pulled the knife out that was tucked in to the back of my jeans. I tore it though her shirt. She begged me not to kill her. I cut off her breast and through them down to the floor. She started to go into shock as blood covered the front of her body. She whimpered and I shoved my knife up her bald wet nigger pussy. She whimpered as blood flowed down all over the floor. She whimpered and begged me to stop. I couldn’t do that, no one eeded this dumb bitch on the streets. I stabbed into her gut with my knife. It went in smoothly and with even force. I laughed as she coughed up blood. I left her there dying and went back to the car grabbing a can of gasoline. I coated her body and torched it and then left going to torch the vehicle as well. Burn mother fucker, burn.
I have always had this fantasy where I want to break into someone’s house while they are sleeping and sneak into their little brats room. I want to take their little socks and shove them into their mouth and tie their face up with their favorite blanky. They will realize I am in there and start trying to scream while their parents sleep snug in their own bed believing you’re in your own dream land. I cannot wait to listen to the news the next day. “Poor little soul is found dead in her bed this morning after an apparent knife rape to her precious ass hole. Her parents said they did not hear anything as they slept in the next room.” Some fucking parents they are, fucking idiot cock suckers. You would think that you would want to keep a better eye on the little bitch that she wasn’t have unprotected sex with my knifey when she was supposed to be sleeping. Slut