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Ass Rape Porn Torture Me

I’m the one that will get the ass rape porn so tortured and true. You record everything as you set me up to cause my own demise. You ask me to find a sweet thing for you to play with and offer no specifics. I find out you are playing a game of Russian Roulette with me. My choice becomes dependent upon whether I am safe or if I will be tortured, raped and snuffed out. And the girl? Well she will likely be lucky or severely unlucky.

Ass Rape Porn

So in my blind moment of choosing the correct co-victim for this abductors game I return with one so innocent and sweet. I feel I did a great job in choosing after all he must desire such innocence… right? I was greatly mistaken. He handed me a hunting knife and demanded that I slit her throat. I was shaking as I had no idea what my own outcome would be. Before I slit her throat he had me strip her and hold her face down in my cunt. He had planned on smothering her face in my pussy as he started to penetrate her. As he was pushing inside her he commanded me to slit the little bitches throat. 

As the victim’s body started convulsing he was orgasming with such intensity I feared what was to come…

Rape phone sex fantasies


Snuff Porn an Opportunity of a Lifetime

As I am always looking for new ways of making money I answered an ad in a acting rag looking for a star female role in some kind of Snuff Film. I figured what the hell, I mean like come ON it can’t possibly be a real snuff porn, can it?

I showed up to this abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of a secluded Industrial park. All I could think to myself is go figure, how appropriate! I find the address and follow the instructions left out front. The place was a little creepy but then again they are shooting a Snuff sex scene here per the information I received. Finally I found the destination with about 30 other girls standing around for the casting to begin.

Having been introduced to the director I was told to disrobe and they handed me this barely there leather thong and some heels. I put them on and walked as I was told to do. I was then given a blindfold and my wrists were bound behind me. I was led to a cold flat surface and helped up on it and told to lay down.

There were scenes being shot already and once I heard the ruckus get closer to me I got nervous. I then felt hands on me and it felt like cold steel being dragged along my breasts. I felt a sudden sting and realized my breast was just sliced into. I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. My captors had me immobilized and silent. I felt like I was watching my own murder take place. Things started to get very cold for me and I felt a guy on top of me and slamming his cock deep inside my cunt. I wanted to get him off of me but I had no energy.

Before I could further comprehend what was happening I felt my life being snuffed out of me as something was bound tightly around my neck. I then awoke to realize I survived the ordeal and had been left there abandoned with an envelope at my side. Inside the envelope was a copy of the disk and 10 hundred dollar bills.

Snuff Porn

Ass Rape Porn: Brutal rape porn fantasy

Ass rape porn is no shock for me, in fact I have done a few in my time, usually with a twisted lover who wanted to film our escapades. So the dream I awoke from with my panties all smeared with orgasms had me in shock. I had a brutal rape porn fantasy that just won’t let me rest. I mean it was so fucking hot I wanted it to be for real.

ass rape porn

I was asleep with my upstairs balcony door open letting the breeze in. That wasn’t all that was let in. I had become gagged, bound and was being raped over and over again by numerous faceless assailants. I think at least one was female even and was raping me with a spiral knife blade. It felt like cold steel ripping up the inside of my anus and she kept shoving it in deeper and deeper all the while my cunt was being penetrated with two cocks at once stretching my cunt wide open. By the time I awoke I think I came a dozen times!

brutal rape porn fantasy


Ass rape porn w/ Geneva

Walking to my car in the late hours of the night alone is something I should have been more mindful of but I was tired. That’s when things got dirty and led into the ass rape porn I was forced to shoot. My arms were grabbed from behind and a rag shoved under my nose caused me to black out.

Ass Rape Porn

Awakening I found myself in a moving van hogtied and stripped. There were about four other girls in the same predicament as me. We were all struggling with our bindings and I could hear a masculine laugh coming from a corner of the van. One of the kidnappers was watching over us and laughing at our useless attempts.
The van stopped we were all hauled out and led into this abandoned warehouse. There were bright lights and a few cameras set up around a large bed. There were six men there waiting in robes and with extremely erect penises.
Us girls were tossed onto the bed and the guys all came forward and started groping at us and rubbing their dicks all over our bodies and penetrating us. I was shoved ass up and face down as I felt a huge cock impale my tight ass and I let out a scream only to have a cock shoved in my mouth. These guys were going at it grabbing and beating me as they took turns violating my ass, mouth and cunt. I felt like a filthy whore as they filmed the whole thing including their beating me to a bloody pulp and shooting a load on my face.
Left humiliated , stripped and coated in body fluids I awoke in a strange room only to find myself in the home of my assailants.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Geneva at Work on Snuff Porn

Fuck I hate when shit gets like this for me. Where nothing seems to go as planned and I end up short on rent. I have no idea what my sick and twisted landlord will come up with for me to make up my rent. I left him a text telling him I needed to talk to him. I figured if I needed to do some persuasion I should make sure I dress the part.

He is such a creep, and just my luck he isn’t into hot women, no he is all about that school girl pink. So I asked him if he wanted to play with my younger sister. Not good enough. He likes them as prey, the main charge for him is the fight in them. He likes to lure them to an abandoned building and get them good and scared. That’s all he would tell me.

Snuff Porn

Mr. Pilfer asked me how good I was at taking direction, and following instruction. I assured him I was able and he handed me a envelope and left. I sipped my coffee as I opened the envelope to find a detailed list of directions. In the envelope I also found an unsigned check for 500.00 made out to me. Well the instructions did not seem too horrible.

I was to find a couple young girls that fit the description he had and get them back to his storage space. His space was near the mall and I figured what better place to lure a couple young gals from than the mall. False promises will get these naive girls to come along with ease. 

Two blondes with me as we walk into the storage warehouse and I ensured the girls were blindfolded and wrists were bound. Pilfer was there greeting us and a pleased look had me relieved. I was hoping this is all he needed just for me to lure a couple young ones for him to have fun with. But I was soon assured I was not done yet.

Cannibalism Phone Sex

I was to strip the girls and secure their ankles to the corners of a couple exam tables. Legs spread and arms bound over head. He came into the room with leather pants that were crotch less on and that was all, besides the cock ring he sported to ensure he didn’t blow to soon. 

I was to start the girls out using my fingers to get them relaxed as he was raging hard and ready to hurt some young sluts pussy. But instead I felt him stand behind me lifting my skirt and yanking my panties down. He shoved his hard shaft in me hard and forcibly. It hurt so bad but he shoved my legs apart as he started pounding my cunt. Whispering in my ear the whole time how he wanted me to take a couple big dildos and fucking stretch them open. 

He watched as he fucked me, watched me penetrate and violate these young ones and the rougher I got with them the deeper he plunged into me almost making me squirt. Before I could think about it he pulled out and force fed his cock to each of the girls making them gag and gasp before shooting on their faces.

Once he finished fucking all of their holes and leaving them lay broken like rag dolls he had me do the final part. I was to dismember them and toss their limbs to the dogs out back. I was then to shave their hair off and put it in his collection box for the wigs he has made. I then had to toss their heads in a large stock pot and wrap their torsos in foil. I had to marinade the torsos with his cum, garlic butter and thyme. Once they were put into the oven and timer was set I was done.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


Suffocation Phone Sex: A Means to an End

It was a dark and dank confinement with little ventilation. It felt like suffocation phone sex as I felt as though I would die due to my claustiphobia. I was holed up in some sort of cement grave with a couple small grates for air. I was bound and gagged unable to make a sound. They came for me in the middle of the night while asleep in bed they were dressed like paramedics.

Suffocation Phone Sex

A large needle was injected in the back of my skull and was paralyzed. They bound me in a straight jacket and hauled me out into the night. I was shoved in the back of an ambulance but inside was not normal. All around me were different torture devices, knives, chains and rope. I was able to see everything going on around me but was helpless and mute. My eyes got big as I watched one of the masked men grab a drill and came towards me.

The back of my neck really hurt me and I had no cognative function. I fear I was labotomized and was being kept in this cement grave as they cultivated even more heinous torture. I heard voices outside of my chamber and the clanking of padlocks.

Torture Sex

Two men in butcher smocks stood before me with huge smiles as the grabbed me out. I was taken into what appears to be an abadoned asylum. Removing my straight jacket they laid me out on a steel operating table. The overhead light was glaringly intense I had to close my eyes. In moments I felt my legs parted and a speculum inserted in my vagina.

cannibalism phone sex

Without hesitation the man that inserted the speculum and stretched me open pulled out a huge fat cock from his pants. He stood before me jerking off into my stretched cunt, and soon followed by the other man. When they finished and removed the instrument what happened next I could barely believe. I felt a heavy furry musky smelling thing on top of me. I could not make out what this creature was that entered my pussy with the biggest fuck rod ever. The sperm of the men and the stretching with the medical instrument were all done to assist in this beasts huge furry shafted penis inside me.

I was stretched and fucked by a few of these creatures and left for dead. But they were’nt done with me yet. I felt warm breath on my overfucked cunt and felt teeth clamp down aroung it. The rough tongue of these creatures licked inside my pussy and they started literally eating my cunt. The guys had started slicing off pieces of my flesh like I was a deli loaf and tossed it into a stew pot of aromatic herbs and mirepoix (onions, garlic, carrots, and celery). They then fed me my own flesh stew before they finished me off. Making my limbs and organs into the stew which was fed to the creatures.

Kidnapping Phone Sex: The Hunted

Kidnapping phone sex and the hunt of prey is a disturbing new game. These guys prey on women and girls in the most vulnerable states and I was not spared, completely. I was taking my sister to the club when she visited and we got seriously fucked up. Come to think of it we seemed to get fucked up quick and on very little. It would appear the hunk bartender that served and flirted with us set us up.

As we headed out towards our car we were knocked out from behind. The assailants grabbed and forced us into a van and it sped off. We start coming to and notice several other girls back there with us. All of us were dressed in club ware and wearing heels. The van stopped, and we were all still and silent, in shock I am sure. The doors swing open and there stood three huge men dressed in heavy leather butcher aprons with large knives in their hands. 

With a toothless grin the head guy starts laughing as they stood aside another of the men telling us to get out. We start shuffling out of the van it was dark and the floor was wet and sticky. I slid and fell on the floor to see the floor was covered in blood. Panicking I hurry out and pray this has to be some twisted joke.

Kidnapping Phone Sex

As we stood outside we see we are in a densely wooded area lit by the full moon. The guys smiled sheepishly as they told us only one will survive. That we would get a ten minute start before they come to hunt their prey. We were the prey. They continued on that they would torture, gut and kill those they catch. 

Finally we were told that the final girl standing would be forced to watch as they fucked and dismembered the fallen girls. That the winner would get the final reward of being fucked by all three of them and would be left in the woods beaten, nearly suffocated and strangled until she passed out. They would leave the winner alone and desecrated for any animal or man that happened by. With that final word we were released for the chase.

The shrieks and screams of girls taken down rung in my ears as I ran, stumbled and crawled through the downed trees and foliage. I removed my heels and continued to run, at a glance I notice infrared lights, fuck they have heat seeking technology so I can’t hide. Shit they got my sister…. Am I going to make it?



Snuff Sex: A Lover Scorned

Why can’t people just let it go, move on, ya know and stop dwelling on it. My ex just can’t seem to get over it, I dumped his ass when I found some shit out about him. Now ever since he is either stalking me or pranking my phone sending me creepy gifts. Just the other day I came home to a little fabric doll with blonde hair and a picture of my face glued to it. The super creepy part was the red line around it’s neck and red marker down it’s inner legs.

The doll was dismissed as him trying to totally creep me out. I toss it aside on the table as I step into my bedroom someone grabs me and jams his hand against my mouth to keep me quiet. The whole struggle he had his cock out and raging hard pressing against me as he pushes my skirt up. He shoves it inside me pulling me closer as he thrusts in me holding a knife to my neck. “You missed missed this cock haven’t you bitch?” He moves me to the bed where he pushes me face down as he pulls out of my cunt and I feel his mushroom head push against my ass. “I’m going to love this, you never let me take that sweet ass, no matter how good I fucked your cunt and made you cum you still wouldn’t grant me access”. 

Snuff Sex

He thrust into my ass as I tried screaming he shoved a pillow on my head pushing my face into the bed. He started pounding my ass as he took what he wanted so badly. He dreamt of hitting that ass, too bad she had to be such a cunt to him. As he thrust deeper in my ass he pushed the pillow on me harder, I couldn’t breathe any longer and he just kept going. As I felt he was about to come he sliced the knife quickly across my neck. He came, pulled out and left.

Snuff Porn

I’m not sure how I survived bleeding out and nearing suffocated to death…

Torture Sex: Clowning Around

Torture Sex

Torture sex just beckons me and today was no different. A simple stroll can be the stroll of a lifetime. But something tells me it could be the stroll of death. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? 

Torture Sex

Strolling through the park with my earbuds in so I was not paying attention to my surroundings. This little simple mistake made my day take a turn for the worst. I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth and something on my neck used to pull me into a van. Fighting and feeling like my neck would break I struggled but to no avail as I started losing strength. I felt my eyes get heavy…

Awake, unaware exactly what happened or where I was I tried looking around. My body was completely restrained and there were colorful lights all around me. I heard circus music playing the really demented circus music that left me with shivers up my spine.

Suddenly in came three clowns, these clowns did not look normal. These were the creepiest clowns I have ever seen and their laughing was creepier as I noticed a butcher knife in one of the clowns hands dripping with blood.

Restrained I tried screaming but that amused the evil clowns even more. The three of them were standing over me and I suddenly realized I was stripped naked and my entire body ached. My cunt felt like it had been fucked raw, and my breasts were bruised.

Then the clown spoke, it was a deep creepy voice as I mentioned I have been sufficiently tenderized. I noticed just then that I was covered in olive oil and felt like my cunt was stuffed with carrots. Another realization came about, I think I was about to be butchered and my body parts were going to be tossed in the cauldron on the fire in the middle of the room.

Necrophilia Phone Sex: One last Fuck

I can’t let it go, I mean sex was so fucking good with him. He was just over at my place the other night and we had a hot session of him overpowering me and making me his ragdoll. I get so fucking wet when he manhandled me like that. And his cock, was perfect, I couldn’t get enough of it. I wonder how his cock was affected by his death.

Well I had to find out, and so I snuck into the funeral home that was hosting his body for the viewing in the morning. It certainly was not going to be an easy feat except I had a little inside assistance. I slipped into the back basement door where a key was hidden nearby. I slipped on a headlamp and crept through the creepy morgue and past the crematorium. I found the room where the casket was and opened them until I found Frankie’s.

necrophilia phone sex

Oh he looked smashing in a dead placid flesh sorta way. I grabbed a step stool and started opening his fly to see how hard Frankie boy was in his death. I have always wondered what it would be like to crawl in a casket and fuck a dead guy. You can play the rest out with me, or maybe we can go out and dig up a grave and get some real dirty necrophilism on. You wanna fuck the dead to don’t you? Can you imagine her decaying flesh under you and how that decaying cunt would feel around your dick?