I was asleep and swear I was having the weirdest dream. I would call it a torture sex nightmare, really. It wasn’t a dream though. I woke up and it was all happening as though I was in sleep paralysis. I felt like my body was abducted by demons and they were ravishing every inch of it. My breasts were clawed and bloody. My cunt was burning as though it was clawed at and penetrated by a hot poker. Thing is, I couldn’t scream or fight it. I like hovered over my body as this was happening and was fully aware. The pain, seeing it and experiencing it. Kind of like an alien abduction episode of the X-files only it was with Alien Demons? They were like destroying me with claws and huge demon cocks. These cocks were straight out of hell. They were glaring bright like a burning staff. I was in so much pain and somehow I was forced to watch and experience every bit of the pain. I could not move on my own will nor could I scream or utter the slightest noise, well except for moans. I know I was not moaning, something was possessing me. I woke up and everything seemed normal. Except, I had a belly bulge. Was I implanted with demon seed impregnation?