I love a chance to explore my desires with evil phone sex, and methods of castration are essential to explore, for me anyway. There is a special kind of fuckwad that castration phone sex is suitable for and I met one the other night. This individual really thought he could push me around! Tisk tisk little did he know he chose the wrong “Bitch” to try having his way with.

Oh, don’t worry, I did lead him on, of course, and with one plan in mind! I’m going to cut this fuckwads prick off and he won’t see the light of another day! I hate dickheads like him and he will bleed the fuck out! I let him grope at me and acted completely dumb drunk just to make sure I get him to leave with me.
I get him out the door and tell him my ride is around back. The back of this club is a series of old warehouses and I have my set up in one of them for just such an occasion. We start making out and groping hard up against my truck when I push him away and mention we should go back in one of the buildings so I could fuck his brains out. It didn’t require much more than a mention and a tug. We were in my spot and I had his pants open and his unremarkable prick out as his hands were working up my skirt. I stroked his fuckstick a little as I allowed him a few seconds to really get into the heat of the moment. I leaned down and yanked my knife out of my boot and put it to his throat as I shoved him down on a mattress I had in there, covered in plastic already.
His lust, and all the blood flowing to the other head had him somewhat confused as I was straddling him on the mattress. In seconds I had made a quick stroke with my blade across the base of his scrotum and started to bleed him as he screamed.