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Feel The Heat

torture phonesex angieDon’t you love the screams and the smell of burning flesh as a building burns down with people trapped inside? Do you get that tingling feeling from deep inside listening to the agonizing sounds, watching the thrilling sight and enjoying the smell of death that comes from a well planned well executed pyromaniac episode? All I can do is stand back and watch while the pleasure is intensified with every sensation, from the increasing heat and the rising flames to the panic of the people outside the building as they are horrified by what they are witnessing and hearing. If only they could enjoy this like I do as I cum in my pants and smile while I watch it all unfold. I felt it from the second I watched them go in the building. I waited till all was quiet and there was no more sign of activity. Then as I poured the excellent in all the right places, knowing that once lit they would be trapped and burn alive, I felt that familiar heat build up in my pussy and move up to the pits of my stomach, only to end in the hard tips of my nipples. Standing here now I am satisfied as I masturbate in the middle of the frenzy and no one notices due to the panic. Ahhh yes, how I love the mayhem and madness, the pain and the torture that I caused.

The Worms Crawl In…..

decompThe worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, through your stomach and out your mouth….I fondly remember my mother singing this to me as a young one It was my favorite nursery rhyme. After snuffing my last victim I remembered the little tune and as the rush of taking her life was subsiding and the last spasm left my cunt, I came up with a brilliant idea.
I laid her limp ass body on the ground instead of burring her and set up my camera. I decided to film her decomposing body so that I could watch it over and over again while reliving her last moments and enjoying the thrill of the kill and all that comes after it.
As I sit here watching my little film and my cunt starts to flow I realize I should win an award for my little flick. It shows all the stages of decomposition in all it’s glory. I keep rewinding it and watching it in slow motion. I find that I get the greatest thrill watching as the body swells and bloats only to be eaten to the bone by bugs and maggots. I can’t stop fingering my cunt as I watch my handy work over and over again. I think it’s time to pop some pop corn and watch my film again!torture phonesex angie

My New Gift Of Evil

torture phonesex angieSeveral months ago a dear friend of mine and I were having a movie night. The movie of choice was “The Serpent and the Rainbow”. A movie based on voodoo rituals and potions of Haiti. I spent the whole movie with a hand full of my cunt, getting off on the things that the voodoo priests and priestess were able to do. In turn my friend’s cock stayed rock hard at the thought of being able to obtain and perform the things depicted in the film. At the end of the movie he said he was going to take a trip to Haiti and attempt to study the arts and obtain some of the potions to bring back. Since then I hadn’t thought much about it and I hadn’t heard from him in some time. That is until three days ago when he showed up with an evil grin and a surprise for me. He went to Haiti just as he said he was going to and just like he promised he studied and obtained what he needed. He came back to the States with everything he needed. He found a homeless girl and gave her the poison which rendered her dead, or so it appeared. He followed the movie to the letter, burying her and then digging her up after several days reviving her with the herbal potion he had. He really didn’t think it would work and so he didn’t tell me what he was up to. But it did and his gift to me was what he created, a zombie like being. She is hideous and beautiful and I can’t look at her without cumming all over myself. We have enjoyed several nights watching her chained to the wall as she attempts to reach us. I want to feel her long and slippery tongue on my pussy lips and flesh, we just haven’t figured out a way to do so safely. Up to now all we have done is fucked in front of her and masturbated a lot. I can’t wait to feel her tongue on me and hopefully it will be sooner rather then latter. Until then I have named her Medusa and I am enjoying my new pet.torture phonesex angie6

Accomplice Phone Sex….Do You Dare?

torture phonesex angie5It is almost that time of year. The time that keeps me so fucking horny because I know I will recruit accomplices to help me every week with my annual ritual. October is the month for grave digging. Yes my accomplices will have no clue what we are about to do, until we get there of course.
We will choose a different cemetery each week. They must be old and secluded. The older the better, no modern day cemetery will do.
We will enter just before midnight and begin looking for the oldest graves we can find, those are the ones we will unearth. We will caress the corpses rubbing our naked bodies all over the remains until we cum hard and long.
We will choose a relic from each grave and take it home to put in my special room and I will cherish it always, masturbating while holding it often as I recall the excitement and thrill of unearthing the ancient remains that it belonged to.
Some of the accomplices I choose will try to get out of out adventure once they find out what we are doing, but they will not escape, they will submit to my will and cum all over the ancient bones while rubbing their cocks on the corpses for me.
Before we leave for the evening we will fuck on a grave letting our cum soak into the earth and offering it to the dearly departed.
Do you dare join me?

Bang Bang

torture phonesex angieToday I got a call from an old friend who needed help. I went to see what the problem was and when I got there her mother was lying on the floor, body slumped over no head just a chin and body. The top of her skull, her brains and the rest of her head plastered to the ceiling. The gun on the floor next to her, her hand opened palm up blackened with gun powder. The minute I walked in the room and saw the blood and gore I creamed my panties. I called a couple of friends of ours and had them come over. One took my friend away and tried to deal with her while the other stayed with me on site. We promised that we would clean up the mess, but  we didn’t add that we were going to cover ourselves in the brains and blood while fucking before we cleaned it up. We promised to dispose of the body in a way where it looked like a murder not a suicide so she could collect the insurance money. I can’t tell you how fantastic it feels to rub brains and blood all over our naked bodies while the corpse lies there lifeless against the wall and we fuck right in front of it. Every so often I reach my hand out and touch the lifeless body, cold and clammy and my pussy twitches and cums lifting me higher. Finally we get to the point that we can dispose of the body. As we prepare for and discuss the final steps I cum over and over again. I know that once we get to our destination and prepare to take the last few steps we will have to fuck again and the rush of disposing of the body along with the knowledge that this is almost over combine for a final, earth shattering orgasm.suicide

Accomplice Phone Sex With A Bouncy House

torture phonesex angie4When I called my girls and told them about the fucking block party the neighborhood was having for the fucking midgets they were so down with the idea I had. I didn’t respond to any of the stupid fucking flyers the goody two shoes sent out over the last few weeks but sat back, nice and quiet like. No one thinks I am participating in this bullshit get together, but my girls, my number one accomplices and I, have a master fucking plan. We all pitched in and rented one of those bouncy houses that the fucking brats love to play in. We just got done setting that fucker up at the other end of the street while every one is asleep. We tested that bitch out and I have to admit it was fun to bounce around in naked, tits fucking bouncing every where and naked bodies falling all over each other. We have a back exit set up so as the little fucking brats go in to bounce around while we all watch, if their parents are off drinking and eating and not paying attention, we are going to slide those little bastards out the fucking back and carry them off. The black market for little ones is hot right now. I don’t need any more fucking slaves and neither do any of my girls, but we do know some one that will buy these little fuckers for high dollar, especially the female ones that are just the right age. we are going to make a fucking killing off this bouncy house. And we don’t give a fuck what happens to these brats once we get our money.

Smoking Hot

torture phonesex angie3When I went out last night looking for some fun, I knew the  minute I saw you that you were the one. My cunt reacted as soon as I saw you, the perfect human specimen and just what I needed to keep my wicked ways satisfied. I knew just how to look at you from across the room. It didn’t take long till you were making your way across the room to me. You bought me a drink and the conversation began. I initially had very decided plans for you for latter in the evening. But the more you talked the more my plans changed. You were so arrogant. So sure that you are god’s gift to women. So fine and so perfect and any woman would be honored if you choose to share your evening with them. Outwardly I just smiled and agreed. But inside my blood was boiling and my cunt was dying to take you home and teach you a lesson. You so needed to be taken down not one notch or two but several. Wouldn’t you know that I am just the bitch to do it in more ways then one. By the end of the night as I unlocked my front door the need to show you a thing or two was screaming inside me. I ripped your clothes off stroking that ego and making you believe that I just couldn’t wait for your male perfection. Then I undressed and your eyes betrayed the satisfaction over my perfection. I lead you to my play room and your cock was hard almost before we crossed the threshold. Men, your so predictable…I let you run your hands over my body. I let you please me with out touching you once. You begged me for some relief and I just told you to be patient. When the time was right I sucked that dick. I brought you to the edge and then stopped. Your begging for more was so pitiful but it was time for your lesson. I tell you how fucking hot you are and then took your hands dipping them in a pail of  fluid. The lighter was flicked and your hands in flames before your brain could register the act. I laughed as you screamed in pain while explaining that I just wanted you to be truly as hot as you thought you were. Smoking hot, sizzling, just for me. That will teach you won’t it?

I Got The Power!!!


torture phonesex angie2Isn’t it shocking what one can do when they have the power? It is absolutely electrifying. Is your cock as hard as my cunt is wet? Well it fucking should be! This is one of my favorite things to do. My cunt drips fucking cum as i watch her pussy twitching when I strap her down. She thinks this is just going to be some kinky sex and she is so ready to get fucked. The more I tease her cunt the more she moans and wiggles and begs for more and the hotter I fucking get. I am going to give her more all right, so much more then she thought she would get. I take out the clamps and the look on her face is priceless. First I am going to attach them to her nipples and dial the voltage up as high as she can take it with out passing out. I will cum over and over again watching her twitch and convulse. Of course I will put a ball gag in her mouth first,  I wouldn’t want her to bite off anything I could take pleasure in cutting off later. When I have had my fill of her pain and discomfort,  I will attach them to her pussy lips and clit and dial the voltage down some as I rub my cunt all over her pussy feeling the shocks deep in my cunt. The pleasure is so worth the pain! In the end she will have given me great satisfaction and once I am done with her no one will ever see her again. The perfect ending to an electrifying evening!

Blood Curdling Screams

torture phonesex angieI watch you laying there, shackled to the hard cold floor. You have already urinated all over yourself and the hot yellow liquid has drained down into the drainage on the floor. I walk around you rubbing my clit and pinching and pulling my hard nipples, licking my lips in anticipation while building the fear with in you. Your shaking now from fear and this pleases me. A cold chill of pleasure runs up my body. How many times can I make you scream? How far do I have to go to get that blood curdling scream that makes your throat so hoarse you open your mouth and no sound comes out? My cunt quivers and my body tingles as I administer torture to reach my goal. I want to hear that hair raising scream that makes my cunt gush cum down the insides of my thighs puddling on the floor under me. My method of choice is burning. I watch your face as I pour  accelerant on your skin and light it burning your flesh in a small patch. Your body convulses as you scream out in pain and I put it out so that I can do this again later. I love the smell of your flesh as it burns. I take hot irons out of the fire and touch them to your skin. Again your body trembles as you sceram for me and my cunt is tingling with delight. But the one thing that really makes me cum, that can bring me to the heights of pleasure has yet to cum. You watch with terror filled eyes as I pull out my machete. I move it in the light so that you can see the reflection and I watch the light reflecting off your face. I walk over to you and lift your hand, it will be first. I lift my machete and come down hard severing your hand from your arm, you scream, yes you really scream but it still isn’t enough for me. I pull the hot iron from the fire and sear the bleeding wound shut, cauterizing it to stop the bleeding and getting the best blood curdling scream from you so far. This only serves to seal your fate. I will amputate your limbs one by one. First your hands, then your feet, then your arms at the elbows, your legs at the knees, working my way up, Slowly, over the course of the day, until you are a cauterized stump with a head. Still able to feel pain. Still bringing me pleasure..

Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phonesex angieI told you I would help you. You know that I know just what to fucking do and how to get away with it. You have wanted her for years and we have been planing this for weeks. Watching her every move. Poor little fucking creature of habit. She does the same fucking thing day in and day out and our window of opportunity is clear. You have been sending her a single black rose every day for weeks now. She calls you every night crying and freaking out, she has no idea who would be doing this. Each night your dick gets rock fucking hard and you cum knowing that it won’t be long before she knows exactly what is going on. You picked the right accomplice when you picked me and the time is almost upon us. Tomorrow I will abduct her and bring her to you. You will hand her the final black rose, only this one will be dipped in blood, her blood. You will have your way with her while I watch and before the night is done, I will wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze the life out of her as you fill her pussy up with your cum, watching her lips and face turn blue, watching as her eyes bulge our of her skull, burying your cock deep inside her as her body jerks and convulses taking it’s last breath. Then we will decapitate her body and dispose of her all over the city. A piece here, a piece there. Rest assured I will cum watching you and helping you the whole time. Are you ready? I am!blackrose